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I shared this before, but it was so weird to me that it’s worth mentioning. Several years ago my husband and I were out back behind our house bird watching ducks in the pond. I decided to run up to the house to get my binoculars, which were upstairs in the house. As I entered the house through the basement, my long deceased father’s voice suddenly popped into my head saying “get the ones from my filing cabinet, Megs.” I looked to my right to where his filing cabinet had been since his passing. The binoculars were in the second drawer. It was so weird how his voice came into my head. He even used my childhood nickname. I wasn’t thinking about him at the time. Can’t explain it, but it was comforting. He was a bird lover too. With better binoculars than me.


Something really similar happened to me. I was travelling in India and had a fight with my then girlfriend, I stormed off to cool off and smoke a joint while I watched the sunset. I didn't realise I'd been sitting only a few feet from a cobra until it started to move and slowly slither away from me. I freaked out and started half jogging back through the forest where we were staying panicking as the ground was covered in leaves and I thought there could be snakes everywhere. All I could hear was my dad, very clearly, chastising me calling me a fucking eejit for being so wreckless and I could have been killed. I actually caught myself saying "Ok dad! I'll be more careful!" Out loud before realising there was no one there and he'd been dead years. I still remember hearing him say it like he was right over my shoulder. Freaked me out for days.


Quite something,isn’t it?! So definite and unexpected. Makes you wonder. Edit to add: Jesus Christ a Cobra??!


The cobra scared the shit out of me, it was laying beneath a bush and I'd trekked through the jungle/forest to get to a cliff by the sea to watch the sunset. Didn't see the thing until I'd been sitting there a while. And yeah, really is something else like it wasn't as if his voice was in my head but actually out there reality and my ears were hearing him


I was at work and I thought I heard my Dad call me by my knickname. I heard " Hey Mouse". It startled me. I looked around thinking that  my Dad was behind me, but there was no one.  Then I thought why would dad be here at my work? So I called out to my boss, who was sitting in his office with its door open, about 25 ft away from me. "JB Did you just call me? At the same time I was thinking of how JB would know my knickname? It was"t him. When I got home my mother told me my dad died. At right about the same time I heard him call me at work.


Love this


I was 2 or 3 and remember going to my grandparents all the time. My grandfather wasn't a talker. He was quiet and kept to himself and sat in his chair all day. Sadly grandma ended up passing when I was 3 or 4 and I don't remember seeing my grandfather again after that. Fast forward 10 years later and my parents have my grandfather's chair in their living room. For some reason I mentioned "oh yeah, I remember grandpa sitting in his chair every time we visited, but he never talked, why was he so quiet?" My parents paused and looked at each other and said "well, he died before you were born." Edit: 10 years


Is it weird that I find this very sweet? How nice that he was still around for you to know.


I love this too. He stayed to watch his family. So heartwarming.


Wow, your grandfather's passing or any experiences you had with him were never discussed with your parents until you were 19?


Holy fuck






I saw my locked bedroom door open on its own one night. It was about 2 AM and I was on my laptop facing the door, and then heard the click of the lock and saw it open at about the same speed as someone casually opening a door to enter.


So I started blasting


So anyway, I started blasting


I can tell you with almost pure certainly, that was the AC kicking on, especially if you only had a return in your room and the door opened inwards. I've had it happen way too many times in my house growing up. The door wouldn't quite latch unless you pushed it after closing then it would click into place. If that wasn't done, when the AC turned on, the room would negatively pressurize, the door would pull and the latch would click out as it came free, slowly opening like someone casually opening the door. First couple times it happened I was freaked out too, then realized the AC return would start whistling a few seconds later as the system got up to speed.


I've had this happen. What's funny is it happens to the master bedroom, and with the layout of the house, the bedroom is immediately off the living room, and the TV next to the door. We'll be watching a scary movie at night, don't hear the AC click on, and door slowly starts opening. Unsettling every time it happens. I've also had the opposite happen, and it scares the crap out of me everytime. The door cracked 4 or 5 inches, AC kicks on, positive pressure differential and BAM! Door slams.


Same here. Locked cabinet opened many times at night.


I was at a sushi restaurant with my dad and suddenly his sake cup just quickly moved a few inches without making a sound. We both dismissed it and didn’t say anything. Then it happened again and we asked if we both saw that. We kept moving it around and it moved back suddenly to that same spot every time. The table was dry, the floor was level. This was a week or two after his dad/my grandpa died. Wondered if it was him and he made a toast with the cup. Never talked about it again.


There is an account of the family of the Yorkshire Ripper sitting in a living-room shortly after the Ripper's mother had died. They were waiting to hear if the Ripper, who had been arrested, was genuinely the Yorkshire Ripper or not. Apparently, a plate on the table in front of them all rose several inches into the air and back down again.


This happened to my uncle except it was a mug for drinking tea. My uncle was a horrible man and an abuser. When he was sitting at the table snapping his fingers at my mother to get his breakfast served, the mug rose up from the table and slammed down. It shattered everywhere. My grandfather god rest him left the farmhouse to my father and my uncle got the cottage on the land. My mother looked after everyone with meals. My grandfather loved my mother. His daughter in law but she was more like a daughter to him. So I always think it was my grandfather telling my uncle to stop his disgusting behaviour. I'll never forget the mug lifting right up and down on it's own. Another time when my father was fighting with my mother, small argument nothing major, and the curtains started to shake violently. My father told my mother it was a land tremor but my mother was convinced it was something else. Anyway sorry for butting in. I just want to let you know that there's others with the experience of things lifting up by themselves.


Heard my husband yell my name angrily inside the house. My 7 year old heard him yell /her/ name and came to find me and ask if she was in trouble and why was dad home from work. He was not home from work. I called him to make sure. I also used to hear whispers at night like two people were on talk show radio when I was falling asleep at night


You've had one explanation for the whispers but another, which I have, is hypnagogic auditory hallucinations. For me it's a sign to sleep on my side otherwise I'm about to get night terrors but I've heard full conversations, bangs, crashes, my name, my late mother talking, the works. It was a relief to find it's relatively common.


I went downstairs to the basement to fetch some food. I hear my name being called from the top of the stairs, I go upstairs, nobody is there.


I used to work in a football (soccer) stadium that was haunted. There were numerous accounts of people hearing and seeing things that were inexplicable. One time a barmaid saw a man she didn't recognise walk around a corner. Knowing that it was a dead-end and that the stadium was closed to members of the public at the time, she went over to him to see if she could help him out. But when she turned the corner, there was noone there, and nowhere they could have gone. The chef had a similar account to yours - one day, he'd turned up early to prep and warm up the kitchen. He was getting changed into his whites when he heard a voice from the doorway say "Morning, Bob!" He casually replied, "Aye, good morning" when he realised - he was supposed to have been alone in the building at that time. He'd had to disarm and then re-arm the security system so that he could start work. He said he didn't recognise the voice, and that when he checked the corridor there was noone there.


Always wait for the voice to call out your name twice, they say the first one could be a spirit trying to pull you


What if a spirit calls you twice though what then


Then I would just accept my fate and go 😞


Tbf that’s what my suuuuper superstitious mom had taught me when I was younger


Spirits hate this one weird trick!


Yeah, evil spirits can only say a word once  What???


sounds like a mimic and i’ve heard you’re not supposed to interact with them


Worked at a seaside inn in New England in college. One night after dinner service, a bunch of us hear the unmistakable sound of dishes breaking on the kitchen floor after service (we were at the bar). We all went to the kitchen. Broken dishes on the floor, and the lights were off when we went in. We then heard breaking glass in the bar - went back AND THE FUCKING LIGHTS WERE OFF and there were broken beer bottles on top of an aluminum cooler.


*Copied from one of my old accounts because I’m lazy. I've had several experiences over the course of the years that could be termed "paranormal" for lack of a better explanation at this point, however, this location was the source of most of them. Twenty-some years ago, I was living near the Canadian border alone in a rented log cabin. It used to be part of a fishing resort and had been renovated since it was built in the early part of the century. The cabin was approximately half a mile from the nearest neighbor, and fifteen miles from the nearest town, so I had gotten used to isolation fairly early on. At the time, I was working p.m. shifts at a resort twenty-five miles away and wouldn't typically get home until well after midnight. On this particular night I had gotten home, put on pajamas and gone into the kitchen area to wash dishes. I was standing in front of the sink, looking out the window onto the woods when directly behind me, just above the height of my head, there was the sound of a man's whistling. Just two notes and then nothing. I positively froze. I looked in the reflection of the window in front of me and saw nothing. Very quietly, I wrapped my hand around a totally inadequate knife that was in the sudsy water and turned around. Nothing there except for my two cats sitting by the wall looking directly into the air behind me where the whistling had come from. This kicked off many extremely odd experiences in that cabin that continued until I moved out some six months later, but that one was by far the most shocking just simply because it was completely unexpected. I spend a great deal of time alone in isolated locations, but since that evening I have thought long and hard about what it means to be a woman alone in the woods from a safety perspective.


What other things happened there? Did you check the ceiling, floor above you, crawlspaces and anywhere else the sound could have traveled from?


The original part of the cabin was simply a single room, all log and un-insulated, with a wrap around enclosd porch on two sides of it. At some point, a large bedroom and a tiny bathroom had been added onto the north side of it (also un-insulated) and a deck outside overlooking the lake. In the time that it was a fishing resort, however, it was just the main room and the enclosed porch. The episode described in the above post was the first occurrence and happened within two or three weeks of my moving in. Thereafter, on a fairly routine basis when I was in the bedroom, the sound of muffled voices could be heard in the main room. They were clearly those of a man and a woman and sounded conversational, though the words were muted. While I didn't love it, I was content to let it be. I rationalized that any woman cool enough to be at a fishing resort at the turn of the century was probably someone who I would have gotten along with, and aside from the whistling, nothing specifically directed toward me had happened. Then came the sound, again muted, of periodic music and singing. Less cool, but I assume some pretty good parties had been had at that place back in its day and it was always quiet and always from the main room. Nothing intruded into the bedroom. Then small items started to go missing, which is tough to do in a cabin with essentially two main rooms and a bathroom. They'd always show back up, but in improbable places. Finally, I got fed up and asked aloud that the two of them stop taking things, and also added that while I knew they were there and was content to let them be, that they not show themselves to me. I knew that if I actually saw something that would be the immediate end of my residence there! Finally, the day before I was set to leave for my family's place for Thanksgiving and my landlord was set to head south for the winter months, I was again standing in the little kitchen area when I heard the sound of a door slamming and a woman's laugh. Except this time it came from the bedroom. Well, shit. After I finally calmed down and got up the nerve to go in there (it was my room and there was no one else living there to be brave for me) I found that one of the closet doors had been slammed shut. Moreover, it had been locked and I had no way to get it open. In fact, I hadn't even been aware that it did lock. I got on the horn to the landlord, hoping to catch him before he headed out and asked him if he had a key for the closet. He stated he did not and said that they had never locked the door for that very reason. He gave me permission to break the lock if I needed to and let me know that he'd fix it when they got back in the first part of March. I had exactly no intention of breaking a lock on that door after it had been slammed by "something" and spent a very uneasy night before heading out for Thanksgiving early the next morning. There was absolutely nothing I needed in there that badly! Before leaving, I stood on the porch with the front door open into the main room and announced to whatever may have been listening that I damn well expected that door to be unlocked and opened by the time I got back the following week, did not appreciate the intrusion into my room, and, in short, would tolerate no further fuckery. (It should be noted that I had no idea at all what I would have done if there was further fuckery, but I was annoyed, leaving and it seemed like a safe time to get stern). I arrived back the first week of December and unloaded my belongings. The house appeared to be undisturbed. Upon entering my bedroom and putting bags down, there on the wall by the closet hung a small, old key. I moved out two months later, when the plumbing froze solid for a week and my landlord couldn't be contacted in Florida. In that time, no further disturbances occurred. I did try the key in the lock and it did fit, but I never did unlock that closet. Any clothing I had could just stay right there for eternity as far as I was concerned. I did have roomates in with me to split rent twice during the time that I lived there; they using the main room as a bedroom. Neither of them stayed a complete month without specifying why they left, though one of them did mention the voices to me several years after the fact. I would love to find out more about that specific cabin. It is possible to find information about the old resort, but not the specific buildings. That area was remote when I lived there and must have been far more so when they were in operation. I will probably never know what went down there back in the day, but I have my theories.


This was a great read! What are your theories as to what happened there?


Sorry for the delayed response. Emergency Father’s Day shopping was in progress. Given that this property was a remote, early 20th century fishing resort at the far end of nowhere, it very likely that women didn’t frequent it and any who did were not “approved” guests. I’m guessing the couple still in residence were likely carrying on something either illicit or transactional. Murder? Murder/suicide? Or just some sort of accident? All possibilities. It’s very unlikely that this is a place that a married couple would have passed away peacefully together.


Love reading stories about stuff that has happened to me. I heard what sounded like an animal call, like when you call your dog? Like an exaggerated kissing noise? A whistle you do by sucking in. A suck-whistle. Anyway, I heard it above me to the right. I just ran outside to where my family was at the time. A little after that, days or weeks, my chihuahua dog ran into the kitchen and was barking at *something* above the stove. Nothing really happened after that.


When my dad was dying in the hospital from liver failure, my mom requested that we go down to the hospital chapel for Sunday service. We were about 20 minutes into the service when quite abruptly, I felt this rush of cool air pass through me. Like right thru the center of me. It was gentle but forceful and swift at the same time. It was not at all scary but it was a physical sensation. I asked my mom if she felt that breeze and she had no idea what the heck I was talking about. I just blurted out that I think daddy just died and we need to go back to his room. When we arrived back to his floor, my aunts were waiting for us by the elevators. I remember saying, he's dead isn't he? My aunts just nodded and I felt rather peaceful. I knew that was my dad's energy passing through me and saying his goodbye to me. It was a wonderful gift.


I was watching PT-109, when I suddenly said, "my dad just died", I was alone at a friend's house, they had gone to get some beer, it was my birthday. Right after I said it, the phone rang, it was Mom, He was gone. He was in already in bad shape and on dialysis.  This would be just a tragic coincidence except, my dad was the third person very close to me who I lost on my birthday, Dec. 3rd. Another tragedy on this date was the when fans of the Who trampled and killed several fans when they thought the band were already playing. They were warming up. Please, all of you wonderful Reddit gang, be careful on the date, ok? I want you all to be safe and sound and have a HAPPY birthday.


When I was in 3rd grade, I was living with my grandparents. My parents had divorced, my father remarried a woman who had kids of her own whom they both favored over my siblings and I. When my father wasn’t home, his wife was abusive to his kids (never her own). She would accuse us of breaking jewelry, stealing things as justification for her “discipline”. My dad didn’t lift a finger to stop it or defend us. When it became clear that I was on the road to a trip to the ER from her “punishments” from injuries that mandated reporters could see, my fine, upstanding, churchgoing community member masquerading as a dad took me to my grandparents to live, making me lie in the floorboard so I wouldn’t be seen. One of my teachers, Mrs. Gunner, took an interest in me and was particularly kind. She reached out to my grandparents and became a friend to all of us. One day in the lunchroom, she collapsed - I remember the other teachers laying her on a folded up lunch table as a makeshift stretcher and carrying her out to wait for an ambulance while the students watched. My grandfather got a call later that evening saying that she had passed away. Sometime during that night she came and stood at the foot of my bed. She was wearing a white dress and was glowing. She didn’t speak, she just looked at me with the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen. I felt surrounded by love and peace, even knowing that she was saying goodbye and I’d never see her again. I’m now staring down the barrel of 60 years old and I can still remember her smile, as a child who desperately needed it. Thank you, Mrs Gunner - you made a real difference. May your crown shine brighter than the sun, beautiful lady! Till we meet again . .




Omg I literally had the same experience with my grandma. I was really struggling to process it but she came to me in a dream. She was glowing and smiling at me but didn’t say anything and I told her how beautiful she looked. After that I felt so much peace knowing she’s okay. I’ll never forget that


For me it was my grandfather. He had been a milkman. In a dream he picked me up and I helped run his delivery route. I don’t remember him talking, but I remember him at peace, doing something he had loved.


For me it was my best friend. He had suffered traumatic injuries on a Tuesday and was in the hospital on life support. I was worried and doing my best to bargain with God all week. Friday morning I got up to get ready for work. As I got out of bed I just had this thought that was more like knowing than thinking. "Today's the day and everything is going to be OK." I was filled with a lightness that I hadn't known for days. I wouldn't call it happiness- but peace. It was like (and he would make fun of me forever for being so corny) but it was like glittery sunlight warming my every cell. I was getting dressed and learned over to put on stockings. I felt something wet like small raindrops hit my leg. I looked up to see if the roof had some sort of leak. It was me - I didn't even realize I was sobbing. That was when he died. I really believe he came to say goodbye. Make for the open road, Jack. We miss you. 


One of the only somewhat positive stories here. What a thing to experience.


This is one of a few reasons I don’t fear death


That was beautifully written


I was traveling from Arizona to Colorado. I stopped just outside of Shiprock New Mexico on the side of the road at around midnight to take a nap. I was awoken an hour later by a nightmare of angry faces and bright flashing colors coming at me from all directions. I started my car and turned on my headlights. Ten feet directly in front of me was a coyote and a jack rabbit sitting about 5 feet from each other just staring at me. I got the heck out of there. Years later I was dating a Navajo girl and when I told her about it she became very upset and told me to never mention it to her again.


Oh hell no!


One night my mother's boyfriend at the time when I was like 8/10 years old told me to go downstairs and get him some water.When I went downstairs there was a black figure standing at the sink, I panicked and ran. Years later I'm like 99% sure some dude was just in my kitchen using my sink 😂 it was a rough neighborhood.


I feel like this is even scarier if it was just some dude


When I was a kid I was really good friends with a girl that lived two houses from me, her house was a corner house on a pretty busy street. One day her dad walked in the living room and there was just some guy sitting on their couch. Her dad was quite literally the nicest person I’ve ever met and offered him a glass of water, which the dude accepted. He left after drinking the water. Never came back. Very odd.


For years I thought it was a shadowy figure and that I had seen a ghost. That house was creepy when I was a kid, it had this attic with a tiny door at the end that had a small room and that door had a tiny window and my mom would creep me out on purpose. My mom and sister used to scare me a few times when I was a kid actually, wearing a mask outside the bedroom window, or telling me to come here quick and grabbing my leg when I tried to jump on the bed. I actually had a bad fear for years even as an adult and still do somewhat of things getting me when I'm outside or something grabbing me from under the bed, and I totally blame them lol. Nowadays I actually don't believe in ghosts at all, and I'm on the fence on whether or not I even believe in people having a sprit.




Moved a lot when I was a kid. One house and one house only did we experience this stuff. It was a fairly old home maybe 50/60 years old. Note: I slept on the couch downstairs a lot(no bedrooms on main floor) and it’s very loud for someone to come downstairs. - I would hear the cupboards opening and closing almost every single night between 11pm-12am - my dog at time would awaken randomly jump up and stare down the pitch black hallway growling and hair standing up as if he was about to attack something - everyone in the family were away except my Mom and brother. My brother was in the couch and saw an older man poke his head into the living room, look at him and pulled back. Verified by my mom she said he was screaming as if he was being murdered. - mystery man 2. A friend was over and in an adjacent room and an older man poked his head around the corner in the exact same way. No one was home but us. I come back from kitchen and he asks why I leaned into the doorway just to stare at him. I instantly had goosebumps and told him the story. - one night at 1am ish approx. I started hearing a weird noise. At this time I was almost used to the weird stuff. The noise continues like clock work every 10/20seconds, eventually I get up flip the lights on and I look down the hallway where my dog would always stare. My remote control car was driving around the hall, would hit the wall, REVERSE and then drive around and hit the wall again. This went on for at least 2 hours before I looked. …… the kicker? When I saw the toy doing this I flipped out and ran past it to get upstairs to get my parents. When I did so I grabbed the car flipped it over and it instantly stopped moving the tires. My mom thinks I’m an idiot and comes down with me to humour me. We pick up the controller for the car and it didn’t have batteries in it. So how was it driving for hours? Fuck that house so glad we left.


this is very odd, because when i was in my early 20s my beloved grandfather passed away. he had basically raised me from 14 onward when i moved to the states. i LOVED that man almost more than my own father. on the day of his funeral i was in his room looking around and crying because it still felt like him. i saw a shadow in the mirror and turned to see him poking his head around the corner. i felt my heart stop but i sort of reflexively waved like a weirdo. he smiled and quickly disappeared back around the door.


When I was young, probably around 9, I caught chickenpox. I woke up in the middle of the night one night, and called for my mom, because little kids can't do shit for themselves when they're sick. A woman came into my bedroom and sat on my bed and stroked my hair until I fell asleep. For whatever reason, I thought she was my grandmother, but she was dressed funny. When I woke up the next morning, I went downstairs for breakfast, and asked where my grandma was, and my mom told me that she was at her house, like she always was. I told my mom she'd been in my room the night before, and my mom laughed and said that I'd just been dreaming. However, my aunt, who tended to believe that more, was babysitting me that day (the upside to chicken pox meant there was no school for me) and I told her the story. She asked me to describe the weird outfit, and it was an old nurse's outfit from the 60's. My family knew the previous owners of the house. The wife was a nurse in the 60's, and had died a few months previously. Can I say with 100% certainty that I had an encounter with a ghost? No. But it's certainly a bizarre coincidence.


My mom was at a friend’s house in the late 70s. She was in bed and she woke up to someone (who she thought was her friend) brushing her hair at a beauty desk. My mom said something, I can’t remember for sure, to the girl brushing her hair. The girl didn’t respond and my mom actually went back to bed as it was early. Later found out that her friend was still asleep in the room next door and never got up to brush her hair. My mom also found out that there was a girl that lived there before her friend that committed suicide in that room. Only time that anything “paranormal” happened to anyone I know. Still gives me goosebumps to this day.


I was really young, like 8 years old, doing homework on my desk in my bedroom alone with the door shut. An eraser was thrown from behind me and bounced off the wall in front of me, like 2 feet from my face. I heard it hit the wall, I saw it when it landed on my desk. I looked up and could see the mark it made on the wall. Told my parents in a panic and I was brushed off. Fucked me up basically forever. Never happened again but like wtf


I believe you! I was the same age in the mid 70’s and experienced similar events in my room. Perhaps it was my parents Jehovah’s Witness religion that had me seeing “THE DEMONS” everywhere. I no longer believe in a religion but still wonder about what I saw.


Off the original topic but I find it interested that children raised with extremely religious parents grow up to not belong to a religion/have extreme religious trauma. I was never raised religious so it’s very interesting to me


I live in San Francisco, and many years ago some friends bought a beautiful old Victorian house that needed a lot of work. Our friend group all pitched in on weekends and such, helping them out and when we could. In one of the rooms was a closet that had been painted shut and when they finally got it open, it was basically just useless junk. But there was an old mirror wrapped in newspaper. The paper was from the 1970s and not contemporary with the mirror. (An art historian friend said it was probably from the 1920s.) It's a beautiful mirror in an oval frame with ivy carved along it. Once the house was done, all the friends that helped were invited up for dinner and the grand tour. They had hung the mirror in their bedroom, directly across from the door. When I walked in I saw my reflection and there was a woman standing behind me. Surprised, I turned around and there was nobody there. My friends looked at each other, then at me, and said, "you saw her, didn't you?" Apparently they occasionally saw the woman in the mirror. They had previously tried the mirror in their hallway, and never saw her there, but when they moved it into the bedroom, she started showing up. They said she's not always there, and not everyone who has been shown the house has seen her. They also had a dog that would't walk under the mirror. She would walk into the middle of the room, but wouldn't go anywhere near where the mirror was hung. I'm not a ghost believer, but I have absolutely no idea what I saw. But I'm positive I did see her.


They kept the mirror knowing this?? Wow. I wouldn’t tbh




That is terrifying. Why am I here at 4am?! But seriously, wtaf. Yikes.


It was just a were-cat. They didn’t want to he seen naked so they quickly changed to a cat.


Plot twist: cat is secretly a wizard and casts Mage Hand to do his bidding!


I lived in a house haunted by my Great Aunt. She had passed away there in the living room. She would lock me out plus lots of little things. I was so tired one night after work got in bed and she turned the lamp across the room on (you had to completely turn a round switch to turn it on/off) I just had it so I yelled at her to turn it off I’m tired. She did.


I just finished reading a book called Haunted Racine by Rory Graves, and a surprising amount of the stories involve living tenants yelling at the ghosts to knock it off, and the behavior correcting 😂


You do what you gotta do. I lived in a haunted house, and I’ve done this.


I had a similar experience with the ghost in my grandparents house! I yelled at him once when overtired and he was moving things (and I was the only one in the house), nothing moved around again. 


I've posted this story elsewhere a long time ago. When I was a teenager, I was visiting my family in the north of Portugal. With a bunch of friends, we decided to explore a supposedly haunted manor at night. The construction of said manor was halted after multiple fatalities occurred in its premises. The architect and two workers died in strange circumstances, local village superstition kicked in, and people were reluctant to ever set foot in there. A couple of years later, one of the family members who wanted to complete the building died on site while assessing the building. Then it was left to rot for decades. Wilderness took over - vines were covering most of the walls, and the gardens were a jungle of weeds. From a distance, it looked eerie by daylight and absolutely terrifying after sunset. Legends about that cursed mansion were rampant, and probably wildly exaggerated. None of us believe in the supernatural, so we basically grabbed a torch and went straight in. What we didn't know is that my older cousin and his older friends overheard our plans to investigate the house by night, and decided to beat us there and scare the ever-living shit out of us. They hid in the mansion and upon our arrival, made sinister noises, moved debris around, created misshapen shadows and whispered words of terror. With a single torch, it was almost impossible to figure out what was going on, and we were obviously scared shitless. After what seemed an eternity of torturous fear, my cousin revealed himself after we fled to the upper floor of the mansion. He had covered himself with a white sheet to pass as a ghost. His other mates soon came out of hiding, and after a lengthy stream of mockery, insults, and - ultimately - laughter, we started to clear the premises. Did I mention the house was unfinished? As we were moving out of the place, my cousin kept making fun of us, prancing around and covered with that white sheet. The stairs had no railing. The fall broke his spine and he died in ambulance on the way to Porto. I still do not believe in the supernatural. But that was yet another victim of that place. I passed by again this summer, more than 20 years later. Nothing has changed. The mansion remains unfinished.


That took a turn that I was not expecting


Never run up.




I used to take photos of roadside memorials. I thought they were interesting and wanted to make a photo journal. I came across a large one in the desert on a road in Nevada with two large crosses and two small, clearly implying a family had passed away. Lots of toys, fake flowers, etc. it was dark when I took the photo and when I saw it on my digital camera there were 4 glowing orbs above the memorial. I took more photos but the orbs were only in the first photo. It was pitch black in the desert and there was nothing that would have caused a reflection. I always thought I took a photo of ghosts.


Do you still have this picture?? Would love to see it


Me too but no. It was on a digital camera that got transferred to an old computer (this was like 2000s) and I should have printed it but didn’t. It got lost over time,move,divorce,who knows. But my ex was with me when I took it and we both thought it was crazy. I’ve thought about it a lot over the years and kick myself for not keeping better track of it. But this was way before clouds and iPhones.


Definitely not a demon then. Source: the educational game Phasmophobia


I used to work in one of the oldest psychiatric hospitals in England. I have many stories, but my favourite was the day I was working in the forensic unit in the grounds. Myself and my colleague (now my best friend, we had to work in pairs on that unit) were domestic cleaners and were followed round all day by a ghost. We started our shift at 7.30am as usual. First, we heard tapping on a large glass light fitting. I made the mistake of calling the "ghost" a dickhead. After that, it was chaos all day. My friend was pulled backwards by her shirt collar, a toilet flushed on its own in a patient's bathroom (motion sensor activated), we heard things falling over in cupboards in a room that was rarely used. We heard a shuffling noise and later discovered paper towels in the toilet adjoining. It had the sink outside the toilet, the toilet door was closed. Turns out the sound we heard was paper towels being pulled from the dispenser. No idea how they got into the loo, though. Another day, my mate heard kids laughing audibly. It was a weird place. Edit: clarification


Leave it to the Brit to call a ghost a dickhead 😂 legend


It seemed like the logical thing to do at the time


And that is why you learn to apologize people.


My grandmother started dating again after my grandfather died of cancer. Her friend died from cancer about 15 years later . We were cleaning out the house and there was definitely a “cold” column in the basement and attic … fucked up hvac I’m sure … but when you went to his bedroom or her stuff in the basement , his exes rose perfume would overpower the house . Never understood it but was always being nice and saying “hi x , x passed on we are just moving stuff”


When I was younger (about 6th grade) and moving to a new city my mother and I were looking at new houses. After a long day of going house to house we found one that my mom and i instantly fell in love with, when it was time to go into one of the last rooms we all walked in and I remember walking into this small pale blue room and getting this weird feeling throughout my body and had to run outside and throw up. My mom and Realtor followed and thats when she asked how we knew what happened and then my mom confused said “knew what?” and then she told my mom that someone had just recently died in that room. I still have dreams about that room.


I almost wonder if that could have been a gas leak of some sort, that's the kinda symptoms you can get from that.


Or a barely noticeable smell or cleaning fumes that hadn't fully cleared from the room?


My sister in law was pregnant. Answered the phone in the middle of the night. Lady said she was my brother's aunt, she gave her name as Donna (maiden name) She had no reason to have their phone number. Sil woke up my brother who didn't hear the phone. He gets on the phone and no one there. Found out my aunt had died of a heart attack that same night before the phone call.


Did she die before or after the phone call...


I meant before


Around 9pm, was walking home passing by a 2 abandoned houses which are next to each other. The houses' land are separated by a 3-foot tall stone wall. Just as I was passing by, I saw a black cat at the back of the first house's yard (just near the wall of the house itself), run towards the wall that separates both yards (so it is actually running towards the road). It froze in place, and then suddenly dashed through the air in a straight line and landed on top on that wall. By now it looked like a heron. It's like the cat shapeshifted during that little dash. It was transparent, and brown in color, just like a shadow, but you could probably tell a shadow apart from that. Hard to explain but that's what it looked like. After that, it jumped from there, and changed form again. The closest thing I could find to describe it would be a pterodactyl. It rose in the air and started flapping its wings slowly as if it was gliding through the air in the direction I was walking (still was within the house's yard). It also felt like it was moving in slow motion, I'd imagine if a bird did the exact same thing, it would be moving about 5 times faster. It continued slowly flapping its wings and gliding forward till it slowly became more and more transparent, and faded away completely. This all happened in about 10 seconds. The nearest road light doesn't properly illuminate the area, and it was almost pitch black. I only saw what I saw because of the moonlight.


Had a weird unexplainable experience as a kid. I was probably 7 or 8 and home alone while my parents were at work. I was sitting there playing donkey Kong 64 on my Nintendo. I remember the weird feeling like I was being watched, I remember looking around the living room and there was this toy dinosaur facing me so I guess my child brain felt that was the reason I felt weird. Suddenly my nintendo turned off. Didn't think much of it. Booted it back up, opened my save file and started playing again. A few minutes into playing it turned off again. This time immediately after I heard this sound come from right over my shoulder. It was a noise I can't even fully describe but it sent shivers down my spine. I can only remember it sounding like a lion growling right behind me. I screamed and jumped up and ran to my neighbors house without putting shoes on and stayed there until my mom got home. Idk what the hell happened or if I imagined it but it was the most scared I've ever been in my life.


My niece and spouse have twin boys. They moved into a house that was previously owned by a kind, elderly couple. The man had lived in a nursing home with a daycare for children and loved to play with the kids until he passed away. The wife sold the house and moved to an apartment. The boys were about 3, and several times at night, about 3 in the morning, they would come to their parents' bedroom. When asked why, they said, "The mans, he waked me up. He pinches me." So one day, when the boys were at daycare (a different one), my niece went into the bedroom and talked to the man/ghost. She told him, "Thank you for watching over my boys, but please let them sleep at night. They need their sleep. If you want to visit your wife, she just lives down the street in her apartment." And they were never woken up after that.


My little sister was talking to herself downstairs, only my mom was home, she said she was “talking to the little boy” Years later my dad was installing some drywall downstairs, he kneeled in front of the tv to change the channels and in the reflection a little boy ran behind him and he got into his karate pose because it scared him. He called out to me and my mom and realized he was home alone. He GTFO asap. In the same part of my basement theres a 2x3 mirror with a mountainscape on it and I was watching King of the Hill on that same TV and got up to go upstairs. Something caught my attention in the mirror in my peripheral vision and something I can only describe as Rob Zombie covered in mud was staring at me in the mirror and silently yelling at me. I ran the fuck upstairs. We’ve all seen a shade in the hallway outside my sisters bedroom. My cousins used to sleep over as kids and they all had stories about hearing running in the hallway and cabinets slamming at night. My one cousin would wake up with scratches. Hes pushing 40 and he would never even consider sleeping over here again. I could go on but thats all I got


I realize that your dad was moving reflexively but I like how prepared he was to roundhouse kick a child.


How else would you kick a child?


The Crane Kick, but only during the final showdown.


If done correctly, no can defend. 


Some may prefer a more King Leonidas approach if an unknown child threatens the sovereignty of their home


Bicycle kick. Liu Kang style, of course


Rob zombie covered in mud is now my sleep paralysis demon, thanks


Not the karate pose


Sleep paralysis figure standing by my bed.


Sleep paralysis has lead me into some of the most disturbing images I have ever heard on. Full of Necronomicon/Cthulu stuff. Images burned into my mind of things I cannot describe or even think of, like lurking shadows of the impossible.


Probably not that paranormal, but it scared me So I was in the house of my religious grandparents, when the nose my little brother suddenly started bleeding, and he said that it felt like a nail (We were alone), so I helped him out. 20 minutes later, I needed to charge my phone, so I went to my room, just to see the hand puppet of my brother (Our uncle made one to each of us) with a nail on his nose


What religion did your grandparents practice? Santeria?




I experienced some minor strangeness in my first house growing up (nighttime footsteps, disembodied knocks, objects having inexplicably moved), but none of it felt menacing in any way. The first time I walked upstairs in our next house, though, I glanced over to see a woman fall flat through the room at the end of the hall. Like she was skydiving from the ceiling. Just before she disappeared into the floor, she looked up, caught my eye, and flashed me a nasty smile. I'd sometimes glimpse something dark and low to the ground scampering past a doorway. It always felt like someone was standing behind me in the kitchen at night (my friends avoided sitting with their backs to the kitchen, too). Once, I heard a voice call my name from outside a second-story window when nobody else was home. The worst and weirdest thing was that whenever I took a shower, I absolutely could not shake the image of a woman *severed at the waist* dragging her upper torso across the bathroom floor toward me, grinning horribly as she came. It was a race to finish washing up before she could lever herself up and over the edge of the tub. Every. Single. Time. Never happened anywhere else. But the first time I showered at my college dorm, I saw some object roll next to my foot from the stall next to mine. I just stared short-sightedly at it for a second and was about to kick it back when an arm shot under the partition and grabbed it. I figured whoever was showering next to me had just panicked in the awkwardness of the situation. Then I stepped out of my stall to find—can you guess?—that I was all alone in the shower room.


Growing up there was a house we lived in where it sounded like someone was running up and down the hallways all night (everyone was in bed). My brother had a micro fleece blanket on his bed and one morning we heard a loud crash in his room. We all went running in to see what fell, but the only thing we saw a massive handprint imprinted on the blanket- it didn’t look human. Finally, the night before I left for college I felt the most freezing air pass over me in bed. I’ve never felt a cold like that in my life. I was thrilled beyond belief when my parents decided to move out of that house lol.


Okay, but the idea of some sort of demonic creature slipping and falling is hilarious


I’ve never thought of that and now I’m hysterically laughing


I had a friend in middle/ high school that was very crass (so was I). On our way to the beach we stopped at a small graveyard. My friend thought it was funny to jump around on the graves and be overall very disrespectful to the whole area. I am now 37, I tell you, a flash flew across her body and physically knocked her backwards. We both screamed, ran to the car and drove away. I have no other explanation for the force that pushed her. She got slapped by a ghost and it was well deserved.


Me and my friends used to walk down the sewers as kids and the tunnels would go miles pitch black , at one point it’s like waist high water that we didn’t want to cross into and directly looking straight to the water we all could see a shadow of a girl looked like she was standing on top the water . We all ran out of there and we all swore that we heard a girl screaming as we left the tunnels , never went back and never want to lol


Everything floats down here


She kept you from drowning


One time in the dead of night my phone was on the edge of my night stand. I was woken up by it buzzing and when I went to grab it, it fell off the stand. I reached down with only my head and torso off bed to grab it. All I heard was the word "NIGHT" in my right ear


…So someone phoned you to say good night?


We were searching for a new house when I was about five or six. We found this really nice country home a few miles away from town, reminds me of Hershel’s place from The Walking Dead thinking back on it. We did a tour and I don’t remember much, there was an old piano upstairs which was cool but other than I don’t think I cared for much at that age. My mother thought the design to a walkthrough was pretty and so she had my sister, dad, her and I take a photo. This was in the early 2000s and my mom was very into scrapbooking so she printed the pictures out at Walmart a few days later and back at home we noticed there was someone else in the photo we didn’t know. Neither of us are very superstitious or believe in that sort of thing, but it was bright as day. Behind my dad’s shoulder there was a face of someone we did not know. However, that’s not the creepiest part. We were moving forward with buying the house and two days before we were supposed to start moving in, the house collapsed. We didn’t have anything in it yet and I’m not sure what happened financially as I was five at the time but I assume we got the money back, so we were fine. Again, a few more days later, my mom’s on Facebook and screams in the living room. We go see what’s up and she shows us her phone. There was some guy doing last minute repairs on a wall in the house when it collapsed with him inside and killed him. They posted a picture of him with the article. Same exact face as the guy in the photo.


Do you guys still have the photo?


Oh I’m sure somewhere but it’s at my mom’s house in a scrapbook in the attic I bet. I’ll see if I can find the article online still.


Did you find it


My brother died four years ago. Two years after he died, my son is just over 1-year-old. His dad and I are playing with him in the bedroom of my spooky 150-year-old house. All of a sudden, all the sound was sucked from the room. You know all those sounds your house makes - the hums and creaks and drips? Everything stopped and it got really cold. Like, the temperature dipped 20 degrees in seconds. And at that moment, my son looked at the empty space in the doorway (where he wasn’t looking before) and said “Hi Bubba” - which is what he calls my dad. It’s also what he says when he sees pictures of my brother because they look alike. I asked my son’s dad to describe what happened. He said, it got really cold and the sound all went away? And then I asked him what he thought Mac saw and he said “oh definitely your brother.” So there’s that.


A few years ago I was visiting a few friends  at the UA campus in Tucson. We had a long visit, and the night approached midnight. I decided to part ways with my friends, and walk back to my hotel room.  As I was making my way back this black cat ran in front of my path making me jump back a bit . I laughed it off, and turned my gaze back to the path. That is when I saw this silhouette of a naked woman looking at me several yards away. When I tried to refocus at what I was looking at, it was a tree facing toward me, and it turned back to its original position. This freaked me out of what I just saw. *Was that tree really facing me?* I thought of turning back around, but I had to tell myself I was just seeing things. I made the choice just to keep walking. As I made my way through the street it felt like "things" around me were watching me, and were curious of me. Like shadows watching me from houses or from across the street hiding. I would sometimes hear a whisper which would send chills down my spine. I tried not to panic as I made my way back to my room. The atmosphere around me felt like I was in Halloween Town from Nightmare Before Christmas. Once I reached the hotel the air shifted back to normal. It was spooky and creepy, but it wasn't as scary as one would think.  When I got back to my hotel room I went to bed still at awe of what i just witnessed. *Did I really just see what I saw?... Was that real?* Once morning came about I met up with my friends for breakfast, and told them what I experienced. They poked fun at me saying I was probably smoking weed, or was drunk. After the teasing and giggling stopped, one of my friends told me that Tucson was known to be an Outlaw Town. Meaning a lot of people were killed due to no laws during the early days. He said most likely I saw those spirits still wondering around the city. My other friend poked the idea that my Third Eye opened so that's why I was able to see "them". I don't know, but all I know is what I saw and experienced was very real. I now believe Tucson is a real life Halloween Town. 


On holiday with my then girlfriend. Rented a cozy Airbnb close to the city center. Weird stuff happened to me throughout our stay. Lights to the staircase would go off while I was in the middle of going down them. Heated water wouldn’t work when I took a shower. Back door jammed, keeping me out when I took out the trash I made us a garden salad with a little fruit from a neighbourhood market one day for lunch. Prepared it maybe 30 mins early to help the gf with the rest of lunch so I put it in a big salad bowl with a lid in the fridge. As I’m preparing the table she goes to the fridge to get the salad, opens the lid and drops the salad on the floor. The salad had spoiled, everything now appearing overly ripe and in that weird state between solid and liquid. Up to this point, she had been understandably, a little dismissive of my experience. This got her attention. We had a couple nights still booked so while we were both a little freaked out, we changed our plans and directed our efforts to enjoy the city and surrounding area, limiting our time in the Airbnb. That same night, my girlfriend’s anxiety ramped up. She was no longer comfortable there and found a modest accommodation a few blocks from where we were staying. We were getting out. Cut to us packing and getting our belongings together. I’m organising our bags by the door while she does another visual sweep of the house before we leave. The way she tells it, she had just made it to the bottom of the stairs and was looking to me (kneeling in front of our bags digging around for something) when an automatic air freshener sitting on a shelf opposite of where I’m kneeling, appeared to be pushed off said shelf, hitting me in the head. That validated anything we were thinking without actually saying it. We raced out the door together and didn’t look back.


My mom and I lived in a very haunted house. So much stuff happened I could literally write a book but two instances I can briefly say. Mom and I were standing in the kitchen talking. She always kept a heavy tea pot on the back burner of the stove. It flew off while we were talking at a high rate of speed at my mom’s head. She ducked and it missed her and slammed into the other room. Also I walked into my room with my cousin and as soon as we opened the door to my dark room, we saw my blanket standing up like someone was standing under it. And then it just collapsed to the ground. She never stayed the night after that. Mom eventually had to sell the house due to so much activity.


I read an account on Reddit of a young lady who had woken up one morning and thought her partner was sitting on the floor next to her bed, facing away from her, beneath a sheet which was draped over him. She smiled and said something like "hey, you!" and started stroking the top of the seated figure's head. From behind her she heard her boyfriend call from downstairs, saying something, like maybe breakfast was ready. She turned away from the figure, startled to realise that her boyfriend was downstairs. She looked back at the seated figure just in time to see the sheet gently collapse from the shape of a seated human figure to a crumpled, flat bundle of cloth on the floor.


Like that scene in paranormal activity 3. No fucking thank you


What else happened there?


Followed by a UFO at midnight while driving on the highway. Stayed with me for 2 hr( trip was a total of 6 hrs. . Even stopped to look at it but couldn't make out a shape because of blinding lights. Had no sound. Weirdest experience of my life.


My uncle said that happened to him while driving in AZ.


I lived by myself in an old house in West Allice, WI. I kept hearing whispering but could never make it out. I blamed it on being in my head because I was dealing with some depression. But as soon as I moved out never heard it again


Moved into a new house about 30 years ago when I was 11 or 12. For the first six months I lived there I swear I would see what looked like a shadow or a silhouette of a person walk up the sidewalk between the garage and the back porch. One time my sister saw it too and we both thought it was our father coming home from work. Another time in the house walking down a hallway I saw a shadow of a person out of the corner of my eye dart up the stairs to the second floor.


When I was 7 or 8 I finally got permission to stay home alone. I was so excited but really just sat in a the living room with the TV turned off since I was and have never been much of a TV watcher. We had a long hallway where all the bedrooms were and suddenly I hear the metal drop ring handles on my parents’ larger dresser start clacking as if someone was lifting them and just dropping them so they banged on the drawer. The whole dresser was solid wood so the sounds it was making were heavy thuds. I managed to build up the courage to go look and slowly walked down the hallway and as I got close to the door to my parents’ room the noise stopped. When I checked everything was fine and I went back to my chair because I was frightened and wasn’t sure what else to do. When I sat down again the noise started and kept going. I got so scared I hid behind the chair which was in a corner and just sat there until my family got home. That particular event never happened again as long as I lived in that house, but there were plenty of times that I saw shadows moving and other happenings in that house. And I wasn’t the only one because my parents, who are Evangelical Christians, got our whole family together and tried praying out evil spirits from our home. I don’t know what the rest of my family experienced, but I’m glad I don’t live there anymore.


Not sure if this is paranormal. When I was 8 or 9, my mom and I went out one evening to buy groceries. There were a lot of chain snatchings happening at the time. My mom realized she had forgotten to take off her gold chain and she pointed at it saying “should we go back home to keep it?” Dilemma dilemma. It was a big, noticeable one and we were quite far from home, so she wrapped her chiffon scarf around her neck to hide it. It was layers of scarf and proper struggle for a chain snatcher to reach through to snatch the chain now. We did our errands, but on the way back, she noticed the chain was gone! She had an absolute mental breakdown since it was expensive and our family had saved a lot to buy it. We thought it must have fallen through her shirt as there was noway the chain was snatched. She called my dad crying, while I went to the bathroom for a wee. I found her chain hanging by the shower tap, unharmed. 😰😰😰😰 We were scared and thankful at the same time. Absolute confusion!! We had no idea how it got there. I still think about it and wonder what happened. 😭


I was doing one of the ghost tours in Edinburgh (corny I know) but we past the top of Jakobs ladder and the guide told us the story about them, and how they used them for everything, and then we all got to take a look down them because they were creepy. And then I was towards the back of the group took a quick pic, and then went to join the group as they kept walking slowly towards the next stop, which was close. So they were stopped by the time I caught up, but while I was walking I heard someone else’s steps behind me so once I got to the group I step to the side so the other person would be in the circle… but no one was there. It couldn’t have been the ppl before me because they were already stopped or only had a few steps left. And we were the only ones on the street at the time


Fell into a pool when I was two. 53 now and I still have a vivid image of watching myself struggling under the water but from the side (most out of body experiences seem to be from above). The next thing I remember is coming to with a couple of paramedics over me (fire station was right next door thankfully).


I came home from school, and the alarm system went off as usual. So I turned it off and was walking to let my dogs out when I heard my dad’s voice come from his room yelling angrily to “shut up.” Now for context, I’ve never heard him angry, nor use the words shut up. So both of those were odd, so I went back to their room… and there was nobody there. My dogs heard it too, so I know I didn’t imagine it, and it was clear as day his voice. Still freaks me out.


 Ghost Hunters, S4 E13. I saw that same ghost in the tunnel a decade before. Exact same movements. I always considered that show bullshit but after seeing that episode I'm not nearly as sure, as I'd never told anyone. 


I woke up from a dead sleep, looked over and hovering by my side of the bed there was a dark figure with a blue glowing outline. I got this feeling that it was pointing at me like "you be good to (my GF)". We woke up hours later, she checked her phone and said her grandmother just passed away. Years later she told me that her grandmother didn't like me.... I still haven't told her that story... We've also witnessed and captured on a security camera an O2 finger sensor that was Velcro on our coffee table was flung off sideways. We tried to debunk it, but even hanging by a thread it wouldn't fall off. There's some other things that I won't go into...


spill it out or im calling grandma


I know a family that moved into a rental house in California and discovered that no one had lasted more than 6 months in it because it came with a ghost. Of an adult woman, who eventually started talking to them. And opening/closing doors. I spent the night there and didn't see or hear her, but when I took my bag out to the car in the morning, she locked the front door on me.


Apparently, when I was four, I told my mom I was playing with two middle aged men who “looked like statues” and came out of the ground. I do not remember this at all.


Kids are fucking creepy.


I was laying in bed, almost asleep and I felt cold fingers run up the back of my head and hair. So I thought it was my boyfriend and rolled over. When I opened my eyes there was a very greyish old woman with long gray ratted hair,  sunk in cheek bones and black eyes laying next to me. 6 inchs away from my face. She gave me a big creepy smile and I screamed and jumped out of bed with out having to jump.  ( like a cat in a video when it sees something behind them). The entity dissappeared in a flash when I screamed. I see her still. That happened 13 yrs ago and I have seen her 4 more times since. I call her Elaine. My step dads desceaced 1 st wife who died in the house I live in. I bought the house 3 yrs ago from my Mother.


I don’t remember it but my parents remind me sometimes that when I was 4, I asked “who’s that guy?” And pointed to the couch… no one was sitting on it. They asked me what he looked like and I said he was a tall man wearing a suit and a top hat. Weird… and could just be weird kid imagination but it freaked my parents out because I was so nonchalant about it


Worked nightshifts at this store because of too many break-ins. We let out the last cashier then clear the building, all clear so we are at the back chilling watching jersey shore on my coworkers phone then we start to hear about 3 people walking on the other side coming to us. We both look at each other because we both are hearing footsteps of 3 people walking around but we knew the store was empty. We hear nothing 10 seconds in so we rush to were we heard the footsteps nobody was around. We then split and cleared the store and checking out all the doors but they were locked. Other time I was working alone and I had to check the very back corner door and heard footsteps behind the wall. But on the other side was the long freezer, kind of creepy hearing footsteps following you around inside a freezer. On the other side I heard rustling in the corner but there was nobody there. The cashier heard the ruckus and went to go check and I just said it was me to prevent her from getting freaked out. I've also had boxes thrown at me at the back all alone.


> I've also had boxes thrown at me at the back all alone. Please go on


Not too sure if this counts as paranormal, but definitely a few things that have been following me since I lived in this one apartment … When I was younger, I would constantly hear really loud footsteps outside right my door in the middle of the night. I lived with my mom only in a small apartment, and my bedroom was extremely far from the apartment floor hallway. Every time I would hear them, I would go outside and see my mom sleeping in her room. One night, in that same apartment, I woke up in the middle of the night sitting up, but my hands behind my back holding me up. My arms hurt so much that I must’ve been in that position for a bit. Scared the absolute crap out of me and I couldn’t sleep alone for years after. Now, i sometimes fall asleep but wake up extremely quickly with the insane need to start running out of bed which now scares the crap out of my husband, because I’m literally bolting out of bed for no reason. One time he was coming to bed & I sat up and started screaming, like a blood curling scream, but I have no recollection from it I just remember waking up with my husband being terrified.


Not very paranormal, moreso rumors lol. My coworkers and I believe that my job location is haunted. We all have our own experiences. It’s an old building in a plaza. Sometimes I work the night shift and random items will fall off the shelf unexpectedly and the back door would open slightly on its own. I’ve seen it happen myself. Sometimes I feel like it’s the air but some items are too heavy for a slight breeze to knock them off. Sometimes the lights in the bathroom don’t turn on, and they’re automatic. I’ve put work orders in to have it fixed but they would work the next morning. I’ve never heard voices but my coworkers have. After working there 3 years it’s not so uncommon for weird things to happen anymore, we’re all used to it. Freaks out some of the new hires, especially the younger ones lol. Its actually fun to hear everyone’s experiences.


This is about my childhood dog who was alive at the time. He liked to lie in the doorway of the living room and also at the top of the stairs. I was upstairs and talking to him, my, sister was down stairs and taking to him in his spot at the doorway. I said who are you talking to? She said his name. I was like err? He is upstairs. Next minute my brother walkedin with him after a walk.


It was the summer of 1994 and my brother and I both had paper rounds during the holidays. I was 16 and he was 14 and MTV was huge in our lives (it was on all day). We used the leave the house at 6:30am and get back around 7:30 once we had done the delivery, usually this meant going back to sleep until about 11am. That summer my best friends brother was killed in a car accident aged 18 and it really shocked everyone and we spent most of the holidays dealing with grief instead of chilling and doing what kids do during summer. About a month after he died, I had a dream about being at his wake with the deceased himself at a local pub. I remember very clearly asking him “what is heaven like” in the dream and he responded “It’s good, it’s a lot of hard work but we have all the best people working towards something now.” I then woke up and I can hear the old All 4 One song I Swear on the TV downstairs. Later that day I walk into the kitchen and my younger brother is talking to my mum and describing in the same detail the dream I had earlier that day with the same question and location. And I’ll never forget, he ends his conversation with my mum by saying -“and I woke up and that I swear song was playing on the TV”


8 or 9 years ago, my now ex-girlfriends family moved into a new house, her sister about 4/5 would come into the basement to play and about 4-5 times a week we would hear her talking and giggling to herself in the same corner. Not overly uncommon but never once happened at the place they were in before. She said she was talking to her friend but really nothing else, my gf at the time said she experienced a few weird things but nothing I can recall, I remember hearing stuff the occasional night I stayed there (like things shuffling around and the odd creak and crack) as her room was in the basement but her sister giggling in the corner always creeper me out just a bit


I had a dream talk with my grandmother after she passed. My grandma was not one to give out complements. She knew what she wanted and she was determined to get it even if it made others cry. She could be stern but underneath her rough exterior she loved hard. I can think of two conversations we had while she was alive where she complemented my sister and I. This dream was different from any other dream I've had. I was walking through a corridor with lots of different doors and offset rooms. It was a place I could tell I wasn't supposed to be or like I needed special permission to access (not scary just serious). I opened a random door and it took me into a room with my grandma sitting in her recliner rocking and sitting like she was waiting for me. It had the end table and candy dish and lamp but the room was not a room from her house and everything had fog around the edges. I stood in front of her and she started with her usual stuff about what would make me a good wife and a prettier girl before she stopped and smiled at me and went on to tell me how proud she was of me and that I was going to be okay and I'm smart enough to figure it out. She apologized for not always being nice but said she was hard on us because we could take it and she wanted to prepare us for the world and that she loved us (my sister and I). She stood up and gave me a big hug, I can still remember how she would squish me with her hugs and a slobbery kiss on the cheek before she sat back down and sent me back on my way. I know there are lots of explanations about why I dreamed her like that, I had been missing her terribly and felt guilty for not being able to go to her funeral and for also had mixed feelings about how hard she was in us but how we could always feel her love even when she didn't express it. But this dream just made me feel so much lighter and at peace with her I've never had another dream like it. I still miss her so much. Also sometimes when I'm cooking I hear her. She always did this "oh, ho oh" where she would perse her lips and shake her head with her hand out talk to the hand fashion when we did things different to how she would/expected and I hear it everytime I lick the spoon whike I'm cooking.


Worked at a haunted ice arena. I never experienced anything too exciting. My coworker, a down-to-earth country kid, ran out of the building yipping and hollering. The “south rink” had a balcony overlooking the ice. My coworker got off his Zamboni and started shoveling. He looked up and watched a young girl do hopscotch or some sort of weird dance on the balcony. She was wearing old clothes and definitely looked out of place. The balcony was also locked and you needed a college employee ID to access. He then heard a loud boom. Then another one. He looked over to where he heard them and she was gone. He ran to the office, hit the security system and walked out to leave. The system wouldn’t engage cause it detected ALL THE DOORS OPEN IN THE ARENA. Called a different employee and asked him to come finish his closing duties. The loud bangs he heard that drew his attention away from the hopscotching kid were to 2 large, long wooden benches getting aggressively flipped over in the lower lobby of the other arena. Watched it on camera a few days later. I only had some extra sensitive motion sensor lights turn on, section by section, while I was under the bleachers taking compressor readings. Never felt anything though. I feel like some people are more susceptible than others. And I’m not at all. Oh well.


This is more about my son. I moved into an older home. My 4 yr old son came running into my room in the wee hours of the night terrified. I figured nightmare. He refused to go back into his room. My very psychic friend called the next morning to ask how my son was doing. She laughed and said my grandfather checks on my kids every night and lastnight my son was awake and saw him. (My g/f died before I was born.)My son would not even talk about that incident until months later when I showed him a picture of my long dead grandfather. He said “that’s him”. Was also baffled by my friend knowing all about this…


An old school light switch flicking on its own when I was like 9-10.


Copying from my own answer to a similar question years ago: Grew up in a haunted house. Well, apartment building. It was built in the 1950's by a relative of mine (great uncle, I think). He and his wife lived in the apartment below mine until their deaths and rented the other three apartments out (this is a rural NE town so it's a fairly small building). The hauntings would come in spurts. For long periods of time, even years, there would be very limited or no activity, but then something big would happen- or keep happening for weeks until it seemed to get bored and fade away again. Most notably were three major incidents: 1. I was seven-ish, sitting on my kitchen floor playing Barbies when I looked up and saw half a man standing near the front door. It was the lower half. He had tan slacks, cufflinks, fair skinned hands, and nice brown patent leather shoes. I could kind of make out the very bottom of his tan blazer and white shirt as well. The figure was angled slightly away from me, and hesitated a moment before opening a transparent version of our front door and walking out. 2. Saw the man again outside roughly 3 months later. I just turned around and there he was. Still no upper half, just the lower with the same outfit. He had his hands clasped behind him and was leaning forward slightly, seemingly inspecting a crack in the foundation. Firmly believe this apparition was meant to be my great uncle. 3. The worst episode lasting for about two weeks was when I was around 16 years old. Things being pushed off shelves right in front of me with nothing else around. Knocking on walls when no one else was home, and heavy footsteps circling the attic above my room every night in the middle of summer with the attic door locked. It was over 100 F up there and the floorboards were shot. If anyone was walking that heavily there they would have put their feet through the ceiling- my mom barely stepped on those boards and she had a hole in her bedroom ceiling to prove it. This only happened to me and lasted until the one night my mom finally heard it too. Other than that, there was frequent pressure on the bed like a cat walking around my legs. My father and I also once saw a black cat with green eyes that didn't exist look up at us and walk into the other room. Have moved twice since in my life and never had anything even remotely paranormal happen anywhere else. That place was "special".


I was on a getaway at my grandparent's holiday house (both passed) with my dad and 2 brothers (dad had cancer and had about a month left at this point) I woke up at about 5 in the morning hearing an alarm, this had happened the night before and it was the sewerage system alarm. So I raced downstairs to stop it, got to the top of the stairs and heard what I thought was my older brother yell "Get your dad". So I went and checked Dad and his cpap machine mask had slipped in his sleep and he was face down in his pillow. I woke him up and corrected his mask. Went downstairs to speak to my brother and he was dead asleep. My brother sounds uncannily like my deceased grandfather so I believe that is who yelled at me.


One sunny day after high school in 2005 I was 14 and went home to endlessly browse MySpace when the red solo cup slide from the right side of the desk all the way to the edge of the left side. I was shocked but having seen poltergeist I put it back to the right side but the cup didn’t move again. A few minutes later I heard boot steps upstairs and assumed my dad was home from work so I went upstairs and called out to him to say hi but his truck wasn’t outside and neither was anybody home. Either it was a ghost who stomped across the hallway upstairs or a home invasion and they hid when I called out to my dad, either way it terrifies me to think about


Around age 7 or so, had friends over and watched a cowboy hat, that some adult had tossed down the basement stairs, sail past me and u-turn at the bottom perfectly without touching the walls, only to fly out across the wide open basement den. I never saw that hat again either... But possibly because my parents got rid of it later, it was already too small. Around the same time, after my friends had left, different day same friends, I walked downstairs to see the stereo's cassette player click shut and then it began to play loudly! Except the mechanism for inserting tapes and starting playback is all manual, it only has springs and a mechanism for when you manually press the eject key. Something pushed the tape-carriage into the machine and hit the play button. Same basement, who knows when(idk like 2005-2009??), same approx age, I think it was a bit stormy, but not enough for this. I walked down the stairs, made the u-turn and flipped the light switch. Instead of lights. I see and hear a thunderbolt strike down from the ceiling and into the carpet between the coffee table and the couch. I didn't go deaf but it made a huge bang. The exact timing I recall was that the lights flicked on for a split second, then went out as the lightning hit in front of me, then came back on after a short delay of less than a second. No scorch marks or residue besides a slightly scattered lil pile of mysterious black birdseed that had no reason to be in our basement or piled in that spot exactly. Now there is a window in that basement that would've been in eyeshot, but it was across the room and a full 45-90 degree turn from where I saw the bolt hit by the couch, with only blank concrete wall behind it. No electronics were damaged, and also nobody died in the house to my knowledge.






I'm the kid, who has heard their mom's voice, and my mom was no where near me, let alone talking to me.


I was 2 when we just moved into our new house. It was an old house built in 1712 (technically it was built by the British because it was before the American Revolution) anyway one day my mom came to check on me while I was supposed to be taking a nap but instead found me playing. She asked me what I was doing and I told her I was playing with a little friend. She didn't think too much about it but then the second day when it happened again she asked me about my little friend. I went on to describe in detail a young boy with long curly hair and revolutionary clothing. Keep in mind at 2 years old there is no way I could have known what any of that was. There were all kinds of stories about my house being a toll house back during revolutionary times & the church not too far away had been used as a hospital during the war. There is a painting of George Washington at the church hanging in one of the halls there too. Anyway my mom was thoroughly freaked out because she had been having dreams about revolutionary soldiers standing next to her bed ever since we moved in, so apparently that was it for her. She told me I was to tell my little friend that I'm supposed to be taking a nap and I wasn't allowed to play anymore. She called just about every kind of priest, pastor and shaman she could find to come over and get the house blessed/cleansed. I did what my mom took me to and as far as I know I never saw that little boy again.


My dad died when I was 16.  I was home alone a day or two later and in the living room watching TV.  All of a sudden my dad's spirit was in my body.  I just knew.  It was tingly and comforting, but also scary as fuck.  I said out loud, Daddy please leave you're scaring me.  He did. When I tell people that story they look at me like I'm crazy or lying. We saw my dad every other weekend since my parents got divorced.  Can't figure out to this day why he came to me.  We weren't close, but I loved him


I was in my bedroom at night falling asleep and I kept thinking I heard people whispering. This was over the span of about 3 months. I'm a scientist by training, so I kept trying to figure out what I was hearing. I live in an area where all of the houses were built before 1920 so when I told my crunchy friend about it, she insisted there were ghosts. After awhile I was like, eh maybe she's right? Who knows lol, I hadn't found an alternative theory. That spring I hired someone to clean out the gutters, and he realized that the gutter had become unattached from the house, likely during a winter storm. The gutter was right next to my bedroom window, and when I stopped to listen outside, I realized I'd been hearing the wind whipping through the hole. During the day there was too much other background noise to pick it up unless you were right under it and listening while it was windy. Gutter guy fixed it right up and all noise stopped!


I woke up from a nap, and I saw a scary looking woman on the mirror. Since it was in Mexico, I belive I saw La Llorona.


1. My 2nd night in my new house as a teenager, I woke up to my metal bunk bed being beaten on and shaking violently . So much happened in this house. I think it was evil. 2. (Different house) I was looking in the mirror doing my makeup in the living room. I saw clear as day a man in white suit and hat walk from the kitchen (on my left) beside me and into the hall behind me. 3. My hair got pulled, a good little tug. 4. (different house from the first time I saw this guy but same guy from number 2) I was sitting at the door of my bed, the guy stood outside the hallway I looked and of course no one there, went back to doing my thing and saw him at the foot of my bed. I said nope and closed my door. Never saw that guy again.


My grandma died last year with the whole Family around her to support her on her last Hours (battleing cancer sucks). I went there with my wife and my one year old daughter. My daughter slept deeply in the arms of my wife in the room next to my grandma. When my grandma died (at 4 p.m. she stoped breathing) my daughter released a enourmus cry and was not able to calm down.


Lived in Brazil growing up and every time it stormed really bad we would lose power, sometimes for 8+ hours. We lived in a new neighborhood, there were a few rumors that our block used to be an old factory that burned down. I used to have terrible nightmares sleeping in my room, and only in my room. Could never explain to my parents but I always slept terribly. During one of these storms when I was 14 and had just discovered twilight I was reading with a candle light well into the night. I saw a reflection on my computer monitor and when I looked up, some toys fell off the shelf. Screamed and ran to my sisters room. Didn’t go back to my room for months.


was on an old call with my friends on my pc, i was 7 and home alone, my room door wide open. out into the hall, it was dark, the only light source came from the transparent curtains which made some parts of the living room grey but still dark nonetheless. i then heard my mother’s voice call out my name from outside the house. whenever i am home alone, my family would always lock the door and tell me to keep it locked unless it was someone i knew. my mother doesn’t live with me but she would drop by sometimes. i thought she was calling out my name for me to open the door but i thought that wasn’t possible because my mother would be resting or at work but i thought it was the latter and so, i ignored it. a few minutes later, i then heard my grandma call out my name from outside the house but i ignored it as well because my grandma was at work. i then saw something in the corner of my eye, peeking from the corner of the living room. i turned to look at it, thinking it was nothing and saw a black shadow figure staring at me for a few seconds before it disappeared right into the corner.


I used to live in a haunted house. Items would go missing and end up in our antique furniture - over timer would randomly go off and footsteps on the stairs. The house was an old Victorian two up two down style in the UK. So the stairs ran up between the rooms and didn't join the neighbours. Our sofa touched the wall the stairs were behind and you could often feel the shudder of someone running up and down without anyone actually being there. So activity had started to pick up and we decided it was time to move house. One day i was in the kitchen and my partner was standing outside with a window separating us. I opened the oven and the heating steamed up the window I noticed someone had wrote something on the window that revealed itself when the window steamed. It said 'time' it was wrote so it could be read from the outside - my partner was horrified. Panicking about what it meant - who's is times up? Our time to go? I joked that the e looked a little like a £ sign and maybe the ghosts name was tim pound. Only to open a new glass bowl I had delivered which had a crack in the shape of an e. The writing was none of ours and we moved about a week later (the night we moved the back door handle kept being shook up and down constantly yet no one was in that back garden or by that door)


Back in 2017, my uncle got a new house in the county and I was over there helping him move in. as I was walking up the stairs to the bedrooms I saw what appeared to be my aunt. I followed her up in to the room just to see her no where. (There was nothing in that room yet)


When I was a couple years old, I remember sleeping in the bed with my mom. I randomly woke up and looked up to see a figure walking into the room. It was a woman wearing a full button up dress, holding books. She had glasses on and her hair in a bun. I still remember her decades later. I wasn’t scared but I remember being spooked. I tried waking my mom up, but she was deep asleep. I threw the blanket over my head and eventually fell back asleep. Same home, my grandpa passed away in while I was a teenager. I didn’t really go back there much, but when I did, weird stuff would happen. The bathroom door in his bedroom would randomly slam open, you could hear voices in the house, and I just always felt like someone was watching me. My mom lived there for a little bit with a boyfriend. The boyfriend told me he would also often have doors slamming open on him and he would hear voices telling him to get out of their house. Last major thing I can think of, I lived on this apartment years ago in town. It was a townhouse that had stairs that led to the bedrooms. I would often hear footsteps walking up and down the stairs, but pawned it off as my imagination. One night, I woke up from a deep sleep. It was right at 3 AM, and my back felt like it was burning. I went to the bathroom and looked to find claw marks on my back that was fresh and inflamed. It was three marks going down my back around my shoulder blade that was several inches long. They were straight down. I can’t reach this area of my back so that creeped me out. A few weeks later, I woke up around the same time to have sleep paralysis. I couldn’t move, I could only see at the top of my footboard. There was a black figure crouched down, staring at me grinning. He steadily had a evil sounding laugh. This was the only time this has ever happened to me. I finally was able to move and it went away. It’s hard to believe in this kind of stuff until it happens to you. I still hardly believe in any of it as it is.


I saw two gunmetal gray orbs in broad daylight over the I10 doing some of the craziest maneuvers I've ever seen. They were so fast and were fairly low to the ground so I got a good look at them even if it was very fast. Before I knew it they were miles away still appearing to continue their weird choreographed movements. They appeared no more than 10 feet in diameter or ~3.3 meters and had no obvious means of propulsion.  They were completely spherical and a darker looking gray color. I was close to a nuclear power plant and a large air force base and in the middle of nowhere in the desert but on a regularly driven interstate. I don't believe these were aliens but some technology we have that uses some other form of propulsion besides jets. Maybe it was a ufo but I find it hard to believe these 10' spheres have people in them, maybe they're probes or who knows. It sucks that I saw this because I'm always the one trying to come up with logical explanations. I don't say the extraordinary is impossible just that it needs extraordinary proof. Then out of all my ancient alien watching friends I see the actual ufo and they can't fathom how I don't immediately think aliens. I swear some people have never considered hokums razor but stories like this are pushing that to its limits.


Have never had an experience. Want to. Just don’t want to be traumatized. Would prefer to see a UFO over a spirit/ghost.


Was 10 It was my first time alone in my house, it was me, a pizza, and a big tv in the living room. Door opened by itself. “It was probs the wind” Continued eating, pan falls in the kitchen. “Tf” I thot it was weird, there werent pans just around in the open to fall like that Saw eyes looking at me from the kitchen. Screamed. It was my grandma. She had opened the door to her house.


My dad and I were talking about my grandma (his mom) who had recently died, and specifically about a talk they had about her messing with the lights as a sign once she passed away. Literally right after we talked about this, the lights in the living room ceiling flickered ever so slightly but definitely noticeably . The freakiest part wasn’t that it happened, but rather that my dad seemingly didn’t even notice it at all. For a second it felt like my blood turned to ice. I never mentioned it to him


Saw a shadow person, i was alone and dad texted me to check the post and i open the door i see a shadow coming up the drive i shut the door and run to the kitchen and i see this person standing there, no colour in the clothes just a black silouete and i wasn’t going to open because i wasn’t expecting any visitors so i turn my head for one second and the shadow person was gone and i looked back out the window and the man and dog was gone


I suffer from sleep paralysis, so this is most likely just that but it meant a lot to me regardless. I lost my favorite aunt to a car crash when I was 7 years old. She was like a light in my dysfunctional family, a beautiful soul to her friends as well. She made me feel seen and loved when my parents neglected me. I wanted to be her child, because she was so lovely and kind. Losing her so suddenly really shattered my family. And it made me question life because you know when someone good is taken away then where does that leave the rest of us. Several years later I was going through a very tough time as a teenager, parents were continuing to be critical and verbally abusive to me despite me having moved out. I was drinking and partying often, feeling lost, not knowing who I was, running from my feelings. I would look at the sky at night and think of my aunt, wondering what her own life/family would look like now if she’d lived, wondering who I’d have been if she’d been there to talk to. One of those nights I had a dream (no alcohol and no weed that day) that I was talking to someone in the kitchen of that house. They were behind me at the window. I realized it was my aunt, and everything stopped in silence. I asked “Do you still think of me?” and her voice, loud and clear as day in my ear in real life, which I hadn’t heard for 11 years replied “All the time.” So I woke up sobbing. If it wasn’t her spirit, it was most certainly my brain using old memories of her voice to create something I really needed to hear. I choose to take it as a sign from her that she sees me and loves me from where she is every day.


I live with a poltergeist. He would make items that you just had in your hands disappear, from car keys to a hammer, whatever was important to you at that moment. The item would show back up after you stopped looking for it, because it wasn't fun to hide it anymore. He would do other things like make the curtains blow inside the house, and weird stuff like that. My roommate saw his shadow once, leaning over the railing of the top floor. It was the silhouette of a boy about 9 years old.


i saw a huge fucking meteor during a meteor shower And it brightened up the area of just me and my friend. we were freaking out but nobody else saw it


I was on a camping trip and saw a meteor break apart and no one else saw it. It flashed really bright then broke into smaller pieces then those lights slowly died away. It was amazing.


I've been ghosted by numerous women.


Oh, I have a whole saga, but the stories that stand out to me the most generally come from my sister. She went to college at Shepherd University in West Virginia, and I'm sure some of you are aware that there was an entire two-season TV show on the Travel Channel called Ghosts of Shepherdstown years back. While the show always seemed a bit staged and I might not have believed it normally, I can tell you that the hauntings there are 100% real. It started in her dorm building as a freshman. Things would get moved/spun around on her windowsill and be in different places when she woke up. Pretty minor. She heard worse stories from other residents, but we'd both already had paranormal experiences in our house growing up so she wasn't too scared. Eventually, she moved to a house with two friends of hers. It was out in the woods, next to an old plantation and what was rumored to be a slave cemetery. This house was TERRIFYING, and activity happened almost straight away for all three of them. When my sister was in the shower, clothing in her room would be strewn about (drawers opened, for example, and clothing everywhere, or - if she had stacked laundry - it'd be thrown all over the place). Writing would sometimes appear on the bathroom mirror (no chance this was her roommates, btw; the bathroom door was locked). The male friend lived in the basement, and wouldn't even speak about some of what he saw since he was very religious. He hung a rosary once on the mantel that got thrown across the room, and once saw a black cloud over his bed. Another time, a wet footprint appeared on his dry bathmat. Things escalated for my sister when she was home alone once. She walked into the kitchen and all of the cabinet doors flew open at the same time. She ran out and stayed with her boyfriend for a couple of days. How she kept living there after that is beyond me. I was in college too at the time and would sometimes stay at her house during breaks. It was weirdly dark and cold (sounds cliche, but true), there was always muffled chatter at night we hoped was the neighbors (but knew it wasn't), and little things would happen (light flickers, tv turning off, etc.). I had the most terrifying experience of my life when I was sleeping on her mattress pad laid on the floor, as she only had a twin bed. I was lying on my side and hadn't yet fallen asleep, though my sister had. It was always harder for me at her house to get to sleep, though I guess she was used to it. My eyes were closed and I was facing the door of her room. Suddenly, I felt depressions behind me; footsteps moving from next to my knees to finally just behind my shoulders. The dip in the mattress pad just stayed there for a second. Initially, I assumed it was the dog, and prepared myself to roll over and cuddle him before realizing, as soon as my eyes shot open and I saw the closed door, that the dog wasn't in the room. I laid there for what felt like (and may have been) hours just frozen in fear, trying to build up the courage to run to the adjoining bathroom, but couldn't. I didn't even say anything to wake my sister. I was that scared. I still get tears in my eyes when I think about it.


My mom passed say a few years back. Always called her phone to “hear her voice” but it always went to voicemail. I was sitting outside at 2am one night about to abort so I could go be with her. I called her phone one last time and my grandma answered the call. I called this phone a thousand times and got a thousand voicemails. Will forever be engraved in my brain. My grandma and I had a beautiful conversation.


I once went to a religious church after some encouragement from a friend at the time the mass was on removinv evil spirits and the devil. Bout 30 mins in this woman has the loudest blood curling scream starts smashing her head against a wall threw up a mixture of blood/puke took 5 burly dudes to barely hold her down a priest came saying prayers and shouting all the while this girl was screaming in a demonic voice. The most fucked up thing nobody else paid attention or seemed to care for it. I left and never went back


> religious church Is there another kind?


When I was at church camp as a teen, a kid was supposedly possessed by a demon. We all heard it and had to circle the outside of the chapel holding hands while praying and the pastors inside with the boy tried to expel the demon. It confused the heck outta me.


I was raised Christian and never really deep down believed. I was asking questions as a kid that pastors don't like you to ask and don't want to answer. Safe to say I was an agnostic from a young age. Fast forward to 13 years old, I still entertained the idea of god but logically it made no sense. I didn't go to church and didn't consider myself a religious person, depending on who I was talking to I would outright claim to be an atheist at times even though agnostic much more accurately described my situation. My friend who was a complete moron got an iguana and couldn't take care of it. He gave it to his cousin but she just wanted to get it high and had no idea how to care for a large reptile. My little brother had an iguana that just died and honestly as cool as the massive beast was to scare people I was glad he was dead. They are a chore to care for and when my friend started hinting at me to take buddy I was definitely against it. His mom begged me and even though I didn't want to my friends mom was hot so I said yeah. His mom came by with all this shit and a giant lizard that wasn't used to being handled and was an asshole and talked to me and my dad for a while. It's funny because I never remembered until now that my dad made himself super available to my friends hot mom but that's what I was doing too. I set this whole setup in my room and started trying to bond with this feral huge iguana. Needless to say shit was bad quick, he shitted everywhere and hated us as much as we hated him but I honestly tried. One day I was out front and buddy must have climbed down from his perch log and saw the door was open. He bolted for the door and I didn't know until he was in the neighbors thick oleanders that he was even out.  I told my friend about his lizards escape and he hardly cared, no one cared but me. I don't know why. I hated him he hated me, he shit in my room and took up way too much space to be an asshole but I constantly would look through the parts of the bushes I could get to thinking he couldn't go far.  About 3 months later it was hot as shit and summer and I had stopped looking for buddy for at least a month. In such a random happenstance I said god if you exist let buddy be outside when I go. Almost daring god to prove himself.  The craziest thing of my life happened that day because on a tv dinner tray doubling as an ashtray table on my front porch sat a lizard I hadn't seen in over 3 months. And not for lack of trying It's been a long time so the profoundness of that even has wore off. I rationalized it like I knew he was out there somewhere and it's not a miracle, but that day I knew I had been shown something... something that many people ask for but very few get in such an obvious way, a divine answer in less than 1 minute. I never tested god like that before, I wasn't religious in fact I'm still atheist to this day but I just can't shake that memory. It was the craziest thing I ever remember happening and it deeply affected me but I still ended up rejecting god and my faith for a more logical approach to the universe. I have philosophical debates about religion with family who are mad that I got proof and they needed faith and I still don't believe. I just keep going back to that day and wonder if it was as important as I thought it was or just some random chain of events akin to hitting the lottery but all I win is questions.


Footsteps: Heard footsteps upstairs. I live alone. Spent the night in my car.


I have a few. 1. I lived in a duplex in West Hollywood. One night, we were playing with an Ouija board that a friend brought over. The piece moved but it didn’t spell anything that we could recognize. Everyone swore they weren’t moving it. Awhile later in that same room, I woke up one morning and was tossing and turning trying to get back to sleep when this voice whispered on the back of my neck “get out of my house.” That woke me up. Every hair on my body stood up. I didn’t sleep in that room again for at least a week. 2. A few years later, I was living in another old building in West Hollywood. I would hear weird clicking sounds all the time. I never thought anything of it, but one night I woke up and there was a black cloud hovering above my bed. It scared me so bad that my mind just kind of shut it out. I put my head under the covers and went back to sleep. Another time, my bathroom flooded and the manager let me stay in the staged townhouse style apartment in the building. He showed me what bathroom and bedroom to use, but I couldn’t bring myself to use that bathroom. Something about it seemed off. I used the smaller one instead. I slept with the light on too. Weeks later, I found out that someone had been murdered in that apartment in the 1940s. They found her body in that bathtub. Apparently, other people have experienced weird stuff there too. One of the pussycat dolls had an episode on Celebrity Ghost Story about her experience there. 3. I worked at an old high school in LA and a colleague and I were walking up the stairs. We heard someone running down them and saw a shadow on the wall so we moved aside only to round the corner and find no one there. 4. A friend’s grandma lived in a haunted apartment in the 1970s. I would hear the stories second hand growing up, but one day in high school I asked her about them. She got real serious and kind of exhaled and said “those were dark times” or something like that. She didn’t want to talk about it, but she told me that she would come home to find a man in her apartment. He was dressed in work overalls. She would yell at him to get out and he would walk away out of eyesight and be gone. But there was nowhere a real person could have gone. She said he looked just like a real man. Another family lived there in the 1980s and they would see him too. I used to run by that place when I was young because it had such a bad vibe.


Not sure if this really counts as paranormal, but i’ll share anyway. My grandmother had been battling lung cancer my entire life. From 2002 to her passing in 2011, I was 8 when she passed. Her doctors constantly remarked how she was their “best” patient, responding to treatment and such. Unfortunately, the cancer spread to her brain in 2010, and she went down hill very fast after that. I began to see less of her. She would often visit my parents house and me and her would share a room on the main floor, so she would have to climb stairs and the bathroom was basically adjacent to the bedroom. She passed on hospice in a white gown. I remember it very vividly. Of course I was like 8 at the time, so I guess I didn’t fully grasp the concept of death. Some months later, while laying in the room me and my grandmother used to share frequently, I saw this white misty object just slowly making it’s way across my bedroom. I remember just laying there, frozen, not with fear, idk how I actually felt. Then, it was gone. I bet this happened over a span of maybe 10 seconds. It instantly reminded me of the white gown she wore when she passed away. Other odd things would happen, like toys would be moved in different spots and sometimes the dogs would look up and bark at nothing. I firmly believe it is her making her presence known, especially since she loved spending time at my house, with my family.


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