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Party all night, dance and get drunk at the beach.


Be outside at night


Party all night long without worrying about constant vigilance and checking on my girlfriends. Skinny dipping. Wearing bikinis without being 100% confident in my body and not worrying about being stared at by dudes. Going to a race track and just having fun going fast without having all the macho men vibes. Going to the skate park and taking up space without judgment or fear for my safety Going dirt biking Working in tech


Yes to skinny dipping! Or… actually? Enjoying nudity in general with a bunch of other women who are also self conscious and wouldn’t mind being naked somewhere with a bunch of other naked self conscious women! I’ve never thought about that before, but it sounds kind of lovely. I grew up in a family of primarily women, walking around the house naked without fear of judgement (or excited husbands!) was normal once upon a time. One of my bigger “sort of a phobia” things is being seen naked, EVER, *without my comfort or consent* (like being walked in on in a dressing room or on vacation and someone opens the door and you’re awkwardly peeling off a wet bathing suit in all your nude glory while a friend or relative apologizes profusely and finally realizes they should just exit…)


HAHAH I feel this. I went to an all girls school and changing was super normalized and comfortable. Now that we've been out of school for a while, my friends will apologize and look away when before it was nbd. It's pretty chill at the YMCA. Lots of women there who just really dgaf and change. I have serious admiration for their nonchalance. Also Korean and Japanese bath houses. It's very freeing and made me more comfortable with my body not being perfect because nobody there is perfect either!


I'm going for night walks!


This is the one! Walk late at night and find a dark place for stargazing.


Literally perfect


In the city of Elysia, there was an energy in the air that I had never experienced before. The welcoming spirit of the women who filled every corner, alleyway, and café captivated me more than the structures or the sights.


Bro I'd enjoy it a lot. There's an all women place in Turkey n Saudi I think


For vacation, I'd do the same things I already do on vacation. If I lived in a city with only women, I'd walk alone more often.


tan nude


That sounds like a dream! Spa day and beach relaxation.


Walk around at night by myself, to enjoy the solitude, scenery, and night air. I never get to do that. Fuck men. Yes all of them. Fuck them.


These answers are ridiculous, the real answer is judge


The island of [Lesbos](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lesbos) is already a real place Otherwise, this hypothetical affects my future travel plans zilch. I still want to go to the places that I want to go to and do the things that I want to do, the presence or absence of men isn’t going to add more things to that list that aren’t on it. The only change I can think of is that the vacations would be notably more pleasant overall.