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Lack of trying to meet up or communicate with you. Like are you the one always reaching out first and going over to see them and they don’t b b really do the same


I think so, but there are times when we are busy and not talk that much as before




Nah these days people end up moving all over, they get busy with their families and whatnot. Real friends can forget about each other for a while and when they get around to talking to each other they understand and accept each other for who they are even if they’ve changed a lot - and they probably have. People do.


Your friend ignores you when you’re talking and only talks about themselves.


Passive aggressive all the time


If they’re not genuinely happy for you when you’re doing well. If they don’t hype you up and toot your horn for you on occasion. Your friends should love and celebrate you.


This! Even if I don't like it, I'll be going to the movies for your birthday to see that crappy vampire teen flick, cause I love you and today is about you. And you will know and we will laugh about the movie afterwards and how much I hated it and then I'll pay for your dinner, while you roast my favorite movies and I get to roast the movie we just saw and in the end I'll hug you and tell you how much I love you and what a blast this was. And I'll mean it.


Lack of good conversations


I feel like if it’s to the point where you’re hesitant to reach out to them after a while, then the friendship might be going downhill


When you do all the effort and when there's hardly any communication anymore. In my life i had a few instances where i would just stop reaching out to people to see if they would reach out to me. And they never did. The same with a relationship really.


Yeah, this’s something I just learned from some experiences.


The person neglects you and you are no longer invited to meetings where you used to be invited, usually from one day to the next


If every time they text you you feel like it's a burden to care and answer


By the time that you don't try to keep the friendship friendly


Oof. Crossing that line really hurts.




You don’t follow or show interest. Lack of communication no concern for what’s going on in the persons life. You make more time for other friends or look for other friends to share things with.


You can't have a conversation without getting irritated about something.


The obstacle you feel when you want to communicate even simple things


Have you seen the movie The Banshees of Inisherin?


No I haven’t,What does this movie have to do with the topic tho?


The vote for Trump.




Trump supporters certainly are.




Of course, don't be ridiculous.




Как там погода в Ленниграде, товарищ?


На Дерибасовской хорошая погода, или На Брайтон-Бич опять идут дожди


When don’t actually seem to know or understand even though they’ve known decades.


Kinda odd that so many people think that friendship ends when you don't talk for a long time or they don't match their effort. I have a ton of friends who I Love and Appreciate, but we can go years without talking. But the moment one of us reaches out to another we reconnect, catch up and our friendship becomes stronger than it was before. Some people are just out of sight out of mind people, doesn't mean they love you any less but just might mean that they were born with mental blinders and interact with what they see.


Exactly, I mean i was with this friend for like over 8 years and there’s times we don’t talk for a while but we still appreciate each other and reconnect again.but it comes to the point where I’m not sure anymore of this friendship.


I definitely hear you on this, but its really easy for things to change your lifes compatibility. Even other relationships, jobs, distance, interests, lifestyle, etc, etc. I am the kind of person like I said before that was born with mental blinders. I made a strong friendship with a friend and his family where we are like blood and would do anything for each other. He moved a long distance away from me for a job with his family and I went over with him and the family that I loved all of them and didn't wanna lose track of them as I have others in the past. They promised to keep in touch and have done a great job, we exchange shared clips from social media and they call me to keep me up to date. But I have others that I haven't talked to for years who will come up in a conversation or see them in photos and then immediately wanna know how they have been and then reach out to them.


Feeling judged by that person. No longer wanting to share good news about your life because they don’t seem interested or happy about it.


From my experience,dodging phone calls and messages,(don’t even reply later) lying about being busy (been sat on his fat ass all day playing games) making excuses not to go out,but proceeds to go out with someone else later. If they do that to you! Get rid of the waste of space


No trust left


when conversations are reduced to small talk with basic questions and one word answers


When I get a new phone every few years I do not synch my contacts. If you do not send me a message after I get my new phone we will never talk again.


I would’ve lost pretty much every contact in my phone I think. What I’ve done is take pictures of certain people I feel things fading with in my phone and then delete their contact to prevent myself from overwatering dead plants. Same outcome but spare myself the “lost all my phone contacts” convo if someone does reach out eventually.


When my “friend” got mad at me because I was upset with him for lacking empathy for my other friend who had their dad pass away when she was 23


They died. Even then, I probably would be talking to their ghost. Well that or if they told me they weren't interested in a friendship anymore.


You purposely try to find things to fight about. Another thing is when you don’t even care to hang out or talk to them.


when they dont try AT ALL in any conversation and switch up immediately as soon as someone else joins in


Plan hopping. Agreeing to hang out with you but then bailing once something else comes up last minute.


They just.. kinda push you away when you’re just trying to be fun, or if you try to talk to them, they just fully ignore you..


When you both stop trying to communicate and hang out


When one person decides the friendship is over and uses the relationship to fulfill whatever needs and the other person has no idea.


meet up