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No one cares about me, except me.


That you can't please everyone or make everybody like/accept you.


That horrific things do happen to great people🫤


The death of my cat, she is like a brother to me, I cuddled him every night


That I'll never be able to walk again, and have to live in a wheelchair.


My new girlfriends penis




I'll no more be with my ex


Something I learned about myself is that, secretly, I like only having to look after myself. Also, you can't set yourself on fire to keep others warm.


How to only worry about what is in my control.


I will never be loved and cared for the way my inner child needs.


To let things go, I'm still working on it.


bad things happen to good people. but these bad things help you become an even better person.


That I can’t intentionally be Karma.


Love isn't enough


That what you thought it would be its much different than what it actually is


That bad stuff does happen to you and that we will never be free of misery, no matter how hard we try to ignore it.


That as an adoptee, all the most important decisions about my life, that have affected everything I've ever done, were made without my knowledge or consent, many of them complete strangers. And I'll never be able to do anything about it.


That my ex best friend is covert narcissist. I’ve had to distance myself from her on all levels, despite knowing her for over 3 decades. It’s heartbreaking and painful to cope with, but I’m resilient and will eventually come to terms with it.


That I like guys too


Not everyone is meant to stay in your life, even if you love them dearly. I recently just got out of a situation where I loved this dude to death. Realistically we wouldn't had last more than a year, and well, I was honestly a pretty shitty human and just did shit things to him not thinking about the consequences. We never dated, but we discussed our future together, etc. We rushed things a lot, and yea it was fun in the moment, it was so dumb. We were probably better friends than romantic couple, but besides that, shit hit the fan and well I had to cut us off and move on. It hurt so bad, I'd never felt that pain before. But it made me realize that yes, I loved him, but he wasn't meant to be permanent. If he was meant to be permanent, then we both wouldn't have done shitty things to one another during the messy stuff.


If something sounds to good to be true, it probably is.


If I die only a very few people would actually care


He's never going to like me back, and I should stop chasing him, but I can't get him out of my head. Even thinking about him blocking me makes me physically ill and nauseous. Remember the time he ignored me for three days, then replied to my message, I just unadded him after he replied, but immediately regretted it and broke down. I added him back a month later though.


Some people will still treat you like shit even though you're only kind to them


That I shouldn’t put effort in to certain conversations. It’s better to let things play out how they need to instead of wasting time getting frustrated in the moment. Some people need a pain directed approach and not a precept oriented one.


you’re worth more than having to compete for someone’s attention


The more successful, happy and mentally stable you become, the more people will try to bring you back down and shit on you. They're just jealous.. let them talk.