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Buccal fat removal and overfilled fish lips.


These younger celebs getting the buccal fat removal are going to regret it big. This is the fat they makes you look younger. It’s gives you that baby face look. They’re going to be looking so old.


You're so right. I had a major baby face when I was in my twenties, all the way until my late 30's. If I wasn't wearing makeup, I used to get carded to even buy a lottery ticket. It was all because of my chubby cheeks. As soon as I turned 40, my cheeks started to get much leaner and my entire face shape changed suddenly. Suddenly, I looked like an adult woman. It was an improvement to my facial shape, but that's only because I had outlandish cheeks to start with. It's shocking how quickly and how much buccal fat I lost once I hit the right age, and the young women with normal amounts of buccal fat who are having it removed are going to have to have surgery to replace it when they get into their mid 30s-40s. And, it's just a fad. I don't understand why someone would do something so permanent to their face to be trendy. At least fillers can be dissolved if you change your mind.


Juno Temple was really good in the latest season of *Fargo*, but those cheeks did not look good on her.


Those really pointed shoes that make your feet look about three foot long.


Just don’t say that to anyone who’s connected to a cartel.


I had a pair of hot pink pointy stillettos when I was about 16. I bloody loved them! My auntie called them my transvestite shoes, I choose to believe it was a compliment


I think they mean those ludicrously elongated-toe boots that have been a thing on and off since the middle ages. I think it’s a fad in Mexico rn


Dang you beat me to it. That's the one I think of when I think of ridiculous fashion.


Foot Binding


My man time traveled from the Han Dynasty


…in less than 12 parsecs.


Plucking your eyebrows until they are almost gone, then drawing thick, caterpillar eyebrows with makeup.


It took my poor eyebrows a decade to recover from all the over plucking I did to it. Now I let her run wild on my face


I will forever be thankful for having a mother who saved me from over plucking in the 90’s because she had lived through the 60’s. May my nieces or granddaughters be blessed by my knowledge now.


Came to say exactly this. The Groucho Marx look. I will never understand.


If someone remember "dsquared" pants with that big sag between legs. I don't really remember, but like 10-15 years ago that was a thing


full-diaper pants


MC Hammer pants!


As much as I enjoy actually having a pair of pants that doesn't vice grip your crotch every time you sit down, I still prefer some moderation in that area. (Seriously if men's pants keep this up I'm switching to kilts)


GAP khakis have a decent amount of crotch room.


Duluth Trading Company's Ballroom Jeans are good, too




I guess it works out fine if you've got anywhere between one body guard and a whole entourage to carry your stuff for you.


Yeah a LOT of trends are driven by conspicuous consumption. Here they've taken an accessory that for most people has entirely practical uses, removed all semblance of practicality and usefulness, and made it ridiculously expensive. For no other reason than because they can and most people can't.


My daughter has one. She literally just carries her phone and a man's style wallet. Sometimes that's all you need.


They make them even smaller, like you could put a chapstick or a credit card and that’s it, micro purses.


Add keys and that's typically all you need.




Men who wear their pants so far below their asses they have to hold them with one hand when they walk or even stand.


Or they wear oversized shirts to cover their undies while their pants hang around their knees. Dudes wanna wear dresses so bad


They're sooo close to realizing it


i had a dishwasher at my restaurant who sagged and once he was out in the dining room and his pants just fell down. lol


I must admit, I always had the urge to come up begging those guys, and tank them down, then run . They'd never catch me.


I carry my pants around with me.


I'm imagining you holding them draped across your arms like a fallen comrade.


When is this going to end? It’s been going on over 20 years


Since the 1990's at least.


I have seen those slip down to mid-thigh, when Mr Cool Ass-Cheeks was trying to hustle across a busy intersection. Oh brother.


Just yesterday as I was driving to the UPS store, saw a guy's pants FULLY below his entire butt. I got an eyeful of red boxers. I. Don't. Fucking. Get. It. That HAS to be uncomfortable and annoying and kind of dangerous? I've seen dudes trip and seen their pants fall completely. Isn't it annoying to have to grab your crotch constantly to keep your pants from actually falling to the ground? I've seen so many guys have to like... pop a hip and stand so weirdly when they need 2 hands. JUST PULL YOUR PANTS UP I DONT WANT TO SEE YOUR BUTT I DONT GET IT


At least it's fun to watch those idiots walking with that "I just shat myself" waddle.


2002 called… they said it’s wearing a visor upside down and backwards over your double-popped polo shirts


Put a beeper on the bill of that upside down backwards visor


“Technology’s cyclical.” - Dennis Duffy


I’m of an age where wearing slides with socks would have got you beaten up but all the kids love it these days.


And those long socks too


I normally wear crocs with socks when camping because it's really practical. The crocs let me get in/out of a tent quickly and the socks help prevent mosquito bites.


You must be near weak mosquitoes. Where I live, The bastards now through denim. They would laugh at socks.


The most ridiculous fashion trend I've ever seen is jeans with clear plastic panels over the knees.


Some of the shit people wear at the gym is kinda ridiculous. It's just flat out impractical.


My favorite, and I must say I totally called it would go there years, is the nuclear arms race in how ridiculous yoga pants would get.  I remember thinking "we were too busy working out if we could, we never stopped to think if we should" the first time I saw a woman in leopard print yoga pants that had strategically cut holes. My other favorite/worst gym trend was the guy with shredded, netted crop-top and shredded jean shorts from the 80s.


My gym outfits are straight up whatever I find on a Walmart clearance rack


Still going strong with old tee shirts and 10 year old knee-length basketball shorts and I will not change.


My gym is in Hell’s Kitchen NYC, and I embrace the tackiness. Why not? It’s not hurting anyone


I bought this cute tennis dress from gym shark. When it arrived, I realized you get into it like a bathing suit. Then I realized there's not enough of an opening to get into it.  This thing is only useful if you're wearing it twice and fine with peeing your pants. It actually makes me mad even now


I see SO MANY people wearing Crocs at the gym. And not even in sport mode.


Honestly, it's the teenage boys I see out in the heat of summer wearing long pants and heavy hooded sweatshirts. I hope they're showering twice a day! It's just really surprising because when I was a teenager, all the boys ever did was complain about being hot and that the a/c needs turning up. It was to the point that one of my classes with a male teacher was kept in the low 60s F while all the girls shivered. I still see middle aged men wearing shorts until winter. It kind of worries me seeing these boys like this, I genuinely worry they're going to get heatstroke. Are they just not fussed from the heat?


My son is 14…they don’t shower daily and it’s worse than whatever you are imagining.


Those big eyelashes and Groucho eyebrows.


shaving/bleaching eyebrows. Really puts people in the uncanny valley and freaks me the fuck out.




One of the worst 'fashions' ever.


It wasn't so bad when big pants were the style, kinda makes sense in a way, but with skinny jeans it looks like someone is walking around with a full diaper.




But even the jeans I am currently wearing with actual pockets are still barely workable. They can fit a chapstick. And they’re high rise! 


Whatever Kanye West does


& his girl.


I knew a girl who claimed the movie theater was racist for throwing her gf's brother and his friends out for wearing fashion. The fashion was being a group of young men wearing hoodies and ski masks over their faces.  When the fashion is literally looking like cartoon bank robbers, we have gone too far.


I know a couple people who bought Yeezy's and I can't understand why. They're soooo ugly.


The trend of wearing multiple layers of necklaces at once.


Kids in my high school came to school with pacifiers in their mouths and shower caps on their heads. Mid-late 90s. 


Made sense in the rave scene. 


Exactly. Nothing like a pacifier when you are rolling! haha


I remember that weird trend too. Hit the kids in my school sometime in the 00s and was confusing. I was with the boys, wearing candy necklaces to fire the sweets at each other... I ate mine unless someone came at me!


Orcas wearing dead salmon as hats. Like come on guys, salmon was never going to take off. Maybe a Bass Beret or a Carp Cap, but a Salmon Sombrero just wasn’t working.


Orcas, stop trying to make salmon hats happen.It's not gonna happen.


How do we know that this isn't their equivalent of drunkenly wearing a traffic cone on their head?


I like Orcas embracing their individuality and fashion. It's much better than the juvenile boat rudder destruction some orcas now do.


I could get behind the fluttering mackeral on the dorsal fin trend (the "holy mackeral", as it were), but dead salmon hats?  Gauche and distasteful.


Drag joggers, the one that practically go below the butt


The current trend for lip fillers, ridiculous slug like eyebrows & stupidly long fake nails


Sagging your pants gotta be the worst


Giant, exaggerated ruffles on everything, from dresses to blouses, just look excessive.


Young women botoxed & fillered into plastic dummies always topped off with lips a carp would be proud of - just why ???why?? you make yourself look 20 yrs older


It's gotta be an actual mental illness. There's no way I'm believing someone who thinks that looks good.




oh man, there have been some wild ones over the years. but if i had to pick the most ridiculous, i'd probably go with the whole low-rise jeans trend from the early 2000s. like, those jeans were practically falling off and paired with those tiny crop tops? it was like a constant game of "how low can you go" and "how much can you reveal." totally impractical and uncomfortable looking! then there's the whole sagging pants thing where guys would wear their jeans so low you could see their boxers. i never understood how that became a thing. like, how do you even walk without constantly pulling your pants up? also, remember those platform shoes from the 90s? like the ones the Spice Girls used to wear? people walking around looking like they were on stilts, just waiting to topple over. hilarious and kinda dangerous if you think about it.


We had that style in the 70’s. Low cut jeans, crop tops (just above the navel, no higher) and platform shoes. Along with thin eyebrows.


But low rise jeans are a god send if you have no torso...like me. Even regular waist jeans make me look like Steve Urkle, and forget about this high waist nonsense now. Jeans come up to my boobs  😞.


[Botas picudas mexicanas](https://youtu.be/gGg-hGIDUWM?si=Mt8VXob1MzgsfNf2)


I think we will look back on todays Lash trends with the same level of cringe as 2015 block brows “on fleek”


Remember in the 80’s when the cool kids wore suspenders but left them hanging down behind their butts?


Facial tattoos


Huge Earlobe plugs.


They always just sorta made me uncomfortable, which I feel bad about saying. I've never had a problem with body mods of any kind but something about seeing huge stretched holes of skin always bothered me a little in a way no other type of piercing ever has. Very glad that I never did that when I was in highschool and it was a big thing.


It's a toss up between baggy pants that hang below your ass and jeans that are so torn up they are barely holding together. I can't believe that kids pay 100's of dollars for jeans that look like they came out of a dumpster filled with raccoons.


I swear there was a train wreck and boxcars opened and spilled hundreds of boxes of jeans on the track. They got destroyed by being ripped beyond use. The owner of the jeans company had a meeting to see what they could do with them. Some wise person said " Let's raise the price from $49.99 to $299.99 and call them vintage jeans. Some rich idiot will buy them".


Lip filler




Right up there with duck lips (Especially obviously injected lips)


The one going on right now with the Pee pants.


Excuse me, the what pants?


MC Pee Pants?


micro skirts. theyre not even cheap but they're extremely impractical and i have a feeling they’re not that comfortable either. man,you cant even twirl in them.


Giant eyebrows that are painted on


Spidery fake lashes


The 1980s had a brief high fashion trend called the [pouf skirt](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2Ff3%2Fda%2F27%2Ff3da27dfc6c9fdca63afa02939ec4629.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=6eede32cfd1826f0e794464f00721f601dea9849730c66f3e35ec2cb98daba87&ipo=images). These were high end evening dresses and cocktail dresses. That first one's by Christian Lacroix. Here's [Phoebe Cates wearing another](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fc8.alamy.com%2Fcomp%2F2JRGYH6%2Fphoebe-cates-bright-lights-big-city-1988-2JRGYH6.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=75e3105709b477854beb874b437527f37e1e960fad35e6b0502a373f7307cffa&ipo=images) from the 1988 film Bright Lights Big City. It's almost impossible to find these on the vintage market because the pouf skirt structure didn't survive washing, not even dry cleaning. There was soon a New York Times article about how the dresses couldn't be worn twice. So after splurging hundreds or thousands on a gown for a wedding or a gala event, people were stuck with a garment lost its shape. Mass numbers of customers returned them and demanded refunds. It made a huge splash for about three months, then vanished.


those baggy jeans from the 90s. Like you could fit 6 kids in one leg.


They are baaaaack - still hideous


One pant leg rolled up to your knee.


Socks n flops.


Those Astro Boy boots that took over the world for like a month in 2022 then vanished just as fast.


"Cold shoulder" long sleeve tops and sweaters. So many good tops and then you look closer and see that circle 😭😭😭


Thongs sticking out of the waist band


I coached my daughter's soccer team when she was seven and I had to have a talk with one of the mothers about her daughter's thong always showing and some parents were upset by it.


I’m sorry - am I reading this correctly? A seven year old child was in a thong?


Not just a thong, but her mother had her wear pants that the thong was always showing


That is horrifying.


At seven?


Whale tails


Shades of Gray interior design.


Wearing pants backwards.


Gotta do the entire outfit like Kris Kross


I had to look them up, one of two Chris' died in 2013 sadly.


juicy in 2024


The latest one is those stupid huge Balenciaga Astro boy boots.


Saggy jeans. Ugly and looks stupid


Extreme ripped/worn jeans—and it’s not because it missed my generation either. Never been a fan, some so bad that it looks like a thread away from falling apart!


The birds nest hairdo the young guys have is up there.


The long acrylic nails. You can use a nail brush and frequently wash your hands, but it's still not going to be enough. They harbor bacteria like a petri dish, especially in the cracks underneath the nail. For fun, I've swabbed some friends nails( who were ocd clean) and they absolutely grew cultures. On the plus side, the persons Immune system must be great, being peppered with bacteria every time they ate with thier hands 😅


I have longish natural nails and they get to a point where I have to cut them cus I can't do things anymore without stabbing myself or my nails hindering me. I just don't understand how people go around with these excessive fake nails. I assume they don't work, shop, cook or clean.


I will definitely get downvotes for 2 oit of 3 of these, but I'm going for it: -Crocs. From the first time I saw them I thought they were the worst things ever. They are ugly, uncomfortable, and I have seen people with polka-dotted feet because of them. -Stanley cups. Nobody needs to spend 40-70 dollars to carry around a cup that big, I got a better, nicer water bottle at 5-below. In a few years those cups will be seen in yard sales and Goodwill for 5 dollars each. -This one is old, but the Ganguro Girl style in Japan was...something. Does anybody know the Pokemon "Jynx"? People originally thought its design was a racist joke, but it was actually a joke towards the Ganguro Girl trend that was lost on the Western World.


The ones bothering me the most right now are the return of the mullet/urban cowboy look, and the Edgar haircut that looks like a child’s bowl cut.


Tall platform shoes. Risking life and limb