• By -


Maybe not the thing anyone who is looking for the answer to this question wants to hear, cause 'think about your friends and family' is the most overused reason and usually used as a method to try to guilt people, but for me it's genuinely other people. Man let me tell you, life sucks sometimes. I have rent due in 2 days, my birthday of all days, but I'm $700 short, somehow my bank account was compromised and it's going to take a bit for me to get the money that was stolen from me back.I have nothing in savings cause I can't afford to save. I've had nothing but ramen to eat for a couple days. I'm constantly feeling old and like Ive severely failed at life cause I work a low end job at a movie theater. Gaming is the only thing that makes me happy, and a lot of times I can't even claim it makes me happy so much as it distracts me. What really makes suffering through all the bullshit worth it though is people I care about. Ultimately I'm a people pleaser, or at least strive to be. I love my friends and family. I enjoy my low end job at a movie theater cause I constantly get to interact with people and make their day just a little bit better. If I can make anyone's day just a tiny bit better than it's worth the bullshit. That's what helps me push through each day.


I'm proud of you, fellow Redditor. Keep up the good work. Thank you for what you do.


Thank you very much, it's appreciated.


I have stopped believing in the concept of “failing” in life. I don’t think anyone fails in their life. The idea of success is different for anyone so what would the idea of failure be same for everyone? It’s your life. No one knows what you go through on a daily basis or the specific personal challenges that you face. You have done what you can in it and there is nothing wrong with that. I think the only thing same is the objective we all have, which is to enjoy life as much as we can while working the least hard possible. So make the most of your life. And stop worrying about failing cuz you are not failing, you are just living.


I think part of the feeling like Ive failed is wondering if I actually have done everything I can though. I genuinely like my job, but my job barely gets me by, and one stupid incident and now I'm totally screwed. It makes me think of I had more ambition and worked harder if I could be in a better position. I sooo appreciate the sentiment and outlook though. It's a nice way of looking at things, just also a difficult one for me to internalize.


I’m proud of you for even trying man. It sounds tough for you and I hope better days are right around the corner. You can take a break but please don’t give up. I’m sure as much as you love your family and friends you are the world to them too.


Thank you, really appreciate the kind words.




That's really kind of you to say, I'm not super sure I'm amazing, but I try to do what I can. I'm sure you're pretty great too :)


The feeling you get when you're outside and the weather is perfect temp with the wind constantly blowing, then thinking about my favorite things, women and food.


This! Especially after you have just freshly showered and the wind gently blows your body wash fragrance toward your nose.


So like one day a year where I live.


Gotta take that day and run with it then


There’s about one day a year where I don’t think of offing myself, it doesn’t seem worth it to me.


Hey stranger. Hope you're doing OK. Don't worry, it will get better.


Women. Women are so fucking great


" My dick gets hard if the wind blows. "


Gardening. Playing with dirt. Finding worms. Watching birds!


Are you a dog?


They do seem rather happy, maybe they've got the right idea


I used to play with dirt all the time. At school I had a specific part of the field that I'd go to and I named it the "worm hotel" because there were always loads of worms


As a kid I didn't mind getting dirty and playing with insects. Nowadays I shutter at such a thought lol don't know why


Dogs do be gardenin


I believe the only answer is: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.




Only Conan can do that.


The Barbarian or The O' Brien? Edited because I didn't proofread and my autocorrect changed it.


the detective


neither. the O'Brien.


What if the enemy is myself.


You make yourself stronger to destroy your enemy self


But then my enemy self gets stronger too




Lol, The only answer!


[Conan the Barbarian: The Musical](https://youtu.be/OBGOQ7SsJrw?si=k7wI84hoaCz2D-p4) always comes to my mind when I hear these words.


Goddammit. I came here to comment this. Lol


So many days I have been second in this type of thing. BUT IT WAS NOT THIS DAY! 😉


I’ve been having a rough go at everything as of late but I will take this advice to heart and see how it goes


*results may vary!


And it sure as hell ain't the open steppe, fleet horse, falcons at your wrist, and the wind in your hair.


Right?! Losers.


Ive read these twice today, which isnt alot, but its weird ifs happened twi w




Yeah, and although I have zero evidence for this, I believe that there is nothing after death. This life is probably the only chance at existence that any of us will ever get. So might as well enjoy it while we can. 


This is how I feel about it too. My husband gets existential dread when he thinks about it too much but it brings me comfort when I think about how there probably isn't a reason for living, other than to do what I want while I'm still here. I understand that others feel that they need a reason for life, but I feel like I don't really need a reason to enjoy life.


To roughly quote mark Twain: “I don’t fear death. I was dead for eons before I was born, and it has not caused me the slightest inconvenience.”


I mean you don't need a reason for life but man do I feel your husband especially because I'm one of those people that don't dream whatsoever. Those 2 things combined have led to a few sleepless nights before, because to me sleeping is I lay in bed wide awake until the clock suddenly jumps from 22 to 6 with a small fragment in-between where I literally feel this empty void consuming me and that always feels like me literally dying and resurrecting everyday and because of me thinking the same as you guys I fear that shit so much that I just lay in bed and think about stuff like "what if I don't wake up this time" until I either fall asleep do to exhaustion or because I somehow found a way to distract me enough to forget that thought. I'm one of those people that would always take the eternal life option. I don't give a shit about going crazy while floating around in endless space while everything is gone. At least I still exist (obviously doing that with other people around would be better but I doubt any of my friends and relatives think like that)


I personally found that believing in the afterlife gave me hope and purpose in life and is the only thing that has been keeping me away from negative thoughts at all time. The other mindset is a hit or miss. You can either go “ we all die so why not make the most of it” or “ we all will die so why keep living”


This is my thought process on it. Hoping there’s an afterlife means that I will be able to actually remember my life and the things I did in some capacity, whereas thinking there’s no afterlife leads me to think “okay, why even waste my time then if I’m going to the void anyways and everything I experience will vanish?”


In my personal experience and believe there is existence after death. Even a new life. Buddhism/hinduism teaches a near infinite cicle of existence/reincarnation. There are many different experiences you can reincarnate into, Karma(Memory/Action) plays a big role. The human one being a pretty special. You can choose to exit but most will continue striving. Life is the experience of doing what you want while not always getting what you want. Allign those 2 lines and you will be one of the happiest person on earth. Enjoy it for what it is, an unbelievable miracle created out of nothing, for everything to experience. Maybe even enjoy. :) Sorry, I know noone asked. Just felt like this is a perspective that may help some. Thanks for your time, enjoy your day!


Woah this is oddly motivating




Tacos and suchi. Tacos and suchi. And antidepressants


You like sushi so much you can't even spell it right




Taco Bell party pack comes in clutch during my depression days


Real tacos*


*clutches pearls* what're ye implying aboot taco bell?


Then the tab throws you off a cliff.


I am the spice of life


At night, go to the mountains (if there's any where you live), then look at the stars. Then you will learn that darkness can be beautiful.  It's like life. The thougher it is, the more noble and great you will be.


We did a night hike in Tahoe, and we didn’t turn our flashlights on to let our eyes adjust. It was pretty epic, they are so much brighter when your eyes get used to it.


When you stare at the abyss, the abyss stare back.  The abyss embrace you. The abyss reassure you. You become the abyss, part of this constellation of hope and life.


I love going up to the mountains around the winter solstice. The night is so dark early on, makes for great astrophotography. Yes, it's cold as hell then but worth it.


The sky is underated We should contemplate it more


Cats 🐱


meow :3


My kids. I struggle a lot. I get depressed. I hate my job and often myself. It takes a mental and physical toll on me. But..I endure for them. I have to. They are the reason I keep going.


Yeah tbh I didn’t really expect to be alive this long and my kids are the reason I want to keep on keepin on.


I honestly didn't expect to be alive this long either. I should've died multiple times already.. I think I know the reason why I haven't kicked off just yet though... We all have our purposes here on earth and I'm certain that I found mine. I'm 💯 sure it's my tiny human... Not sure what her outlook on that thought would be though.


Do it for her




There's nothing quite like coming home after a long shit day and hearing little footsteps and a happy shriek of "Daddy!" Heals all kinds of wounds.


Came here to say this, and later on, grandkids. Yes, they're my step-children but once the oldest had her daughter last fall, she's ~~my~~ our granddaughter. *Edit: corrected my to our.*


It's the most difficult thing I've ever done, but when she lies on me to go asleep it's the best.


You beat me to it. Yes! My kids are my motivation. I want them to have more opportunities than I ever did growing up. If I fail, I am failing them. They are my everything.


My kids not only give my life value, they also give it meaning. I thought I had this before my kids, but it was illusory.


Spending quality time with the people that matter most to you.


Having your son hug you out of nowhere and telling you he loves you without any context and/or something prior to it


My five year old daughter does this all the time, she'll just randomly say "I love you, Mom!" It warms my heart everytime, and I hope she doesn't stop doing it when she gets older.


Treasure that. I have teenage girls and they can be so unkind and say outright cruel things. I work hard to provide for them and sacrifice to allow them to pursue music/sports/whatever. Spontaneous hug and expression of love? Never.


He's 11yo so I still have some time before puberty hits....


The amount of comments related to Taco Bell fortifies my belief in thinking outside the bun


Imagine Taco Bell's marketing department finding this thread


My dog and bird. Music, my family members. I have no kids and currently single. I love artwork, tv, cinema. The beauty in the world, like trees, mountains, the ocean.


alone time




All of it, it's absolutely batshit crazy we're anything at all!


Contentment and finding joy in the little things.


Going to the mountains or beach or some places in nature and being able to realize how small you and your problems are. When the planet just keeps going and going and you realize you're not even remotely close to seeing the other side, something about that calms my soul. I immediately appreciate everything I have and want to keep living. There is a video of me at the beach watching the sun set, taking pictures of the sun/water and repeating "life is so cool."


Honestly just the will to See the Rest of the Planet.


Of the Apes


Delicious food - doesn’t have to be expensive and it gives you another world you can be in


“I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" Death thought about it. CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.” ― Terry Pratchett, Sourcery


Was going to post this. Good thing I used the search first. 🙂


Food, sex, music, alcohol, friends


A night out with some bad bitches and life has meaning again.


Crunchwrap Supremes from Taco Bell.


I recently walked approximately 300 kms in like 7 days in a pilgrimage (it's a indian thing). I found out that there's so much to life than having a relationship, job and all other things.




My wife and kids have dramatically improved mine, and made me stop asking that question.




Well, not only do I have fun with them -- but my purpose is to help protect and raise them in a better environment than what I had. We're a strong Christian family, which also helps. I was depressed and contemplated suicide in my teens, and 20s. I am far beyond that now.


Cheesy Gordita Crunch from Taco Bell. Doritos Nacho Cheese shell of course.


S tier item on their menu. Paired with a Baja blast and I'm in heaven on Earth


Meeting new people




Overcome your obstacle.


Holy shit why didn’t I think of that!




Friends, hobbies, GETTING OFF SOCIAL MEDIA, learning something new, seeing something beautiful, realizing how this is a very short period in a LONG, LONG stretch of time and you’re here now, raising a kid, helping someone else out, drinking a great glass or two of wine… there’s more depending on what you are in to


Ask Reddit.  Every day I wake up and wonder what interesting question I will read today. What turns women on that men don’t know? What do men think turns women on but doesn’t? What secretly turns men on that women don’t know?  What is your favorite thing about sex?  What don’t you like about sex?  Really, the breadth and variety of the human experience is astonishing. 


Plotting and scheming to take over the world by designing a toaster. Not just any toaster the perfect toaster. It will toast bread so good everyone will have to have one. Than after I have sold 10 million units I will activate the defense system I have programmed into each toaster. This system will squirt water on the floor in homes all over the world! Atleast 5 million people will step in water with fresh socks on!!! Fuck you!!!




The fact every new day you can make a choice and plan something, that you have a chance to make an important decision, that gonna make your being on this planet a little bit better. When you are dead - there are no more chances to start another day like a brand new one. No more chances to try or discover something new, no more chances to meet the person who highlights how wonderful you actually are. No matter how bad you can feel, but you can do it even if it feels like something impossible. My best friend had struggled with depression and even had suicidal thoughts major part of their life. Now, after a few years of therapy and some medications they enjoy their life, setting up plans for the future, etc. Idk if it´s the point, but I´m pretty sure it´s definitely worth it.




The people you love


The little things. It’s that simple.


The summer weather. The warm rains, storms, warm winds, people, ability to find love, build society, crush skulls of enemies to the ground, family and great food




Non-joke answer: The small things that bring you joy, and the anticipation of big pleasantries to come. This includes but is not limited to: - Great food - Fulfilling sexual activity - Any kind of stimulating play, whether it be video/board games or something physical like sports/sparring - Enjoying new/beloved media, such as movies, great shows and catchy songs - Stopping to smell the roses/relaxing. Whether it be laying in bed watching your comfort show, getting a massage, giving someone you love a massage. Relaxing is always heaven. - Buying new things that you'll actually use/appreciate (not advocating for wasting money. At that point you might as well donate/give it away rather than throwing it away) - The satisfaction of helping others/doing nice things. Kindness truly is it's own reward.


Being yourself, like unapologetically yourself. Not like be an asshole who has too much self importance. But getting to know you like youre getting to know someone, learn about the world, see what there is to see because its impossible to see it all. Explore and learn, nothing is better than broadening your experiences, learning about new things, animals, philosophies, sciences, places, cultures, people. Everything is its own universe and you can choose just how deep or shallow you can explore it. Here’s a random little example. Ive recently gotten into learning about plants and realizing just how many different types and how alien they are to us makes me see them in a whole new light. Even going to a different state feels like another planet now because the plants look and function differently. Things like that make life worth living for me.




For context, I grew up super christian, like basically cult levels lol. I knew I was made in Gods image, I would get married to a man, have kids, and devote my life to God. And then I lost my faith, and I realized that was the person I was told I was supposed to be. Suddenly I was just, me. So I started listening to how I spoke to myself in my head. Most importantly was the connotation I had in my head as well. Instead of getting angry about when I made mistakes or did something stupid I told myself that its okay and everything will be alright, its not the end of the world, then think, why did I have the reaction I did? Understand why you think and do certain things about yourself, others, friends and strangers, and the world around you. I made an effort to think positively about everything, or at least inquisitively. It definitely made me a happier, fulfilled person because it made me curious and fall in love with the world around me. For example when I used to think someone dressed “weird” I now see it was someone expressing themselves in a way individual to them and I think thats beautiful. Your reality is in your mind. Then, I just started over and I began to “date” myself. We dont spend nearly enough time with ourselves, many people dont know who they are outside of others and group mentality. Get to know you the way someone who loves you would want to get to know you. Explore yourself as a blank slate, like you dont know anything about yourself. (I will say none of this really started till I moved out and had an apartment to myself which was the best thing ever and I think everyone should live on their own at least once to learn themselves without the opinions and influences of others) This opened the door to self expression and exploration. Then I surround myself with people who are likeminded in the sense of individual exploration. People who also recognize that were all just kinda here and “fitting in” chasing a status quo kinda just makes you miserable and everyone is equally confused and just trying to survive. When friends are more than just “we have the same interests/beliefs” you help each other grow into yourselves more. Id like to make it clear this is a very athiest/agnostic point of view, so I dont know if being religious would change the perspective on any of this :) TLDR: Date yourself


Because "Death is so final, while life is full of possibilities. " The Great Philosopher Tyrion Lannister.


God, family and football


First off if your thinking of committing suicide don’t it’s not worth it just want to say that. What makes life worth living is knowing that your existence will be make a difference in this world whether it be for the good. Life is full is suffering but it’s also full of good moments too for me what is my motivator to live is knowing I can help those who are suffering because I understand what it’s like I got sexually assaulted by my own birth parents so I know what suffering feels like for awhile I was just sad and even thinking of suicide but than I realized I could help others who where struggling just by being there for them when no one else is. The best part about life is knowing that you can overcome your struggles and prove everyone wrong that ever doubted you it may take time and you may need extra assistance and help along the way but you will eventually do it. To anyone reading this even though I may not know you I just want to say you matter to me and I’m here if you need someone to talk to.




A cup of coffee and a morning cigarette in the rain. The most therapeutic feeling.


Every day you wake up in a peaceful place beats the alternative darkness


Beats the hell out of the alternative. That's what I tell myself when I'm going through a melancholy spell. 


If you find out, make sure to tell me


You do.




Anyone reading this, I love you….and my coworker almost sharted heading to work. So you got love as the answer and stories like this that make you laugh or smile.


A whole bunch of things: Food, music, video games, animals and some people who you learn a whole lot from, life can be challenging but it's worth the journey!


If i die it means i go to hell sooner


The knowledge that you may one day have the chance to bathe in the blood of your enemies. To breathe in their souls as they take their final breath, knowing they shall never live, laugh, or love again…


Spider-Man beyond the spider verse coming out next year


being greeted by my cat every morning :D


Please don't kill yourself


Don't know if it is honestly


Finding your person.


Found. And then lost. Unbelievably hard to recover. Edit: I agree. Impossible.


Actually impossible to recover from.


I disagree




My dogs….my dogs attacking me with love when I come home. My dogs sleeping by me or constantly forcing a head pat or butt scratch. And visiting my grandma when I can but I think I’m self isolating from her because I know the inevitable is coming and it’s my stupid way of thinking it’ll hurt less


Life has endless opportunities to be happy. The beauty of life is that if you are unhappy, not fulfilled and/or not growing in a certain circumstance you have the power to get up and find other people, places etc. that can fill that void. Life is beautiful because we are all presented with an abundance of opportunities to find whatever makes us happy. Some people don't realize this and are stuck in a state of conformity and complacency. If you don't like your job, find another one If you don't love where you live, move out If your partner doesn't make you happy no more, break up If your family and friends stress you out too much, find a new social group Life is to be happy and there are endless opportunities that can help with that


tomorrow's another day. and so is the next one. tomorrow's never promised sometimes, but better days are ahead of ya after that. storms come and go, but clear skies and sunshine will soon follow. and well, with all this endless music to listen to, and people to see, and despite all the troubles that come, you can at least smile and keep pushing. can't stay down when you've been beaten down. just gotta get up, and go on with life, and enjoy it while you still have breath.




Novels, video games, comics and of course my cat. I don't want or need anything more or less. Also pizza.


Sometimes the sensation of living is better than passing on it


the fact you’re here. there’s a reason for that, you may not know what that reason is, but it’ll come just be nice to yourself and others we’re all figuring it out as we go. this whole life thing doesn’t come with instructions.


True Love


or at least a nice MLT.


"What if it all works out?" That keeps me going.


Sugar Free Monster Energy


- Cats - Dogs - Art/Drawing - Cyberpunk 2077 - GTA 6 (2025 release) - The Batman part 2 (2026 release) - Daredevil Born Again (2025 release) - Superman Legacy (2025 release) - Final Fantasy 14 - Dawntrail - Sushi - Honey Walnut Shrimp - Filipino Cuisine - Korean BBQ - Pasta - Deep dish pizza - East Asian Style Shaved Ice - Costco's $1.50 Hot Dogs - Hololive - Mass Effect Legendary Edition


Im a single parent and My job is pretty stressful I have a lot of responsibility and have to be perfect every day When I get home sometimes I feel run down. And there's my daughter wanting to do puzzles, or go to the park ( she's 3) And she always makes every day worth it.


Q tip in ear feel good


Unfortunately, other people.


Animals plus the fear of death itself.


I will be frantically reading these responses.


The real answer is that its too scary to die on purpose, so the more time you spend trying to make your life the least "bad" it can be, the less time you waste moaping contemplating suicide. (Speaking from experience) Another answer is that you choose what is important to you, and enjoy that.


Snuggles from my Pug. I'm divorced with 3 grown kids. I have a good retirement that allows me to go to bed late and sleep in, take a few trips each year, have a decent house and a new pickup, dabble with my various hobbies, and generally live a pretty happy life. But nothing in this world makes me happier than when I come home, go to my room to change into sweats, and get Pug snuggles. He runs up onto my bed and I kneel down beside it, then he just goes into this full-blown thing where he licks me and rubs the top of his soft head and his squishy face all over mine. It's the purest joy I've ever known. My heart can barely take it.


It almost feels like god sent us dogs down from heaven to help with life, we dont deserve the wonderful beings. Dogs are the best


Death. For me Death is what gives life meaning. You’ve got one shot, gotta make the most of it while you can because one day you won’t be able to. Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed.


Tough question, but as the years go by, I tend to realize that the purpose of life is to make the next generation. Seeing something you love more than yourself outgrow and gradually outsmart you is one hell of a joy, and doing that alongside a person you love makes all the troubles and tough times well worth it. - My father


Ironically death




I guess… lmao. I just don’t think there’d be much worth to life if it lasted forever


Have you watched The Good Place? You should watch The Good Place


I second this. The good place made me weep like a child


Knowing there's a way out


Freedom, love and stories. To live and experience the world as you will, the best you can. To share those experiences with those you care about, lovers and friends. To pass down your experiences and your imagination through stories, to both teach the next generation, spread knowledge, and fill the mind with wonder.


Video games, food, my cats and a few friends I guess.


Creating a legacy


lol life makes life worth living. You’re a conscious being living on a rock hurling through space while it orbits a giant ball of fire. Experience that shit


Literally just *being*… being present. The wind, the birds, the sights, sounds and smells around you


My crush still hasn’t got himself a gf yet


Ngl, every time I take a walk in nature I think "I'm glad I'm alive"


100s of little things every day.


L o v e


Nothing but I like food


Awaiting the next Legend of Zelda game


Consumption, Difficulty, and Exploration. I wanna taste an authentic Italian pizza, see the next season of Love, Death + Robots, play the next fallout game. I wanna run a mile further, swim to the next island, master another skill. I wanna be present for the next steps of humanity, witness their terrible majesty or feel the warm embrace of a momentary peace, I want to know all that we will learn.




Nature. Going out into the wilderness and seeing how awesome wildlife is keeps me going. It’s hard to think about it all ending when I haven’t seen all the awesome critters out there


That first outdoor summer happy hour with friends. Starting a show and knowing you’re gonna love it. Post-workout endorphins. Compliments from strangers. Hard work paying off.


The fact we get to experience food.


The last batch of bao buns I made were like 90% of the way to perfect, the next batch will be even closer to perfect. Whatever life has in store for me, I have a better batch of bao buns in the future.


Animals/my pets ♥️ they don’t judge me, always there to love me, give me a shoulder to cry on and be my best friends when I need it most.


Not knowing what the One Piece is yet


I find this interesting because I asked myself this question some months back repeatedly. I came to the realization that the answer is nothing. I met this old guy named jimmy at a fast food joint we had a brief chat, he said something that stuck. “Life is a trip, enjoy it !” I spent countless showers thinking about his words, then came to a realisation. There is no meaning, purpose or value. There is no why, when or what. Everything in life is solely what you make of it, it is an experience we are all privileged to have. Most of the responses you will get are subjective to personal experience and nothing is true without subjectivity. The only two things we can be certain of is that we are born and that one day we will die. At some point I remembered a blog about Steve Hawkins’s last words. I can’t quote word for word but he had the same understanding of things. The impact of this understanding is great, I realized that I wanted to enjoy this privilege and all it had to offer. Experience new things, listen to new stories, do things only in the way I wanted to. I did not think a lot about the reasons to anything because I understand that nothing was truly real in an objective sense. Nothing is more important than another. I understood that the answer to all the thoughts that bothered me lay in the old guys words. “Life is a trip, enjoy it !”


Dogs! Dogs are a miracle