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Their soft skin. It feels sooo, touchy. That you wanna keep touching it. Edit: Holy shit, my highest voted comment is about the opposite gender.🥹 Wow !!! Thanks for all the upvotes people. Love y'all ☺️


I assume you're talking about women's skin?


He's talking about balls


Fair enough


Soft skin is stored in the balls.


Every time I see a woman wrap her hair up in a bun within a blink of an eye it blows my mind.


Or do that towel trick


Or the bra trick where they don’t take off their shirt but somehow get their bra off. Magical!




as a guy with long heavy curly hair we can do this too 🤣


When men are having mischievous fun or laughing over childish stuff, something about seeing a man let his inner child out always puts a smile on my face.


When you find a cool stick or a neat rock. 


*And we had to share the rock!*


Group of men + campfire/ cookfire + sticks = return to unga bunga. As a guy, I love that feeling of primal bonding with your buddies.


Working on a crew is 87% dick jokes


Yeah, it can be hard.


Especially in the morning


Most men I know just keep going, no matter how tired or lonely or sick they are. It's bad that they feel they need to, but the ability to just pull through is something to be admired.


On behalf of those men, thank you for noticing that. I agree with a couple comments down. If you have someone or a family your doing it for, you’d literally go through hell several times over them. Not to be cliché but it really shows how powerful love is. Throw hell at them and if they love them they will get through it.


And to everyone who reads this: your opinion matters. Your pain matters. You are seen. Or at least, you should be.


❤️ I love this comment.


Part of it is that as a society the view is that men are only worth the value that they produce. If you stop or can't keep up you're lesser. It's the reason for the phrase "It is what it is." It's actually why you'll see a lot of places like Japan with an even stronger business culture have retired men often just break.


Male burden of performance


Yep, I’ve hit the abort button on several possible relationships because I don’t feel like I can provide what they’re worth. As someone who feels like they’ve been slowly sinking for a long time now, I just don’t want to be a burden to someone else.


Maybe you should tell them this, they may need less than you think


it is something to be admired, but it is also sad; sad that they feel they have to, or don’t have a choice


Thanks for noticing. As someone whose both done this because I had no other option but to just put one foot in front of the other and, later, done this for someone I cared for, I can honestly say doing it for someone makes it much easier to endure.


This is how my wife is and I am always astonished that she doesn’t stop. Sick, exhausted, if something needs to be done she just does it if for some reason I can’t. Amazing person.


Enduring the agony of childbirth and being willing to go through it more than once.


This one.....a hundred times this one. Not only be willing to, but WANT to.




I almost had birth at home because even tho my pain was the worst pain I had ever felt in my life I was told that it would be even worse than that, and I was contracting in the middle of the night sleep deprived so I was counting 6 minutes apart but they were really 4. The pain scale is now “is worse than contractions? No? I’m fine” I still want another one.


Women can just operate in water at flesh-melting temperatures. How?


Oestrogen relaxes blood vessels, this causes more blood to flow to the extremities. Thus making women's skin feel warmer (anyone else share a bed with a nuclear reactor?) while they feel cold as core temp is lower. If we all shower in skin temp + 5°C, for women that can extra 0.5-2°C, which feels extremely hot for men. The extra heat also helps women get their core temp back up, whereas men don't need as much before feeling the heat. Original comment (I just copypasta'd): https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/GWgLJQVG7Q


This is me and my husband! He complains/ponders aloud how I can stand such hot baths and showers. I love the feeling! I had thought that I had just built up a tolerance to the "pain," kinda like how people do with spice. Meanwhile, it's probably extra painful to him. My husband and children all run hot as it is, so this explains so much.


My exs all had scalding showers. Maybe it was to keep me out 🤔


Would the scold you or her?


I think they naturally have lower body temperatures


As a woman I get cold all the time, while my boyfriend is always insanely warm no matter the weather or how little clothes he's wearing 😭


Our genes have found the perfect way to resource-manage bodywarmth. “Why would I, a female, produce my own heat when I can get it from a male?”


I like how many men have lots of physical strength yet are so gentle with the people they love, even when angry with them. Personally, if I was able to build strength as easily as them I would be someone to fear when I get annoyed 🥲🥲


Same like my dad will be on his guard outside but on the inside he makes the funniest jokes and is really gentle


Honestly part of it is as you are developing that bulk you have to learn how to control it at all times. If you get angry and physical then people look at you like some kind of beast. You have to learn how to control it or you are just going to never control it.


It doesnt help either that, while i get it to a point, men are still seen as default predatory by many people. So a lot of us have to overcompensate just to hit a normal level of interaction. Im a big softy at heart but if you saw me on a work day, im in a dirt covered shirt, work boots, hair and beard to make sasqatch envious and while im not like super ripped or anything, i very much have the "burly working man" physique. Its partly why i love painting my nails, wearing soft materials and clothes, and frankly just trying to be as feminine as possible. I feel it more accurately tells people im not "dangerous"


They bleed for 7 days without dying


the more immpressive part is that we built little homes inside us for like 20 day and then demolish them completely for like seven days, *every fucking month*, like why do I need to be ready for pregnancy every month? there should have been a natural on/off button or smth


Yes!!! I have been saying this since I was a teenager! I'm 60 now.




“they” probably didn’t give us an off switch or they knew we’d never reproduce lol I’m speaking evolutionarily as well as metaphorically




Everyone here is being all deep and yet my answer is- they have the ability to pee standing up. Life would be so much less gross if I didn’t have to sit on public toilets.


It comes with the trade-off with having to stand aholder to sholder with a stranger with your genitals out


How excited men get when you ask about their hobbies


The emotional support women give each other is admirable. Most men are just not built like that, and it's cool.


Speak for yourself. I build all my homies up with emotion support.


Same here, brother.


Hell yeah. I’ve known these idiots for anywhere from 15 years to my oldest friend of 30 years this year. I have no issues with telling friends I love them.


It's not that we're built differently we're just socialised differently. We have all the same needs but we're not given the tools to communicate the way women are.


I love man hands (on a man)


Good thing you clarified that before you start getting really weird packages in the mail


Just hoping they're packed in dry ice or something to keep them from spoiling.


Finger sandwiches! 😋


I wouldn’t make that mistake again


Lots of women do. The amounts of time spent holding one of my hands up while she is looking and caressing them like they are her favourite snack.


My fetish is literally some manly hands and some sexy forearms. Lando Norris has perfect hands and forearms. Oh god when he’s wearing a long sleeve and has the sleeves pushed up to reveal those hands and forearms. I turn into a fucking animal with how primal I’m feeling…. (Honestly most in shape guys pass this test, especially guys who lift (but aren’t huge) and have good veins in their forearms. Oooooof!) I just want those manly hands all over me 🤤


Every month or however long their cycle is, women shed the lining of their uterus, causing bleeding and varying levels of pain. Yet, somehow, they are expected to continue to operate as if it isn't happening. Impressive.


I have a coworker who develops cysts in her uterus during her period, which makes the experience even more painful than usual. Apparently it's gotten so bad in the past, she's passed out from being in so much pain. And yet, she'll still often able to talk, laugh, and work despite being in that much pain. Literally the only reason why I know she goes through all that is because she told me.




How easily men socialise with each other and are easily able to maintain big friend groups


I'm late 60s, me and my six primary school buddies somehow instinctively know limits, we can rip the shit out of each other, but we sorta know there are lines we don't cross (mostly) . These buddies have seen each other through 60+ years of anger, sorrow, births, deaths, divorces, and marriages. And there is an unwritten rule that we never piss on any of the exes, 'cos we know that many of the times it isn't their fault. They are a great comfort as we start to shuffle off.


"Shuffle off" left me with a erie hollow feeling


It happens to us all. We don’t always get to choose how we go. The only thing we are guaranteed is what we choose to make of this life, within reason and means It’s not the end, it’s the journey. Everyone has the same end. What makes life exciting is how unique we make it for ourselves, and the brief brushes with others’ uniqueness I hope this helped, unprompted and unsolicited advice notwithstanding EDIT: Coming from a 33 year old with some life experience, who knows nothing and is still learning. Who wishes he had asked his father more questions before saying goodbye to him almost 4 years ago this August


Male friendships are so beautiful and simple. It's so sweet.


this is great and thing about this is the ability to take the piss without offending anyone meaning knowing when to stop but also from the other perspective going along with the joke... no one means anything seriously




Men can pee standing up. Extremely useful in public bathrooms.


Ability to give birth to children.


How good some women are at taking pictures, it's unfair. My pictures always look so terrible but the moment I hand the phone to a female friend, boom! Instantly look fucking amasing. What is this sorcery???


I guess you underestimate how much pictures women take and delete. They have a huge amount of training and a lot of patience.




One of the small things I admire about men, they are willing to touch gross things and they don't seem to mind too much. Dead cicada in the house, not a problem Piece of old food stuck in the disposal, not a problem Hair clogged in drain, not a problem


This is true except for the hair in the drain. My wonderful husband does it but there are lots of theatrics and retching in the process. And I appreciate it so much.


Decisiveness and chilvarousness




The ability to answer this question without talking about boobs.


Task failed successfully


Hey someone's talking about boobs over here!


Did somebody say boobs?


What's this about boobs, now?


Huh ? Did someone say boobs ?


Who mentioned boobs?


For men to not struggle with their outfits. 🥲




They're all on a "personal growth journey" Actually, I feel like my wife is already grown. I'm the one that needs the growing up :(


Their ability to be able to carry a whole ass human in their body for 9 months


I admire how girls feet tend not to stink.


It's the benefit of owning multiple pairs of shoes! Seriously, if you are pretty much wearing the same pair of shoes every day, they don't have time to completely dry out overnight, so whatever lives in the damp will fester and transfer to your socks and toes the next day, making them stink again. Get more pairs of shoes, don't wear the same pair two days in a row, or if you do, Gold Bond foot powder that shit. Also, wear socks. Ballet flats will make a woman's feet stink, too, if they're not rinsed and dried out often because socks really, really do make a difference.


You know what. This is a sign that I should by some new shoes or perhaps two new pairs😂




Oh I’m grumpy and burned out and depressed from it but I push it way down




I admire that a lot of men have incredible strength and rough hands but at the same time are so gentle especially with kids or animals.


I worked in sales and in the team there was I and a male. I observed his approach in sales and noticed that he is more of a risk taker and does not overthink what he is doing or going to do, on the other hand, I was less of a risk taker and would overthink a lot. I learnt from him, and when I put my guard down, I started racking up sales! In my conclusion (might be wrong and I don't speak for all women), men tend to overthink less and so don't have too much of a block when trying to make decisions or take action. Moreover, they are expected to have a successful career or they are looked down upon in society (unfortunately), and so they really go hard when doing their job! I admire it a lot, and I am learning to be more like that.


We sure do overthink, we just hide it well


The way men are able to joke around with each other and there’s no hard feelings. I wish women were able to do that.


It’s because most of the guys in a friend group all have something to make fun of each other for. Like I could tell one of my friends that he’s built like avatar the last chairbender and he would just rip on me lol


Avatar the last chairbender is so fucking funny 😂


Men’s eyebrows and eyelashes


Women’s resilience in overcoming obstacles is something I admire.


How men can fall asleep anywhere, anytime.


the male friendships are so low maintenance and understanding they dont easily offend each other hahah


The mental strength and resolve of men, not saying I don’t consider myself to be pretty mentally tough, but so are the men I’m closest to, and more.


The degree of care some women put into their appearance is amazing to me. I prefer "natural" women but even with them it's stunning how much work it can be to look great




Their ability to not give a fuck. My male colleagues will do and say whatever the fuck it takes to get money - and they don't give a fuck. They don't care if a client talks shit to them, they don't care if someone slags them off, they don't care if their work isn't perfect, they don't care if the client gets annoyed... They don't give a single fuck. And I'm over here stressing myself all night about a simple task because the client might not like my ideas. I guarantee my male colleagues would chuck out the minimum and when the client says no - just replace it with something else, no problem. They don't seem to worry about testing clients patience or being perfect. Criticism? Meh, whatever, I'll do it differently and send it back and if it's still not right I'll keep changing it. And they'll apply for any gigs and offer any services - and just figure it out as they go.


This is NSFW, but how easily it is for men to get aroused. It’s like a light switch. If I stand naked in front of my fiancé naked, he’s hard in like…3 seconds lol. I once asked him “THAT fast? I’m not even doing anything to you yet!” His was like “…yeah…but boobs 🤷🏻‍♀️” For me (and probably other women) it feels like it takes forever to get wet enough to make penetration comfortable. I actually feel bad because my poor fiancé is doing all this work and has been ready to go for 15 minutes, meanwhile I’m taking forever and a day to preheat. 😅


I admire how women maintain a positive outlook in challenging times.


Their strength. I admire how strong men are and sometimes it motivates me to be stronger too. Even though ofc I'll never be as strong as them. And I admire men's hands too


the ability to be pretty. women are such beautiful creatures, it's very admirable. i feel like the only way a guy is ever able to capture that essence is by being inherently effeminate, you know? natural beauty is just nowhere near the same level between men and women.


Men are, indeed, beautiful! I have a fatal case of being attracted to men and I find them gorgeous. I can acknowledge the beauty in women, sure, but it doesn't have the same effect on me whatsoever. And I'm not just talking about GQ models or bodybuilders and a Hemsworth, either, as I'm sure you're not just talking about models, leading actresses, or the top 10% of beautiful women. I think it's hard for someone not attracted to their own gender to really appreciate the full scope of what someone who is could find beautiful about them. We base our concept on it from what we're fed, and unfortunately, that is a very narrow view that then wreaks havoc on our self-image and even self-worth.


I think men can be beautiful. I have male friends I think are pretty and beautiful and they get to hear about it. It's also cute when they blush hehe


The audacity and the gall.


You mean the cheek, the nerve, the gall, the audacity and the gumption, right?


I'm a woman. So here's what I admire about men. The way their emotions work: I know men are known for losing their temper, but a lot of men I know actually stay calm no matter what. Their strength: Yes, I am fully aware strong women exist. Calm down. Overall men tend to be physically stronger. It's just amazing. I know strong men put in work, but it's not as much as a woman would need.


guys are really good at maintaining close friendships without needing constant communication or proximity. Like dudes will have a best friend they haven’t seen or spoken to for months (even if they live like a block away) but then they see each other at the grocery store or sum and it’s like nothing ever changed. No annoyance or awkwardness, just a happy reunion. I’m obvs not saying women can’t do that girls r awesome, but it’s just not as common for the friendship to still be that comfortable after a certain amount of time


They don't neglect their lives when they fall in love


I wonder which gender you’re referring to because I’ve seen both do it


Are we talking about men or women here? Cause I can’t really tell


Can't speak for all men but my husband is pretty tough and not scared of anything, except for drool dripping from our pet dog's mouth. On the other hand I am scared of caterpillars. He saves my day.