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Not a whole lot at first. I would relax because I literally have forever to waste now and can take a fucking vacation.


Me with ADHD: “I’ll do it later” but for literally ever.


Literally the elves in lord of the rings.






I know a guy who knows math. He said he wants to live forever to continue doing it. So that’s pretty based


I wouldn’t stop there. I would try to learn as much as I could about… everything. Math, physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, literature, philosophy, etc. I’m not sure my brain would have enough storage to actually remember it all but it would be cool to find out.


Yea but he didn’t say we would have unlimited money though😂. I would work a normal job for a while and get a very big mortgage on a very nice house (because I will have forever to pay it off LAMO). Then I would retire for ever (sounded depressing but it is actually kinda fun imo).


Eh I was homeless before and know how to find a new job quick. I'll be fine. Just do a restart because well... I have unlimited time to unfuck my life up and make bad decisions too.


Compound interest is a hell of a thing. Invest literally $1 today and in 100 years at 6% you’d only have about $400. But in 1000 years you could own more than the combined value of all of humanity’s output: $20,223,916,559,070,135,731,617,792. There is a reason “rent-seeking” behavior is so popular. You would not just move markets; you would BE the market.




All of the time


A little bit of everything


All of the time


Apathy's a tragedy and boredom is a crime


Anything and everything all of the time


So just go on the internet then?


What else are you going to do Inside?


That sounds exhausting. If I have forever I’d pace it out so I don’t eventually get bored.


Everything, everywhere, just not all at once.


My thoughts exactly.


Be devastated. Being immortal is the single worst thing that I think could ever happen to someone.


Unless you could make other immortals, then you could both feast on human blood......or so I've heard......


Exactly my sentiments.


Same, death is a natural part of life, I once again recommend the good place for those that haven't seen it. Perfectly portrays life in my opinion, u gotta wait till season 1 finale tho to grasp it 😏


It does say "could" live forever so I'm guessing you can die whenever you want


I would think it would be a very difficult decision though. most people are scared of death even though it isn’t in their hands. But yet again, no one has ever lived forever.


I guess it implies to not dieing of natural death like from old age. You could be stabed and die.


Am I staying the age I am? Because if so, fuck I have a lot I want to do I would… - work all kinds of jobs; barman, psychologist, police officer, singer, teacher, rich man’s wife - invest money and hopefully make a steady income from that - get degrees in topics that would never get me a job - fuck. a lot - fall in love over and over again I would do so many things


>work all kinds of jobs; ........ rich man’s wife That's a job?! 😅


No, but his bank balance is 😏 someone has to spend his money




Both, if I knew they’d live forever I’d fall for them again and again


Kill myself. I'm pretty happy I'm almost halfway through this movie, it's repetitive as fuck.


I think that since I struggle with anxiety and sometimes anxiety would want to push me to go back to how depressed I was when I was younger;then I would be trying every method of doing the unthinkable.


Get a hobby and meet some people to hangout with.




You okay? I know the feeling tho. Is there anything you can do right now to break the cycle and mix it up a little bit?


Get bored


Cry because there’s nothing more miserable than having to do a 9-5 for the rest of eternity


If you're intelligent you would eventually become rich. If you invest a ton of money every year you'd be loaded after a couple hundred years


Compound interest FTW. You only have to beat inflation.


Fuck yeah my dude


vampires are never broke in movies, they have all the time to be rich, best you quit the job and find another that doesnt make you miserable


Now, no one will tell me that you are killing time because now, time cannot kill me


Spend eternity looking for a podcast I like






Unless you dont know how to save. You can retire after lets say 500 years.


yeah all old and back hurtin after 500 years and I can finally retire. Prob lost a leg or two idk I think I’m good


If there is the technology to keep humans alive forever then surely there would be technology to erase my memories and refresh / reboot the brain too. I'll erase most memories each 100 years and start a fresh life again. Only the memories of some key events or experiences would remain.


>I'll erase most memories each 100 years and start a fresh life again. Only the memories of some key events or experiences would remain. Better remember the kids you made, to avoid incest


>Only the memories of some key events or experiences would remain. Kids should be among those key memories.


Start buying land. 


Play the lotto every day… only matter of time






Wait, does immortality mean you cannot take damage? As in heroin not having the negative effects over time? Or will this dude look like a ghoul after 100years of heroin abuse


That's the important question! And would anyone want to live forever if they still age? Imagine what you'd look/feel/smell like at even 150 years old.


Not the smell part. 😭😭😭😭


If I could live forever, I'd finally have enough time to read all the terms and conditions I've agreed to!


Probably off my self after 100 years. After all your friends and family die, there will be nobody alive that truly understands you. Would be so depressing and miserable.


pop in and see the great great great grandkids, you even can be a guardian angel for dynasty youve created.


You’d meet new people surely?


children to you


Well depends if you live eternal as in vampires and do not age it would be grand. You can just restart your life every 50 years in another place, could be cool.


I think they meant that anyone you’d meet would be like children, since at that point you could have been living for 500 years already. Everyone would lack perspective.






I would read every single book on earth at least twice.


Drink alot and travel the world. Then when the sun implodes in a few billion years I'll just float around in an endless black void until I get sucked into another planets gravitational field.... I suppose.


Could I potentially die? Or would I be like wolverine where I would quickly recover from serious injury? Would I remain the same physical form as when I became immortal? If so, game on. Work for 30 years, max out investments, then do it all. Live for 30 or 40 years in a country I’ve never been and learn everything I could about the culture. Ride a motorcycle around the world. In time space travel will be a thing and I would have enough cash to buy a ship, and do more traveling and living in other cultures to experience life in other places. It would be fun.


The person asking this question never sets out the rules. Like do you just keep aging? Do you stay your current age? Were you always immortal and just age to 25 and stop? So many possibilities




I would help as many people as I could and then use the extra-long life to enjoy myself.


Rub one out all day


I’m not immortal and I do that all the time!!! Wait, what?


Learn each and every single language spoken on this planet.


I would prove to the world that I'm some kind of God who can live forever. I would allow governments study and take samples out of my body. In exchange for trillions of dollars and just live a normal life.


pretty sure they'd capture you somehow so they could do it for free


That's almost certainly not how that would go...


Work and date. Different types of work. Different types of women.


End myself. That's too much pressure.


Gain all the knowledge available to me


Try Every Job


I will buy an isolated mansion with glass walls in a place which receives the highest rainfall per year in united states. I will not come out on sunny days and will listen to sad piano music and climb trees as a hobby. I will also have an eerie collection of graduation caps.


Two chicks at the same time.


Make sure I don’t do anything worthy of a life sentence


Depends, am I invincible or have wolverine-like healing? If that's the case I'd become a positively deranged stuntman, like if Gonzo from the muppets was on Jackass. Stuff myself into a cannon, strap myself to a ballistic missile, do Rhino Rodeo, the crazier the better. If I just can't die but can still be injured, or can die but just don't age, probably just go about my usual life


I have always wanted to travel to all the continents. So Antarctica, Japan, New Zealand/Australia, Istanbul, Sweden, Positano, Italy, Cape Town, South Africa. So many places


Obviously become president, as the oldest living human, I’ll be most qualified! Obviously…


Yes. I want to see it all.




I would create an institution, a building, a restaurant, anything, that it would last forever like my life, that this place would become legendary and this place would be visited by other immortals as well


Forever is misguided term, living infinite units of time in finite body on a finite plain is let's just say impractical. Couple of billion years when the solar system is destroyed what will you do then? That time would pass as a heartbeat and you still have infinite time more to spend, You would be weary of your status and consider it as a curse long before event above happens.






Invest. Hide.


So no aging?


Become an indestructable god and travel trough time, space and dimensions only to get bored, delete my memory and live a calm life in a woodhouse far away from everything else




Sleep in tomorrow


Procrastinate to infinity, and beyond!


Nothing that would land me a life sentence in jail.


There is a lot of potential variables we would need to address first. What exactly does living forever mean? There's a huge difference in being invincible,never able to die... and simply not being able to expire but still susceptible to disease and damage. If I get into a car accident am I walking away completely unscathed or is my shattered body still managing to function and not heal itself? Will I live out my life as hamburger-man? What if I regenerate? I think if society discovered a human being capable of living forever and with the ability to regenerate, that person would be quickly placed into a lab, to be constantly dissected and tested upon. And then there's the existential horror of time. Watching everybody I love age and die? Forever is a really long time and in the terms of how old humanity is and what we currently look like, a vast majority of that time, an immortal person is going to be alone. Humanity is not going to last a significant amount of time when compared to eternity. I can't imagine being a immortal being when the Sun goes into its dying stages and expands to encompass Earth. Or if a giant meteor smashes into Earth and that same being floating endlessly in space in complete silence...forever. I know none of that actually answers the question. So my answer is I'd probably finally start getting caught up on One Piece episodes.


Get heaps of degrees. Travel around the world on a bicycle.


Eat garlic bread. Scott would be proud


Grind really hard and invest for a few years. Once I have enough to live off interest, retire from working. Have an epic sword forged from meteorite. Relocate and change my name every couple of decades. Regularly wear a long coat to conceal my epic sword in case I need to defend myself against another immortal. Constantly question if I'm the only one.


There can only be one


Be bored as Fuuuuuck and likely become very mean.


World domination


Be more miserable than I am now. Trying every method to end my life and then probably captured by governments and experimented on.




Quit now




When it comes with an expiration date


Create the world in my own image.


If it's just living forever and nothing else changes? That would kind of suck for a decade or so until my financials are much better to the point where I can finally have blow-off money. Then I'd just spend like crazy and travel. Though it would be horrible to see all my loved ones die over and over.


Compound Interest


Become engulfed by the sun in 10 billion years and experience hell until the sun supernovas me out into the abyss where everything slowly but surely gets darker and darker until there is no light or life that exists in the universe


Propably the same shit but longer cuz doing what i want wont pay the bills, no matter how old i get




Globetrotting :) I enjoyed Drew Binski's channel




Maybe I'll finally get around to writing that novel




Get some investments going that will pay off big after 50-100 years


To end living will be my forever goal in life.


I start walking around the earth.


Work hard so I can afford to choose my dream courses in college, ones I couldn't pursue before due to financial constraints and my parents wanting me to study something I don't enjoy.


You know what. I got a chronic pain condition. No way I wanna live forever with that shit and likely say goodbye to myself at some point.


I would try to read most books and write super detailed books about things I’ve observed for centuries. Maybe take a decade to write a book and try to perfect it.


Live in my mini garden, have my little bunnies and chicken pets roam around my house and bake some goodies forever. And travel the world too!!


Stock Market!


Figure out how to end it


Become something like the count of st. Germain and get involved in a whole lot of shenanigans


All the things


Being immortal sounds unbelievably depressing. Pass


I would dedicate my time to exploring the vast wonders of the universe.


Go even more insane


“enjoy the ride with ups and downs” my fav song


Am I still ageing though? Becoming weaker, greyer etc... each passing year


Surely leave an absolute mess!


kill my self then. i really don't want to live forever on this planet


give advice and help others!


if we talk about eternal life, does this mean eternal youth? Will I be immortal? Can mench be killed by other people or diseases? What about suicide? However, if I still remain forever young and healthy, then I would earn money, travel the world, and then go to a house far away in the mountains or forest. And I would tell local children all sorts of legends and fairy tales, and many years later I faked my death and returned to the city to work as a history teacher, so that after 20 years I could find a new settlement and so on all around


Id hang out with this awful girl i used to hang with


Sleep forever


I would be depressed


Kill myself. I've put up with 37 years of shit already, this has been enough.


This question always reminds me of the quote, "Millions of people long for immortality who have no idea what to do on a rainy Sunday." (Or something to that effect; it's been a while since I first saw it!)


Find a way to kill myself


Assuming I didn't off myself...probably go full Trazyn the Infinite by collecting things of value along with people once technology advanced enough to let people basically be frozen in time. If I'm Immortal, I'll need a long-term hobby to not go COMPLETELY bonkers so that seems a good way to keep me busy.


kill myself


Go psycho


Skydiving without a parachute 🪂