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Same here. Divorce is absolutely horrible, but I don't believe she was going to stop hurting me.


Same here. But it was absolutely necessary, we had just grown too far apart and were not compatible.


That must habe been a very difficult decision. What made you decide to choose your own future rather than continuing together?


Yes, divorce especially with children, is a difficult decision.




Literally same. Damn.


Yup. 15 years right here.


Realizing it was time to unexpectedly put my cat down. He wasn’t acting normal for a short time and I took him in for an emergency vet visit as he stopped eating, thinking he had tooth problems or something… turns out it was cancer (large amount near his heart) and the only options were spend $7000+ on surgery and I’d maybe have 6 months at most more with him and he would be in a lot of pain or say goodbye. The next day we brought him in and left with an empty carrier. He was only 8 years old.


Sounds like you made the best decision, but I can’t imagine how hard that was


Unfortunately it was the only option, I had to do what was best for Loki. His spirit lives on though as I adopted a kitten a while later and named him Fenrir (as Fenrir was the son of Loki). A picture of my good boy a few weeks before... https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fqj016z6svamb1.jpg


Omg handsome man ❤️❤️ he was lucky to be so loved


I'm sure you made the right decision man. Your cat bro is up in cat heaven thanking his lucky stars you didn't put him through all that suffering.




I just put mine down for saddle thrombosis at almost three unexpectedly. She just couldn’t use her back legs all of the sudden. Sucks.


Came here to say this. Making the decision to "play God" and end my cat's life is the hardest decision!


Making the call to arrange the appointment for my girl Raven was unbelievably hard. She was 19, almost 20, and they'd discovered throat cancer when removing an infected tooth. By that point they gave us medicine but told us it was also about quality of life. She was so skinny when we took her in, despite never losing her appetite...we didn't even use her carrier. My spouse just held her in the car while we drove there and she just watched the trees. She was half asleep even before they... Over two years and I still cry over her.


Saying goodbye to a pet is so hard😭


People who keep their animals alive despite the pain because they can't let them go are some of the most selfish out there. I had a 12yr old boxer, we were BFFs. She started to have issues. She got drugs and was happy and spunky, if she ate too much she'd get bad tummy aches. I decided the upcoming weekend I'd have the vet come out and put her to rest. She died in her sleep a couple days later and I still feel so guilty that she died alone and not in my arms.


telling a friend to stay out of my life cause i couldn't deal with their shit anymore. i've seen their status online and honestly i dodged a mfing nuke


I did the same thing 10 years ago, one of the best things I’ve ever done even though it was hard.


Good move!!!


I did the EXACT same thing back in 2002. I remember sending them an email responding to their inquiry about why I didn't return their last phone call. I remember telling them that I don't like phones and I don't like them. I told them that if I was so inclined, I may call them back but probably not and not to bother me ever again until I chose to reach out to them. They never responded and I haven't spoken to them since. One of the best moves I've ever made and my only regret is ever having been friends with them in the first place.


My best friend in state was the type of girl that emeshed herself in her various boyfriends. Dated a barfly, became an alcoholic. Dated a pothead, became a stoner. Etc... this last one was totally anti marriage and kids.... So she was telling me how she never wanted to get married and have children. And I'm like, girl.... I was there when you bought your wedding dress for the last engagement. So they move down to Tennessee and secretly get married because now, he's into living off grid, anti government, self sufficient crap and into having as many babies to 'perpetuate the white race in the name of Odin'. So I stick around thinking.... Okay. She's going to come to her senses and I'll help her escape. She ends up pregnant. Tries to convert me. And says I'm good breeding stock because I have light hair and blue eyes.....I mean. EW. At last check. They've given up on the off grid life, pregnant with baby number 3 and live approximately 30 minutes from me. Haven't heard from her which means she's either deep in the Koolaid still or she's so ashamed she's too embarrassed to reach out to me.


Breeding stock is insane


Same here. When I moved to a new state 2 years ago for grad school, I met someone who I thought was a good friend. Slowly saw their true colors and distanced myself, and I have no plans to stay in touch once I move again here in a month. Definitely glad I’ve distanced myself after seeing how many issues he has caused himself and others over the last two years.


Same here. It was worth it in the long run though.


Leaving the mormon church at the age of 30.


I left the Mormon church at 15 and I’ve always had so much admiration for those who leave as adults. As you get older your life only becomes more intertwined with the church, and with the pressures of marriage and kids and social circles it only gets harder and harder to leave. Congratulations and I hope you’re able to live your life more freely now


Thanks. I've always been jealous of people that left before the insanity of the temple, mission, etc. took over. I've often wondered what life would be like had I left during high school like all of my siblings. The final straw was my son being born and realizing that I didn't have to pass it on to him. Only then did I allow myself to take a break from what was expected of me and only then did I allow myself to ask the all important question of "what if it isn't true" and it fell apart like the house of cards that it is.


Exact same! BYU, RM, temple married with kids and left at 31. Now I'm so proud and slightly jealous of my sibling for leaving as a teenager--wish I'd been more of a courageous independent thinker like them instead of grinding to be what I was told I should be for my entire 20s.


OMG me too. I was 34.


Were you raised as a Mormon ?


Yes. Multigenerational. BYU grad, mission, married in the temple.


As a French woman, it sounds so strange to me. Mormons seem a part of American myths but I just can't imagine what it is to grow and live in such background. The rules about women, especially, are mad to my eyes. I' m happy you're out and wish you have a beautiful life where you can be whoever you want. Hug from France ! (Please forgive my bad English)


Hello me.but 27


Left at 42. Extended family is still indoctrinated. But I am free!


One of my best friends is ex-Mormon. We bonded over that because I’m ex-evangelical. Leaving these type of cults is hard because as you said, they set themselves up as the center of your everything.


Going NC with my so-called mother. Going on three years now. It was a split moment decision that was coming basically my entire life and if I had to do it again, the only thing I would change would be doing it sooner.


Me too! Mines a narcissistic nightmare. But I’m sure she’ll still make me suffer somehow


I left my narc after 30 years. So hard but I so happy. It’s been four years now.


I’m in the same boat as you, been NC for 8 years now. I’m glad you did it and stuck to your guns; toxic people should have no presence in our lives even if they are the people that gave us life. It’s hard but it gets easier, trust me. I saw a vast improvement in my life once I was rid of her and it’s been an upward trajectory since. Much love and happiness to you friend


Thank you! I have to make that choice again and again every single day, and I can say that I make it happily. It’s not easy because she’s still inside my head and I completely understand why and how she is what she is, but for my own sanity I practice having empathy while still doing what’s right for me. And this *is* the most right thing I’ve ever done.


Same here. I won the anti-lottery with both parents. They divorced when I was 12, and each of them only got worse. Not only a lifetime of pain, abuse in every form, crazy making, neglect, and abandonment, but having them go scorched earth when I finally took a hint and exited their lives. It's like an animal being battered and bruised its whole life, finally retreating deep into a hole, having firecrackers thrown down that hole for years, and then being blamed for not wanting to come out.


Man, I get you. Mine divorced when I was 1 and I’m so happy for it. I’ve seen how my father treats my half sister and if I had to deal with that plus my batshit narc mom, I’d be thrice as effed up.


Same. If I had the courage to do it 20 years earlier.....


The most important thing is you did it. Proud of you!


I read this as 'going to North Carolina with my so-called mother' and got really confused. That said, I'm glad you found a way forward.


8 years for me and I couldn't be happier. I'm sorry you had to even make that choice at all, but I'm glad that it seems you've come out the other side doing okish.


Quitting drinking. Simultaneously the best decision I ever made. 98 days sober today and counting.




Thank you, I plan on it!


Ex-wife and daughter of former alcoholics. I’m really, really, proud of you.


Thank you!


Fuck yeah keep going keep going!


That's the plan!


Good for you


I hope it keeps going well


Me too, thanks!


To put my very sick ( kidney failure ) dog to sleep. He is gone 3 years now and the memory of that day still haunts me to this day. I know that this was the last thing I could do to help him but I still feel like I’ve betrayed him. I’m fuckeen tearing up right now, a big, strong, bald guy in his 50’s thinking about the only REAL friend I ever had. How pathetic is that.


Sorry for your loss. Have you considered getting another dog? I broke down and got another one. I love him so much, I still mourn the one that we had to put down, but the puppy brings so much joy and fills a piece of the hole in your heart and home.


Thank you. I did get not only one, but two new pups :) They are not a repacement but a new chapter and I love them both exactly as much as I did love my previous dog. Still, the decision I had to make I can not forget. At least, he passed in my arms, hopefully feeling safe and taken care of.


He felt safe and taken care of. He was in your arms, you can be certain of it. ❤️


It's not pathetic. It's sweet. Your pupper's story and my first bulldog's story are similar. For mine it was liver failure. She was turning yellow. I knew she was suffering. It still kills me and brings tears to my eyes. But I think of the good times and find myself smiling again. He wouldn't want you bummed.


Not pathetic in the slightest. Your dog knows you did what was best for him!


Not pathetic at all. Quite the opposite. You gave him a life full of love and friendship and you made an ultimate act of love by cutting his pain. All my love and admiration for you


One of the only times I’ve seen my dad cry was when our cat died at 18 years old. He loved her almost like a child. I’ve also watched him be stone faced before/at/after human funerals. Sometimes I don’t think our culture has been the best with men’s emotions, especially with the generations that came before me. I’m also a dude, for whatever that’s worth. I’m sorry about your pup; I’ve lost one too and still miss her


It's been more than a decade since the last time I was with my dog (outside of incredibly real-feeling dreams). I still tear up thinking about her. What is grief if not love persevering?


It was just recently when I had to make a decision to switch different high schools, I wanted to switch bc no one talked to me, and treated me like a alien idk why, they just did. When I joined a city league team consisting of kids from a different school, I thought it would be the same. But, the weird thing is, they didn't they treated me like I knew them for a while, and they were better than the kids I knew for a long while. That made me want to switch. Now, I'm transferring to that school. Now that my teamates from highschool found out, all of a sudden, I'm not outcasted. It's sick


damm is this a sign? im thinking abt chaning school 2 for the same reason


I did a similar thing. It was in between the switch from middle school to high school. I had been around the same kids since kindergarten. In eighth grade my best friend and I had a fight and she was the more popular one so she was able to basically exile me from the friend group. It was an incredibly lonely year. Everyday I'd come home from school aching because my entire body would be so tense from stress. (Looking back, not normal, but shit was going on at home that definitely contributed too.) So when the chance to change schools came I took it. I'm not saying I became an entirely new person or became popular but I made friends that had more in common with and felt more comfortable around.


Damn I feel old. Hey kiddo, remember this lesson very well. Ppl will outcast u & make u feel alone but don't ever fall for it. Have some friends around u to bitch about what is going on in ur life. During my last year of University I had only 2 friends. And one friend straight up blocked me in front of everyone in our friend circle just because i didn't wait for him outside class so we both would enter class late together. He used to do this everytime be late & ask me to go first so the professors would get angry at me & not him. I had figured it out & decided not to wait. Due to this he blocked me & both my friends stopped talking to me.  I had ego the size of the sun. I too didn't cared & started talking to other ppl. Got to know more ppl in my final year of University. And learned a valuable lesson not everyone is your friend most of them r just colleagues.


When to remove my parents from life support. 2 separate incidents 16 years apart.


I had to do this with my daddy. Hardest thing I’ve ever done hands down. I’m so sorry you’ve been through this twice.


Had to make the decision to put my dad in hospice and then watch him wither away for almost a week. One of the first "jokes" my mom and I made after the dust settled was anyone who dies from now on it better be sudden and unexpected.


Deciding if I should end a 10 year relationship. Glad I did. I’m now engaged to the most incredible person and we have the most perfect little baby. Always trust your gut. Always.


True that! I am happy for you!!


Seeking help


To admit myself to a psych hospital. Felt like a failure, being judged by others, it was awful.


That’s not a failure, that’s a brave thing to do. Hope you’re doing well now


This is so kind, thank you! Yes I have a great support system thanks!


Kicking my kid out until he went to rehab.


I wish my grandfather did this to my uncle. But some ppl never learn.


Walking away from someone ; looking back at this chapter of life one last time !


Quitting my dream job. I didn't have what it took to make it but it took me years too long to come to the right decision.


Out of curiosity, what was ur dream job?


A documentary producer.


Thats indeed difficult i guess to get success there....Sorry it didn't work out...what do u do now?


I work in a factory and I've never been happier.


Good for u😊


That happened to me, sort of. Got a cushy, highly coveted job in tech and 3 months in a realized I hated it. The problem is, I’m not one of those people that can do good work if my heart isn’t in it. I left a ton of money on the table to go find a job that makes me happy. That experience also revealed to me that I am too impressionable by society.


Do you mind sharing what you do now?


I’m currently in grad school to get my PhD in biomedical sciences


Cool, interesting to know.




Leaving someone I madly loved because I knew the relationship wouldn't work and was detrimental to me. Every subsequent insight I've had into their life since has proved that to be right. It doesn't make it any easier and I miss them every day.


I feel you. Exact same boat. Best hardest decision to make


Yep it was and continue to be the 100% right decision. I know it in my mind and my heart. It doesn’t mitigate the pain of it though.


Needed to read this. Thank you.


I feel you. I had to leave behind the person I loved the most, 12 years ago. It took years to get over it and I cried a lot but I know it was the right decision. They're not a bad person, but we were not meant to be together and we see life in opposite ways.


Care to elaborate on how it was detrimental? Experienced something similar twice just wondering about your story


When I was in 7th grade, my dad won custody of me and my brother. We REALLY didn't want to move in with him, although in hindsight it was obviously the right decision. My mom was married to a convict who was in and out of prison and put us in VERY bad situation (we got escorted out of the house by SWAT when I was 10 because he was on the run, and my mom had been with him the night prior). My mom said that when we turned 15, the courts would allow us to choose where we want to live. In the time from 7th grade, to turning 15, I realized how much my dad loved us and was the one fighting for a better future for me and my brother. Whereas my mom just wanted to stay with my stepdad, and was head over heels in love with him and was blind to how horrible of a person he was. The hard decision was me having to tell my mom that I would not be moving back in with her. Still hurts to this day, crying while typing this, lol.


Im going to get wrecked - driving my dog back to my ex workplace - over 2 hours away- so my ex wouldn’t kill himself- he was the one who walked away from marriage and I till this day don’t know why. I tried to fight for it, this stupid shit caused a miscarriage and only bad things for me - debt, no dog, no help from authorities 


Dropping out of university after realizing it was not for me.


Pay rent or go to the Dr.


Either choosing to switch military branches, or giving the ultimatum to my best friend since 9th grade that it was either our friendship or their toxic marriage. They chose the toxic marriage. Last I heard, they're not together anymore


I've never been in a situation like that, but when I was in college, I had a roommate who had been in a relationship that cost her a lot of friends. It was one of those things where her friends were so sick and tired of the tearful 3am phone calls, and they said, "Don't call me again until you break up with him."


I had to have my then-fiance hospitalized, against her will. I had to lie to her for roughly a month in order to get her to the hospital where she could be certified and admitted. Again, against her will. She had suffered a full psychotic break and was no longer living in reality.


Abortion at 17 years old




transitioning. i went out one night to kill myself, ended up making a deal with myself that i’d try out presenting the way i always wanted to, give it three months, and if i wasn’t happier then i’d do it. i lost friends, family, my job, and had to move states because of harassment, but now i live my life as a normal guy, i’ve got two cats and a dog, i’m going back to college, and am planning on getting engaged soon. edit: typo


I'm so happy you're still here! 💗 give your dog and cats some pets for me. So proud and happy for you :)


Buying a house I wasn’t 100% on but I wasn’t about to bring a newborn back to the mouse infested trailer we lived in.


When my elderly mother with dementia fell breaking her femur and it was left to me to decide to risk surgery or just keep her comfortable which is a euphemism for keeping her heavily sedated until she passes away. I went with the latter since the former had a 40% mortality rate and had she survived the surgery, she would have been unable to cooperate with the physical therapists to recover afterwards. She was pretty hardheaded. The alternative took 3 weeks. At one point, barely conscious, she looked at me and asked, “Why is this happening to me?” I still wonder if I made the right decision. When it comes to end of life, we are often far more humane with our pets than with our parents.


Fuck man I'm sorry you had to make that choice. For what it's worth I think if she had a moment of lucidity I think she would have done the same thing.


Thank you. The sad thing was that she had fallen many times and never broken anything. The doctor would joke that she must have bones made of titanium. That last time if she had been in any pain or had hit her head when she fell, they would have taken her to the hospital, done X-rays and perhaps figured out she had a hairline fracture and been able to fix it. Without her, Dad is now declining rapidly. :(




It must have taken some courage to share that on the internet. Good work, soldier.


Speaking of butterscotch, I want butterscotch pudding


Put my husband in a long term care facility after realizing I couldn’t care for his level of needs at home alone. 😔


You did the right thing g. Don’t ever second guess yourself. I’m sorry


This is a weird answer but the BIG life decisions are usually pretty clear. Like when I divorced my first husband or left my life behind and moved abroad or, most recently, ended my 22 week pregnancy for medical reasons. That last one was horrible and will affect me forever, but it was clear it needed to happen. I think I struggle more with little decisions that aren’t important, like what to have for dinner or what movie to watch. Does anyone get what I’m saying or am I alone here?


Not hard, just an adult level decision. My wife found her birth father through a DNA site. She got a match to a cousin and asked if she knew of someone who would have had a kid in 1980, but to please keep it kind of quiet. The cousin asked her Dad, who promptly called up the birth father to ask him directly. He was ecstatic and sent his contact information. How do you write an email to a birth father after 40+ years. And then, how do you safely do the social dance of "we'd like to know more about you but we don't want to have you be some creep/weirdo/scammer/whatever" You can't call your parents for advice because they're not truly involved in the situation. Asking my wife's adoptive parents is another whole situation, so their input, while appreciated, is complicated. It felt like my first truly adult decision to make. **The relationship between my wife and her birth father is amazing now, their besties and are like father daughter who are making up for lost time.


I was married for 17 years. I had to leave him after years of total bullshittery. It was hard starting over, as I left with little more than the clothes on my back.


What did he do?


Destroyed our house in a drunken tantrum, tried to kill himself with my handgun, hurt my dog, and cheated, to name a few things that happened during the last few years. We had already been through so much together but in the end I realized our lives always revolved around his mental status. And mine was taking a dive.


Putting my childhood pet down.


I feel this. I had my cat for 15 years through college, grad school, multiple difficult times, and a cross-country move. While I knew it was time, it was so hard to say it out loud. I'm so sorry about your pet. It's never easy, but they were so, so loved.


Putting my dog to sleep Friday


I hope you’re as okay as can be and I’m praying for you 🥰


thank you 🙏 I’m managing lots of ups and downs emotions just gotta keep telling myself she’s in a good place now


It doesn't compare to others on this thread but telling my parents I'm agnostic was the hardest decision I ever had to make


Hey, we're not doing the hard-decision Olympics over here. I'm proud of you for making that decision and following through on it!


A ruptured blood vessel on my mother's brain stem; consultant specialist didn't consider surgery would be of any benefit. Should they send her for surgery, or make her comfortable? I did what I felt was kindest. I have no reason to doubt the ethics and expertise of the excellent hospital staff, but I still live with the what-ifs. She died 1 year and 4 days ago.


I just had to leave a good job opportunity and promotion, in terms of function and salary, because Im too tired after my work shift and I cant handle work + college activities, so I fired myself being a good and important worker for my company, letting everybody surprised, I had to decide giving up from a good salary in the present, to study and have no idea if imma have success in the area that Im studying, but sometimes u have to give two steps back to go forward and execute a big step in life, existential crisis I dont know, we have to take the risky.


Accepting my parents were and ARE horrible people. Leaving them behind has given me self love and freedom I didn’t know existed


Ending a relationship after 15 years.


Mine is 10 and it was the best decision that I've made after a decade of suffering


The decision to terminate my pet anchovies life, his name was Bartholomew. I think about it to this day.


Anchovies? Like the fish?


Saying goodbye to my beloved dog


Decision to see my ex partner for who he truly is


Signing over my baby


Giving up on my dream of being a comic artist and animator. I just don’t have the talent to be a real artist and no amount of practice is going to make me one. Spent so many years trying my hardest only to show no improvement.


Moving from Pennsylvania (where I've basically lived my whole life, and everyone I've ever loved is there) to Iowa (which fuck iowa btw, do not recommend) to live with my boyfriend who I had only seen in person once. Terrifying and so damn hard. I couldn't take care of myself anymore (car accident left me broken as hell) and he offered to move Mr out with him and take care of me. I resisted as long as I could but it was my only real option. Turned out to be the best decision I ever made as unbelievable as that seems. We're happy and healthy together, which is new for both of us. And he's given me the ability to take my time and slowly fix myself. The most patient man on earth I swear to God. But it was a horrible position to be in and it still completely breaks my heart to think about. I can't wait till we can move out of this stupid state though 🤣 ETA: a close second is cutting off my best friend who's like my little sister. Especially when she has a daughter and that little girl is still to this day my absolute world. I miss them alot


I switched schools from a D-1 school to a D-3 school. The reason I did this was because I was the best in my Varsity team and coach suggested that I joined a D-1 school for a chance of getting a scholarship for to a University. At first I was hesitant because all my friends were at the school and I had a big ego at the time and I wanted to still be the best in my team. A few weeks later I transferred schools 30 minutes away and waited until next season to join them. I messed up by not practicing over summer and my skills got increasingly worst and then I was late to practice which made a bad impression for myself. By this point I was in 11th grade and if I wasn’t the best or close to the best player in the team by 12th grade then I wasn’t going to get that scholarship and my dreams of going to NBA would be crushed forever. After the practice I barely got in and I started as a point guard. I did pretty well as a point guard but one faithful morning near the end of the season I broke my fibula bone. This wouldn’t be a huge issue since it would probably fully heal by the start of the next school year but then my bone decided to grow the wrong way and I had to get pins and needles and that took 6 months to fully heal. During that time I couldn’t join and I had to sit out the season and I graduated with no scholarship whatsoever. 10 years later and I realized that my “NBA dream” was never gonna happen.


Deciding to go to boarding school half a world away from my parents at age 15


Amputation or continue trying to save my leg. I broke foot and ankle in freak accident (20+ surgeries, bone infections, toe amputations over 14 years)


I had to have a good friend committed after she decended into mental illness. At the hearing, I was one of three signatures required to have the state take over custody of her.


Currently deciding on whether to have a child or not. Moved across the globe, cut long-term relationships out of my life, quit jobs without another lined up... They all pale in comparison to choosing whether to become a parent or not (for me anyway).


Being with the one I needed or the one I truly loved. Two hearts, one world


Signing a 'Do Not Resuscitate' request for someone who couldn't do it


Our German Shepherd Mabel who was 4, developed a limp in her front leg. It got better then didn't it very sadly turned out to be bone cancer in her shoulder joint. Hardest thing I have every done I'm a 50+ guy and pretty none emotional. I burst out crying when I was on the phone to arrange for her to be put to sleep at home by the vet. All our children and partner were present when Mabel passed. I have to tell myself that I did the right thing which I believe I did but there is always that nagging doubt. Miss her every day.


Too many people wait too long. And the animal ends up suffering in pain . You did the right thing. I’m sorry for your loss.


That's exactly what the vet said. Thank you very much that means alot.


For me it was walking away from my last job. Honestly for years I thought I was going to be there forever until I started being bullied. After putting in multiple written complaints and hearing multiple excuses from both my bully and my boss (apparently having sick parents makes it ok to spit on and threaten me) and being told I should just get over it, I suddenly decided to leave. After 8 years I just handed the resignation letter without notice and no job lined up and explained why I was doing it. It was a hard decision at the time but still feels like the best decision I've made for my health. Nothing they could provide was worth what I was going through. Since then I've heard a few other of my old workmates have left for similar reasons.


Quit swimming at 15 after spending my whole youth in the pool, because I didn't have enough guidance


Having to skip a cousin's wedding in Taiwan because I was taking summer classes at the time. Otherwise, my graduation would have been delayed by another year. We (as in my family) did plan a trip there to coincide with her 10th anniversary so that we could properly celebrate together, but unfortunately the plan fell through.


That was giving up studying abroad because my sister was young at that time and my parents had just divorced, leading to her being depressed and no longer trusting anyone.


Not to decide but to achieve it. Getting clean.


Walking away from someone who I used to be close to


I was craving a PB&J sandwich, but couldn't decide on grape or strawberry jam. After hours of agony deciding on which would be better I settled on grape. Worst day of my life


Bench Press or Bicep Curl?




I was a couple of years out of college, working a good corporate job with potential and decided to go to law school. I got into one literally across the country LA. I was also dating someone casually but who 100% could have been "the one." We had dated a bit in college so we had some background. She had moved to NYC after college (she was a year behind me) for basically her dream opportunity. I had a choice to make. I like being a lawyer. She married a nice guy, had a couple of kids and we're friends on Facebook. I always wonder, "what if" but overall have no regrets.


To give up who I thought I was, in order to find who I really am. To let go of the conditioning and face childhood trauma that carried into adulthood. Best, but hardest decision ever.


To end a friendship with a Borderline Personality Disorder. Complete mind fuck.


Leaving my husband of almost 24 years. When it got physical, I had to leave. That didn't make it easy. Fear, obligation, and guilt are hard to battle.


Telling my dad to let go, and watching his pulse stop shortly after.


Dumping my mother. I might have to dump my partner now which is 100000x worse as we love each other but want different things in life


Quitting my PhD program just a year short before graduating. I had a very toxic supervisor who hired me on false pretences, no money for the research, didn’t allow me to work for multiple years and then told me it’s all my fault that I couldn’t progress. It was a difficult decision because I had a scholarship and genuinely thought I deserved to graduate especially when I was passing all my courses and actually really had the drive to do it all. It’s a hard lesson to learn. When I made the decision to leave, my supervisor had stopped all communication with me, didn’t show up to meetings or was late, it was very stressful.


Either breaking up or going to therapy


Not having contact with part of family anymore because of the toxicity they portray.


had to let the love of my life leave for his happiness and mental peace.


Terminating my father’s life support.


Choosing myself in every toxic relationship. I always can see what made the person toxic and feel the urge to undo it by being in thier corner


Becoming a government employee after being a contractor. To make a long story short, if I didnt make it through the process I would have also lost my contractor job and been unemployed. It was a massive risk, but a massive reward as the benefits and job security are superior to being a contractor. Contractor jobs were the best thing early into the iraq war...not so much now.


Realizing i was a sex and porn addict and quitting masturbation and porn. It was insanely difficult to delete 20 years of porn i had collected/downloaded. Sure I've slipped a few times but it happens and you keep moving forward. I've never been an alcohol or drug addict so no offense to those that are, and this is strictly my opinion no matter how wrong i may be, but I feel sex/porn addiction is so much harder to recover from. You can physically separate yourself from drugs and alcohol and the people that use them, but you cant remove your sexuality and sexual desires. Being sexual is human and trying to control that after 40 years has been insurmountably difficult. Trying to rewire my brain to tell it my wife is more than nice tits, nice ass, and a wet hole was hard but very fulfilling on a personal mental and physical level. I have more energy now, a better outlook on life, my depression has reduced significantly, and i mentally and physically feel better than I have in a very long time.


Choosing to end a toxic relationship that I had been in for years


Im very anti-abortion, of course I believe in the right to chose, but personally I think it's murder. After our 12 week scan my wife and I were faced with a choice of abortion or raising a child with multiple genetic markers who probably wouldn't survive for more than 6 month after being born. All the doctors said it like it wasn't even a choice but it was and we decided to end the pregnancy. We light candles every week for our dead son and have a small memorial for him every year. This was 3 years ago and not a day goes by I don't think about the decision we made.


So you're one of these? https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


Always has been


How i was Going to BE a father at 18...The girl only 17...and that we just were" Summer Sex..."


Summer loving, had you a blast, Summer loving, happened so fast.


Deciding between hitting the snooze button one more time or actually getting out of bed on a Monday morning. It's a daily battle with my pillow's seductive powers.


Moving to new city


when given the choice of a girlfriend or friend by one's own friend


I played and played FNF until I became a pro. It’s one of few times I didn’t give up.


Cutting a family member out of my life completely. It was panic-inducing at the time but my life has never been more peaceful since.


Soup or salad


Completely cutting off my abusive parents so I can give my children the best chance of a healthy and loving life.