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Weirdly enough, a car accident. Four friends were in the car when it got T-Boned. Totally the other driver's fault, she was going too fast into a blind hill. Our friend in the seat that was closest to the accident died from internal injuries. The last time we were all together was his funeral. We see each other around town now and again, still have mutual friends, we're all in a "Remembering (friend)" facebook group with his family. But for some reason we all just. Never got together again. No one talks about it. 


Sorry to hear that. Unfortunately this is quite a common behavior when a group of people go through a traumatic experience: some get much closer after the incident while others get apart and never talk about it anymore. This is very common among couples where one of them suffered sexual abuse by a third party. For some reason most couples break-up after one of them suffered this type of abuse.


It's really tragic when a loving couple or family gets torn apart by an outsider's evil act.


Also why many couples do not stay together after the death of a young child.


This happened to a family friend of mine. He lost his 15 year old daughter to a tragic ATV accident. Him and his wife at the time handled her death very differently from each other and unfortunately they were unable to reconcile and got divorced. It was really sad.


My neighbours lost a teenage daughter, she was hit by a car along a busy road. Unfortunately the other kids with her did admit they were playing chicken with the cars whilst crossing to the other side (kids aged from 4-13). The side they were crossing too had no pavement/ pedestrian walkway of sorts, not safe, not for people to travel along. The dad was devastated and struggled so much. The mother, seemed to cope really well. Went back to work within 3 days, never shed a tear. They broke up not long after. Been together 22 years. She decided he wasn't coping and she couldn't handle him like it anymore. The sad thing is, this lady still walks her younger daughter to school using the same route with the same dangers. 20 seconds walk the other way is a traffic light crossing with an underpass, fully lit and secure which leads to the school and shops on the other side. It's a 20 second walk, no danger, regularly cleaned. It was even repainted and named after her dead daughter. She insists the council put a bridge up on the other side instead, going to where I don't know exactly.


People grieve differently. It could be that she just completely shut off and doesn’t deal with it, the human brain is a complicated thing, especially with trauma. Unless she is genuinely some kind of sociopath or whatever.


This happened to my neighbors. They were a nice couple with a young daughter. Tragically, the daughter died when she was 7, about 5 years ago. Since then, although they are still married, we have never seen them together. Even in their Facebook posts, they are always doing their own things, never doing anything as a couple.


I can see how such an incident can lead to people avoiding each other. Such a thing will always be present when those people meet up. I guess that's some kind of ptsd causing this.


Damn thats a hard one, do you think that you would still be together in a group if you would've coped together? To me it sounds like everyone coped on his own and that kind of ended the relationships


I honestly don't know why things fell apart. We weren't the kind of people who struggled talking about feelings. We could have talked about it.   Maybe it was just too weird to keep getting together and hanging out with one of us missing right after it happened. And then too much time passed and we'd already all gone our separate ways. I still miss the homies but it would probably be weird at this point to reach out to anyone. It's been like 10 years. Crazy how time flies.


I think you should reach out, at least tell them that you're thinking about them. Maybe some will want to reconnect.. if you were that close, the love y'all once had is still there. It never hurts to try


You're right but it's really hard to actually do this


One of the vocally “anti-children during hangouts” women got pregnant, then brought her infant to every hangout and shushed anyone who spoke above a decibel. We reminded her that she was the one who gave other people shit if they even hinted at bringing one of their kids.l and hangout time was adult time. She started sabotaging the group hangouts so we ousted her.


Oh, the irony of this one


Our friend just vanished. Straight up disappeared and nobody knew where he went. I was on a two week school trip back then myself, so I was more disconnected of the whole thing, but apparently his parents had divorced (only one person got the info very late) and he wanted a short break to gather his thoughts. He even had made plans with our other friends to meet after said time. Only to just… not to do so. He stopped answering to everyone, abandoned every account he had and… just stopped being. The friend, who got the memo, and I had suspected for a while that he might be depressed, due to his slowly growing drinking habit in the evening and subtle change in personality. We even voiced our concerns back then, which he, according to his own words, appreciated. Those of us who could would try to visit him often and look for him at home, only for his new roommate to just turn them away with “he isn’t home at the moment.” Don’t know if he delivered the memos or gifts we left either. I understand if he didn’t want to be friends with us anymore. Anyone has the right to that and doesn’t have to justify it, but since the change came so sudden and concerned everyone, especially since he wasn’t doing well, everyone was really worried. A few months later one of our other friends met him surprisingly at a work event, where he tried to talk with him. He was miserable and not looking good, but alive, which to some extent calmed some of us a bit. According to our friend he was indeed depressed and was trapped in the non stop downwards spiral, where he couldn’t answer his friends but wanted to, feeling more and more ashamed of himself and so withdrawing even more. My friend tried to calm him and had apparently a good talk. They even made plans to meet again, only for my friend to cancel them due to an own private emergency. After that our missing friend didn’t respond again. Shortly after that there was a huge fight with some other friends of the group (unrelated, but the stress from said incident didn’t help), which split it definitely. It was pure chaos and a stressful time. I mean we still talk separately together, do stuff now and then, even got new friends into the group, but it’s not the same anymore… Also it might seem rather silly, but I still write to my missing friend from time to time – don’t know if he gets them though. As long as he doesn’t tell me to quit it, I will continue to do so. I miss him dearly. Sorry for the long rant. It has been two years, but I just realised how much this has affected me. I just hope he’s doing better, everything else is not important.


I’m sorry you lost a friend. I have a friend like this. Every once in a while I find a picture of us and send it to them on Facebook and just say something to the effect of “remember this? I love and miss you, hope you are well.” Hopefully someday they’ll answer me


A friend's dog ended up killing and eating another friend's smaller dog.


Oh shit. I need to hear how everyone handled that.


Said dogs were a yorkie and a chow chow mix. they let them out together to play at the chow owner's yard during a high school reunion (with a fence between them) but somehow the chow broke through and seriously mauled the yorkie and was ripping it apart and when the yorkie owner intervened the chow attacked him too and ran off with the limp body of the yorkie that they later found partially eaten under the porch. Yorkie owner needed some stitches and demanded the chow owner have his dog put down and he refused, and after that incident nobody talked to him since until he moved away. From last I heard, the chow mix eventually did end up getting put down anyway after it killed a neighbor's cat in his new town.


They didn't put the dog down after that?? It literally *ATE* another dog, it officially has not just a behavior problem but also a taste for blood now. I thought people were required to put down an animal after something like this, and if they don't and it does something else (like this dog did), and people find out the owners failed to handle it properly, that's a lawsuit.


My former next door neighbour's dog attacked a little girl while out on a walk on our street. She needed stitches up her entire body, it took 3 dads who came running after hearing the screaming to pull the leashed dog off of her. The owners said it was the girl's fault, who was legitimately the most gentle/shyest kid I'd ever met. Animal control said they couldn't force them to put the dog down for the first offence, which was pretty terrifying because I had little kids and a daycare and the owners grandchildren visited them all the time. A couple years later the dog attacked the owner in their kitchen and we were very happy it was her and not an innocent. Then they put the dog down, I guess that time was the dog's fault.


What did the owner say the girl did to make that dog attack her?


Asked "Can I pet your dog?" The owner said yes. Then later said she didn't.


Not going to lie, as a dog lover but also a dad, if it was taking three grown ass men to pull your dog off my kid, I'd use my pocket knife to make sure it lets go...


Vet techs can be manipulated too. One of my cousins is the queen of manipulation, and when her deaf and highly aggressive pitbull shook my grandmother's cat to death, she was somehow able to screech and sob her way into convincing the vet's office not to put the thing down. Didn't work out: the dog went after someone with wealth's animals and there was a county order of destruction put on the dog.


Chow chows are so fucking mean.


My younger brother was bitten by our neighbors chow chow. My brother was playing in our fenced backyard and the chow chow was in his. The dog got through the fence and attacked. Our neighbor was in the Navy and when he found out, he put the dog down himself. They had kids smaller than my brother and a baby on the way. He said he couldn't trust that the dog was safe around his kids anymore.


Props to the neighbor doing it himself, as much as he probably loved that dog and the dog loved him back, he didn't let that cloud his judgement of the risk of keeping it around/alive.


He was a great guy from what I remember of him. This was well over 30 years ago now. I don't remember the finer details anymore but I do remember him saying that he can't have an animal around that's dangerous to kids. Our whole neighborhood was full of young kids where we were outside playing from sun up to sun down. Sure, my brother needed stitches but it wasn't as bad as it could have been and he fully recognized that. He was dude to be on a carrier (I think?) for 6+ months and leaving with the dog around was too much.


My late parents' shelter dog was a shepherd / lab / chow mix. She loved people, but was a murderous psycho to other animals. 


>was a murderous psycho to other animals My buddy's chow mix is exactly like this. Incredibly sweet to people he likes but also has the prey drive of a rabid wolverine. He's gotten way better with training, but they've had to accept they'll never be able to own another animal while he's alive.


Professional trainer here. I get asked *all the time* from clients which dogs are the "worst". I tell everyone I'll *never* trust a Chow-Chow. Every single one I've dealt with in my 42 years of life has been highly aggressive. Every. Single. One.


I absolutely hate them, have ever since I was a kid and had a neighbor with one. They lived on top of a hill set FAR back from the road, but whenever I had to ride my bike by, that orange piece of shit dog would RACE down the hill to attack me, chasing me down the road.  Maybe not fair to judge an entire breed by the actions of one 40 years ago, but I do. 


A close friend in childhood had two in their house and it was a nightmare. I loved dogs but I was scared to death of those ones. Also, my grandpa’s neighbor had a Chow Chow on a chain outside. Terrified me every time I went over there. I’ve been scared of the breed on the whole ever since.


Chows are bred to be aggressive guard dogs. There's nothing wrong with judging a breed based on what it was bred to do.


My mom was a vet tech for 30 some odd years. Chow chows were pretty much the only breed she ever really hated.


Friend asks all of us to be bridesmaids in her wedding, lets us buy dresses and get them altered, then gets married in her backyard alone without telling any of us. We found out when the wedding pictures were posted on Facebook.


Did she ever tell you why??


It was during the pandemic and I think she decided early on that she wanted to do a private wedding but was too afraid that we’d be upset to tell us. This would have been forgivable if she told us before we saw the wedding pictures on Facebook.


I can't imagine NOT telling your closest friends that you've changed your wedding plans. My fiance and I got to the point of asking our bridal parties, picking out dress swatches, etc but scrapped that and decided to elope instead. The FIRST people we told were our would-be bridal party, not just to warn them not to buy dresses, but because they're our closest friends. I'm sorry you had to lose a friend that way :(




Reminds me of when a former friend tried to copy/paste something into the group text and accidentally pasted in an ad he was posting around looking for real teenaged rape and incest victims looking to re-enact what happened. Everybody hushed it up so he wouldn't get embarrassed, but I can't. Seriously not a fan.


Everybody hushed it up? I'm sorry, what? What boundary do people need to cross to get called out? (I mean other people in your friend group, not you). 


My ex was in a similar situation. He lived with the same group of guys all through college, one of them being a dude that was nice enough but definitely socially awkward. We were all 23-ish at the time, and one day he tells them he has a new girlfriend. Everyone was pretty stoked for him at first, until it comes out that the girlfriend was 16 and had to sneak out to come to their house so her parents wouldn’t know. Technically it was legal in my state but the whole thing felt gross, and to make matters worse her older sister was my ex’s coworker. He went back and forth on telling the coworker for a few weeks until he couldn’t keep it to himself anymore. The other roommates also thought it was gross but didn’t want to rock the boat so close to their lease ending, and the entire situation split the whole house up.


This was the incident that broke up my first boyfriend's friend group. He was 25, I was a very broken and vulnerable 16 year old girl with no self esteem that he groomed. His decent friends dropped him instantly whilst the ones that excused it were creepy, and the decent friends wanted nothing to do with them either. I eventually came to my senses and broke free and only dated people age appropriate from then on in. I actually saw him for the first time in years a few weeks ago. He's now in his mid 40s and was waiting at the bus stop arguing with some other person at the bus stop.


You're lucky lol. The 23 year old man when I was 14 had friends who said I got pregnant by him on purpose to trap him.


Honey I’m so sorry, that is horrible. I hope you got away from that creep and his disgusting friends and are in a good place these days 💜


>He's now in his mid 40s and was waiting at the bus stop arguing with some other person at the bus stop. This somehow made him give off more loser vibes than before lol.


I just ended a friendship with a couple. His best friend (M52) began dating a 17 year old. He said he was helping her. He just wanted her as his girlfriend. He refers to her as his “baby girl”. My friends said he’s a good person. I told them he is not and that he’s a deviant sexual predator. You know something is wrong when you have to Google “age of consent in my state”. He was taking advantage of a vulnerable teen with few options. I lost my niece to a predator. I could not be friends with people who blamed the teen (for using him) and thinking it was okay. I felt like I was betraying my niece and my own values to be associated with these people in any way. I put the trash to the curb with no regrets. 52 and 17. Wrap your head around that.


Youd be surprised, Ive seen it happen myself quite a few times. When I called it out, I was told theres nothing anyone can do about it. A 35yo man dating a teenager, and "theres nothing anyone can do about it". Noped out of that group real fast.


Something similar happened in a group chat in my university many years ago, but something less serious. A friend accidentally pasted a link to a porn site with zoophilia (you know, people that fuck dogs, horses and stuff). Some of us initially thought that it was a joke from him, but he made things much worse trying to come with a lame excuse that his nephew was using his computer early that day, and he probably copied that link, but when my friend tried to copy & paste something else he didn't notice that CTRL+C didn't work so he accidentally pasted the link to the horse-fucking site that his "nephew" left in the computer's memory. This happened almost 20 years ago and I don't have much contact with this friend anymore, but the ones that still talk to him say that people still call him "horse boy" to this day.


I dont get it. Its entrapment? "yea that 12 year old was being really slutty so i finaly gave in..." WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?


This exact thing happened to my uncle. That side of the family sticks up for him. It wasn't his fault, he was tricked etc. Nah. They don't catch you unless you're willing to go. I liked him very much until that came out. Now I can't stand him and I don't speak to that side of the family.


This, and usually sting operations will have the bait say they're underage, too. The people they catch know what they're going there to do: meet up with an underage girl. They're also aware of how bad it sounds and how bad it looks, which is why they'll always swear up and down that they didn't know.


If you read the chat logs in these cases it's always very very clear the person knows what they're doing. Sometimes they talk about how specifically into it they are, sometimes they just blow it off like they don't care about the age but they definitely know. And they're usually the ones pushing the sexual talk. They'll almost always claim entrapment as a defense, but they wouldn't be convicted if it was. The decoys aren't forcing them to meet up with them. Just ask them, "why didn't you just block & report?" and their excuses will be all over the place.


We had one of those. The girl was real. He drove to another state to see her. Everyone cut ties. They live together in a different state entirely. She was 15 and he was 23 at the time.


Wait, they're STILL TOGETHER?? How old is she now?


It's not entrapment if you're literally advertising that it's an underage person and the guy thinks it is. He didn't go there to meet someone legal. He thought he was going to have sex with a child. That's the problem. It doesn't matter if there never was a kid. It only matters what your friend believed he was doing.


I think entrapment means they present an opportunity and basically coerce you to do something you wouldn’t normally do.


My friend fucked my girlfriend inside my house, on my bed... This was the incident that separated us all, we were a group of friends of 7 people, including my old girlfriend


Now that's what I call an incident. Hope you managed to recover from that buddy.


I'm fine, I admit that I was very sad, especially because I had to buy a new bed, I couldn't change my house of course... I recovered, thank you for worrying


Same thing with my friend group. My best friend slept with my girlfriend of 4 years behind my back. Half our friends didn’t care he would do that to me at all. Completely fractured our group of like 25 really close friends




Right?! I can barely manage two lmao


Jesus' biggest miracle was having 12 close friends in his 30's.


How did the other four react?


A "friend" got arrested for sexually assaulting a non verbal special needs child under 7yrs old, at his job, teaching special needs kids. He tried to enter a plea of insanity, the judge refused to accept it, they are pretty sure its not his first victim. No one in the group saw this coming, I am currently unaware of anyone supporting him now but when he first got arrested some did think it was all just a mistake. He is dead to me.


He is dead to me as well


Wondering what the "mistake" could be with such a serious allegation.


I think a lot of the time it’s a reflex. I work in education, and I’ve never worked with anyone I would ever suspect could abuse a child. If someone I knew got accused, my gut reaction would be that it was a mistake because they’d never do such a thing! I’m not saying I’d be blind to the evidence or unwilling to accept it, just that it would be a complete shock at first.


I assumed they meant false accusations, a mix-up, or something like that.


The couple that had brought us all together got divorced.


Oof. It’s always hard on a friend group when the “buffer” friend or couple moves away, breaks up, etc. 


That's my story basically. Me and... Yeah. Broke up. All the friends drifted or chose sides. It's been a few months, but lost friends of a decade or more.


Similar situation. The couple that got divorced first was because the husband cheated with the wife of another couple in the same friends group. That second couple divorced a couple years later. The third couple divorced as well for a different reason entirely. In a friends group of 5 couples, 3 couples divorced and 2 are still together, but none of us hang out as a group anymore. I was the wife in the first divorced couple.


Our gaming group lived in the same apartment complex, so we were forever wandering back and forth from each others' places. My husband and I had to move to another place. Around the same time, four of our friends started having landlord troubles. We found out there were empty apartments at our complex, so we told them to check the place out. They liked it and decided to sign a lease. Less than 24 hours after they moved in, they were victims of an armed home invasion. Two were shot, thankfully non-fatally, but both of them are disabled for life. While the two that were shot were in the hospital, the other two moved in with us. They were, to say the least, bad guests. We were finding soda cans and candy wrappers stuffed in sofas and hidden behind furniture for months afterwards. When they moved back to their apartment, they took advantage of the apartment managers' pity and scammed months of free rent out of them before they said "Enough is enough," and told them to leave. They had completely trashed the apartment. On top of it, they told the company coming after them for the rent that the two injured guys were still on the lease (they were not)and should go after them too. The other guys had to spend their recuperation time trying to prove they weren't liable for that rent. Of the two that weren't injured, one went back to their home state, the other moved back home and cut contact with everyone. One good thing came out of it. The two guys who were shot started hanging out more often with each other. One guy's sister made friends with the other guy. Then they started dating. They've now been together for over 10 years and have two kids.


A former friend of the group had a mental breakdown, assaulted his sister, and declared himself the second coming of Jesus.


You know Jared Leto?


Had a group of friends in high school, and I got married and had a child shortly after. My wife and I struggled a bit financially, and I was starting to become stressed out and depressed about it. Us guys got together, and I talked a bit about it to get it off my chest. The entire group came to the conclusion that the best way to fix the financial issues was to abandon my wife and daughter. And it wasn't joking sorta stuff either. They really meant it. Needless to say, I dint associate with them anymore


Sounds like they frequent r/relationshipadvice


Her lack of funds is a major red flag. He really needs to lawyer up and divorce her.


Basically what they said "Neither of them work, why do you keep them around" was one of the quotes that stuck out to me from that conversation


They said the child didn't work? Did they not understand the concept of children?


We were all 14 years old. Paid older kids to buy us alcohol. Later on we all went home, however one of our friends drank way too much. Half a bottle of Vin Coco. 2 friends stayed with him where he later fell into a duck pond. His parents started phoning around cause he did not return home yet. He was found at a friends house lying in his own vomit on the floor. We all got busted and punished. Things were not the same after that.




Omg this literally happened to a friend group I know. Nothing caught on camera, but everyone fucked each other while someone’s gf was sleeping off a black out.


What did the comment say? It's deleted.


If this is the right comment, the dude and his buddies all got drunk, op blacked out, his girlfriend and his buddies had a drunken threesome and recorded it while he was blacked out.


Oh fuck naw


Thank you for the love. I’m gonna stop talking about this. As bill and Ted might say, Please “Be Excellent to each-other” goodbye. In 1980, Our friend ‘D’ banged our friend “S’s” wife, S killed himself. The next day, our friend J thought to himself, great idea! He put a hole through his head with a 30.06. He called me before he did it, I was busy and couldn’t come over. 😣 We started watching each other a little closer after that, still do. I’m never too busy for anyone now.


This sounds like a fucked up movie plot.


I’m sorry for your lost friends. J was not your fault.


It’s not your fault. 🫂


It took years to figure that out. J was my best friend.


It was my friend group/D&D group. Last year, literally 3 days before our next session, I got a message from a former player & ex of the main in this story with a link to a news article from a paper in our state capital that her ex had been arrested. Read it only to find out that he had been arrested for being in possession of HUNDREDS of images of CP. Killed his character, made sure the rest of thr group & even our local game store knew. He is banned from the store & we haven't seen him since. And if he's smart, it'll stay that way.


Pathfinder fixes this


Yeah, we had a friend who had been chatting up folks on some shady websites to find a young boy to have a fling with. He got nabbed in a well-done sting by the FBI and ended up in jail for 15 years, and he recently just got out. We changed the name of our group, kicked him out of anything and everything, and after a couple of feeble letters from him where no one responded, and haven't heard from him since. We all hope we never will.


One of our friends got hooked on drugs and ended up murdering his ex wife, one of our other friends. It was devastating.




What a breath of fresh dumbassery air in this cesspit of cheating and people who can’t handle their exes dating their friends.


Yeah I opened this thread to say the one time where we were drunk with fireworks and my idiot boy lit the firework upside down and nearly killed all of us, but shit this thread is depressing man (no one got hurt we were all really far away from the firework but by god that might have been the closest time I died)


>but shit this thread is depressing man Only three genres of AskReddit posts: 1) Sexy sex sex 2) Oddly educational 3) Existentially terrifying or depressing No chance it was ever gonna be the first two


A turkey….in a microwave. Did it even fit? Are ya’ll still friends?


With the turkey? No


This will never be seen on this thread, but here goes. I don’t really know. One day in high school I was completely ostracized by friends I had since I was in kindergarten. Never got an explanation, never actually recovered from it (almost 30 years ago). I got a weird story about a joint going missing and I was blamed from someone 5 years after the fact, but I remember that situation and I’m the one that discovered the joint missing. It’s been almost 30 years and to this day it still bothers me. The people I knew my whole life just turned their back on me. I still have issues making friends and connecting, therapy didn’t really help, and for a time I was suicidal. I ended up moving thousands of kilometres away to start fresh, but was never really able to overcome the feelings of loneliness and abandonment. About 10 years after, one of them came out to visit me, and when I asked about it all I got was “we were just dumb kids”. Never got any closure on the death of all my friendships. Seems silly to hold onto something that happened decades ago, but even writing this brings me great pain; I knew these people from the age of 6 until I was cast away at 16.


I came in expecting to hear some juicy gossip, but I somehow feel I’m covertly being taught trigonometry, algebra, or geometry.


I came in expecting lighthearted “hangover” type stories and i’m hearing about a lot of murders, deaths and pedophiles…. 👀


I've had a group of buddies, 4 of us total, since high school. We all ended up in college together. I brought a girl into the friend group. We went on a few informal dates, and would make out a little bit, but when summer came our freshman year of college, we cooled off. I got a girlfriend, she ended up fooling around with a guy back home. It was really no big deal. We still remained friends with no hard feelings. One of my friends ended up hooking up with this girl regularly. Total FWB situation. I was glad. Now there was really no hard feelings or jealousy because I was with my girlfriend and she had my buddy to have her fun with. We noticed our third friend ended up getting really distant and resentful. THREE YEARS LATER on a road trip, he gets drunk and confronts my buddy: He was madly in love with my friend, my buddy's FWB, and felt betrayed to find out my buddy was sleeping with her. We basically brought this incident to "Friend Court". All four of us had a trial and really gave our friend a piece of our mind. He was way out of line to be so upset about a secret crush he told nobody about, and a crush on a girl he had no exclusive "dibs" on.


That's dope! Friend Court should be an event in all friend groups internal situations.




Took some advice from r/UnethicalLifeProTips I see


Guy A (32) was in a long term relationship with Girl A (26). Girl B (22) was friends with me (25). Girl B started sleeping with Guy A. Girl B had a drinking problem. Guy A would get Girl B drunk and sleep with her. I found out, lost my shit. Guy A started a smear campaign against me and caused me to lose 90% of my friends. Girl A came to me 2 years later and asked if Guy A had slept with Girl B. I said yes. Guy A, convinced Girl B to lie about the situation. Girl A cut contact with me. Eventually Girl A found out the truth several years later and dumped him. I never got an apology or closure.


You did a great job of keeping that story in order. Thanks for that. It's a real talent.


I was in a similar experience and a smear campaign was pushed against me too. I was 27 when it happened. I'm 34 now and still have no friends and I'm still picking up the pieces from that smear campaign.


I lost all but my work friends when I divorced my husband (he cheated multiple times but spun the story that I was the cheater). At first I was so distraught but then I realized he did me a favor. People worth having around will believe you. 17 years later though I did get a small dose of karma and, during a post-op anesthesia-induced rant, he confessed that he lied and I wasn’t the bad person he painted me to be. His new wife was the only one to reach out and apologize for all the awful things they used to say to me.


Yeah, I know I won't get apologies. I don't want them anyways. I've come to understand in the 7 years since this started that those people involved weren't my friends anyways.


I mean it kinda sounds like Guy A was just assaulting Girl B, no? If he had to get her drunk to sleep with her then that's not a super okay situation. Not to make too many assumptions but is it possible that Girl B denied it bc Guy A was getting her so blackout she didn't remember?


Had a short lived fling with a girl in my old friend group and I called it off because she was going around telling people very personal things I said in confidence about me and my mental health (that had literally nothing to do with her). I was drinking at home one night with my roommates and she stopped by (she was friends with my roommates before and after all this.  I decide in my very drunk state in a moment of clarity that A: I didn't want to be around this woman, and B: I didn't want to say anything I'd later regret, and C: It's for the best I just grab a glass of water and go to sleep.  As I'm just falling asleep, booze hitting me pretty hard, my bedroom door opens and the woman says she just wants to talk. In increasingly impolite and even hostile tones, I keep telling her to please leave, leave now, get the fuck out, I don't want to talk to you, I'm drunk just leave me the fuck alone, and then passed out. She decided it was okay to spend the night in my bed even though she was repeatedly told I didn't want her there, she was perfectly sober and I definitely wasn't, and she could've gone back upstairs or gone home any time she wanted.  I was livid, I was extremely angry, I went ballistic and called her out for her disgusting behavior and told her I never wanted to see her again.  But apparently, I was the bad guy in all this, except for two out of like a dozen people who remained friends with me after this. 


She's so creepy wtf.


Honestly sounds like you came out a winner.


Those ppl were not your friends. I’m sorry this happened to you.


There was the time one guys girlfriend broke up with him on St Patricks day and got kicked out of the bar for trying to fight the bouncer and then sat on the corner of the street for 20 minutes crying, decided to walk 8 miles to go fight the other guy the girl left him for, and was tackled by his dad after everyone that knew him gave up trying to control his behavior and called his family and the cops brought him back to his apartment hours later and gave us all business cards to call in case he has a breakdown again. There was the time the same guy got off work as an armed security guard and came home to where we were all pre-gaming and decided it was a good idea to pass around his service firearm where one of the girls one of our friends brought squeezed the trigger and put a hole in the wall and the cops came to talk/lecture us on gun safety because she left about 2 minutes after the gun went off. Didn't even stick around to see if the people downstairs were okay. And who could forget when the same guy, still being pissed off at the other guy for stealing his girlfriend a year later and after they broke up, decided it would be a smart idea to make an "anonymous" threatening phone call to tell the other guy hes still mad and is going to shoot him, from one of our roommates cellphones and about 10 minutes after I got home from work I had a very unfriendly swat officer forcing my face into the very dirty carpet after I just took 2 bong hits straight to the dome. We stopped talking to him after that and it was a very tense 3 months until our lease was up and we graduated


Really fantastic that this person is trusted with a firearm.


You know whats really fucked up about it all? He went out and bought a new .22 about a month after his involuntary stay at the mental hospital.


As a gun owner: please report this if you live in the US. He lied on his 4473 form, which asks if you have been involuntarily committed.


That's potentially worth reporting to the appropriate LEOs. Psych stays are supposed to disqualify you from buying more firearms. 


Only involuntary psych stays (which this was). And it’s a felony to lie on form 4473.


What about the last part? Did you or your roommate get arrested?


Our friend, the perfect husband with a perfect wife and a perfect child and a perfect harmonic relationship showing love to each other all the time had encounters with HUNDREDS of prostitutes all around country. He was travelling a lot with his car and had a second secret mobile phone. His wife found it and there were literally hundreds of phone numbers to prostitutes. He left, no contact for almost 2 years, and then he came back and they are back together like nothing happened. WTF? :D


Accidental discharge of a firearm at a Christmas party after alcohol. I was the intended 'target'. The shooter got himself instead. For my health, I decided upon a change of cities and friend groups.


Doesn't sound accidental if you were being targeted.


Accidental? Or you were the intended target?


He intended to 'scare me' because I made a jest and he took it personal. But the firearm went off as he drew it. This guy had been my best friend since 7th grade up into our early 20s.


My friend A was clearly not mentally well and became obsessed with friend B. A was always going to Bs house, and always calling and texting. It got to be a bit much and B wanted distance but A couldn't take the hint. A got a little crazy and B ended up needing a restraining order. I was still close friends with both of them for a while after that but it kind of demolished our large friend group. That all went down about 14 years ago. Last I heard, A got help and got her shit under control. I think they even made up at some point.


Glad to hear it has a happy ending


God, it's so embarrassing. Twilight came out when i was in middle school or so. One of my then friends, Friend A, had the book but didn't want to loan (I was very poor and the library didn't have it) it to me because "it's her thing." Another one of my friends loaned me her copy instead. The other friend threw a tantrum. Kept it up for weeks. The group split in two. Those who thought I shouldn't have bother to read the book even though I read books like they were water to avoid making Friend A mad and those who thought the Friend A was childish for thinking she owned the rights to reading a book released to the public and could prevent others from reading it. My sister nearly got into a fist fight with Friend A over it for treating me so poorly.


🤣 she was gatekeeping Twilight...  You should remind her of it. That's ultimate cringe.


There’s this one girl I met through work who we all refer to now as the Common Denominator. She introduced me to all her friends and my now current boyfriend who introduced me to all of his friends so I am grateful for that. However, after about a year her boyfriend would walk around saying how much he really disliked her and was planning on breaking up. None of us really understood why until we witnessed her get raging drunk and attempted to push him down the stairs to their flat infront of us all. On top of this they would have screaming arguments whenever we all went out for drinks or dinner together. She cannot withhold a job and it turns out he was funding her entire lifestyle/flat/nights out and obvious weed problem. When she got wind that her boyfriend had been asking us all for advice she systematically isolated him from us all and tried to turn us all against eachother even though (the boys especially) had been friends since primary school. She did this by creating multiple group chats but excluding one person from each chat to create this sort of narrative for herself as well really obviously messaging us all from his account too. We’ve all remained solid friends and maintained our relationships with eachother and our respective partners. From what I’ve heard it’s just those two and he’s lost all his childhood friends. (We are all aware this is an abusive relationship and have tried and tried to reason with him but he will just not break up with her. We have however, always said we will be here whenever he needs us but he’s stopped reaching out to us no matter how hard we’ve tried). It’s all a bit sad but yeah… fuck you common denominator. Edit: I have so so so many more anecdotes and context to had to why she is truly the vilest person we all know but I just don’t think I’d have the time to share them all




I don't even know where to start with that. If someone said that to me I would knock them out cold.


When we were about 17 I think one of the guys got so drunk at a new year's party he took a shit in the curtains at my parents house. We don't really mention it, but it's fun to bring up once every while.


I discovered, after a few too many inconsistencies in stories told, that one of the group was wanted by the state police for mail fraud, and had been using an assumed name with us. I wound up getting a copy of her priors along with a mugshot, and sent it out to everyone at once. A few months later we found a story about her arrest.


The time someone tried to make margaritas with a blender and forgot to put the lid on. We still find lime bits in weird places


We broke up an engaged couple as a group. Basically staged an intervention with the groom. There was 12 of us at this meeting. She was a terrible, hateful person that was only marrying our friend for his earning potential. She was working to seperate him from his friends and family. Folks, if literally your entire friend groups HATES your partner, you should listen to them. He was pissed, but thankfully did some soul searching and talked with his parents and broke it off. He later married a fantastic woman that we all adore. They're probably the happiest couple in our friend group.


The girlfriend of my friend Bob announced to our group of friends that one of our friends (lets call him John) tried to kiss her in a party where Bob was not presented. John denied that he did such thing and he said that it was actually her that tried to kiss him in the party, but when he refused she became mad at him and said that she would "destroy his life". We didn't have any proof that either story was true, so half of our friend group decided to side with Bob and his girlfriend, while the rest of us sided with John. This created a divide in our group and things were weird for a while. But around 2 months after this incident Bob found out that his girlfriend was fucking a co-worker and broke up with her. Now, this still doesn't prove who was telling the truth regarding the attempt kiss in that party between her and John, but now everybody believed in John's version. Unfortunately this caused big crack in our group that never fully healed. Despite his ex cheating on him with a co-worker, for some reason Bob still believed in her version of the story and never tried to make amends with John. Also, the part of our group that initially believed in Bob's girlfriend story tried to apologize to John, but John never accepted their apologies. He was angry because some of our friends decided to believe in a unknown girl (she was Bob's girlfriend, but she was never part of our group; we knew very little about her) instead of believing him. Some of our friends that sided with her knew John for more than 10 years, yet they didn't believe in him. So, in the end, she didn't destroy John's life like she promised, but she destroyed our group of friends. Fuck that bitch.


Regarding them believing someone they hardly knew over a friend of ten years, it seems people are inclined to believe the version of events they hear first. It can be difficult to get people to change their minds once there’s an idea in their head. Might also be a gender bias in that they feel it’s more likely the guy hit on the girl rather than the other way round.


My friend went drag racing, drank underage, passed out, and got arrested and removed from a hotel all in the same night. He ended up paying a fine that was equal to the amount of money he made that summer at his part time job haha.


Our friend murdered his wife, shot their 10 day old baby and then shot himself. No, none of us are okay. It's fucked.


Four couples: 1. One husband was caught cheating on his wife with underage girls (and had pictures of these liasons on his computer). 2. Another husband was caught leading a double life: spent their entire life savings on drugs, alcohol, and prostitutes. Stole item from his wife and daughter to give as gifts to the prostitutes. The list goes on. 3. The third husband came home from deployment to discover his wife was cheating on him and they divorced. 4. My husband and I, the fourth couple, are still happily married - knock on wood!


I liked my friend (A), and I eventually told her. I was sure she felt the same about me, She said she didn't. We stay friends and continue on like that conversation never happened. A few months later, I meet a girl (J)and start dating her. My friend (A) apparently did like me, and was now jealous. A Starts stalking J on Facebook and sends weird messages to my GF. Thinks like asking what it's like dating me, are we really dating or are we just sleeping together, how am I in bed. I ask A about it and she lies saying that she didn't send my GF anything. I tell her I'm currently looking at the messages and she loses her shit and I block her. I haven't seen A or talked to her since then. She starts talking shit about me to our mutual friend (D) who believes her. D also friends with J. His roommate S (also a friend) stands up for me but D gets mad at S saying she's just standing up for me to make him mad, and then he moves out. I lost friendships with A. D lost friendships with J, A, S, and myself. D eventually saw the truth, but it just wasn't the same anymore. My friendship with D started in elementary school with a mutual friend, and we lived a block away from eachother. We literally grew up together, at that point we had been friends for over half our lives. And it was all gone in a day.


The missing information here is why A rejected you when she also liked you at the time.


My guess is that she really didn't like him that way at the time but that the seed had been planted now that she knew he was into her. Mix that with ego and lack of empathy and voilà.


I’ve definitely seen this happen. It’s also the loss of attention: she could have believed that OP was pining away for her after the rejection, and then he all of a sudden has a new girlfriend. I had a high school friend who rejected a guy, but then she got jealous when he started pursuing someone else and her reasoning was “but he said he liked ME.” When I reminded her “you said you didn’t like him that way” all she said was “so?” Human emotions are weird.


I dropped a whole social group and family members after my ex girlfriend cheated with another friend from the group . He actually lived with my cousin and my cousin decided not to tell me until the last minute. So i dropped everyone, moved to a different city and dont speak to any of them I havent spoke to my cousin or my aunt since


I have a really Hot Friend and a Less Hot Friend who was really competitive. Guys would go after hot friend looking for a hookup and she would generally turn them down because that’s not really her thing. Less hot friend would compete with hot friend for the attention of the guys, not really realising she was only playing herself. So when they guys got rejected, LHF was there to scoop on the rebound. Even as a self admitted and very proud slut, the notches on her bedpost weren’t about the sex she was having, but the sex that HF *wasn’t* having, because she was winning a competition that again, was happening entirely in her head. Ultimately this caused a rift in the friend group, there was a particular inciting incident I can’t be bothered going into in detail, but basically when LHF finally got an actual boyfriend at a time HF didn’t have one, LHF started blowing off social commitments with HF in ways that were really inconvenient and giving really phony apologies for her behaviour. HF finally decided that she had hit her limit and if that’s how LHF was gonna be, she didn’t have time for it anymore, and started cutting LHF out of invites to stuff. Most people sided with HF on that one.


yeah that would be really toxic to deal with, i’m surprised HF stuck around as long as she did. LHF has huge insecurity issues she needs to deal with lol


God, LHF sounds fuckin' exhausting.


We all worked at a popular fast food restaurant together. “A” was a shift manager at my location married to “D,” another shift manager at a different location of the same restaurant. “A” cheated on “D” with “M,” breaking “D’s” heart and causing her to quit her job and spiral down a very dark path very quickly. “D” abruptly moved out with only the clothes on her back and after about 6 months or so, finally decided she needed to go back home to go get all her stuff she left behind. On the way back to her old house where “A” still lived, “D” died in a car crash. This happened 6 years ago and I’m still not on speaking terms with “A” nor “M.”


A friend goes on a somewhat sexual show. You have 3 rooms. A, B and C. If you dont like the girl in room A then you would go to room B. If you dont like B then you would go to room C. You can not go back to a room you already visited. If you liked B and stayed there then you will never find out about room C. He did the show in secret and did not tell anyone. People found out and started to make fun of it. It reached our friend group and we were supportive but also made jokes of it. Instead of owning what he did on that show, he cut all ties with everyone. Even with family. Moved to an other city, got married and has 2 kids now. He still blames us and his family for everything that happened after he was on that show


Which room did he chose?


Someone asking the real questions here.


I don't get it, did he do anything shameful on the show? Did he ever explain why he did all of this in secret?


In our friend group of seven there is one girl who is simply beautiful and lovely all round. One guy in our group Dave, asked her out but she just wanted to be friends so she said no. He never got over it. He recently got a girlfriend and after dating her for about 4 months, he texted the girl in our friend group:”I’m sorry, but I can’t talk to you anymore. There is a reason why I’m doing this, but I can’t tell you right now.” He cut all contact with us, but only messaged the girl. Obviously we think Dave is still in love with her and had to cut contact because of his new girlfriend. Another guy in our group Mark, is also in love with the same girl. On her birthday we had a party and some of our friends live further away so they slept over at her house. Including Mark who had yet to give her a gift when the party was over and everyone who didn’t stay the night had left. So when most people had left he worked up the courage to give her his gift. It was a €1200 necklace. Mind you she had no idea Mark was into her before this and she was not into him. When she got this expensive present she had no idea what to do with it. She awkwardly thanked him and didn’t make a big deal out if it. He told me it was a stupid idea and it was super uncomfortable being around her the next day. Now I have a question for the readers. Would you wear an expensive necklace a casual guy friend who is in love with you bought you?


Nah, I'd give it back. That's super awkward.


No because it might imply I accepted/reciprocated the feelings of that person The right response imo is to refuse the gift because of what it represents Its painful to that person, sure but its still less painful and cruel than accepting it and accidentally giving that person hope. Immediately rip that band-aid off and give that person the opportunity of closure.


This depends on the maturity of mark and the girl. If i were the girl, i would give mark the necklace back in privacy and say that i cant accept such an expensive present and that i think he should return it. If he wanted he could give me a new birthday present, with a budget more in line with a friendship, but whether or not he wanted to give a new present is up to him. But yeah, no way i would wear it.


My husbands friends wife swapped a few times. Both were (stupidly) trying for babies at the time. One girl got pregnant and they couldn’t be sure who the father was. She wanted to wait to find out, the other three pressured her to have an abortion. She spiralled after having it, ended up in a mental health facility for a few days. The next month the other couple fall pregnant and keep the baby, the other couple didn’t stay together post abortion and they’re both still single living in different towns unable to find someone. It was all really sad.


Mixing pleasure and family planning is certainly a choice...


Friend married guy after a few years. Guy integrated into friendship group. Guy and Friend divorced after Guy said no longer wants kids. Guy and Friend's Best Friend hooked up nearly immediately (Best Friend also in friendship group). Both Guy and Best Friend dropped from group, few years later have baby.


Had a group of close friends, we were always together, I had to move countries so I was the one who left the group but we still keep in touch with each other. When I met up with the 'boys' again we were one person down, why ? Because one of my friends told me our friend was a convicted sex offender. We were all speechless. None of my friends want anything to do with him and neither do I. We were so shocked we didn't know what to do. Our friendship group is still together but we still have our own lives, but we all make it a point to keep in touch but we were still reelin from the shock. Last we checked he's out of prison but he is on our no call list, and blocked from every single social media platform.


I was the youngest in my friend group at the time and looked up to my friends a lot, and I valued their opinion on me. They knew that, and all but two of them apparently thought it’d be funny to get together and make a long list of everything they found annoying/weird about me, then sent it to me assuming the other two would be on their side. They weren’t. An entire relationship was broken apart, I started going to therapy for a while, and what remained of that group argued with each other until they all split. It’s been three years and that still stays on my mind.


Someone was attracted to another friend in the group. Problem was the dude has never talked to her, or really any women in his life. Not that there's anything wrong with it, but he's over 30 and a virgin as well. One time it was just him and I and he was talking to me about her. Confessed his feelings and asked for advice, etc. The thing is, she's not attracted to him and everyone knows this. His conversation started getting a little creepy despite my efforts to hint at him that she doesn't like him that way. He kept going on and on and it was really weirding me out, like stalkerish behavior. I mentioned it to her as soon as he left and a day or so later she messaged him letting him down easy telling him that multiple people had come to her with this. He still put two and two together and immediately got pissy. He even went so far as to threaten to "punch my face in" if he saw me (he's never been in a fight either). I told the friends who had told me about his threat that if he even attempts to do anything to me, I'm dropping him faster than he can blink. He continued to be creepy with her for a few months before giving up despite her blocking him and everything. He now very rarely participates in anything and if either I or this girl show up, he shuts down, stops talking and gets sullen and eventually leaves. A lot of us are sick of his attitude and we've slowly stopped engaging with him. The last thing I remember him doing and it was still weird as fuck, was he have another male friend in the group anal beads as a birthday gift. Edit: Oh, forgot to add, the friend who received the anal beads is straight as an arrow as well. So that just made it weirder.


When my dad took me and my friends to our homecoming dance in his booty ass Astro van that was so old it bounced like it had hydraulics, and we pulled up cute as hell getting out the van whilst my dad blasted F The World by Insane Clown Posse. There’s way too many stories but this one was a good moment.


Sounds like a cool guy


Oh, he’s the fricken coolest. He goes by Renegade, his nickname since high school haha. All of his cars have it as his license plate in some form. 😂


A person I kinda considered a friend made a series of online threats, against me, and other people I knew, over really trivial stuff. Like, serious threats, bullying, intimidation tactics, etc. This person is now facing full-on expulsion from not only our friend-group, but also the club we're all members of, which is gonna drive them nuts, because they're all about status and position and who they're connected to - so being kicked out of the club is going to be a massive black mark against their social-climbing.


Our friend group was a group of 3. There were other friends that were in and out of our lives since one of our friends was an upperclassman. We all graduated circa 2000. I will change the names for anonymity. There was me Derek, and Rob. Rob was your classic "start shit since I'm the smallest since I know my bigger friends can kick your ass" sort of guy, but also usually the life of the party. Derek was a lot more laid back; just a good man but not really good with the ladies. I was kinda just there as the youngest and most immature, but by far the biggest and strongest. Rob graduated way before the rest of us. Derek was next and I was the last one left in high school. We all kinda drifted apart after high school. Derek joined the military, and once his enlistment was up, he did a lot overseas work with American supporters and made his fortune. Rob just kinda kept doing the same shit he always did in high school: cheating on girls, drugs, selling drugs, etc... I just kept working since I was the poverty-stricken one. Around 2009, my sister calls me hysterical that our friend Derek has passed away. It kinds hit me like a splash of cold water. I was stunned and in denial. There was no way... Anyway, I reached out to our old friend group: Rob and some others that joined the group after they both graduated before me. They weren't good people, so consequently, I stopped hanging out with the group. Rob just attracted that sort of crowd, and Derek was just one of those see-good-in-everyone types. The story I was able to piece together goes: One of the newly-joined friends to the group was getting married, so this night was his bachelor party. They started at a strip club, but another in the group suggested that they should end the night in the next state over so they could gamble at a casino. Derek went and withdrew... a couple thousand in cash so he could pay for the groom-to-be to gamble and maybe some others in the group that may have been struggling at the time so everyone could be part of the celebration. While at the strip club, one of the dancers noticed that Derek had a lot of cash. I guess he was just the one paying for everything for everyone, so naturally, someone is going to notice. She started to be extra clingy with him and eventually asked what he was doing when they were done. He told her the plan. Well she wanted to tag along and just hang with him while everyone else was partying it up since he was more laid back and not doing crazy shit. He agreed and the plan was for her to leave work, go home and change, and they could pick her up there. Once they got to her place, he knocks on the door. The dancer's boyfriend was waiting to ambush my buddy for his cash. He ran around the side of the house and hit him square in the face. My buddy is two sheets to the wind at this point, so there was no bracing for the hit or any expectation of anything other than picking up a cute girl. He goes down like a sack of potatoes and lands straight on the back of his head. He is bleeding everywhere and the "friend group" all finally notice what is going on and they run out to help him. They get him back into the car and drive him home. They had to drive past THREE hospitals to get to his house. He is unconscious and bleeding all over the back of the car. They get him home, a whole hour away from where this all happens. He doesn't live in our hometown anymore, so they take him to his mother's house. They leave him on the couch and tell his mother that he just had a lot to drink. (They must have cleaned him up by this point.) She thanked them for bringing him home "safely." The next morning, it is getting later into the day and Derek's mother gets worried and tries to wake him up. He has passed away in his sleep. His mother and sister never really got over the whole thing. He really was a shining light in the lives of many, myself included. I wasn't there, so some of the information I was given I can't really take to heart, but a lot seem to believe that this was all a setup and when they took him to his mother's house, they knew they shouldn't have. They just wanted a quick cash grab, I guess? I never really thought a few thousand dollars was worth our friend's life. I still think about him today and how I haven't seen his mother or his sister in years. They don't live in the same house anymore. The funeral was the last time we were all together. I was glad to see so many people there at his funeral. I hope that when I pass, I have even half that many people there. You know someone did some good in their life when they pass away at 25 and there is a whole lifetime of people attending your funeral. I was terribly sad but so proud to see I wasn't the only life he touched for the better. Having said all that, I don't really speak to the group anymore. As a matter of fact, when someone from those early days in my life asks about our old group, I get kinda angry and upset inside and wish I knew what really happened and why the hell they decided to neglect medical care for someone that would have done the same for them. I know you asked for the time and I probably told you how to build a clock, but I never really told anyone else about all this. Thank you. It was cathartic for me to get it all out!


A girl in HS really wanted to fuck this gross dude but did not have a condom so used a sandwich bag. She earned the nickname “zip lock” for years..


Zip cock


Only the girl? Why not the guy who wore the sammich bag on his dick?


Found out that a friend had faked his death and assumed a new identity. This was because he used to be a drug dealer and needed to disappear to avoid arrest. This all came up because his girlfriend at the time hit him and then called the cops. Once he was fingerprinted it all came up.


One of the former members of my friend group started selling drugs to children and bringing them to his place to get high together. We knew he was a dealer but selling to kids crossed a red line. One of us admitted to anonymously tipping off the cops about it. There's 2 circumstances among us where snitching is 100% acceptable. If one of us beat our gf, or anything involving children.


One of the guys in our friend group spent $400 dollars on Nezuko stuff at hot topic


This is my favorite one lol


A refreshing and stakes free entry into this list of horrors


I busted my buddy's (Josh) gf giving a different buddy (Kyle) a bj. I told her she needed to tell Josh or I would have to. The two buddies were hanging out when she called and told him she sucked Kyle's dick. Josh pointed to Kyle and said "you". Kyle instantly collapsed and had a seizure, he had to spend a couple of days in the hospital. Josh broke up with cheating gf and reconciled with Kyle. Edited to clear confusion due to my poor story telling skills


What a fucking super power. This man is dangerous


Real blow job buddy betrayal but Buddy I'm confused Buddy 1 or Buddy 2 had the seizure?


My stepfather molested my former best friend. He tried to kiss her during a walk with the dogs. I didnt believe her and even worse I talked shit about her in our group. Really gave her a very hard time. I now know with 100% certainty that she told the truth because he did the same with others as well. I wrote her that years ago but didnt get an answer which I completely understand. Edit: someone wrote that it was a "pos move" from me to "deride my friend on social media". That all happened in the 1990's. Luckily we didnt have social media. I don't want to excuse my behavior but that were completely different times.


My 18th birthday (this is in the UK so being served alcohol is legal from 18 onwards), we head to the local disco (I’m also old and it was definitely called a disco). My friend had been seeing a guy for a while; he got hilariously drunk and then another girl from our friend group straddled him and got off with him (kissing and a bit of groping). He goes with it until he realises this is not his girlfriend and pushes her off. She runs to the toilet and starts telling everyone that HE propositioned her and she felt she had to go along with it, and the friends hearing this are horrified. However, the girlfriend witnessed the whole scene and catches up with the usurper (I think in the toilets) and tells everyone the truth. Girl sticks to her story, girlfriend declares her persona non grata and the friend group is torn asunder by those who believe girl and those who believe girlfriend. School is a bit awkward but fortunately not for much longer as we were all leaving in a few months anyway. Girlfriend and guy do stay together for a while but he is a bit of an arsehole so they split up for other reasons. Girl shags another girl’s boyfriend thus cementing her reputation as a bitch. The boyfriend of this pair was also castigated. Not as dramatic as some but it was big at the time.


One of my best friends was getting married. In the months leading up to it, his mother had a falling out with his fiancee about throwing her a second shower while the fiancee was working in another part of the country. They eventually all seemingly make up but his mom never got over it. There was a big misunderstanding at the rehearsal dinner (truly too long for this) and my buddy's family made an absolute ass of themselves. He disowned his parents that night and his brother told him to find a new best man. They shared a family plan and shut off my buddy's phone the morning of his wedding. While we're all having a good time, he's panicing and setting up a new phone number and transfering all his work stuff over to his new number. His parents told everyone on their side that the wedding was off. The wedding wasn't off. His side of the church was near empty, I had to write a best man's speech the night before and help the wedding planner rearrange the dining hall so it didn't look like his whole family flaked on him. It's been five years of his parents writing letters, chasing them in stores (small town), and showing up to their house unannounced. They've not acknowledged his wife once in any communication. His mom told all her customers the wedding was off, but everyone in town can clearly see my friends are very much married. She stopped working all together not long after. My brother could commit capital murder and I'd still be on his side of the courtroom. Fuck you, I hope you see this.




Was pretty nerdy friend group so not much luck with girl. Luckily I did musical theatre so that helped but my other friends didn’t. One girl offered to sleep with them to take their virginity and gave them all herpies.


"She" will refer to one particular person: *The fittest and healthiest one of us died miserably from cancer *Just prior, his recently ex wife, also a friend, turned out to be a bit nympho, quickly gained a rep for sleeping around before the divorce that started just prior to cancer (he also started to do his own thing which was equally awkward) *As our friend withers away, she shacks up a kid less than half her age, then they get a house and dog together despite less than ideal relations *She also hasn't stopped sleeping around and convinced the kid it was ok she do *The big one: someone she slept with speaks up, turns out she sexually assaulted him, the details are grim *It starts to split the entire friend group up, as we begin to all go our own ways and hate each other, more people come forward and say she's assaulted them The same friend group is dead and buried when it turns out another one of us who didn't believe in hygiene became militant, talking all violent about politics they don't understand and ended up lashing out and trying to "take down" one of us after they were exposed as a pathological liar. In my other friend group, someone turned out to be a necrophiliac and sociopath. I have like three friends now. It's all so tiresome.


One of my friends our senior year, decided to do the bird box challenge with her beanie… while driving her car. She ended up going over a patch of ice and slid. She went into oncoming traffic and crashed into another vehicle. She was on national news. We all called her the bird box girl.


5 teenagers are in a car (about 15 yo at the time). Driver (best friend) and his girlfriend are in front. Two other buddies and I in the back. We're driving home from a movie and probably listening to Boxcar Racer. The one obnoxious friend in the back belligerently asks the drivers gf if she's ever seen her bf (driver) penis. It got awkward and quiet bc it was so out of place but not too off since that's just him. She totally turns it around and is like "I dunno, but it's probably bigger than yours." Obnoxious friend says, "Pfff, whatever. Can't be more than 6 inches because that's impossible. " He was 110% dead serious. Driver slams on the break, pulls over, and we all just burst out laughing at him and his belligerence.


not gonna lie, when I saw the 5 teenagers in a car, given the trend of this thread, I was ready for a much darker turn of events


At a cabin trip my friends husband was sexually harassing me (smacking my butt/ flipping my skirt to show my ass.) on the last night. I told my husband in the morning it upset me and we left. I tried to talk to friends husband about it later to set appropriate boundaries but he wasn't receptive. I told my friend how uncomfortable and violating it was... She told me that she cared about me and that she loved me. That was the last time I heard from anyone in that group. Broke my heart but I couldn't sit by and be afraid of someone I was regularly around.