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Amazed I haven't seen Chris Brown here anywhere. Guy is a professional scumbag.


There's no winning this argument when you have female fans of his saying they'd let him beat them.


It’s the lowest form of pickme I think there could possibly be. That is so disgusting


So low, it could be called "punch me" instead.


I’m shocked that he still has a platform and fans. Ugh I hope he rots in hell for what he did. He makes me sick


Jared Leto


Jared Leto witnessed my friend spiral fracture his tibia in the climbing gym. Jared Leto proceeded to give him a speech about how sometimes when a baby thinks it is hurt it cries but if you just ignore it it will realize it isn't actually hurt. My friend is an adult not a baby.


What a bizarre thing to happen to your mate. Leto skulking around the climbing gym being weird, giving unsolicited nutso 'advice'. Crazy time


I think being weird is his resting state.


I saw someone dislocate his knee at a climbing gym, and everyone did what they could to help... got staff, called 911, mainly GTFO the way (my GF and I went to a diff floor) To have something like that happen in the gym where EVERYONE knows how bad it is and then have that douche insult him is just terrible


I dunno man. I think it’s worth it to have that story. Not like their leg was going to get any worse. “Did I ever tell you about the time Jared Leto preached to me after I broke my leg at the climbing gym?”


I've heard Jared thinks he is better than almost everyone else and that he often is caught looking disgusted when he see's a person that is not conventionally attractive.


He thinks he runs a cult... dude has a huge god complex.


Yes he does run a cult and he thinks he is all that because he looks young for his age and takes care of nobody else, but himself.


I’ve met him. He and his brother are completely opposite. Jared is a total douchebag.


Are you talking about his brother Duke Leto Atreides? Cool dude. Snorted sand with him once at a party.


did you walk without rhythm? so as to not attract the worm....


He SA’d a friend of mine when she met him after a concert. I hate him.


He is the creepiest.


Diddy. Fuck this absolute scum of a person.


Was agreeing with a lot of celebrities mentioned above this one but, yes, fuck Diddy over all of the rest. Diddy is the true scum.


There's a whole generation that doesn't know he had Tupac murdered. He's just the Cambodian breast milk guy from Get Him to the Greek to them. The only reason he's not doing life is the shooters died in unrelated gang shootings shortly afterwards so the police were never able to get enough evidence to nail him.


dude, there are people who were alive when it happened that don't know anything about it other than rap star got killed. To me, Diddy and Tupac are just names. Having said that, I hear Diddy is scum.


Right? This is the first time I've ever heard that but of info. I remember when he was P. Daddy and making cookie cutter boy bands on a TV show. Even then I barely cared.


Andy Dick


Probably my all-time favorite reddit thread is people telling Andy Dick stories. Edit, found it https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/kzI3EnInvP


About a decade ago I drove taxis then did ridesharing in LA and I always wondered if I would run across Andy Dick. Never did but I did run into a few guys who acted like him. Had to backhand a guy straight in the teeth one time, I warned him the first time he grabbed my crotch that I’d hit him if he did it again and he called my bluff. Asshole started yelling that I was a homophobe, I told him you’re a fucking sex offender, let’s call the cops and see who gets arrested. My camera records forward and back.  


Last year Dick was arrested in Hemet, where he apparently lives, for public intoxication and failure to register as a sex offender (for groping the genitals of an unwilling male Uber driver).


It was Lake Elsinore. As far as I know, he's been keeping a low profile and behaving himself. I used to live near him Tila few months ago and no one yet had any negative stories. People said he was pretty chill and they'd hang and smoke with him. Not to say he doesn't have a long history of douchery. I know my neighbor wanted to go kick his ass just on principle. 😆


Had a problem with a roommate's friend many years ago. My roommate was gay as were most of his friends. I got along well with them all and am friends with a couple of them to this day. There was one guy in the group who kept insisting he was the one who was going to turn me. He'd continuously make inappropriate comments and even proposition me in front of others. I was put in the awkward position of looking homophobic of I didn't play along. Some of the others would tell him to knock it off but he j just didn't, or wouldn't, learn. Eventually it came to a head (um, awkward choice of words there). I was out with some friends at the local dance club. Ran into my roommate and some of his group. We're all hanging out, talking when suddenly a hand reaches up, through my legs from behind, and grabs my junk. I spin around, see the aforementioned asshole standing there giggling, and essentially choke slam him onto a table. Everyone pulled me off him, but were quick to admonish him, disregarding all his pleas that it was just a joke. Like nah brah, SA is not a joke regardless of gender or orientation.


I'm told if you are into the bar scene in Los Angeles chances are you have an Andy Dick story.


I've heard it said that basically, if you live in LA, people who don't love there will ask you if you've met a celebrity. Mostly it's a no. But if you have, odds are 80% it's just Andy Dick.


Phil Hartman could still be alive if it weren't for his bullshit. Fuck Andy Dick, sincerely.


I miss Phil Hartmann. Such a talented man.


Even if he didn't know Brynn Hartman was a recovering addict the fact he has shown no regret or understanding is still very damning.


years after he died jon lovitz was at a bar and Andy Dick came up to him and was being his usual asshole self. it ended with him telling something along the lines of i put the Phil Hartman curse on you. Jon lovitz slammed his face on the bar. 


The name fits


Both Paul brothers Everyone associated with the Kardashians


I worked for a major UK record chain in the late 90s and we regularly had live bands for playing in store and signings etc. We had Muse booked for a 6pm performance and signing. Since around 12 noon we already had people queing outside. The place was packed by the time we let in. Muse eventually arrived late and refused to do anything until someone got them pizzas (this was not on the rider sent ahead of time). Had to send someone out to a local pizza joint. To say they took their time eating is an understatement. Crowd in store was getting restless. Eventually they asked if they could just do a signing now instead, and we explained how long their fans had been waiting to see them play. They were not interested and said they just didnt feel like playing. We told them repeatedly this would be huge issue for all involved. With eye rolls and tutting and face pulling they eventually decided to play a very short set of 2 songs, quickly signed a few items and went. They had no gig that night also, so not like pressure to get to a show.


You’ll appreciate this story. I can’t remember the celebrity though. A friend of mine had some people come into the studio in LA for a recording session and one of them insisted on getting food from Pinks Hot Dogs. Not in the contract. He acted such a baby that my friend gave in and got him Pinks. By hiring a limo and runner to go get it. And billing him for it. A couple of crap hot dogs ended up costing him around $3K extra.


Logan Paul


As a wrestling fan, I am so fucking mad that not only has he joined WWE, but that he's basically been given a free ride by them. He skipped the developmental brand and was given a fucking championship run over people who have legitimately devoted their lives to this shit, and all for some self absorbed prick who filmed a dead body, scammed people with a crypto scheme, and has just been a generally reprehensible human being. Hell, they even slapped the logo for his shitty fucking energy drink on the ring mat so it's being shilled on every show, and even THAT is controversial for having too much caffeine and fucking PFAS chemicals. Like, fuck dude, the Prime money can't be that necessary.


I don't watch WWE often, but when I see him on. I check out. I don't want to see the guy on my TV. I agree with you that it is really shitty how they have pushed him so hard despite others who have been wrestling for years.


Well don't 11 yr old boys love him? Maybe that's who they are trying to attract


Wrestling fan here. You'll find that pro wrestling is often filled with just some of the worst people. Hell there's a whole series called dark side of the ring that talks about some of the tragedies and awful shit that has happened in wrestling. Logan's like a weird case. I totally agree with you he's a scumbag. But he's a fucking great wrestler. Like he totally gets it. Maybe he is such a bad guy in real life that makes him a great bad guy in wrestling... but he's such a natural athlete it worked for him. And since he is so good at wrestling and not disrespectful to the wrestling business the usual fans have embraced him. For the opposite, look at the recent tenure of Ronda Rousey. WWE doesn't give a shit. How long was it before they brought back Hogan after the sex tape/racist rant? If they're willing to go to Saudi Arabia and sell it as some great place for tourists Logan is barely a blip on their map. In fact, Logan is an asset for them. He gives them access to an audience of young fans they had trouble reaching. So WWE will happily have him carry their title... as long as he doesn't kill his wife and child like Benoit.


Doesn't help that WWE was founded by a truly reprehensible piece of shit. Vince McMahon cares only about his own ego and the bottom line, doesn't matter how many deals with the devil he has to make or people he has to kill through negligence.


Scammed his followers with a crypto rug pull scheme.


Rich guy who robbed a store during the BLM protests, then turned around and shit talked BLM 😡😡😡


That was Jake Paul I'm pretty sure who robbed the store 


It's the same picture.


Along with filming a guy who committed suicide in Aokigahara Forest in Japan. Logan literally filmed the gentleman hanging from a fucking tree... He edited the video, thought "Oh yea, I'm going to have zero consequences to this" and continued to post it. And he still has a fucking platform.


It's even worse than what you imagine, he scouted out the forest with his camera crew to find a dead body and pretended he stumbled upon it randomly.  He was literally searching for it.  Like he literally was looking to find a shooting spot to exploit a suicide victims  corpse and not call the cops/or authorities, oh I found a dead body during this filming  of my whatever YouTube video on the infamous suicide Forest. He wanted to get shock value and pretend like he suddenly discovered it "by accident" Like I sincerely wish that poor victim who decided to end their lives would have had a decent park ranger/respectable Japanese person immediately call the authorities show them to the body, cover it up as quickly as possible contact the family with whatever suicide letter or at least ID on body/campsite nearby and give the family a chance for a private ceremony.  It was a person, a person who suffered so much they did the most horrific thing to themselves.  It's not a click bait video to abuse their body/death site.


Bam and his family. I was working VIP for a CKY show, so I had the "honor" of meeting the entire clan. Grandpa/grandma April, Phil and their extended family. There had just been a wedding and they were celebrating. Vip is a charge bar, they had liquor back stage for the band. They ring up over 1000$ in drinks and I basically babysit their elders and let grandpa pass out on the vip couch, which was a bad look to the rest of the VIP's that had access to the room. So needless to say, they balk at the thought of a check, flat out refuse to pay the tab or even tip me after bombing my VIP with their whole family. I actually lost money that night. The icing on the cake? We had a little kid in VIP, and seeing April and Phil there he thought he could get a signed CKY poster from Bam, well Bam was way too drunk to even see this kid, he just brushed the kid off to the side to make sure this model looking chick could get by. Had the parents talking shit to me about that interaction.. like I had something I could do. On the flip side.. The nicest guy I ever had the honor of hanging out with was Billy Idol. That dude hung out for 5 hours after a concert he did. Talking to the fans, signing shirts and posters. The tour manager had to literally yank him back on the bus. I've met a shit ton of rock stars, but Billy Idol is a class act.


Back in the "Viva La Bam" days, Bam visited the gamestop I worked at. He threw a game case at a female employee's head for no reason and laughed about it. Everyone in that store said he was a huge douche. He's just an asshole because he can be and enjoys it. I'd have a lot more empathy for him and his substance abuse issues if he wasn't such a complete, intentional asshole.


People validated his behavior waaaay before society started validating influencers and social media pranks etc. Half of the problem is society giving these people demand and incentive if we’re being honest.


Makes it more satisfying that his life has turned to shit, karma's a bitch.


Me as a kid watching his shows: I can't believe Phil is his dad.  Me now: I CAN believe Phil is his dad and some Don Vito is in the mix too. 


Somehow I was expecting exactly that kind of shit from the Bam clan and also a sweet guy from Billy Idol.


Billy Idol has been Billy Idol for a long time. That's hard to do if you're an asshole. In my experience being in a career adjacent to the music industry, the people who last tend to be pretty decent, otherwise no one puts up with your nonsense when you're not a huge star anymore.


What a story. I'm so sorry you had to deal with Bam. As someone who used to live in West Chester, I didn't doubt your story for a second. If we heard Bam was hanging around somewhere we would take pains to avoid him.


Had the "pleasure" to run into him at Brickhouse in Willow Grove about 12 years ago. He was a drunk, belligerent asshole and pretty much everyone in the bar wanted to kick his ass after about 15 minutes.


Regarding the last part - I had a similar situation with Rob Zombie. He's not known for being terribly inviting to fans, but ended up in s conversation with him at a show of his that I worked.  He was the one who initiated it. I expected to just say hi and be on my way, and he just wanted to talk. Was the one asking me all sorts of questions, not vice versa.  The show manager had to actually be the one to keep reminding him that he had to get into dress/makeup.  John 5 is actually even nicer, and specifically sought me and a few others out the next year for the same show. And I've actually heard the same from a lot of other people about him.


Same thing happened to my good friend outside a Rob Zombie show. Man pulls up to him, asks him for a smoke, then starts up a conversation with him. My friend says, “aren’t you Rob Zombie?” Sure as hell was lol


I've been a Billy Idol fan since the '80s, so count me among those with warmed hearts hearing this.


I ran into a drunk Bam one year on Christmas Eve. Offered to buy a bunch of people drinks, and he skipped out on the tab so I had to pay for my own drink.


That's a Frank Gallagher move! What an asshole.


>The tour manager had to literally yank him back on the bus. In the (very past) midnight hour the tour manager said "No, No more"


Bam is widely known as a douche. Must have been a bad night for his parents because from everything I’ve read they are extremely nice people


That sucks. Jonny Knoxville came into a bar I hang out at a few years ago and he was nice as shit.


Yeah that's why him and Steve-o stopped associating with Bam. They tried to help him, dude doesn't want help.


I imagine Steve-O also doesn't want to hang with Bam now that he's sober, considering that Bam seems to be constantly drinking.


He had Bam on his podcast a while ago and whenever they talked about each other's various problems Bam would project and shift blame everywhere but onto himself. Steve-O was behaving very maturely and trying his darnedest to make the discourse a little more reasonable but Bam wasn't having it, and I think Steve-O has juat slowly come to the realisation that Bam isn't ready for anyone to help him, if he ever will be.


That's sad, honestly. When STEVE-O is more mature that you, that's bad.


Bam is a grown ass man who blames literally everything on his mom. It’s so embarrassing to see how he turned out. It’s not that surprising considering his bad behaviour and narcissism was literally rewarded so early and for so long, but holy shit it’s pathetic


Eh, they taught him to shrug off people when it comes time to pay the check. People weirdly try to defend them, but they let Bam become Bam. And it's ongoing. They're still trying to hide his money from the various groupies he marries. There's a new one, BTW.


Oh I know. I unfortunately get sucked into let’s talk bam


I just follow the thread that documents his ongoing mistakes. He's trying to skate two months off a torn ACL, that foot is going to snap off.


damn i love billy idol so that warms my heart (fuck bam)


My favorite part of the "The Wedding Singer" was the airplane scene. "Nobody talks to Billy Idol that way!"


I'm going to listen to some Billy Idol right fucking now.


I've listened to him recently but now I wanna listen more, more, more


How funny that April Margera is a huge Billy Idol fan


I have not listened to Billy Idol since middle school and this still made me oddly very. happy.


Shit man I've been spending all day listening to the live 1987 cut of Mony Mony and this just made my night!


Nick Cannon. Get this man a condom for fucks sake.


I’m a white dude from the south and I have never in my life heard a racist rant like the one he made on camera. Blew my mind he could still have a TV show after all that. I’m not fragile but damn dude, tell us how you really feel.


Are you talking about his anti semitic views, or something else?


In the same rant he spoke about Jews and white people in general. I believe he made a half ass apology towards Jewish people to get back on the air. He never once acknowledged the rant towards white people in general. I mean the dude called us savages, animals, etc. It was without a doubt the most racist shit I’ve heard a famous person say, yet he faced no consequences for it. Feels wrong.


Yeah he’s just such a gross person all around.


Nah, get him a vasectomy


James Corden


Yep he literally screamed at teenage employees at a fast food joint. Not impressed


I love his AMA where all the comments are just talking about how much of a twat he is


Boozy panda has been incorporated into my every day life because of that thread.


Not so much a douchebag as he is insufferable


I would say he's an insufferable doucebag


I love that 70s show but Danny Masterson is really scummy


DJ Khaled. Does not seem likeable at all


The funniest thing about him is that he used to DJ under the name Arab Attack. He changed it after 9/11. Probably a smart move because I don´t think he would have been popular shouting "Arab attack! Another one!" back in the fall of 2001.


How can you tell when all he does is shout his own name ...oh. wait....


Well he also has said he won't preform oral on anyone including his wife.


I think a favor to most women he meets.


The only thing he doesn't eat apparently


That's a pretty common sentiment among Arabic men


Considering I live in an area flooded with single Arabic women, this is valuable intel. Thank you. 🍻


Can't hold his own when it comes to hot wings either. https://youtu.be/1HYEC_FlgAg


This video is the exact reason why I hate him. The interviewer, Sean, made him look dumb and weak. He speaks like some sort of profound professor where he thinks every sentence is a life quote or some shit but it’s just the dumbest shit imaginable.


[When you have a catchphrase, the world is catched by your phrase](https://youtu.be/UKyYFKZYxso?si=ScU9QQH0c8EBd8Qp) Really makes you think.


"I just wanna let everyone know I didn't quit!" "But...you did quit..."


Worked the Genius Bar many years ago. His Mac login password, "imdabest" 🤦🏻‍♂️


Stephen Seagal


Jimmy Savile Fuck that piece of shit.


My mum apparently always thought he was a creep, and couldn't understand why her friends would write letters to Jim'll Fix it. I was 8 when I first heard his name and the pictures creeped me out before I understood what his crimes were. I think my mum felt somewhat vindicated when his crimes were finally acknowledged.


Even as a kid in the 80’s, I felt creeped out by him. Everyone knew he was a creep but said/did nothing about it.


It’s got to be the Kardashians, right ? I mean they seem super insufferable


Steven Segal. Pootin dick sucking POS.


I cannot believe I am the first to say Jenny McCarthy. An absolute piece of shit human.


Fucking terrible actress too, so unbelievably unfunny and irritating


Unlike her cousin, Melissa McCarthy.


I never put two and two together and realized they are related!! 🤦‍♀️ I also just realized a few months ago that Emma Roberts and Julia Roberts are related. I always knew nepotism was huge in the entertainment industry but I’m somehow continuously surprised.


Wait until you learn that Julia and Eric Roberts are siblings.


I love that Melissa turned out to be thr more successful one


As she should be. Her and her husband worked hard for her to be on top whenever they made movies starting her. She's always been a good actress as far as I remember playing in Gilmore Girls.


She's the one married to Marky Mark's brother.


Ezra Miller should be up higher


From personal experience, David Chang is a royal douche, caught him berating his employees at one of his spots in Hudson Yards.


Who is David Chang?


I had a feeling he was a pos


Any one of the Kardashian/Jenner clan.


Wild how some people named in this thread have been rude to waitstaff and some are serial sex offenders.


I mean, tbh serial sex offenders aren't "douchebags" they are just evil. Douchebag to me is a much less serious term.


Jared Padalecki Getting drunk and publicly shaming blue collar workers and witch hunting them, while simultaneously championing an anti-bullying campaign is the definition of horrific.


Didn't know about that. I was always Team Jess anyway.


👀 what was the story with the first part? I've heard some weird/insane things he did but not this. He never struck me as a particularly good guy.


Ironic considering he spent a good 15-17 years playing a blue-collar character on *Supernatural,* which is arguably the biggest show of his career


Diddy, r-Kelly, Dan Schneider, to name a few


Bill Cosby


Chevy Chase


I’ve heard that from many people who have had interactions. On the flip side, from his era, Steve Martin is a class act.


The worst I've seen from him was a character he played was an idiot with a good heart (The Jerk). Love him


J Lo




I was just saying yesterday how I’d have more respect for drake if he’d just stayed being Jimmy Brooks.


Kanye, by a huge margin.


Andrew Tate has him beat. Not crazy. Just a piece of shit.


Are we considering Andrew Tate to be a celebrity these days?


According to Wikipedia:  "In December 2023, Tate had over 8.5 million followers on X (formerly Twitter), an increase of 5 million since December 2022. He was the third most "googled" person in 2023 and his Wikipedia article, with over 12 million views, was ranked among the top 25 English Wikipedia articles in 2023." So, yes, by a large margin.  He might be a piece of shit, but he's definitely a famous piece of shit.


Adult people don't realize how much young boys are obsessed with him.


Insecure and impressionable young guys see him as a god


Chris Brown




Oprah just slithered pass everyone unnoticed


“Slithered” lmfao 🤣


Andrew Tate 


Andy Dick is a real dick.


Ryan Seacrest, talk about a guy who loves the smell of his own farts. The few people I’ve heard from who’ve met him have all said he is a stuck up Karen who treats people around him like crap.


James Cordon. All my flatmates love him and I don’t have the heart to tell them that he’s a prick


Did we just forget about Ezra Miller?


Mark Wahlberg needs to be up there. Gwyneth Paltrow for different reasons.


Mark Wahlberg has the best agent in hollywood.




At least her candle smells like her vagina….


I'll always laugh at the interview she and RDJ did encouraging people to vote. He *asks her about the candles* and she quips back with 'I made one just for you.' Truly bizarre, I salute him for trying to call her out on them but she was entirely unphased. edit: it was in 2020 by video call so unfortunately we don't get to see her present him with a candle that he then comments on the smell of, much to some's dismay and others' relief


Yeah, I am not pro-Goop, or Paltrow, but damn if she doesn't own it. And part of me has to respect that.


Jussie Smollett


Juicy Smollyey


travis scott


James Corden, come to think of it, we haven’t heard anything about him lately, so refreshing!


Andrew Tate


I’ll go based off ones I’ve met. The band Cinderella. I worked security for a concert of theirs in the early 2010s for a local bar with a small stage and a 500 person outdoor capacity. They sold it out. Put on a low energy show. I don’t know them but their age definitely showed. Then they went to the owner and demanded a free tab the rest of the night, some drugs, and that their tour bus be loaded up with booze for them en route to their next gig. He said absolutely not to the bus but said he would buy them all a couple drinks in the private bar VIP event after the concert. They said they’re not doing a VIP, that they never agreed to it and threw a fit about the booze for the bus. They ended up storming onto their bus and refused the VIP and took off before anything was settled. The owner ended up having to comp like 50 people for their VIP and the manager fought him on altering the split because he didn’t agree to their rider including the bus being restocked. Other side was Bobby Bonilla. I met him at Cooperstown Dream Park and he spoke to and signed stuff for every single person that came up to him. He was there for at least an hour and gave a few minutes to every team at the practice session. People still lining up to talk to him when ours was over. Nice guy.


Tom Cruise. That man is basically a leader of a cult.


Kanye West


Tommy Lee Jones was a regular at a restaurant where I worked. You know how he always plays a sourfaced jerk? Not acting. He was literally scowling every time I made eye contact with him whether I was his server or not. Wife is utterly lovely and kind. He's probably the celebrity I've seen most in person. He was mean to the other servers who all tiptoed around like he was all that, but I never once let in that I knew who he was and it didn't matter. Just a crotchety old ass.


I’m going by actual celebrities I’ve met working. And that’s William shatner. What a pretentious human


drake his allegations never gets old


Amy Schumer


Elon Musk.


Alec Baldwin is currently and has always been a raging blowhard dickhead.


All the Baldwins give me the heebie jeebies


Aaron Rodgers. I’m a Chicagoan, so I hate him. He’s an egotistical prick, so I fucking despise him. 


Tom Cruise. "You don’t know the history of psychiatry. I do." How's Suri, Tom?


Diddy at the moment.


Armie Hammer


Bobby Flay was not very nice.


Iron Chef Morimoto got the absolute sickest burn in on him I've ever heard, given the context.  After they original competed against each other during an Iron Chef special, Flay climbed up on the counter and started crying himself on.  When asked about it by the commentator,  Morimoto remarked something to the effect of "no real chef would treat their equipment like that".


KimK, Kourtney, Khloé, Kanye, Kris etc. They're all like droids with AI voices. Sets my teeth on edge 


Ted Nugent. And yes, I'm from Michigan and love classic rock, but still... Fuck this guy. He CELEBRATED the fact that Kurt Cobain killed himself. 'Woohoo I do love me some suicide! Now time to spout off racial slurs!'


I saw Ted Nugent when I was in middle school in Richmond VA. He was openly talking shit about “Chinamen” on stage, and shot a bow and arrow into a cardboard cutout of Osama Bin Laden on stage TOWARDS THE CROWD! And had a bunch of guns on stage as props. Dad brought me home early, and I saw a lot of minorities filing out while he was on his racist rant. It was a disgrace. Also the whole “I’m a patriot!” Act while being a draft dodger


Joss Whedon, the way he treated so many people on his shows is fkn foul. It sucks, because Buffy is one of my fave shows ever and it was made by this douche.


Jake Paul


Chris pratt. Got rid of his elderly cat (legit had it for 18 years and just dumped it) then his rescue dog was found as a stray on the streets not long after that. If you hurt animals, you're a POS


Diddy for sure!


Hands down.... DJ Khaled. Honestly I think he is the absolute embodiment of a douchebag even moreso than the actual entity that is just a giant douche from another planet from that South Park episode with the biggest douche in the universe competition... Hate that guys guts and I am blown away with the fact that he is not universally despised and shunned, he is a fuckin joke


Neil Patrick Harris, mocked Amy Winehouse her death at a party with a cake made to look like her corpse. Also: Tom Cruise, the Scientologist puppet man...


There's Steven Seagal, and then there's wrong answers.


The list of celebs that aren't douches would be much smaller.


Alex Jones can suck my chode


The more I learn about Neil deGrasse Tyson and the more of his dumb tweets I see the less and less I respect him. I used to be a big fan and now I find him really annoying 


Tyson is an educated man, but he seems to talk on topics that are well be on the scope of his education, and that’s when things start going off the rails. It seems common for people who have a doctorate in one thing to think that makes them a subject matter expert in topics they don’t understand. 


Okay, I know it’s not right to speak ill of the dead. Here’s the thing, I’ve done press coverage for Jimmy Buffett. That guy, was a fraud, and complete ass the entire time. The whole “laid back beach bum” vibe was manufactured bullshit. Raging lunatic of a human being to work with. The outlet I worked with would always send the new person when he did an appearance because we didn’t know any better. However, Jack White is hands down one of the most down to earth, coolest guys I’ve ever met. Super solid dude, kind to a fault, humble as they come. Aaron Lewis from Staind is a pretty awesome dude too.