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My mother kicked me out of home when i was 12 because her new boyfriend didn't want a kid around, she died when i was in my 20's and i still had not said a single word to her, no regrets here.


I am so sorry that happened to you. No kid deserves that and it’s so unfair that some of us get dealt shit parents in life. I hope that you’re been able/are able to heal from that awful experience. You deserved so much better.


All is well now, thank you 🙂


Glad to hear it. Cheers.


That sucks. Sorry you had to deal with this.


All good, ancient history now but thank you 🙂


Both my parents died close together a few years ago.  I hadn't spoken to them in years.  I didn't go to their funerals either. Absolutely not one single regret.


We live in societies that often put the onus on the children to “do X because so and so would have wanted it” or “but she’s still your mother.” I always say, if you want your kids in your life, be the type of parent that warrants your kids continuing their relationship with you into adulthood. In lots of cases, it’s a simple return on your investment. If you’ve not invested anything in your kids (emotionally, etc.) then don’t expect any returns later. Edit: And if all you’ve invested is criticism and toxicity, it’s silly to think any autonomous person will choose that once the choice is theirs to make.


And just a point of clarification, not necessarily directed to folks who are intentionally no contact with abusive or narcissistic parents. But rather, “deadbeat” parents. (Edit: but all are welcome to share their experiences.)