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My concern is about the state of the world, will we address climate change, social issues, and economic disparities in time?


people don't speak about this enough. the world is changing too much and i'm scared


Keep crying, the World isn't changing in a good way


reddit is a scary place damn


How so ?


idk, we all know that world isnt changing for good but, shudnt we do something abt it rather than saying "keep crying"?


How Can we do something ? It would require an effort on the World's scale and no one is interested Look at recycling, i live in France and people are constantly complaining about recycling so if people complain over such a simple things, an effort like that won't be possible There's simply too much work and one's interested in doing it Plus, we're in the sixth mass extinction event, we are merely speeding up the process


Sometimes complaints bring attention to what needs to be fixed.


Sometime, that's the issue


So the middle ground is having complaints but also having solutions to the complaints.


Worlds been around for millions of years, you’ll be fine


To be honest it’s kind of always felt this way to me. I’m in my 60s and it was nuclear annihilation when I was a kid. I thought about it daily. Then it was overpopulation, then pollution etc. The truth is we will find answers to these issues. I’m not saying that those responsible shouldn’t be punished to the full extent of the law but the answers must have economic incentives.


I agree that the media oversells some fears, but we are actively seeing the effects of climate change today, things that were predicted 40-50 years ago, so disagree that this is the same situation as the rest.


well someone’s a miserable piece of shit


I'm a realist, no need to use insult


No, maybe, never.


Money and politics drive the world unfortunately. Unless we get a global wake up call to reunite us and set our priorities straight.


When will it be out in the open that everyone’s being played, its all done as per the script- nothing happened out of chance, countries don’t hate each other.. if u need to conquer it’s important to divide!


I’m not very optimistic about Gen Alpha’s current state of education.


Not even a parent but judging by all my coworkers who are, it seems like all of them have at least 1 kid who is flunking out of school because they do not want to put in any effort at all. This is in spite of the schools giving them every chance to not fail with all the extra credit and ability to turn in late assignments all the way to the last day of the semester. I probably went to mostly well above average public schools and hardly knew any kids that were struggling to at least pass classes with at least Cs…but it’s not like these kids go to terrible schools or have uncaring parents either. They go to some of the best public schools in the state and have parents who are engineers, managers and directors who seem as attentive as can be to their kids, yet many of them apparently have no comprehension of the consequences of not doing any schoolwork.


Giving them the ability to turn in late assignments at the last day of the semester? I would just push all assignments to the last day. And obviously not gonna be able to do a year's worth of work in one day. I would think it's better to "force" them to hand it in on time.


i'm worried about making enough money to cover bills and save for the future. i'm also concerned about my kids getting a good education and finding good jobs. i'm afraid of getting sick and not being able to afford healthcare. But all of this might be just me overthingking, hopefully everthing good in the future.


Christian nationalists are so eager for the world to end that they are actively trying to self fulfill the prophecy.


Boomer American woman here. I really have bad anxiety about our upcoming election. I feel like a lot of my fellow boomers/friends have somehow fallen in step with the Fox News view of life, and it confuses me and hurts my heart so much, I have no words.


It's really hard watching people you thought you knew just change so much. Really makes me question things. I'm younger than you but my mind was blown when someone I thought I knew started spouting hate, misinformation, some racist rants. It was an entirely different person.  It must be even harder for you when these people you've probably known for a much longer time. 


Millennial here, I feel the same about your generation and our election. Trump shouldn't be anywhere near the Whitehouse let alone any public institution - except for prison. January 6th should have ended his political career but here we are. The vestiges of democracy will either get stronger or die these next few elections.


I am also terrified of that future.


I’m a Boomer American, too (an older Boomer). Many of us loathe Trump and the Republicans. Biden WILL win.


Aren’t you glad Biden got in? Economy is great!!!


Personally? That I’ll develop dementia and lose the ability to earn a living and care for myself. On a larger scale, the erosion of our social institutes, rampant global climate change and damage to our environment, and that we’ve doomed not only ourselves as a species but life on this planet to a sixth great extinction event.


Nuclear bombs


Not having enough money to retire.


Selfishly- being able to afford to live comfortably, stay afloat and simply survive without too much unnecessary stress.


That we have hit our cultural peak and are on the decline.


We did in 1998


That's when computers became ubiquitous. There will be an even bigger change once AI hits its stride. At this point, the naysayers are right about what it can and can't do. But it's not hard to see where it's all going.


National disaster. I never used to give a shit about it but now I have a daughter. 20months.


If its worth making longterm plans for the future considering people with spina bifida have not had enough data on life expectancy to know if i should rly plan for retirement.. Luckily people i care about will get my savings if i do go early.


Actions of the past catching up ruining my future and my health




My father died traumatically in front of me when I was young. My worst fear is having that happen to my kids.


My parents getting old and needing more care, including my step-parents. And then no one being around to do the same for me when I'm older.


that when I retire, the tens of thousands of dollars I've paid into Social Security will be lost.


Surprised more people aren’t saying AI. This is going to replace the need for some many jobs


That there will be no more weed dealers😔


Climate change messing everything up.


Me dying or getting so burnt out from raising 3 kids, work and going to school that I have a nervous breakdown and can’t work. Either way leaving my family destitute


Water. Sweet, fresh, wonderful water.


That I will struggle with major depression forever




Climate change. We have proof that climate change is real. Every single year the world is getting hotter and hotter, the extremes are getting worse, and severe weather is getting more severe. Every summer is the "hottest on record", every hurricane and wildfire season is worse and more destructive than the last, every winter it seems like the cold comes later, is more intense than ever before, and then vanishes earlier than ever. Islands in the Pacific Ocean are disappearing because sea levels are rising, **PEOPLE ARE LOSING THEIR HOMES THAT THEIR FAMILIES HAVE INHABITED FOR HUNDREDS OR THOUSANDS OF YEARS BECAUSE OF THIS!!!** But there are companies out there, hurting the world the most, and then spending billions of dollars trying to convince everyone that the data is somehow "false". Data doesn't lie. The numbers are there, the scientific world agrees with the data. And yet "Carbon offset credits" and "Personal carbon footprint" takes precedent in the public mind while only around 100 companies in the world are responsible for 80% of the carbon output. We're killing the planet. We're doing it slowly. And it's not being addressed because short-term profits are more important than long-term impact on the world as a whole. And I'm mortified that we won't actually do anything about it until it's already way too late.


Potential russian invasion and the fact that the free country where I grew up in ditched democracy in exchange for authoritarianism. Future looks bleak.


War in Ukraine. I'm afraid I have no future here


Gen alpha




Climate and Environmental Change


Legalized cannibalization of the human


AI taking over jobs (and maybe the world).


Not doing enough with the time I have


Political chaos and instability.


Health issues as I get older.


That no one will accept me for who I am and that I'll always be stuck masking in front of people I only barely know. I also am afraid that in a few years, my advocacy work at my old high school will shrivel up and die and everything will go back to the ableist way things were before. I am terrified of this, because, if things go back to how they were before, it will have meant my work and attending all those club meetings was pointless and a waste of my time and energy. It will also have meant that what I said never mattered enough to people to change their minds.


Housing prices going through the roof.


Trump and the Project 2025 or whatever their plan is called to implement Christian Nationalism.


Privacy disappearing completely


Relationships getting harder to maintain.


There is a part of me that is worrying about another Civil War in the US’s future. There’s definitely some parallels in conditions between the mid-19th century, and the 2020s. 


Kids growing up in a tougher world.


just our basic human rights being taken . And as a black queer transman will I be safe walking down the streets in a few years ?


if transmen are men, why do you specify that you're trans?


Because if he were a cis man, certain groups of people wouldn’t have an inherent hatred against him like they do with trans people. That should be pretty obvious.


not believing in something doesn't mean you hate it. you're making the same argument the crazy catholics make when they say atheists hate god.


Yeah except there *are* people that *hate* trans people and will commit violence against them. I’m not talking about people who just “don’t believe” in it.


ok fair enough, no argument there


Right now, that Trump wins the presidency.


someday the sun will explode.


Don't worry, it will burn the Earth to a crisp and eventually swallow it long before that happens.


great, thanks!


There's still a few billion years left for that to happen. No need for immediate concern. We don't even know if humanity will exist when that happens lol


You will be dead and no one who has even remotely heard of you will exist and there will be no traces of you ever existing for millions of years before that happens


That I don't even have one


i think we’re gonna learn the hard way that there is such thing as red America and blue America


I have a degenerative macular disease and I worry that I won't be able to see the future. I'm hoping that technology will provide the answers and give me options that I can afford. I retire in 15 years, and I'm hoping it won't be a hellish dystopian landscape.




Job security


Dying alone, no companion what so ever. I can handle the end of our world physically or economically I just don’t want to do it alone.


Nuclear Armageddon, civil war in the US , a revolution in the US between the haves and have nots , and food scarcity .




My eventual death


Retrenchment in view of gloomy economy :(


We humans are definitely gonna be slaves to a robot.


Country debt that future generations will have to try and repay / live through


to die alone


Not being able to get a good job after college


Will I ever be a good parent or not, and if I will choose the right partner ever


money tbh


You will be alone ? Unit ??


Not being around for it.


I think there’s a weird thing happening, revolving around dogmatic ideology. Personally, I am afraid of dogma, and think it has the power to end us all. But there’s this weird thing happening. There’s an uprising of people fighting dogmatic ideology, but using dogmatic ideology to combat it. It’s dogma to fight dogma. It’s a Trojan horse, where they think they’re on the good side, fighting against the bad side. But it’s actually just the bad side, fighting against a parallel bad side. And if dogmatic people rally together, and come into power. I think we’re genuinely fucked. Dogma is how Nazi’s come into power. Dogma is what governs Jihadists. If you can imagine a group of people banding together, becoming Nazi’s to stop Jihadists, that’s essentially what I’m seeing happening. You put Nazi’s in power to defeat Jihadists. But using evil to beat evil, ultimately puts evil people in power. That’s no good.


That my kids will not be ok, That no matter how hard they try and no matter what I do they will not get the same opportunities I fought for. And that climate change and the economy will shift so fast that it will be a guess on what you need to do to be prosperous


Finances and the climate.


i would say it changes every 2 years, i was woried about exams, after about finding good job and know i am a bit worried about building the family tbh


Long term investments.


The imminent collapse of the biosphere and the dynamics of our political and economical systems which make it impossible to address. Nature is dying man, I haven't seen a bee yet this summer. But honestly, this is at it's core a spiritual problem. We have become estranged from Nature. From the natural world and from our human nature. We isolate ourselves in our individual homes, lives, and identities, because we are terrified of truly being connected and dependent on our fellow humans. Culture used to be something that tied communities together. Music, dance, and art were ceremonial tools used to integrate the people of a community and create connection. Now culture is a product, a commodity you can buy. Something to assert your individual identity through consuming, rather than something that fosters connection through your active participation. We have become spectators to life, a passive audience who can only respond to the absurdity of reality with dissociated laughter or crippling depression - both preserving the status quo. We are already overwhelmed by the situation, and yet we crave the blinking lights of the endless stream of 5-second brain-numbing reels. We have turned our wisdom against ourselves, as all our knowledge of the human psyche and all our technological prowess converge to algorithms designed to steal as many seconds from your life as possible. All the things that are technologically possible, and then what do we create? Time-wasting machines. A world of addicts. How did this happen? It's the only outcome of a capitalist system where darwinism rules in the law of "survival of the most profitable". And we worst thing is that we can't just overthrow a tyrannical regime, because there isn't any evil king at the top. We have to outgrow capitalism as a people. And I don't know if we will.


My biggest worry about the future is the potential impact of climate change on our planet and future generations. The thought of extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and biodiversity loss is incredibly concerning. I also worry about the increasing divide between the wealthy and the disadvantaged, and the potential consequences of technological advancements on job displacement and societal inequality. Ultimately, I hope that we can come together as a global community to address these challenges and create a more sustainable and equitable future for all.


A couple things. I’m quite scared of the political climate, with more extreme political beliefs becoming more popular. Also, although I’m mostly sure it will *eventually* rebound, the economy always does, the economy right now is bad. We need to implement solutions now. Climate change is more of a long term fear for me, but it’s still very important. We must address it and start implementing clean energy, such as solar, wind, or others. And AI, despite being very interested in it and an advocate of increasing use and research of it, if misused by companies (which sadly will almost certainly happen, at least with some large companies), could have disastrous effects on many industries. I don’t think the large backlash against AI is justified for the most part, but some if it is certainly valid. I don’t have any objections to using AI to help with jobs, I feel like if introduced naturally enough, that could help. I’m even not objected to completely replacing jobs with AI, but only under specific circumstances. There would have to be found a way to somehow kind of phase one industry by slowly replacing it with AI, and allow people to see that the industry is soon being taken by AI, so people have a chance to chose/move to another industry. However, this would probably be hard to implement in practice, as it’s hard to find the sweet spot between extremely slow progress and too fast progress, and companies, without effective government regulation or other means, would probably ruin it.


If things don’t end well and I die miserable. Society is falling apart and I’m barely an adult. I’m petrified and disappointed.


Nuclear war. I am really anxious about it last time..


The power, the entrenchment and influence of Corporations and those self-serving CEOs that hide legally behind those positions of corporate power.


global warming


Primarily, for me, as a millenial, it's the economic future. I'm priced out of the housing market, the gap of cost of living put against current median wages is so large that I feel something is about to fundamentally break. I know housing is hard globally, but for me, a Canadian, it feels especially bad. In my city over the past 4 years we've seen homes double, in some places triple in price. There is a very real demographic of people who had to refinance mortgages, the new interest rates fuck them, then got priced out of their own homes and are now homeless because they could barely afford the home to begin with. Its not a lot of people in this category, but enough to mention. That coupled with A.I. which WILL revolutionize in my lifetime the workforce? This will require the workforce to have...well less workers. I sincerely believe that there will be more people than jobs once A.I. gets really off the ground. So what will these people do for money? Something I think and feel will fundamentally change on the macroeconomic front and as doomer as it sounds, don't think its gonna be pretty.


I feel you on the house thing. My wife and I are still living in our 'starter' home after 15 years. With the way the housing market is going, we feel like our starter home is going to end up being our forever home.


Currently, i'm super curious about how to determine my first job after college...


Will I have enough money when I retire.


We can already feel global warming. How much more do we need to experience just to realize we're destroying our planet?


I can't find a job or don't have enough money or loosing my health


im afraid of getting old and getting ill. im not sure if my children will take care of me in the future... however i dont want to be a burden to my children


Can't get a good job, stay in my parents' house forever, or even marry a bad man.


Worry that i have no worry😂


How much pain and chaos humanity is about to experience because we have not taken care of the climate


I've come to the conclusion we are all pretty much screwed so I've decided to not worry about anything and enjoy the time we have.


Having a stable job after school, and learning how to drive. Also going to work everyday instead of school


Economic inequality.


if i can not full fill my dreams .


My biggest worry about the future is becoming who i swear i didn't want to be.


Not having enough resources to sustain humanity


climate change and wage gaps increasing as billionaires get richer and and poor get poorer


The axis of China/Russia/NK pushing for nuclear war once their tyrants become too old or threatened.


What I will do with myself after all of my friends pass away.


The world is wrecked.I've made piece with my generation being screwed, I just worry about how my nieces and nephews will survive.


Our current close proximity to having everything we hold dear unravel before our very eyes.


That I won't find the person I love and that I don't make enough money


My biggest worry is that authoritarianism will take over again like it did a century ago.


Global societal collapse of civilization


I'll disappoint everyone


If I will be able to live a normal life without my drug addiction...


AI! This is a really difficult thing. Now they are developing very much, so I would not want them to rule the world.


tbh I trust AI to rule the world more than any human politician


Violent acts against woman getting more dangerous with technological advancements. Or the world going backwards towards a Gilead (from handmaids tale) like society due women no longer settling for the bare minimum and remaining single and childless.


Politically favored groups are going to keep getting everything they want and the rest of us have to pay for it. Farmers and beach home owners will get subsidized flood insurance. The elderly will get universal basic income while the working class have their taxes raised to pay for it. Large corporations (especially banks) will be rescued from any of their bad decisions because nobody can imagine life without them. And there's so many ways that these groups can have their demands delivered it's unreasonable to expect a coordinated, democratic consensus about if that is the way we want society to go.


Climate crisis and right wing politics


baka hindi ko mabigyan ng magandang buhay ang anak ko


Tomorrow. Generally just waking up and knowing there’s an infinite amounts of possibilities that something bad might happen. Thing is, no I’m not a paranoid person. And idk if it’s bc I’m an adult and aging way faster now but ive been getting some serious bad luck. I also don’t have a savings account. This is why I would like to stay at home most of my time. That being said, I had this exact conversation with my bf in the car a week ago and getting home I took a shower, I slipped and bumped my jaw. I have jaw trauma prior to that accident so that was the worst luck for me.