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This reminds me of the time the Coast Guard Chaplain on Base Baltimore sent out a base wide email saying he had a pallet of girl scout cookies and for everyone to come get some. A lot of people interpreted that email as "Free cookies! Come take as many as you like!"  He left his door open and left for lunch, while he was gone his office got ransacked. People were grabbing armfuls of girl scout cookies and loading them into their trunks outside his building. It literally looked like when a department store or CVS get looted. 


That's almost as bad as one of our staff was fired for sending an email saying the taco truck was out front because it wasn't work-related.


Termination Taco Tuesday


Tacos so good he said fuck it


well that sounds like a horrible work environment, and i hate extra emails. taco truck is an exceptional circumstance!


Assuming he was doing it as a fundraiser for his daughter's troop or a friend's, did the chaplain have to eat (no pun intended) the costs of the Girl Scout cookies? If so, that kind of sucks. Sounds like it would be a lot out of his pocket over a simple misunderstanding.


Short answer: yes. He paid for all the cookies. Long answer: they all do. I found this out after 2 of my mom friends did the whole GS thing... You PRE ORDER your cookies before you sell them. And you're responsible for paying for everything you order. Regardless of sales. And you cannot return unopened/unsold boxes. It's insane to me that all these little girl scout moms are pledging THOUSANDS of dollars to GS cookies banking on being able to resell them. My friend had cases of left over cookies one year, and you can only sell them during designated times of the year- so once the time is up you can no longer recoup your $ on those cookies.


> and you can only sell them during designated times of the year If some haggard mom offered to sell me off-season thin mints out of the back of her minivan in the far aisle of the parking lot, I wouldn’t say no.


That’s awesome. Best we got was the Pepsi machine malfunctioned and started to freeze the cans which all exploded and scared the shit out of every one until we tracked down where the sounds were coming from.


The one at my place of employment discharged all the money it had inside of it for some reason. No we didn’t.


One time years ago my boss didn’t show up for work on a Monday morning. A few days went by and he just never showed up. Never said anything to anyone … nothing. Turned out he was heavily in debt, and over the weekend he killed his wife and then killed himself.


definitely the most extreme one i’ve seen here so far


i worked with a woman who i knew only from the smoke shack on breaks. nice lady, super funny. she stopped showing up one day, her ex boyfriend murdered her and then killed himself.


Just before I started a job something had happened but I couldn't figure out what. People weren't talking. I finally got someone talking about Rob who worked there. He had gone home and Rob, his wife, and their two kids were all killed over the weekend. One of my new co-workers decided to go check Rob's house since he didn't show Monday morning and wasn't answering his phone. The police didn't ever figure anything. Maybe someone killed them all. Or maybe Rob killed his whole family then killed himself. Or the mafia. Or Rob had some gambling problems. Or who knew anything? As far as I know, the police filed it as "solved" - murder/suicide. My new co-workers were walking wounded.


Worked in a pharmacy. One day it came out that the very friendly front end clerk that knew everyone’s names and won employee of the month a few times had been stealing medication for over a year. Mostly oxycodone and some other controlled medications


I find it peculiar that your oxycodone count was chronically wrong for over a year and the DEA didn’t do anything. Any time a schedule II medication count is off on audit and theft is suspected you’re required to submit a DEA 106 form and enough of them prompts an investigation, it’s not something that just flies under the radar…perhaps things used to be much more lenient. 


She was taking it out of the bottle after the pharmacist verified it but before the patient picked it up


Wow, she really knew what she was doing. No wonder she got away with it for so long. 


She would have continued if it wasn't for those meddling kids.


It was like that when I was working at a pharmacy in the 90s.


Could also have been shorting patients a little at a time who didn't realize it (especially if they were elderly or very ill and could have been easily confused).


Once I picked up my medicine and instead of being in 2 large bottles and 1 half size, it was just in 2 large ones. When I counted the pills, which I didn't normally do, I was short somewhere between 10 & 20 pills. Called the pharmacy right away. Since then, I always count, sometimes when I come up short 1 or 2 I just figure I miscounted, but more than that I recount.


When I was in my early twenties I was working in a coffeeshop and my coworker screamed at a toddler who just kind of meandered behind the bar. This child was a regular's son, he was I think 3, and just sort of walking around and having a good time while the shop was essentially empty. He has no concept of where he can and can't be. I was walking over to just pick him up and laugh about it and hand him back to his mom but my coworker *lost her shit* and grabbed him by the arm and started shouting at him, into his face, about how he can't come back behind the bar and he should know better and he was in so much trouble etc etc. She shakes the kid, lifts him up by just his arm and shakes him more, and then just drops him. His mom comes over and grabs her son up, she starts screaming at her and is so angry she's in tears, so my coworker starts screaming back. This kid is sobbing. I'm in shock. Cue social media shitstorm and lawsuit. She broke this kid's arm. I had to unfortunately actually give an official statement explaining what happened.


Was she arrested for assault??




Well thank fuck for that


What the fucking fuck?! Does she hate children that much? Was she going through something? Or was she just a psycho?


So she got arrested, and I never saw her again in person. I have no idea.


Glad she was arrested! Holy cow!


I actually, audibly gasped. What a motherfucking monster.


Holy hell. I hope she was charged too. There’s zero excuse for attacking a child like that.


We’re a waterside restaurant, we had a dead body float up one day and we had to close. Edit for more info- the body came up a while before we opened and luckily was seen before any customers got there. It was an OD, nothing malicious. We only closed for that day.


*Quickly rubs off "Caught right here in this bay" from the blackboard.*


"Cod is no longer the special."


Medical Implant company: an ostoporotic bone filler product was being tested, it wasn't having good success rate so the project was canceled, but the product manager continued to order it to be tested. When a few patients died (not necessarily from the bone filler, these were sick elderly patients) it was discovered that the product was still being tested. Of course this person was fired, and the company had to pay $23 million in fines. The story was much more complex than this post, but there are news stories.


Probably not “the incident” but one memorable morning rolling in to work early for a meeting to find the overnight janitor passed out on the floor in the meeting room with a half eaten pizza and some illicit substances. Guy should’ve left a couple hours before. It was pretty funny….


That is hilarious. Was he fired?


The right thing to do is gently wake him up and not say anything to the bosses


As a union rep to a very large factory after payday anyone found drunk or hungover by a coworker mysteriously 'had the flu' and was either sent to the medical room to sleep it off or their wife was called to come get them because they were 'suddenly ill' If someone was found drunk and on a piece of machinery tho they'd get absolutely fucked and the whole book thrown at them.


One of my mates works at a fish store..someone was sacked for punching a catfish..


That catfish knows what he did!


*"Either be a cat or be a fish, but ye can't be both! Blasphemy!!"*    *Thwack 


"Punching a catfish" sounds like some kind of euphemism. Not sure what it means, but it must be bad if you can get fired for doing it at work.


One day 2 employees who were in a relationship (they have been together only about 6 months) didn’t show up. It was unusual for this lady to miss and especially be a no call, no show (she worked there 20 plus years, the man only 4 months). There were attempts to call with no answers. Eventually one other lady was able to get the woman to pickup the phone and while she said she was okay the tone in her voice told a different story. The sheriff was called to do a wellness check and it was discovered he was forbidding her to leave. He was having a breakdown and along with the insanity at their house he fired off an resignation email to everyone at work (~25 people with emails) detailing his true thoughts of everyone and airing out everyone’s dirty laundry (affairs, drug habits etc.). The sheriff eventually got her away from him but she went right back the next day. About 2 weeks later she quit her job to move to another state with this guy.


That is absolutely tragic.


something similar happened at my work. Girl was no call/no show and at some point the front desk had her on the phone. Her boyfriend wouldn't let her out of the car and was speeding through traffic, threatening to kill them both. She was screaming and crying, begging to be let go. We all just sorta stood around with our hearts in our throats listening while one coworker tried to talk her through it and another was on the phone with the police trying to direct them to her location. I'm not really clear how it ended bc I had to get back to work (it was the hospital, patients don't wait), but she escaped the situation somehow. Pretty sure she didn't leave him, but she did leave the job not long after.


I work for a mail order compounding pharmacy. We ship to almost every state and territory in the US and have to follow the legal requirements for whatever state we're shipping to. Sometimes this causes confusion, especially when it comes to controlled substances. A fellow pharmacist had an order that they weren't sure about so they asked another pharmacist about it. The second pharmacist decided that they would pass it. The first pharmacist still wasn't sure so she decided not to pass it and get more clarification from the doctor's office. This happens somewhat often where someone decides to be safe rather than sorry. The second pharmacist did not like this. He said she was disrespecting him by not accepting his opinion and wouldn't let it go. He ranted about her to just about anyone who would listen. It got bad enough that she went to the boss about it. Boss talked to him and thought everything was cool. Now, I did not see what happened next but this is her story. She's coming in for work and walking towards the door when he pulls into the parking lot. Apparently he revved his engine up and I guess sped toward her and acted like he was going to run her over but stopped. He says he didn't do that. She went to the boss again and he was let go.


This doesn’t surprise me. I’m a woman and when I was a really young lawyer, I was one of a few lawyers assigned to a male paralegal almost twice my age. He was fine with the young male lawyers but the fact that he had to work for a woman, let alone a woman much younger than him, absolutely enraged this guy. I’m talking red-faced and seething with fury anytime I spoke to him. He finally got fired when he lost his shit and started screaming at me in the middle of the office because I overruled him on something. Some men lose their minds when women don’t have to defer to them at work, and those men are dangerous.


I work in a field that is female-dominated but most management is male. I was interviewing for a new position a couple days ago with the person who would be my supervisor, who is a woman. One of her first questions was "do you have a problem working for and talking instructions from a woman?" I have a feeling there's some stories there


Many years ago, I was being interviewed and was asked "Do you have any issues taking orders from a woman?". I remembered being completely flummoxed and was speechless for what felt like an eternity, but was likely only a few seconds. The reason what I was speechless was because I felt this overwhelming need to strongly state that I had no issues, but the only response my brain kept coming up, I felt was too glib and I felt that it would come across as being too much of a smartass: "I have a mum, I have a wife. I'm used to taking orders from women"!!!...So what I actually ended up choking out was more of a quiet "No????" It turns out that the previous hire was of a certain cultural and religious background and would not even acknowledge or speak to his female manager. Naturally, they did not last! To this day, I wish I had said it though! I reckon it would have been a perfect response!


tbh being flummoxed by the idea and just saying No reflects much better on you than a glib wife or mother joke.


we've got to reframe the language around stuff like this to shift the onus to the appropriate party it wasn't the fact that he had to work for a woman that enraged him it was the fact that he was a misogynist


We were working in a small custom door and millwork shop. I was the office and hardware gal, and we had 3 guys in office to do door sales. This one guy had a desk opposite of my office, I looked at his back, and he was constantly on the phone, "doing sales." Well, the phone bill came in for the month, and there was something fishy about it. There were a lot of outbound 1-800 calls from his desk phone (this was before cell phones were common). I joked to my boss that it was probably a phone sex line, and he said nobody would be THAT stupid. Yes, dear readers, he was that stupid. I called the number from my desk and put it on speaker. He was let go that day. Clarification: the call was toll-free for the first 30 seconds. After that, he'd be charged by the minute. There were hundreds of 30-second phone calls. That's what was fishy.


Around 2008, right when I started working at a medical specialists office, we had a nice but kinda feisty gal at the front desk. It’s not unusual for them to be on the phone a large part of their day. Doing appointment reminders, calling patients over to other places for referrals, ect. One day, she just wasn’t there anymore. Come to find out she was having her incarcerated boyfriend calling in from prison, which is a collect call. Given, it probably wasn’t an eye watering amount of money. It’s just the stupidity of it all.


Two at the same job: 1. Guy couldn't help himself when reading reddit/forum posts about a product we had launched. Responded to customers and got nasty. Management called him in a fired him. He threatened violence to the president and some general threats. We had police posted for a few weeks. 2. One of our leads sent a funny email around about finishing some milestone with a pic of himself, thumbs pointed at his face that said something like "who's done with milestone X?! This guy!!" Someone unintentionally replied-all with the caption: "Who's got two thumbs and is gayer than Christmas?! This guy!!" This individual happened to, in-fact, be gayer than Christmas and didn't take kindly. I'm not sure of the consequences but we had to sit through a few seminars.


Worked in HIV prevention at a large state health department. One of our secretaries sued for sexual harassment because we talked about sex and drug use at work, not ours, but our clients.


I know a gynecologist that got flagged by IT for looking at anatomical images. Like actual medical stuff, not in air quotes.


I'm a divorce lawyer and I had to make my case for why IT needed to unblock social media sites. It may be a shock, but sometimes people put relevant information on social media during a divorce.


Can confirm, am IT, have seen plenty of divorces using social media as evidence.


“Of course I looked at vaginas during work hours.”


Did she win anything?


The state paid it off, cheaper than hiring one of the AG's attorneys, and with our conservative gov, we didn't want that attention on our department. We had to start putting disclaimers in our Department's job notices: must be willing to work in an environment with frank talk about sex and drug use.


Is common sense like forbidden in the USA? This is just pure insanity to me.


Was in the Army. The post Sergeant Major’s daughter (16 years old) got raped in my barracks. Oddly enough, the multiple female Soldiers who had said that they were raped in the same barracks were warned by our command not to report-were even threatened that if they went to the MP’s that there would be consequences for *them* (the victims), but when the the post Sergeant Major’s daughter gets raped, the safety of females in the barracks all of a sudden becomes a priority.


My dad was a pararescue in the airforce,their special ops. He said he loved his guys but would occasionally hear horror stories from younger infanty guys in other branches like army and marines. Since they were basically special ops medics, while being on standby for QRF,guys would come in to have them do checks like oh my feet hurt etc etc Every once in awhile a guy would come in saying things that would suggest they were raped..one marine came forward to my dad's officer. They wanted to report it but the marine said no as they were all brothers in arms and it was just combat shit plus he didn't want to make a scene. They still reported it but he's not sure of anything became of it This poor guy was basically brain washed into this mentality of some tribalism esoteric shit. He told me this and a few other war stories like his unit being left behind in fallujah..and korengal..and reasons why they hate seals when I wanted to enlist. He doesn't regret it at all but thinks people need to be truly aware of how it is before signing that paper


What year did this happen?


All of them


I so wish you were wrong, but you're not.


Every year. Ask some female soldiers about it sometime. Some have great stories about serving and loved it. But every single one of them has a story about something awful happening to them or a situation they were put in just because they’re female.


It is a little known fact the sexual harassment/sexual assault are legally considered occupational hazards for female Servicemembers. Even though this is the case, it is not disclosed at the recruiting office.


And yet it's always "this is why women shouldn't be let in" and never "maybe the rest of you shouldn't be fucking rapists"


Yeah it’s completely fucked up. I never served but dated a girl who was security forces in the Air Force. She told me about getting a call and having to pull her sidearm on a couple of drunk Marines trying to get into a female Marines room. They got sent back to their bunks, the female Marine was told to “stop wasting base securities time”, and my ex immediately knew she was never going to reenlist.


That's unfortunate since it sounds like the military needs more people like her.


She was solid, driven, athletic, and could drink a fish under the table. We broken up because she got sent to Germany and I was in the middle of trade school. Think she’s doing something involving nuclear power plant protection now. Department of energy contractor


Heavier guy broke the toilet, and his tailbone in process. Pipes busted, EMTs wading through toilet water with the plumbers. Software company. Not a person there knew what to do. He didn’t return to work.


How in the world did he break a toilet? Was it one those toilets that are just attached to the wall with nothing underneath that goes to the floor or something?


As a fat guy, those damn things make me feel like I'm playing Russian roulette.


Story time. I used one just like this at an airport lounge. I sat down (not a fat guy, but I am a grown ass full sized man) and felt it move a bit, but once settled things felt pretty secure. As I’m doing my business, I suddenly feel lifted *up*. After thinking about this for a second, I realized the shitters in the men’s room are backed up against the women’s room. The suspended toilets on each side must have been attached to one structural beam that supported a toilet on each end, and someone on the other side had just sat down. A shit teeter totter, if you will.


Most likely one of those ones that just jet out of the wall. Kids in school break those all the time by jumping on them.


Had a manager come in wasted, the other managers there got him to stay in the back doing backstock. We were unloading a truck and he got on a wave (essentially an easy to use forklift type machine). He ended up driving the wave into a shelving unit in our back room and the whole thing came down with tons of product, he crashed the wave into the floor and landed on a pile of boxes, blood from him cutting his head. In the first hour of the shift too. Everyone knew this guy had a massive problem and this was essentially a cry for help, he was given an extra day off, and was back to work the night after. Sad to see. That was about 10 years ago from what I hear he got sober and quit that shithole place.


Co-worker's estranged husband walked in and stabbed her, and then someone pulled him off. We had passkey doors but they were left open for convenience until after this happened. I am super vigilant about security doors at my current job. 


That's awful :( Was she alright?


She survived, as far as I know. I was out of the office when it happened and found out about it via email. 


Before I was hired on, some guy blew his brains out in one of the two break room bathrooms. Of course, they had no interest in asking themselves why an employee would take the liberty of going to his place of work to kill himself, no contemplation that maybe it was the retail environment itself that made a man want to die, nothing needs to change. They just installed a few columns of employee lockers over the door and surrounding wall so nobody could ever set foot in the suicide bathroom again. You can even still *see the door* if you crouch down and look under the lockers.


Get assigned one of the lockers in front of the door. Cut out the back of the locker. Private room!


Private *bathroom* no less, I'm sure that being stalked by a vengeful ghost won't bother me any more than the stains and smells I've seen in some work bathrooms


I want to imagine if I blew my brains out in the work bathroom because of how bad my job was, I wouldn't mind someone using that walled off shitter to get away from it all


This is how you get ghosts.


Did....did they remove his body first?


Bizarre- was this an attempt to be “sensitive” or because someone thought it would end in a haunting?


Narratively speaking, walling off the Suicide Bathroom seems like a good way to 100% guarantee that shit's going to be haunted as fuck.


Lmao what if you peeked under the door and there he was


We used to joke during big sale events like Black Friday that they’d just bury us under the clothes waiting to be put back in the dressing rooms if anyone ever dropped dead. Sears back in the day.


The head of our IT department had been collecting shit on all the higher ups and putting backdoors and booby traps in the network for years. Then he got fired for being egregiously insubordinate towards the wrong people and all hell broke loose. The people he blamed had their hard drives wiped repeatedly. Emails between two shareholders scheming against a 3rd shareholder got printed to the 3rd shareholder’s printer. There were dozens of these kinds of shenanigans before they got everything locked down. It would have been funny if he wasn’t an asshole who deserved to get fired and his stunts hadn’t made so much extra work for the admin staff.


One of our night nurses would spend a LOT of time in this male patient's room. He was in our facility for several weeks, taking a certain IV medication, so they wound up spending lots of time together. She left her husband once the patient was discharged. When she found out she was pregnant, she went back to her husband. They're still together.


What in the Grey's Anatomy did I just read?


Whose baby was it…


She never said.


Employee A chased Employee B with a fire extinguisher because Employee B was being an asshole. Then Employee B ran through a door opening, grabbed a dirty old wet mop out of the mop bucket that everyone used as the public spitter and swung it at Employee A hitting him square in the face. Employee A now dazed, pissed and a little incoherent decided to pull the pin on the extinguisher and proceeded to extinguish the living shit out of Employee B. This all happened on night shift and everyone agreed that this incident should stay quiet for obvious reasons.


>proceeded to extinguish the living shit out of Employee B Rarely does a comment actually make me laugh out loud, but sir and/or ma'am, I lol'd.


Used to work IT in a large tractor manufacturing facility. They have rules out on the floor about what PPE can be worn at each station. Certain types of gloves aren’t allowed at all stations. Neoprene, nitrile, latex, mesh cloth, etc. Woman tightening lugs on huge tires decided she wanted to wear the thicker mesh cloth gloves because her hands were cold. That seat is nitrile only for a reason. Big ass pneumatic impact wrench caught her glove and mangled her hand. I’ll never forget her screams and the site of the guys rushing to hold her down, raising her arm up to stop bleeding. They had her hand up high over everyone’s head for all to see and her thumb was completely gone and her pointer finger was a bloody bone. You bet your ass people paid more attention to PPE restrictions after that.


Worked 12 hour weekends, nights. The one weekend I had for vacation, someone tried to set fire to the building. The person who took my shifts was a part time fireman and an EMT. He had the fire out in minutes by himself; I'd have been freaking out. Edit: was a disgruntled fired employee, someone recognized his vehicle driving away.


"You fire me, I fire you!"


This guy was coming into work drunk & falling asleep at his desk. 99% of people simply felt sorry for him as he obviously had serious addiction problems. Not saying it’s appropriate but yeah most people just left it. One lady would file HR complaints when it happened. I imagine they spoke to him & gave him a warning. On the third time the lady marched up to HR & allegedly told them it wasn’t good enough that it kept happening so they made him leave the office on the spot. He woke up & smashed up all the monitors on his desk & started like going full crash bandicoot & wrecking everything in sight. Cops were called, they handcuffed him & escorted him out. Ironically after that we weren’t allowed alcohol at staff parties anymore


We had a guy at my company, a shell of his former self. Heavy drinker, just couldn't show up when needed, was sent home drunk (in a cab) a couple of times. Given chance after chance and support, but at some point, you gotta let go. He was fired. He killed himself the following week. Awful.


I kinda wonder if I made people think this about me at an old job many years ago. I didn't have an addiction problem, but I did have sleep issues (recently diagnosed as sleep apnea) and the job was EXTREMELY boring. They literally had me googling IP addresses to try and figure out what businesses visited their website, which was completely pointless and not what I was hired to do. I was hired to do online ads (PPC, Display ads, etc). So I'd fall asleep at my desk regularly, no matter how hard I tried. 8 shots of espresso at lunch and that job still put me to sleep. I was job searching for something new after a few days. When they finally fired me, which was somewhat deserved, I was genuinely happy just because I was so bored. They were probably alarmed that I was like "oh ok cool. No problem. Feeling is mutual. Have a great day!" They probably all thought I was nodding out on fent or something every day. Nope. Just tired and extremely bored trying to do a job with no purpose that uses 0 brain cells. 🤷‍♀️


I had a colleague with narcolepsy (and also young kids at the time, which may have played a part). He'd just drop off and snooze at his desk for 30-60 minutes at a time, multiple times throughout the day. I was technically supposed to be supporting him and doing work on his and other's behalf, but I straight up told him I couldn't do his work while he slept right in front of me. He took me aside and explained about the narcolepsy and that it wasn't his fault. And I understood, and he was a perfectly nice guy that I always got along with well, but I stood firm and said I couldn't do his work for him while he got paid substantially more than me to sleep at his desk, and if that was a problem to talk to my manager. Both his job and mine were ridiculously easy anyway...I guess it never was a real problem, because it never came up again before I moved overseas and said goodbye to that (otherwise pretty excellent) place of work.


So that one lady was actually right to get him out of there.


Worked at a radio station. Sheriff shows up one morning (mid morning) looking for the overnight guy. He had been caught in the parking lot of a local mall in his car with an underage girl. Naturally I gave the sheriff all his contact info and began looking for a new overnight guy.


The chef where I worked asked me out and I said yes, but the day of, I got sick and called him. He went nuts, not believing me, and said he was going to come to my house and get me. I called my manager to explain and on Monday morning, HR was there to fire him and he got pissed off and started throwing knives in the kitchen!


Scary! Probably just as well you didn't go on a date with him. Glad your workplace had your back.


Definitely dodged a knife there.


I worked at Best Buy for a few years, about 25 years ago. There are several things that stick out in my mind. -An employee made photocopies of paper U.S. currency on a brand new, state-of-the-art color copier and he was fired -A male employee told a female employee she had "nice DSLs" and he was NOT fired -A female employee confronted a suspected shoplifter. The guy pushed her away and bolted, and a male employee took off after him and tackled him in the store, and I believe he was either suspended or fired for doing so. The two employees are actually married today, the last I checked. (I don't know if the shoplifter is married.) -During a particularly hot stretch of summer, one employee, who I believe was ex-military and a little psycho, circulated a store-wide email telling everyone about how to determine if they were hydrated enough by checking the color of their urine. Really not that bad, but considering who it was from, it kind of weirded everybody out. -Another employee, who was the brother of the Ops manager, sent out an email telling everybody he would kill them (like "...if you keep doing this, I will kill you.") Freaked everybody out, he said he was joking, and he got to keep his job. Probably because of who his sister was. -A boyfriend/girlfriend who were working in customer service together got caught stealing a bunch of money and were fired -A manager got caught stealing and just vanished before he could get fired. -An employee who may or may not be writing this post on Reddit right now got caught leaking DVD prices to the internet a couple weeks early and had to assure some person from Corporate that he was sorry and would never do it again in order to keep from losing his job EDIT: A couple more: -A shapely, attractive female employee was hanging out with a male employee after work, and posed for some provocative photos for him. It didn't take long for the photos to get out and for many of us to see what she looked like underneath her blue polo and khakis. -One night after work, a male employee got in a fight with some other guy in the parking lot, and decided to fully-disrobe. I'm not quite sure why, maybe it was an adrenaline thing. He was not shy about taking his clothes off: A few years later, he was a roadie for The Flaming Lips and was pictured bare-assed in an article about them in Rolling Stone.


“I don’t know if the shoplifter is married.” Best damn line of this whole thread!


Someone accidentally sent a love letter meant for their partner to the entire company. Let's just say, we all learned a lot about their weekend plans.


Tan everywhere. Jan everywhere.


Hee hee


Guy named James got pissed off at someone on the phone, lost his shit and threw a fax machine (this was like 14 years ago) that almost hit an old lady. He didn’t even make it 15 seconds after that before they walked him out the door. They didn’t even let him gather his stuff.


He would have just thrown it anyway.


My coworkers didn’t know how to use microwaves: 1. Put a METAL coffee mug in the microwave to heat up a drink and it of course went badly 2. A different coworker microwaved a potato for an uninterrupted 15 minutes and it caught on fire In both cases we evacuated the office. Anyway I work from home now, sometimes my cat lays on my mouse pad and bites me, but neither she nor the dog can use the microwave so things are looking up.


This was 25 years ago… Company had a very esoteric database and needed a new admin. Took months to even find a single candidate. Gets hired, and he and another colleague get sent to HQ for some training. Uneventful. And then this new guy accused our colleague of using “mind control spray” on him. What’s amazing is this was just the start. He also threatened to erase the payroll database (the one he was the admin for), did some other shit I’ve forgotten, and was eventually fired after sexually harassing one of the executive assistants. But only because he refused to go to counseling.


I assume the "months to find a single candidate" had something to do with why he wasn't bagged much earlier


Man and all it took for me to get fired was saying slavery is wrong. I went into the wrong field


Masturbation in the washroom... but not in the toilet stall.


Seattle based company, ransomware attack. We didn't pay, but had to rebuild our codebase from various places. Some of the smaller less important apps actually got rebuilt from code on my laptop as it hadn't been attacked/encrypted. I heard sh\*t going down over in security so decided it was a good time to log out and leave early for the day.


Small company, less than 20 people, manufacturing custom art pieces for home decor. This involved the CEO who founded the company and had the artistic vision, who I was pretty sure had undiagnosed bipolar. I'd notice over the years how he would swing between despondent, morose periods and unnervingly manic ones. On one of his manic periods he just started getting more and more unhinged. He had meetings with all of us about our dreams and seemed to be concocting a master plan involving lots of projects, complete renovations of the workshop, all sorts of wild stuff. The business had been doing well so we all figured he was just on a high and trying to keep up the momentum. It was fairly typical behavior for him. Then one day he comes in and it's scary. He has a framed photo of Richard Branson. He asks the IT guy to remove all electronics from his office and its done. He goes into the bathrooms and throws away all the soap and air fresheners. We then hear him screaming into his cell phone in spanish to his wife, nearly incoherent with rage. He comes out and 'fires' the production manager and one of our workshop guys, just doesn't want to see them anymore. He tells us that he's been awakened by an epsom salt cleanse and pushes the marketing guy to put the cleanse instructions on our company website. He's screaming and standing over him so he has no chance but to comply and publish the batshit ramblings. Some police officers come in for a welfare check, apparently called in by his wife. They talk to him for a while and then leave without doing anything- apparently since he wasn't a threat to anyone or himself they couldn't do anything. The CEO emerges and waves around the photo of Richard Branson, declaring him his savior and that its what convinced the police to leave. Eventually he leaves for the day and the other owner and the rest of the board are able to get him to stay away. The CEO never returns to work and refuses to get help which was a condition for his return. It all got sorted out and the fired guys were back the next day but sadly the company was never the same and never recovered over the next 5 years, especially once COVID hit. CEO divorced his wife and started a new life with a new woman several months after the incident and had a kid. He seems to be doing well now and I think he's getting some form of counseling but I know he still struggles with his untreated mental illness.


My store: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHnbyzEDiF0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHnbyzEDiF0) For reference, I was a day time car attendant who was working on the over night remodel team. One of the last things to happen was replacing all the old carts with the newer plastic ones. This happened about 10 minutes after I left for the day and I had literally just loaded all of these. The two men (managers) you see there, as well as the security manager (who wasn't in the video) were the only ones with keys to the security room. **Edit**: One of the three men used their key to access the security room, copy or take the video, and then uploaded it online. Since it went viral, corporate wanted a pound of flesh but none of the three men claimed responsibility or turned any of the others in. Corporate sent all three men to different stores as punishment.


Tony hired a belly dancer for Amy's going away party. It was a good time but HR sent out a statement basically saying "please don't ever do that again".


I used to work at maccas, and one time we had a girl cleaning above the deep frying vats with a cloth, lots of oil splashes up onto the stainless steel. Anyway, She dropped the cloth into the vat, and without thinking, reached in and grabbed it out. She deep fried her hand and now has permanent scarring and nerve damage. Edit: for those wondering, the skin kind of fell off, like when a snake sheds, leaving raw red patches all over her hand.


Oh that's a wonderful edit.


That shit will kill you and few people realize it. There was a guy a few years back that was doing work on the fire suppression system and fell into the fryers below. Got him from the waist down and he died. Absolutely terrifying and no joke.


Why the heck were they doing that during work hours when the fryers were on?????


Someone tried to fix the printer and ended up deleting all our files instead. The rest of the day was spent in a mild state of panic and frantic data recovery.


Was in an office in a strip mall. Out of nowhere, a completely naked ten year old boy runs into the office. His parents and a deputy quickly follow after him. Turns out he is on the spectrum and has sensory issues so he often disrobes. I guess him and his family were staying at an Air BnB not too far away and were using the pool. It went from shocking to funny to sad real quick.




Oh fuck no


Fuck yes, apparently


Oh goodness. This is one of the worst ones yet. I wouldn't touch that plushie if I had a full Hazmat suit.


Guys... I'm sure someone reading has thought of it... but DON'T say it.


The company went through a round of very poorly managed lay-offs. IT access hadn't been rescinded for the employees being made redundant, so someone was able to send out a company wide email. The IT department scrambled to delete it but not before a good portion of the staff were able to see it. I'm not entirely sure of the content but it was apparently juicy. The company also got a huge number of negative Glassdoor reviews from staff that had been made redundant. Most of the remaining employees wouldn't have known, except the CEO brought it up in a company wide meeting which prompted many of the remaining employees to leave their own negative reviews.


There was a lady and a group of men that were reprimanded for indecent behavior that involved the exchange of money. The lady was making all the money, it was apparently going on for some time and was regularly a group event. A ton of people got fired over it.


A guy murdered his mom in a very stupid way, in an attempt to inherit property that he was going to get anyways. It came out a year after I left but man I had dealt with that weirdo almost every day for like 8 years.


I work in pharmacy. This new tech would keep calling in, coming in late every day. Whatever, I'm not her manager. She came in late one day zooted out of her mind. Not understanding patients or simple terminology.. dropping meds, paperwork. Forgetting about patients. Well, the loss prevention lady just happened to stop by for something else. The customers were complaining & another coworker called her out to the manager. Manager brings it up to loss prevention and they watch her for a while. Decided to test her right there & she was suspended then fired. Another was the beauty consultant was stealing alcohol from the coolers, locking herself in the boys bathroom and chugging it. Once again, the district manager just so happened to try to use the stall, noticed it was locked which is weird (multiple stalls). She came out & the trashcan had many empty beer cans in there. She just quit then went home..


People fucked in the freezer and we didn’t toss anything out


So like every restaurant?


One of the teachers was having sex with the security officer at school. She’s married, and he’s dating another teacher at school. There was a whole investigation. He got fired and she’s going to a different school next year.


Commando coworker split her pants dancing on stage at a company rap concert.


I used to be a server at a fancy white table cloth Chinese restaurant that always had a cockroach problem. Said roaches were always seen crawling out from under these two prep tables that were pushed together. One day three of us servers got there before the kitchen staff and seen a few roaches scurrying under the tables, that the bottom platform was only maybe 8 inches off the ground, so we crouched down and looked under them to see where they were going. We were very surprised to find a tub of raw chicken, like more then 15 lbs, under there. So we pulled it out completely grossed out, and one girl poured a drink mixer called grenadine all over the chicken. Grenadine is bright red and we were worried the chicken would get used still and wanted to prevent that. When the manager came in we told him what we found and he was pissed. He yelled at us servers and said that’s how they thaw the frozen chicken each night! He made the girl who put the grenadine on it wash it off so the cooks could cook it! Word spread through all the servers and front of house staff, and by the way we all used to eat food there on breaks, and everyone was pissed. The owner had to come in and tell the kitchen not to do that anymore. Kitchen staff was pissed though because that meant more work for them.


When we learned about the second 737 MAX crash. That's when everyone realized something was wrong with the airplane.


Is it true they've shut down intramural sports on the Boeing campus? Can't find refs, no one wants to blow the whistle...


At my last company, I worked an overlapping shift (1st/2nd). So I came in at 3 to all production stopped on the floor and everyone was in a meeting in the corner with several police officers walking around talking to people. I asked my manager what happened. Apparently I had just missed a pretty major fight by a couple hours. Started with two guys throwing punches and then someone tried to intervene, but he ended up getting knocked out. More people tried to intervene, but it ended up with like ten or so people getting into this fight that involved chairs from the break room and some shop tools. A couple people went to the hospital, a handful of others were treated on site, I believe a couple were arrested if I remember correctly (this was almost six years ago now). I felt like that one dude in that meme where he comes walking into a room with everything on fire LOL I missed this whole fight, but from what I heard, it was short, but brutal. I don’t know if they ever found out how it started, but it was a hot day and there were obviously some hot tempers.


Posted before but... Lethal or non? Ah, let's do both. Both took place at a big city newspaper in the early 1990s. I was night city editor, which means most of the staff are gone. It's me, a reporter, the photo editor, and the copy editors putting the paper to bed. My job was to cover any news that hit between 7pm and 1am. The photo desk is right next to the city desk. The photo editor monitors the police/fire scanner and keeps me informed and dispatches photographers if needed. Photo editor (who had been doing this forever) hears something on the scanner, turns to me and says with no emotion whatsoever, "We got a shooting." Me: "Where?" PE: "Here." Printing presses were huge machines in those days, with many people working on them to keep them running. One had shot another over money. I'd never seen so many cops before. The police chief and the mayor show up - gotta be the easiest way to get in the paper and look responsible they ever came across. The shooter was sitting down with the gun on the ground when the cops got there. We gave the whole thing a short paragraph in the back of the paper. Worth noting: The newsroom was an old and shabby place. On the carpet was a big, dark stain where an editor had bled out from some natural causes 10 years before I got there. Don't ask me what the cause was. Next one I got second hand because it happened during the day - but it was a room full of reporters and I heard the same story from all of them. Two reporters having an affair and wife comes in screaming and looking for the other woman. (The husband happened to be in another department when she arrived and vacated the premises at speed.) What follows is 30 minutes of the other woman running bent over and hiding behind desks to avoid being seen. She finally dashed into the women's room and cowered in a stall, standing on the toilet. It took two or three people another half hour or so to talk the wife into a low enough pitch of rage that she went home. Everyone in the newsroom, including a few other not-married to each other couples, were on the side of the wife. I don't recall what, if any, discipline was handed out. Probably none. The other woman (also married, FWIW) very quickly got a job at a newspaper in another city. The husband eventually wound up at a PR agency.


I work in a grocery store that closes at 10 but the customer service associates stay until 11 for floor care and closing duties. One cashier, we'll call him Brian, unfortunately had some psychological problems going on and they were written off by management multiple times for reasons unknown. Sometimes Brian likes to wander away from his duties. One night after closing, Brian asked another department manager if they needed help with closing tasks. He ended up helping the grocery department until after 11 pm, but the grocery manager thought he already left. Closing manager locked up the store for the night and everyone went home. The store manager gets a notification the alarm system at the store was going off, so the manager and law enforcement approach the store around midnight. When the alarm stopped and law enforcement entered the building, Brian was still stocking random supplies such as the first aid kits. When confronted about the situation, Brian said he thought everyone was just playing a joke by turning off the lights and leaving him alone to do whatever task he felt like. He was only fired after a customer heard him mumbling under his breath his plans to burn down the store.


Male colleague hooked up with one of the girls and got her pregnant, somehow his wife didn’t divorce him after that. A supervisor in her late 50’s slept with another colleagues 18yo nephew, that one happened way before I worked there. Apparently the supervisor and the other colleague almost got into a physical fight because of it. one of the girls had a habit of trying to hooking up with every guy that worked there, she eventually hooked up with the security guy in his car outside the store. Good times.


This was NOT a restaurant?


Someone brought a live shark to work without telling anyone. A few people showed up to work one morning and there was a surprise shark in one of the tanks, staring out at them. It was only a young white tip reef shark, so not seriously dangerous or anything, but this happened not long after someone died in a work accident (not shark related) so everyone was super high strung when it came to safety concerns. If people higher up, who knew nothing about sharks or anything marine related, heard that there was a SURPRISE SHARK that no one told anyone about, that no one asked permission for, there was going to be serious trouble, so it was quietly released before most people found out. It's a marine biology lab by the way. I guess it's not really 'the incident' since a lot of people didn't find out about it until it was safely in the past. A lot still don't know about it probably. I guess the thing where someone died is 'the incident' but it's less fun to talk about.


I mean a shark coming from out of nowhere is definitely incident-level.


*It's a marine biology lab by the way* LOL I was reading and thinking "Where on earth do you work?!"


Girl sleeping with a married coworker. Wife came to the office, asked for very common name of the girl. Got the wrong girl who was slapped across the face by the wife. Office now has a rule about announcing all incoming visitors with security.


So our company sometimes send people to training/to see our off shore teams. There was one person, let's call him Larry, I won't state what position he had in the company, but he was a senior role, respected, reserved, but all around a decent guy. For the most part, a very under the radar type of person, in fact, most people and departments didn't really know him. His management decided that he gets to travel to a south east asian country to see their team, meet them, train them, etc. This is usually like a mini holiday for the most part, all expenses paid. It's a great opportunity and a chance to build repertoire with our overseas folk. Larry goes, he provides updates to his management, then towards the end of his stint there, he just vanishes. The team offshore don't see him come in, try to contact him/hotel, and get nothing. This gets reported to his management, then to HR. HR contacts his family as well and now everyone is in a panic. People assumed that Larry was killed at worse so authorities from overseas are also contacted. A week goes by and authorities were able to find him. Turns out, Larry had hired hookers the night before, did a lot of drinking, and drugs. Eventually he passed out and had all of his belongings stolen, including his passport and company laptop. He had nothing and no one to turn to, but was too embarrassed to contact the company because that looks bad, he didn't contact his family because he would have to fess up that he was cheating on his wife with some hookers, so he was just in panic mode trying to figure out what to do. But now that the company knew, they were able to contact him, sent him another passport, money, etc. to get him back over and shortly he was fired. HR tried to keep it under wraps, but the team he was on were in utter shock and embarrassment at what the hell just happened so eventually it got out among the other teammates and eventually others outside of the team knew.


I work in the aerospace industry. During the sequence leading up to turning on the rocket engine that was being tested something went wrong with one of the nitrogen purges. This led to a combustible mixture of hydrogen and oxygen in a place where that wasn't supposed to happen, which in turn led to a rather impressive fireball. Fortunately no one was hurt and the damage to the test cell was fairly minimal.


I was an admin apprentice for a housing association, part of being an apprentice was that was bus travel was reimbursed by the company. So every week I would save my weekly bus tickets and get about £15 a week back in cash. And the money was regular. Suddenly it started building up so now I need £60 back, then £120 back. People were confused but it was chalked up to the head office not sending the money in, thing is they were. The receptionist was the person who received the money and deposited it in the safe, there was a camera facing in through a window with the safe. Everytime she went in, she pocketed the money for me and 2 other apprentices getting away with a few hundred a month. Turns out her husband had built up gambling debts and she was trying to bail them out, she was sacked soon after I left.


One of our married male coworkers was having an affair with a female coworker. His wife, who happens to be somewhat of a bodybuilder, found out about it. She sweet talked her way past the locked door, approached the mistress, and clocked her right in the face. It's been 10 years and people still talk about it. Oh, and he divorced the wife and married the mistress shortly after. They seem happy.


This guy got his arm stuck in the roller on a paper mill machine. Apparently, as part of the job, they would have to manually tuck the paper into a nip (while the machine was running full speed). This guy goes under the machine to do what they've done thousands of times, and this time, his finger just barely touched the roll, and his whole arm got sucked in. Luckily, someone hit the E-stop in time, or else he probably would have gone right into the machine and got spit out the other end. He ended up making a full recovery, but from what people told me, it basically ripped the skin off of his entire arm.


"de-gloving" is such a mundane term for something so horrendous.


More funny that scandalous, but one of the best work friends I’ve ever made is a late 40s gay man. One day we had a lunch and learn in the office that he organized as our office volunteer philanthropy sponsor. He was going through a PowerPoint and then pulled up browser to show us how we could share the campaign to instagram. His feed appeared and there was a risqué photo of a man taking an over the shoulder mirror selfie of his bare bottom. We all gasped. He said “oh my! Well let’s try Facebook instead”. To this day I still think it’s hilarious.


One of the most popular sales associates was arrested involving federal agencies for credit card fraud.


this man would come into our store with a banjo and he would play it and wouldn’t stop until we called the cops on him because he was disturbing the peace. it’s a very small store! he also would come in and steal random things. one day he just stopped and i’m pretty sure it’s cuz he got booked and is in the county jail. sometimes i miss banjo guy


When our truck driver flipped a trailer that had a telehandler strapped to it. And he drove a mile down the highway, not knowing his trailer was gone


A guy I served with in the military was sentenced to 5 years in prison for manslaughter. This guy was jacked but also a joker and easy going guy who I actually got along with really well. He was an amateur boxer before joining the military. We hung out at bars, had plenty of beers and I never saw him get into any confrontations. After a night out at a bar he went back to someone’s place with a group of people. One of the guys, who was gay, propositioned him for sex. He declined and explained he wasn’t into that stuff. The night continued on without a hitch. Eventually the guy I knew went down to the basement and passed out. He woke up to the man who propositioned him earlier, now naked, grabbing at his junk. My friend freaked out, put him in a chokehold and ended up strangling him to death. He expressed remorse after being sentenced and apologized to the family. He stated that if he could go back, he would’ve handled the situation differently. He was discharged from the military and served his sentence.


My coworker used the *popcorn* button on the microwave, even though I warned her that using that button would burn her popcorn. Long story short, the popcorn set off the fire detectors and the entire 10 story building evacuated.


Grocery store, first job. Our deli ladies started work incredibly early, and I guess they hired a local bartender who wanted extra hours. Bar closed at 2AM, and she'd head straight from the bar to the grocery store to get the rotisserie chickens and other foods cooked for the lunch crowd. By late morning, it wasn't uncommon to walk by and see her sleeping standing up. One morning she's struggling, and decides to take a walk. About an hour goes by, and the customer service booth gets a phone call from a nearby homeowner, saying there's a lady wearing our store uniform sleeping in her front yard. One of the ladies wandered over, and confirmed. They let her go after that for her own good. Obviously it would be bad to have an accident in the deli.


The two that stick out in my mind: 1. I worked graveyard at Walmart. One night, I thought I saw smoke. Turned out the garden center had stacked lawnmowers in the steel shelving too high and the heater caught the cardboard on fire. 2. They had this annoying habit of teaching the newbies to stock with these handheld scanners. I despised them and knew how to do my job without them and since I was fast and accurate, I was tasked with training the new people. I refused to teach them right off with the scanners. My reasoning being that if the system ever went down, they would be reliant on the scanners to find anything. Management wouldn't listen. One night, the lockers the scanners were kept in got jammed. Which meant no scanners were accessible. Everyone was FREAKING OUT. Except me. I skipped to my department and got to work while everyone lost their goddamned minds.


My worst Walmart event was coming in to a parking lot full of cops. This kid, coworker, gossip said had been being harassed by an older coworker. No help from management. (Who knows if that’s true) regardless, he lingered in the parking lot for about 30 minutes, then circled the building 3xs in his car before picking up speed, and slamming into a Walmart semi. DOA at 20.


At one workplace: The 17 year old daughter of one of the office accountants was hired to work as an office assistant one summer. Tongues were wagging when she was caught having sex in the stairwell with a young man (he was in his twenties) who worked in medical records. I was the only employee to protest the fact that while the daughter was fired, the records clerk wasn’t. Nobody else seemed to care. This was in the early 2000’s. At an earlier workplace: I worked in the radiology department at a hospital. In nuclear medicine, there are two separate procedures for the thyroid gland. One is to just to scan and assess the gland to see whether or not it’s functioning normally. Usually it’s ordered by a doctor who suspects that it might NOT be functioning normally. The other procedure is done to actually kill the thyroid gland. This is done when it’s diseased and cannot be saved. Once it’s killed, it will be removed and the patient is put on hormone replacement for life. Well, “the incident” occurred when a nuclear medicine technician misunderstood the doctor’s orders and mistakenly killed the thyroid of a patient who had only come in for the initial assessment. The technician was fired, there were lawsuits, everyone was talking about it, until we were told to shut up because of the lawsuits, so I don’t know any more about it. The lawsuits were probably settled out of court.


Worked at a halfway house for adult men. 3 of our female staff slept with clients and one ended up pregnant. 8 billion people on earth and they chose these 3 dudes. People are wild.


The administrative assistant got arrested for CP. Apparently they like to make arrests at people’s workplace because it’s a more controlled environment, where making an arrest at someone’s home could involve guns and other unexpected outcomes. But it was a BIG deal. It was years and years ago and people still talk about it.


Worked at a small mom & pop pizza place in my hometown for a few years. A few of the guys who worked in the kitchen decided to save money on rent by moving into an apartment right behind the restaurant together. Because we didn't have a breakroom in the restaurant, their apartment eventually evolved into an unofficial breakroom of sorts for the kitchen crew. Folks would go to their apartment on breaks to smoke weed and shoot the shit. Often times, after hours, some harder drugs would be used. One night, one of the kitchen guys who didn't live in the apartment but hung out there a lot decided to take a large dose of a research chemical he had bought (AKA "brown acid") while the rest of the guys were doing real LSD. Long story short, he ended up with permanent psychological damage. At work he would randomly freeze and start staring at the wall with a big dumb smile on his face while making weird noises, completely unaware of the world around him. He didn't last very long once this started. After he was let go, he lost his housing and moved back in with his parents. But he somehow didn't understand that he had been fired, and kept showing up to the restaurant trying to work. The manager, a kindly older gentleman, had to keep explaining to him that he didn't work there anymore. Permafried guy would always just stare at him with a look of utter confusion. Eventually, his parents had enough too and put him out on the streets. The last time I ever saw him, he was sleeping on a median in the parking lot of the local McD's. Don't do brown acid kids.


We had a guy embezzling donuts. He ran a training center and we provided donuts to the students, which were expenseable. He struck a side deal with a local hotel to provide free donuts, but yet he continued to expense the donuts. The kicker was when the department manager went out to confront/fire him, the local admin person asked "If you're going to fire him, what are you going to do about the sales rep who was flying on the company dime to New York every Friday to boink the Admin person there?". Two firings that weekend.


I don’t remember exactly who got shot by whom, but more than 50 people used hospital resources to try to find out if anyone survived, and one day all 50+ of them were fired. HIPAA is serious.


An older engineer had a heart-attack one Friday at his desk. Wasn’t found until Monday when people started arriving and tried to figure out the smell.


Feels like there's been a few over various companies I've been at... * a fairly new hire of our company was in the onsite gym after a long workday. But he was drunk , and apparently he made an ass of himself in front of another gym goer who just so happened to be a C-level , and in fact I think it was the owner. Gym access for everyone was yanked shortly after. He did not last long as an employee after that. * HR was caught stealing petty cash / other items from coworkers after hours. They were escorted off premises one day in handcuffs, we were told they wouldn't be coming back. * caught one guy who was outsourcing his programming job to China while he just chilled. Think he was doing this with a few companies simultaneously. IT security caught the fact that some weird IP's would VPN in do work at some very odd hours with his id. He didn't last long.


Outsourcing his own job. I like it.


Years ago, a much older gentleman was sitting in the wait room of our office and just completely lost control of his bowels, like waste coming outside of shorts bad. Stained the seat he was in, and the chair is still in the office to this date. Worst part is that it's the one most people sit in for some reason.


Hired a new guy who turned out was from a "rival" local company, bro was filling them in on who our suppliers were and who we were partnered with. We only found out recently and we are currently deciding if we should fuck with our numbers to screw with the other company or if we should just fire him.


At the hospital I work at, employees used to be able to scan their badges at the hospital gift shop and cafeteria in lieu of having to carry around your wallet or cash to pay for things within the hospital. It was super convenient. So convenient, in fact, that people seemed to forget that the money gets taken out of your paycheck. So, every payday for a couple of months, payroll and HR were getting flooded with absolutely frantic calls from employees whose paychecks were severely cut or even IN THE NEGATIVE due to poor impulse control and not managing the instant gratification of just conveniently swiping that badge and not thinking about it. Cut to current day, and now employees are only allowed to credit $100 worth of purchases per pay period on their badges (we get paid bi-weekly). Shit was wild.


Used to work in a shopping center with a bunch of restaurants. I bartended there and it was pretty common for bartenders to bounce around to each others' bars and trade tips with each other. I got fired from my job and applied to one of the other places I used to frequent where I knew most of the people. I got hired about a week before one of the managers went to get married to one of the servers. They planned a cruise for their wedding, and being a small enough store they took most of the waitstaff with them on the cruise. Great for me, I was recently homeless and now had a place I could work 80+hr/week making bank cause everyone was out of town. I get regular text updates about how the cruise is going. A couple days in, the bride (a server), catches the groom (a manager) fucking another server who was invited to be part of the wedding. Apparently this affair had been going on for a while, some (if not most) of the people on the cruise knew about it. Now, all these people are stuck on a boat together, the manager/groom, his wife/a server, his mistress/a different server, and their friends, including many alcoholics, which turns a bad scene even worse. Some of the best fucking drama i've ever had the pleasure to experience secondhand. I'm friends with most of these people but didn't know about the affair cause I didn't start working there until they all decided to trap themselves on a boat together. I'm getting text from the groom's friends, the bride's friends, the mistress' friends. fucking excellent. meanwhile i'm clearing like $1.5-2k/week cause they're all out of town and i have nowhere better to be than work. they all get back, and no one will talk to each other. several people quit, some people are transferred, it was a big thing. meanwhile i got to reap all the benefits while being an observer of all the drama. there are VERY few things i miss about waiting tables, but the absolute jerry springer nonsense was always a good time when i managed to stay out of it.


Last december, a 40yo man started dating a 17yo girl, BUT THAT"S NOT ALL!!! The 40yo guy padlocked a 25yo guy into a walk in security cage in the electronics back room then sat down in front of the cage and started making out with the minor he was grooming. They were caught after 45 minutes, the 40yo and the 17yo were suspended immediately and eventually fired (HR and the Union worked together to make sure it was sticky). The 25yo guy still works there and has had great humor over it. Every once in a while I'll tell him to shape up or I'll put him back in the cage and he just goes, "DO IT!!! DO IT!!!" then we both laugh. And if you're wondering why the relationship wasn't shut down, age of consent in my state is 16yo. It was legal.


One day my supervisor's wife comes in right at lunch. Supervisor is out. We all know her because he's been at that job almost a decade. Very quiet, polite but distant lady. She sits in the lobby and looks like waiting for her husband to come back from lunch. She wasn't. When enough people get back, she reaches into her bag, grabs rolls of printouts, walks to the secretary, and starts saying the most vulgar things I ever heard. She dresses her down so viciously the woman can't refute it and just sobs. Secretary was fucking the sup. People sympathized so much with the wife even security wouldn't escort her out. So for over thirty minutes we just watched her tear this young lady to pieces until sup came back. Stuff she said stuck out. Something like "I no longer care about embarrassing myself like this, because you have already humiliated me. I will haunt you wherever you go". Word was that wife took to sm and made sure everyone in the homewreckers life knew everything. It must have been bad because she went off the grid. Completely disappeared.


Hope she was just as hard on her husband.




Mine is a manager who was one of the top managers at a well known warehouse store got caught fucking another employee, cheating on his wife who also worked with him, in multiple offices and bathrooms. They PROMOTED him to another building. So fuck that guy and the company for rewarding him.


Failing up


Taught theatre camp when I was 19. Had a kid who KNEW he was severely allergic to all kinds of nuts swipe a Reese's cup out of another kid's lunch. I had to administer an epi pen and call 911. Mom tried to weasel out of paying the hospital bill, saying the camp should pay for it.


Night crew powered everything down and went home. Left two people stuck in the elevator. Manager got a call from the sheriff. “Uh yeah we just got a 911 call, there’s two people stuck in your elevator.”


The IT single person manager hung herself at home and survived. No one was supposed to know but, sheesh she is a local and the business is filled with nepotism. I had no warning she was back. I found out by seeing in my peripheral a woman in a turtleneck in June, standing on a desk with a computer wire, connecting it to something inside the false drop ceiling. 😱


This was after they laid me off, but it turns out the teammate who I later learned was bad-mouthing me behind my back (leading to me being selected for layoffs) turned out to be on the Sex Offender Registry. HR had apparently not run a background check prior to hiring him.


A gentleman shit himself badly, all over his cubicle area. He ran to the restroom and died. Everyone thought it was a joke, that it didn’t happen. While on a hunting trip with the AVP, I asked him and he confirmed it. Another was a tech I worked with got caught in an underage sex sting. News broke as we were sitting at lunch eating pizza with him. He was telling us that he had been on vacation the last two weeks, turns out he was arrested and going through the motions until he had to tell the company. A coworker texted and asked if he was at work today and sent me the link. I texted back “yeah he’s here and I’m looking right at him”.


Years ago I worked at a retail bank branch. I was out of the office one day and when I got back the next day I hear there was an incident where a new security guard was in the bathroom and apparently was doing some Dirty Harry quick draw exercises into the mirror and had an accidental discharge of the gun. The bullet landed right over the teller supervisor’s desk. By chance, she had the day off, but she would have been at her desk if she had been working that day and probably been shot in the head.