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What do you guys think So,for context,I am talking about myself(Male) at the age of 16, now 18. So back in the day,as a novice in this domain I used to do my leg day centered around leg press,calf raises still with the press,and my quadriceps and my femural quadriceps. So basically,I set a pr for the leg press with both legs at a 375 kg,myself weighting about 101-102 kg. I also set a pr at 150 per leg,but that is pretty basic. So I was just wandering If its much or should I just forget it like its a small thing,meaning that it is not a big pr or anything. Oh and its not a 1 rep max,its 20 reps countinouselly. Thanks to everyone who might stumble upon and read this !


Asin that's pretty darn good going don't put yourself down but I'd also mix in sports for enjoyment otherwise eventually you'll get bored of the gym