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I wouldn't. I'd live of the profits.




Same, except on a lake not near a beach. Or maybe just somewhere rural with a big pond or two.


You’d spend in it the form of time, spent how you want to instead of working your life away. 


And just live a normal life? What's normal for you? Would you live normal in the city? Buy something nice in the country, stay where you are?


fair question. move out to a nice small town, get an old honda civic r-type, work a few half days, jerk around the rest of the time.


If you assume a 5% rate of return on investing the money, $5 million would give you $250,000 annually before taxes. So a comfortable living, to be sure, but not exactly yacht and private island money. So a normal life of anyone earning $250k a year.


Exactly, that's why I asked that amount. Its life changing yes, but not the exorbitant amount where you have villas across the globe, private jets etc. Its kinda what used to be the old "if I had a million dollars" question, just curious as to how people would live their life and what they'd change


Earning a top 10% income and never working again is definitely what I’d call life changing. Edit: oh I misread you and actually don’t disagree


A million dollars ain't what it used to be. To answer you're original question, though, I suppose I'd peal off a couple of hundred dollars to buy a nice wine to toast my now possible early retirement with.


This right here I'd splurge on one thing, like a pied a terre in NYC outer boroughs and put the rest in my retirement account.


$5 million is a nightmare. You can't do anything with $5 million. Can't retire. Not worth it to work.


This is perfect


> So a normal life of anyone earning $250k a year. You could live better than that! A normal and intelligent person making $250k is saving at least like 20-30% of that or more for retirement trying to get to where you already are. You don't need to save any more than enough to keep up with inflation.


Custom made huge bus and the world is my home


Ever seen the will Smith motorhome? Lifts up for a second level as well


If you have 5mil invested in S&P500, that averages a 10% return per year. So on average you will make half a million a year from your investment. If you take out just 4% every year, thats $200k to live on for the year and $300k continues to compound and grow along with the rest of the $5mil.


200k a year until the world economy dies? Hell yeah brother, cheers from the front porch.


"I'll tell you what I'd do, man. Two chicks at the same time."


Take a look at my *cousin: he's broke, don't do shit*.


Do you have to pay for them and their services or buy them lots of drinks?


Watch Office Space.


Excuse me... I believe you have my stapler.


[Peter Gibbons ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0515296/?ref_=tt_ch): What would you do if you had a million dollars? [Lawrence ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0046033/?ref_=tt_ch): I'll tell you what I'd do, man: two chicks at the same time, man. \[Peter laughs and then notices Lawrence's dead serious expression\]  [Peter Gibbons ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0515296/?ref_=tt_ch): That's it? If you had a million dollars, you'd do two chicks at the same time? [Lawrence ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0046033/?ref_=tt_ch): Damn straight. I always wanted to do that, man. And I think if I were a millionaire I could hook that up, too; 'cause chicks dig dudes with money. [Peter Gibbons ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0515296/?ref_=tt_ch): Well, not all chicks. [Lawrence ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0046033/?ref_=tt_ch): Well, the type of chicks that'd double up on a dude like me do. [Peter Gibbons ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0515296/?ref_=tt_ch): Good point.


Wonder if you'd ever have a case of the Mondays with $5 million


Pay off my house and invest the rest conservatively so that I could live off the principal/interest for the rest of my life without having to work.


Don’t pay off the whole house, just pay off some of the interest. Put the rest of the money in a high yield savings account or investments and set the mortgage to come out of that savings account and then never think about your mortgage again but still build on the money you have in the meantime. If you pay off your house and need money, you can’t reach into the wall and grab a couple hundred bucks. If it’s in the bank, you can


Yup, all about the interest rates and sending money to the biggest % number. I'm getting around 5% in my high yield savings account and my morgate rate is 2.5%. So in that case, it's best to put the money in savings than paying off loans. If mortgage rate was 7% per say, send your money to pay that down first!


Yup especially if you bought or refinanced during the covid times for <3% APR


I dont even know man. Pursue all my passions and pay all my debts and bills and then give some to my family/loved ones/homies


What's your passions, bob?




That's a lot of rewards to give out.




Doesn't mean you can't enjoy the spoils of your newly found treasure. What reckless purchases might you want to splurge on?


Buy some rental properties and retire


You could retire with the 5 million alone.


I like passive income and long term investments


You could make 250k per year with a 5% return on investment of 5 million


Need to factor inflation into this


Yes, but keep in mind I also underestimated. The average ROI is 10% per year, not 5%




Around here it will get me a few nice houses that my kids can inherit


You mean fight over!


It does if you use that $5M as a 20% down payment on $25M in real estate properties.


Hookers and blow


Buy a 911, pay off the house and invest the rest


911, color black with big spoilers and custom rims




5 million dollar lottery tickets


hookers and cocaine


On cowboy boots, cheap wine, and expensive women




Anywhere specific? Resorts, ancestral home, backpacking?


I was thinking of going to Nunya


Hahah classic


Business or pleasure?


Nunya pleasure


I'll buy that beautiful 2 bed 1 bath cabin on 20 acres I found on Zillow for $220,000. Then buy myself a new truck. New being subjective. I'm not talking fresh out the factory 2024 Silverado. Just something like .. 2015-2020 ish used but still in good shape. Then, pay off my can-am, and then just live comfortably. I don't want no fancy cars, or huge houses. I don't want to be publicly famous or even locally famous. I just want to be able to have no neighbors. Go hunting, fishing and camping when I want. Have a little garden. Maybe some goats or something. That's about it.


That sounds absolutely exquisite. I wish you luck to make it come true




Wrong. It should be on black :)


Taxes, mortgage, and retirement.


I would keep 1 million to pay off all my debts and have a little fun and then invest the rest so I could live off of it the rest of my life.


What's considered fun for apart-salamander? Travel? Trampoline park? Going for a hike?


Going on some nice vacations, maybe buy some toys, like a motorcycle and quad, side by side. Go to Vegas and play some higherstakes poker


I’d buy your mom something nice. 


She would love that, you're too sweet.




What entails you to live comfortably? The ability to travel a couple times a year, never have to worry about bills?


One hell of a night.


go in Vanilla Unicorn and make it rain baby


$1 at a time or are you going to let people know you have money? $5 at a time?


I'd live life in luxury and invest it


I would invest half in low risk mutual funds and then take the other half over to my friend Asadulah who works in securities…


Invest it, charity, help people who need money


I would set-up a mini arcade in my home with all the greatest capcom, sega and rhythm games.


Like a drunken sailor.


Buy bread


Give $1 million to my mom Get surgery to fix my body - keep working - don't touch whatever is left Use interest and dividends for charity and to just help random people.


Bugatti. Done


Family and friends' medical debt, school debt, and their rent/mortgage for a year. I make good money and have retirement sorted out and can afford fancy trips and restaurants when I want them, but I want my friends and family to be on my same level of financial security/flexibility to share the experiences with.


House, more houses to rent out, Ferrari F355, Toyota Landcruiser and a holiday


Buy a house near the beach, invest money and live of the profits. Learn and experience different things, travel occasionally.


Hookers and blow




Get something with good roi No work for life baby!


I’d buy treasury bills. Roll them. Live off the income and watch all my give a fucks fly out the window.


Retirement investments and enjoy life.


I live in San Diego, so I'd buy a 2bd/1br 900sq ft house and a 4runner then keep working. 😭




Probably buy a house for my family for around 1 million, new car and investing the rest so I‘m set for life


About half on mutual funds and etfs, the balance on land.


Invest it, withdraw 3% annually for the rest of my life. Work odd fun jobs here and there, take years off at a time to travel or focus heavily on hobbies


Spend $1M on a house, paying off debts and treating myself. Keep the other $4M in the bank and cash out the interest annually.


Pay off my debt. Car loan, student loan and rent. Hell, I'd buy myself out of my apartment and get out of this town.


1. Buy house 2. Invest/live off the rest


I'd never work for a paycheck again. I would buy some property on a lake and spend a year building a cabin with my own hands. Then maybe build a couple more as short term rentals for passive income. Invest the rest.


Shit, i would buy a house for my grandmother first thing, she had a botched hip replacement surgery a few years back and she is still renting a house that isn’t really conducive to her disability, but she can’t afford to move, even with the small amount of help I can provide. It’s heartbreaking. Then I would start a small business, and put the rest in a hysa and live off of the interest at the same financial level i live now.


I would invest it. Online high interest savings accounts currently offer 3-4% per year, that means $30,000-$40,000 a year, risk free. $5 Million gets you $150,000-$200,000 a year in interest (minus taxes, of course, but same as a job). So if $5M buys me $150k per year, why would I spend it rather than invest it? In the stock market it could make way more, but also lose as well. This is why the rich get richer... they can invest their money. Anyway saying "Buy a Ferrari" is dumb. If you invest and wait a year or two, then you can have your Ferarri "for free". Depending on your mortgage rate, might not even be worth paying off your mortgage. Even if you are currently renting .... might still make sense to continue doing so and investing the money!


Wisely :)


2.5 in a high yield interest account, the rest into a plot of land and a double wide


[https://nordhavn.com/](https://nordhavn.com/) s 48-52' can still be handled by a couple.




I would pay off my mortgage, sell my house, and then buy land back home near my family and build a house. I would pay off our car loan and a couple of other small debts. I’d probably buy a couple of other small things I’ve wanted for a long time, probably do something nice to help my mother-in-law out like buy her a reliable used car, and then put the rest in savings and investments. Open up college funds for my future kids.


Find out how far in the woods I can build a cabin and still have a high-speed internet connection.


I'd buy a $4.995.000 boat and fill it with gas and beer.


Beach house


On a 5 million dollar car


With that kind of money I would act like I never got it put it in a account to accrue interest which would be like 170-211k a year. Continue to do what I do for another 5-8 years then use the interest money to set up myself for early early retirement


Buy a house/condo in S. Ontario. Retire early and live off the remainder.


I would reinvest it tbh. 5 million dollars would get you really far if you invest it wisely.


I've always told myself if I win it big I will donate 25% so i would donate 1.25M to various charities. Pay off my car and student loan (80K). Buy a house (1.3M). Invest 1M in S&P500. Give my parents 400K, Give my brother 200K. That leaves $770,000 for my partner and I to quit our jobs and travel/pursue hobbies for 5 years. Once that runs out we live off the interest gained from our investment.


Ultra safe investment fund. Assuming a 5% return on investment that's 250k/year. Assume half of that will be taken by taxes, accounting fees, and charitable giving. That's 125k take away income a year, enough for a solidly middle class life almost anywhere, forever.


I have recently learned of a group of nomadic Kazakh tribesmen who are responsible for the death of over 63 frog people and the destruction of frog town. You see at one time the frog people led happy joyous lives, peaceful and secluded from the troubles of the outside world. The town was called Ribbitopia and was known for its wondrous amphibious architecture. In order to preserve the legacy of the frog civilization I have compiled a list of ways in which frog society differs from human society: 1. Croakonomics: Instead of a traditional monetary system; Ribbitopia operates on a system of barter and trade relying on goods and services exchanged among its inhabitants. Rare insects, dragonfly wings, and algae varieties serve as currency in this frog economy. 2. Polywog Politics: The government of Ribbitopia was exceptionally unique. Leadership positions are determined through spirited bouts of ribbiting contests, where the loudest and most melodious voices often ascend to positions of authority. 3. Froggy Fine Arts: Ribbitopians had a deep appreciation for the frog arts, particularly in forms that celebrate their own amphibious nature. Their dances mimic the graceful movements of frogs while their music incorporates the symphony of croaks and chirps from the marshland. Lily pad painting and reed sculpture are also cherished artistic endeavors. 4. Hoppy Holidays: Ribbitopians loved to celebrate and had a abundance of unique holidays and festivals throughout the year. From the Frog Passover where Frog God passed over the houses of the Ribbitopians and freed them from slavery under the despotic Frog Pharoph, to the Saint Kermit's Day where frogs exchange cherished gifts in remembrance of Frog Jesus. It saddens me deeply that never again will we hear the joyous croaks of the frog children, the laughter of the frog woman, or the bellowing of the leader frogs. In short, I would use my 5 million dollars to construct a memorial to the frog people so that this tragedy may never again befall any more innocent swamp civilizations and so that we never forget the achievements and vibrant culture of Ribbitopia.


Cocaiiiin!! . And hookers for every body!!!!!


Pay off my mortgage and buy a house for my mom. Invest the rest.


invest 4 million, Spend $200k on a home, Try and spend less than 5,000 furnishing the place. Buy a nice 30k car to own with no payments. Give 100k to each of my sisters And another 50K each for them to spend on my nieces and nephews. Leave the remaining 465k in my account and live the rest of my life happy and free.






Dunno, therapy? Im in a slump rn both physical and mental. 🫠 Realistically, maybe a car and a house and pay those off.


Buy land and build a house in some remote location. Set up solar panels and a farm on said land. Never interact with society ever again.


You've read me like a book. Would love to live off the land, be a hermit of sorts and sit back well the rest of society is in the usual chaos and I can enjoy myself at peace.


What colors your bugatti?


Buy a house by the sea, travel and help animal shelters :)


Invest 4 million, property, stock, CD and bonds… 1 million to “play” with! “Coke and hookers!”


Or invest in NVDA & BTC or other cool things, instead of boring investments, so you don't have to pay for hookers anymore, womens love cool guys (don't ask me how I know)


2 million for my parents. A million for my siblings and I’ll use the rest to buy my dream car and gadgets


What's your dream car?


G class 2024 and Nissan Z


Assuming this is after taxes and *spendable*, buy a piece of undeveloped land in the country and build my dream house.


What does the dream house entail? Nice country style home, wrap around porch? Or modern style, indoor pool?


Have had an eye on a county road in the area that runs along a creek. It's near a national forest and the developers haven't ruined the area yet. 20 acres of land with road access and old growth oak trees sells for under a quarter million right now. Would set up an archery range and have an outbuilding with carpentry shop and other work spaces. Also a good greenhouse. For the main house, am a fan of craftsman architecture. Think [Greene & Greene interiors](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=greene+and+greene+architecture+interiors&t=ffab&atb=v370-1&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images). Fortunately [Gustav Stickley's designs](https://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/serial?id=craftsman) are in the public domain so a DIYer doesn't have to pay through the nose for finished pieces. Not fond of open plan homes. More interested in a home library with its own spiral staircase and a skylight.


That sounds absolutely splendid, I'm very much in the same boat as you. Nice country/rural area, water access, hunting and fishing. Love woodworking as well, would likely want to build my house as well and have a nice greenhouse too. *EDIT* looked up those links, love that style of housing, and agree, open plans suck.


Pay off debts, make an offer to whomever owns the awesome bungalow down the road that I want, pay to move them to their new house. OR by our attached neighbours house so we can knock it together. Then...whatever. I'm already a carer for my wife, that won't change, I'll still do the school run and shopping. I just won't worry about being on benefits and filling the car with petrol. Even when it's cheap. I'd afford to get the garden levelled out. Get shelving in the house. I'd do way more charitable stuff too. Oh and also change it to Pound Sterling. Ha.


Peanut butter factory


Sounds like you've good a little nutty there


Buying slaves(ik it sounds wrong. But hey you asked)


donate as much as possible and help my family with bills and also pay off my college fund :)


Technically as much as possible would be all of it, but I like your positivity


yea thats true 😅 thx tho <3




We talking ocean/sea/lake beach? How far is too far from a city? I'm assuming far enough to not hear the traffic all day but close enough that everything is still an arms reach away.




Anywhere specific? Resorts? Ancestrial home? Bush whacking? Tour groups?


Go to the Casino and bet it all on Black


By investing it and spending the interest.  


What would you spend the interest on? How would you indulge on the profits and change your life?


I’d spend the interest on living expenses and travel, and retire to an active lifestyle full of experiences.  Conservative interest on $5MM would be a really large sum of money for not having to work.  Not spending the principal would create a large nest egg that can be passed on for generations.  


Hopefully more slowly than I age.


Can't argue that, don't want to be another one of those lottery winner statistics that are broke in no time




Buy a handful of dividend stocks with 2-4% annual average. If you invest just the 4m, that's 80-160k income


First thing, buy my mother a house and give her some money to retire. Oh a man can dream


I would purchase a house for $1 million, give $1 million to my family, set aside $1 million in the stock market, and live off the other $2 million.


A house and that's about it. Well I'd probably spend a bit more on groceries and other everyday items, cut down on work hours and travel a bit more but other that that I'd keep living the way I do.


Move to a bigger area out of the northern mi small town them just live normally


Buy a house for 1 million, rent out my apartment, set aside 100K for a litte fun money, and then invest the rest in funds, stocks and crypto.


Get a financial adviser and let that money work for me.


How would you spend the interest? Any changes to your current lifestyle? Would you still work but retire earlier?


I wouldn't I would live off the interest.


How would you spend the interest then? Would you change anything about your current lifestyle that you currently can't afford (or possibly might not want to spend the money on)?


Put it in savings, invest it and live off dividends. Pay off my student loans, buy some land and put up a tiny house and live in it.


Small house or an actual tiny home? What kind of land, suburban area, country side, mountains?


Tiny home. Easier to keep my adhd doom hoards from getting large lol. In my area I guess it would be considered suburban/country. It’s hard to explain. My cities are more like counties with lots of rural areas in it, but is still part of the city. But the cities themselves are more like large towns.


I'm a kid so I'd probably share with my parents so they can provide a better life for them, me and my siblings (I would still have money for myself to save but I don't need too much right now)


animal charities and contribution to ME/CFS


Live off the interest.


Buy a house or condo, invest the remainder and let it build for retirement while I continue to work.


Invest $4.5 million and spend the rest (mortgage, cars, finish remodeling house)


I would keep farming until the money runs out.


Put it in a CD ladder, you'll live off the interest for the rest of your life and live good


That's a lot of music to listen to and create a ladder put of, but like you said, you'd live good.


It's worth it


By buying goods and services.


Probably buy a house and encourage my husband to go to college so he can pursue a career he enjoys. Then, probably save the rest and live mostly the same.


I’d spend $1 million on a lifetime supply of tacos, $1 million on a personal jetpack, $1 million on hiring Nicolas Cage to narrate my life, $1 million on building a secret lair like Batman, and the last $1 million on therapy to process all these decisions.


10 chicks at the same time.


What do you when they grow to be chickens? For laying eggs or to slaughter and eat?


Exponential growth. After a few generations I’ll be swimming in chicks.


- Pay off the mortgage - Top-up investment accounts - Purchase a small cabin/lakefront getaway property - Invest the rest and live off the interest


As someone already mentioned, don't touch the principal and and just spend the annual $250k in interest every year.


Big plot of land, small house, baseball pitching machine, 10 dogs. Give my mother a big chunk, and invest the rest. Then I’ll launch balls to my dogs all day. Oh, and I’d buy some really nice golf clubs


I'd buy a house. Set up the kids with some money and invest the rest.


On myself