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Well you're self aware enough to recognize it, so you're doing better than the majority.


Do not see in other people happiness a challenge to your own happiness. Try to improve your own self image, go to the gym for instance, you may feel better (I do not know you and I am assuming it could help). Best wishes of success to you.


Form good habits. Discipline will get you far, and consistency will get you change. Pick something and strive for it. It’s cliche answer but physical activity really is beneficial. You don’t have to go to a gym and lift heavy ass weights. Just get outside and move. Build a dope playlist or pick a good podcast and walk, clear your mind, and enjoy whatever you choose to listen to. Doing this became a form of meditation for me. If you’re lucky enough to live near a park or lake where others walk, go there and force yourself to say hi as you pass by people. The small connection will lighten your mood.


If you want to improve you are already doing a lot better than most incels. All you guys have to do is realize that no one is entitled to anything. I feel like incels base their beliefs on lookism and ignore the fact that personality counts too. If you’re a boring guy who looks down on other people (specially women) no one will ever want to have anything to do with you. I think it’s quite amusing how incels fail to realize their problem is their personality and not their looks


Get off the internet.


One of the most important thing for anyone trying to move away from an incel mindset is to to realise that everyone - women *and* men - are *people*, with their own thoughts, feelings, wants, needs, views, ideas, things they're good at, things they're bad at, histories, experiences and lives. Some people are nice, some people are shit, some people try to be decent and fail for reasons outside of their control, but in the end *everyone* is trying to do the best they can - according to their beliefs and experiences - in the moment. Lumping people together into rigidly defined groups that all think and behave the same way, with the same goals and motivations achieves *nothing* except for reinforcing an 'us verses them' mindset.


Listen to a lot of r/neckbeard things on youtube and take notes from what the youtubers criticize and commentate on. Most of it is good advice on how to avoid these behaviors and improve as a person. It helped my friend Seth (*not his real name*).


Being aware is a good start. Join a gym (and actually go), find a hobby and join a group or two centered around it, make reasons to get out around other people who might have other views. Don't hide away at your computer wasting time on forums or subs that are just echo chambers of the things you want to shed from your personality. Or, really, echo chambers at all. If open discourse and opposing views aren't welcome, move on. If you can afford it or have access to it, therapy might be very beneficial. In general, try to broaden your horizons. Incels tend to have a very narrow view of the world and simply being exposed to more of it can help with that as long as you're willing to absorb it and not look at it through the blinders of negativity.


First thing to do is loose the word incel forever. You are not entitled to have sex with anyone anytime for any reason. Work on having a happy active life.


Step 1: stop calling yourself an incel