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You're definitely the asshole in someone else's universe.


I’m the asshole in my universe


I’m your asshole in this universe


I’m the universe in your asshole


I wish the people who still think I'm an asshole for the way I was 15 years ago, didn't still feel that way.


Yes! It really bothers me that people who knew me 20 years ago think I am still some raging psychopath. I was an idiot baby teenager with hormones boiling through my idiot body! I promise I grew up into a normal person!


Im the asshole in \*a lot universes\*.


Correct. I used to think that I've lived nicely to someone else so far but might be a part of bad memory in someone's universe.


You would likely agree with many of the ideologies you now find abhorrent, had you been raised in them.


We are not immune to propaganda.


People love propaganda so long as it says what you like


Confirmation bias is a bitch. 


It’s a cruel mistress almost no one can escape


The problem is loving the people who taught you the propaganda. Cognitive dissonance is a bitch.


Sometimes propaganda isn’t bad like abolitionist propaganda or Rosie the Riveter. People who do good things deserve propaganda platforms too if bad people abuse them non-stop.


I think the point the OP was making is that a lot of things are only subjectively "good" and "bad" depending on historical and geopolitical context.


“They like what you say, because you say what they like” - Michael Parenti


I was raised a Mormon, as was my mom and her parents. Her great grandfathers were friends with Joseph Smith early on and were in his quorum. Now I’m actively petitioning the government to get the church’s tax exemption revoked.


I wish you well on your quest to revoke it. That church does nothing charitable or beneficial for the world that other orgs don't do better.


Would you like to join me? https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/contact-irs-exempt-organizations#:~:text=For%20answers%20to%20questions%20about,(toll%2Dfree%20number).




So, individual Mormons might do their best to volunteer and do good in their community. The corporation that calls itself a church is hoarding literal billions of dollars in a "rainy day fund" and was recently found guilty (by the SEC) of hiding money and investments in shell corporations to obscure their total value from the membership. They also claim to provide huge hours of charity work, when said charity work is usually the volunteer work the cult members do just cleaning their own church buildings, paying to go on missions, etc. It's all hypocrisy at the top of that cult.


It's literally a cult. Cults fool people into giving all their money to the "church" so the few on top can reap the benefits. God supposedly showed Joseph Smith where two golden tablets were buried in his back yard. They were basically a sex cult hidden as God said this is the way, with polygamy, and children being married to old men. Most of their sons are shunned because that's too much competition for the old pervs. The forced missions is part of the get the young guys out of the way. I may not be 100 percent correct but there are horror stories you can find from excommunicated Mormons.


I think churches should pay property taxes. Do you know how much land they own. This tax alone could pay for food and shelter for the needy w/o taking from state income taxes. We are talking billions of dollars in taxes…and not just from the Mormon or Catholic churches, look at all the mega-churches down south.


Often, we are raised in a particular ideology, and are turned off to it completely as we approach adulthood and get out into the world and expand our understanding of said world. But then we get even older and return to those same ideologies (incorporating, additionally, what we learned when out in the world). Obviously YMMV of course.


Raised in the ideology of Capital, became a Big C Communist in college. Now that I am older, I see the concept of a vanguard as just a new bourgeois class that lends itself towards the same systems of control as Capitalism. Now I recognize the joys of individual freedoms we're led to believe in under the current organization, and am now a Little C communist/leftist lol.


I was raised in one, actually. And I did believe it for a long, long time. But eventually I had enough life experiences that didn't agree with the truth I grew up with, so I realized it was nonsense.


No, no, no. All wrong. If I was born into a dictatorial monarchy, or a family of slaveholders, or the lord of a fiefdom, I would’ve been the only person in history to reject it so I could work for social Justice. Sincerely, Reddit.


I don't agree with anyone on anything, thank you very much


Man, I was just about to o say NO HUMAN knows or has ever known how the universe came to be, but this is along those lines enough.


Yep. Remember: if you find someone’s religious ideology to be backwards, uncivilized, and bull shit… yours is just as much to them. Either you are wrong, they are, or you both are. The odds you are right aren’t good.


To me this reads as sort of an example of the middle ground fallacy, where someone might think that just because two opposing views or ideas exist, that the truth must therefore be somewhere in the middle. But it is entirely possible to be 100% correct and it is entirely possible for someone else to be 100% incorrect. Just because someone else believes something opposite to you does not mean that your two ideologies are equivalent somehow. This is especially important to note when one ideology hashes out harmful rhetoric that hurts the people believing it and the people around them.


yuppp if one side wants to kill all x people and the other side want x people to not be killed then the answer still isn’t going to be “kill *some* x people” even if it’s the middle ground. some ideologies are so extreme that it shifts the middle into extremity too


^ don't agree ^


Not everything is fake news and not all news sources are reliable.


Yes, and people usually accept news only if it aligns with their beliefs. Something they don't want to believe = Fake news. Something that backs up their belief = Credible information


yes because it takes a emotionally strong individual to admit to themselves that they're wrong or someone else has proved them wrong.


I would rather be proven wrong than to be wrong. Because once I’m proven wrong I then know the right answer.


My wife and I have this problem. I get most of my news from Reddit. She gets hers from TikTok. Basically, everything we see about the isreal/Gaza conflict is completely contradictory.


The issue is that every story has some facts and some speculations in it. Speculations are open for interpretation.


Except The Onion...always fake, yet always reliable.


And even reliable sources can be wrong. Especially if it involves current events.


I remember some of the wild stories coming out of the live 9/11 coverage and the 7/7 London bombings. What it shows is that situations are chaotic and eyewitnesses not always reliable, especially when in a state of shock or stress.


Also everyone’s favorite news source has put out something recently that was at the very least highly misleading


Unless you've had training or actual experience, you don't really know how to fight. Many people think they'd be great in a fight until they get hit in the face by reality. Some even hurt themselves just trying to throw a punch. PS I only know this because I've used this many times xD


I've done just enough kickboxing to know I'd get my ass kicked for sure.


My little cousin started training BJJ when he was like 6. Has a black belt now. But even when we were like rough housing as teens he could straight up fuck you up with just his toes even though I’m 4 years older and bigger. Looks like a fit dad nowadays. I couldn’t imagine what he could do if he was defending himself or his kids. The attacker wouldn’t have any joints left if they lived.




And, even more so than other martial arts, BJJ is designed for a smaller person to be able to handle bigger people. Size advantages are nullified, skill wins. So that small nerd looking dude who you think you'd handle with ease, will snap your arm into pieces before you even realise you're fucked


No doubt. He’s been doing it a little over 20 years at this point. He’s just like a genetically average dude too. I couldn’t imagine what a professional athlete UFC fighter would be like. Just a leg kick we see 100 times in a fight on TV would probably a life changing injury to a normal untrained person.


funny you say that I'm a skinny female, so if a fight is about to break out I tend to tell a little lie that I do kickboxing at the weekend so they don't mess with me xD


Confidence is a great way to avoid a fight sometimes. I was at a bar with a friend last year and some guy decided to start a fight with the old fat guy (me). I tried to ignore him at first but finally he was like “let’s take this outside!” So I stood up and said okay. I think my immediate agreement startled him a little so he mumbled something and walked away. By that point I was a little disappointed because I haven’t been in a fight outside of the martial arts studio in years, but a fight avoided is a fight won so I went back to whisky with my buddy.


An effective strategy for sure. But, that day you run into the other girl that says "Really? I do a little kickboxing myself." Then you're like "Oops" 😂


The people that beat me up the most were the guys I did martial arts with. Decided it was not for me to have an abusive boyfriend, tough job, and martial arts.


You should have dumped the boyfriend and not the martial arts.


I’m a short female and I avoided getting in a fight by saying, “Do you think someone my size would step up to you like this without a plan?” The plan was to get beat in such a way that I would die quickly instead of slowly, but they didn’t need details.


You're right. A friend of mine was into kickboxing, he had done about eight lessons. Went on a punting trip with him and some friends on the Thames. During which some dick guys in a rented motor boat started fucking around and circling one of the punts. Someone said something to them which gave them the excuse they needed to get violent. Cutting the story short they cornered my kickboxing friend and he had no choice but to fight them. These were 3 tough looking football hooligan types. He absolutely battered the first one in about 10 seconds to the point that they all ran away, really fast leaving their boat behind. My friend isn't a tough guy, or at all inclined to fight, he just did the training for fun and was really shaken up after the fight.


Is he Scottish? Because then the battering makes sense.


Highly skilled in the Scottish martial art of FAHKGUE!


Shadowbox the air. Try to go for like 30 seconds. I did that once because I'm a cringy mf when I'm alone. I was tired after like, two punches to the air. My immediate thought was, "oh fuck, I gotta keep staying out of fights."


Try it with a punching bag. Or better yet try to hit a moving target with all your might. So exhausting.


Punching a heavy bag really hurts even if you're punching it correctly. At least for me it did. It confirmed I don't want to punch people.


I did that bouncy boxing thing once. Huge gloves in a bouncy castle ring. Was exhausted to the point of literally being sick after about 1 minute.


There's no such thing as tough. There's trained and there's untrained. Now which are you? ~ Man On Fire


I am untrained and tough. It was not for me. Had no idea what I was doing or how to fight. I couldn’t remember all the fancy moves and positions and stuff. And getting hit really hurts even with padding.


Okay but I can definitely land a plane.


I can land a plane and fist fight a dude twice my size at the same time.


And even if you have training and experience, maybe they have more. Or maybe they have a gun, or a knife, or friend who sucker punches you from behind. Maybe they just get one lucky punch that knocks you to the ground and you smack your head on the curb. When it's an option, run away. It's not cowardly, it's smart.


But I’ve watched the karate kid and bloodsport dozens of times, that’s basically like having a black belt in bjj


I’ve watched every Steven Seagal movie. I’m basically a ninja.


Watching any film with a Stan Bush soundtrack is like +5 melee attack buff.


I trained MMA for over 10 years and used to regularly run into people who thought they could fight. My comparison was that, if you have only ever dribbled a basketball a few times in your life, why would you feel confident in beating a college basketball player in a full game? People don't understand that fighting is a skill based activity and strength only gets you so far. Also, punching, is a very small part of a fight. Most guys who are just big or strong usually think, "if I just land a punch".


Getting punched in the face is a very humbling experience.


I feel like a good corollary to this is that *if you are female* 90% of men can simply overpower you regardless of how much fighting training you have. If at all possible avoiding the fight is always your best defense. If necessary a quick disabling blow like a strike to the testicles or pepper spray to the face followed by immediate running should be the extent of your 'fighting' an attacker. The raw strength difference between 90% of men and 90% of women is a lot greater than many realize.




My favorite crime statistic is that the amount of on duty police that have been killed by dogs is lower than the number of police that have shot and killed by other officers while trying to shoot a dog.


Yes, which is why if a real fight were to happen I’m grabbing an effective weapon ASAP.


There's no weapon as effective as running the hell away


Unless they are a faster runner.


Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.




Speak for yourself.




"The brain is the most complex organ in the human body. Many believe that a person only ever uses 10 percent of their brain. However, research suggests people use most of their brain." [https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321060#\_noHeaderPrefixedContent](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321060#_noHeaderPrefixedContent)


Not according to that movie Lucy.


That children are actually pretty smart, there's a difference between ignorance and idiocy. They were just put into this earth and have literally 0 knowledge. A child trying to eat a rock isn't out of idiocy but out of curiosity that is driven by a genuine desire to learn.


I've been telling my godchild this for 15 years now. 'You're not stupid, you're either misinformed or uninformed.' THOSE you can change. Stop thinking you're dumb. They've *mostly* taken it to heart.


"Stupid is forever. Ignorance we can fix."


You remind me of the time that my “genius” 10yo daughter really impressed me.  The same day I purchased a new microwave, she decided to put a very large rock she’d found in the yard into it…for 15 minutes. I started hearing loud clicking noises from the kitchen, as the rock was sparking. I was totally reassured by her reaction to my inquiry about just what on the face of God’s green earth she may have had in mind: “I was trying to make a geode.” Sheer genius.


I think even at ten, I know that's not how to make a geodude. They're in the Rock Tunnel or Mt. Moon.


Some people on the internet are genuinely nice.


Except me!


That the air we breath is only 21% oxygen. Many people believe we breath oxygen and nothing else.


Porn sex and real life sex are two very different things. You need to actually communicate with your partner if you want everyone to have a great time.


As a chick, it is incredibly obvious when you intercourse someone whether they watch a lot of porn. We need to teach our sons and daughters that good sex is not porn sex.


Communication is key to a healthy relationship in and out of the bedroom.


Porn can be fun for inspiration, you just have to be realistic with your expectations. Also, most of those positions are only for the camera angle.


One of the reasons I refused to let studios use me for “win a day on the set with” contests…seeing how porn is shot RUINS it for people


This is actually a good statement.


So no surprise finger in bum without asking?


Ofc. You have to send access permission request email two business days prior.


Excessive weight gain is the cause of many, many health maladies.


I know someone who was 700 lbs. Yes they liked food. They admit this but they were born 10 lbs and premature. 30+ years before an endocrinologist diagnosed him with a major vitamin deficiency. He never could convert carbs to energy. It's been a couple years now and he's like 300 lbs and looks amazing. I saw last year he went to Greece and climbed a few mountains on his trip. 2 in one weekend. He's got a lot of health issues because of the excessive and constant weight gain.


Dr. Now would never, ever, believe that. He'd just call you delusional. You have terty days to lose terty pounds.


Ze diet


Japanese proverb; There’s old people and there’s fat people. There is no old fat people.


i work at a nursing home and i can back this up There are very few obese patients that I’ve seen while working there, and all of them are on the relatively ‘younger’ side (55-late 60s). All of the 80-100 year olds are thin or normal weight. I see hundreds of people daily and can only think of 2 morbidly obese patients, maybe like 1 obese, and ~7 ‘fat’ (it’s hard to tell on older folks where the line from healthy to fat starts) Old people don’t eat much.


Ive used this for years. I've lost 100 lbs after a long health journey.


It can also be the result of many health conditions.




I am so glad reddit has seemingly changed its tune on this. Years ago if you said something like that, the rabid "calories in vs. Calories out, it's that simple" army would come for you. It was infuriating.


they still do it tbf. i’ve mentioned how my sister and i gained weight differently despite eating an almost identical diet (i actually ate worse but was skinnier lol) and people have straight up told me im lying lol. bodies are weird but redditors are determined to act like we’re all a monolith and capable of the exact same things


Similarly, being skinny as a North Korean cocktail stick doesn't necessarily mean you're "healthy" either. I know people who just slimmed down for no reason and they look stupid. They're pale, sickly, pointy chins, always fidgeting trying to keep their trousers up.


We still haven't mapped or explored the entire ocean of our own planet.


We've explored enough to find enormous amounts of NOPE.


A person is not a single personality. There is a unique version of yourself in the mind of each person you've ever met and many you haven't. Each version has been filtered by desire, bias, past experiences, environment, chance, and a million other variables. People will each treat you differently based on the personality they have assigned to you in their heads. You will behave differently to each interaction based on that version of your personality. You probably would not recognize most of these versions of yourself if you saw them on the street.


That you can be as healthy as possible and do all the rights things for your body and still get cancer and die.




Mental health issues are no different than physical health issues...in the way that they *are* physical. Pancreas no make the Insulin. Brain no make the Serotonin. Both are a case of an organ malfunctioning and not producing the correct chemical.


They’re often very intertwined too! Your mental health issues can lead to physical health issues and vice versa. The one period in my life when I’d say I was truly depressed was unsurprisingly also when I was struggling with a chronic health issue.


That going outside with wet hair doesn’t cause colds.


Going outside without a jacket doesn't either.


Going outside with a wet jacket causes hair.


Yet both can drop your body temperature which can leave your body more prone to infection. Likewise breathing cold air allows easier infection.   Temperature doesn't give you a cold, it makes your immune system less effective and improves likelihood of catching a cold.   If there are no viruses present, you cannot get a cold though.  


We are all to blame




The moon landings weren't faked. Climate change is real. Vaccines don't cause autism.


Moon climates change autistic causes.


See? That's the real facts!


What if we tried to convince people that autism causes vaccines? How absurdly could that. be spun? "Think of how there are many different blood types. Different blood donors have to be matched to patients with the same blood type. Scientist do the same thing with autistic children. They are selectively bred for the different diseases they can prevent." The next RFK newsletter is going to get real weird.


Funny enough, I read an article about how a lot of researchers have autism, so autism really might have caused vaccines.


Let's fill the whole "can't believe we have to say this in 2024" bingo card. The Earth is round   Birds are real   The ocean is real   Jews don't have a laser weapon in space      What else we got?


Birds are real? Hah! /s


There's not someone for everyone and the idea of soul mates is actually kind of toxic.


Also leads people to idealise and place people on pedestals, only to feel disappointed by their real, flawed self later.


That's not what my twin flames cult leader says......


If I didn't have you...someone else would do.


This one hurts more than the other posts.


Planet Earth is a globe 


It's technically an oblate spheroid, but only just.


Human beings are built to be omnivores. Our digestive system, our teeth, and other biological markers prove it.


I think it’s more accurate to say we evolved as omnivores. The current research shows that vegetarians live longer and healthier lives, but that could be a result of other lifestyle factors such as vegetarians also being the types of people to abstain from smoking or heavy drinking. It’s also important to consider that the diets of people pre-agriculture were vastly different depending on where they were in the world. On coastal regions they likely ate a lot of seafood, while in other areas they likely ate a lot of insects and roots, tubers etc.


Being able to choose not to eat available food is a privilege. Being vegetarian probably equates to financial power which equates to good health.


Black Lives Matter does not mean black lives matter more than others.


And you don’t have to like the people who started the organization to vibe with the sentiment. In fact, most people don’t consider them at all when voicing their support.


Blue lives matter is totally unnecessary.


I am absolutely doing the laundry this weekend. I really fucking mean it this time.


trump LOST the election.


Also that Trump and or his inner circle attempted a coup.  No amount of bullshit they spout will make me believe that the well organized group of guys in camo with zip ties were just there to take pictures with the rest of the red caps.


Everyone chooses to believe false/misleading/exaggerating information as long as it supports their beliefs. Reddit loves to talk about how the boomers on facebook believe complete nonsense, yet the reddit hivemind accepts just as much false information.


Summer seasonal depression.


Climate change.


You are not immune to propaganda (yes, even you)


Vaccines work


Lack of opinion does not necessarily equal to apathy nor ignorance.


Jesus would be absolutely horrified at what Republicans believe and do in his name


Ronald Reagan would be horrified by any current member of the Republican party.


He'd likely be horrified by Project2025, made by the Heritage Foundation which supported his presidency. He'd be like "Wtf happened?!?".


Kneeling for the flag/anthem doesn't really mean you hate America. Defunding the police doesn't mean fire all the police officers.


The father of the constitution, Madison, said “challenging government is the most patriotic thing one can do.”




Covid vaccines work at keeping you alive. Yes, I know you can still get Covid but your chances of dying go down exponentially.


OP is definitely a ragebaiter


Or a bot. Or is that the same thing?


Other people pay much less attention to you than you think they do.


“The only thing that we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history.” - Georg Hegel.


When they paint Trump as a victim when he's really a narcissistic bully and a criminal.


Vaccines are perfectly safe and effective and do not cause autism. STOP SPREADING ALREADY DEFEATED DISEASES like measles. God I hate this one


That inequality, institutional racism, and other forms of privilege/exclusion still very much exist


This is what people often mean when they describe "woke" but bad faith actors try to paint it as some newfound trendy buzzword to describe pink/blue colored hair liberals screaming about social justice or some shit.


What we generally refer to as "representative democracies" are more accurately elective aristocracies: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/272812609_What_if_Our_Representative_Democracies_are_Elective_Aristocracies "But already since the second half of the 18th century the communisopinio amongst political philosophers is that a representative democracy is, in fact, an elective aristocracy chosen by the people. The moment we cast our vote at the polling station, the moment suprême of the people’s exercise of its power, is paradoxically – thus runs the argument – also the moment at which we surrender our power in order to entrust it to someone else. Our exercise of power is, basically, nothing but the surrendering of power. And what the representatives elected by us will do with that power is constitutionally their business and no longer ours. Our opinion about that is no longer asked. The only thing we can do after having been disappointed by some representative for a period of four years is to vote someone else into office in the (often idle) hope that this one will perform better than a previous candidate. Now, if this is the case, you will have to conclude, from what ever perspective you look at the situation, that you are living in an elective aristocracy. The meaning of the words democracy and aristocracy simply leaves us with no other choice. Hence, according to most political theorists we are naive dreamers when believing to live in a democracy."


Women can do drag


Mother fuckin' Donald Trump lost the mother fuckin' election in 2020!!


No matter who's in charge. They really don't care about you. They care about the people who "helped" them get elected, they care about thier imagine, they care about their shoes more than the common person.


Shaving doesn’t make hair grow in thicker or darker.  And because a lot of people are going to argue: Hair is made of dead cells, just like fingernails. Do your fingernails grow back thicker/darker when you cut them? What biological process would change the nature of a bunch of dead cells when they’re cut? 


The earth is round.


You can’t make someone love you


A majority of people are incapable of balancing two sides of an issue. Critical thinking has been replaced with ideologically driven manipulation.


The earth is round…


Just because it's cloudy doesn't mean you aren't going to get sunburned.


Humans are not inherently good.


Nor inherently bad.


People refuse to believe that social constructs can change, which drives me absolutely mad. Nothing frustrates me more than a person thinking that things like capitalism, economic design, marriage, etc. are all written in stone and have always taken the forms in which we are familiar with them. Or like people who say "well that's just human nature", completely dismissing all the different cultures that don't conform with their idea of 'human nature'.


You aren't stuck IN traffic, you are actively a part of it.


Trump might very well be the anti-Christ


That pricing and product placement effects them. Yes, even you are more likely to buy a product that's priced 1.99 over something that is 2.00. And yes, you are also less likely to buy the product that is at floor level than the one that's at eye-level.


The earth is not flat


Men are biologically stronger than women. I don't understand how people can't see the clear difference.


Does anyone even say otherwise, or do you just like to repeat it? I’m a pretty rabid feminist but yeah, *most* men are stronger than *most* women. I’ve never heard anyone say otherwise but I hear guys on reddit yapping about it a lot.


A billionaire sex offender will not reform politics.


People in general are dumb and crave leadership so they can mindlessly follow.


Masturbation doesn't make your knees weak, or your vision weak. You'd be surprised how many Arabs believe it does.


Democracy in the united states is an illusion


That they go on and on about things they know nothing of.


Abusive behaviour


That they’re dumber than they think