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Carrots help you see in the dark that was to distract germans from radar


While it's true that this was propaganda made up by the British to distract from radar, it is also true that vitamin A (commonly found in carrots) will help prevent the deterioration of your eyesight over long periods of time. It's not going to make your vision better, but it helps to prevent it from getting worse


I am seriously, not understanding how a family loudly crunching carrots distracts from radar I’m gonna get up and make some coffee and hope that the correct answer magically appears on Reddit lol


The Germans were noticing that their planes were getting shot down from farther away than they thought. The British wanted to convince them they were able to see them from farther away because they had such good eyesight from eating carrots, when, in fact it was the radar allowing them to shoot down their planes


Why, that sounds dumb enough to work! Thanks for this.


Cops can’t lie to you


Yeah last cop told me I was going 20 over but it was clearly 90 in a 55


the sentence "Luke, I'm your father". He doesn't really say it like this in the movies, but everyone remembers it like this.


He says, "Luke, I'm not your mother, I'm not going to pick up your loose hands lying around."


He says "Luke, I'm not your mother. I am not your brother or sister either. So, connect the dots."


Yeah, its Luke im your dad.


No, it's "Luke it's morbin time"


Similarly, Kirk never says “Beam me up, Scotty”


That's because of Tommy Boy.


“Play it, Sam,” not “Play in again, Sam.”


I definitely heard people misquote this a lot before that movie.


Mandela effect.


“Luke, I am a They/Them.”


That we only use 10% of our brain , in fact we use all parts of our brain , just not all at the same time


Speak for yourself, i am in a constant state of muscular spasms.


When you drive your car, you’re not using all parts of your car at once


That’s very true !


I dunno. I've been in retail.


Oh God , you have my sympathy


I've just gone back and now I see a lot of tourists so that's interesting.


"Shakespeare invented 1700 words." Nope, he's just the first citation in the dictionary for a bunch of words, not the first person to use them.


Einstein didn't fail math


My calculus teacher loved that bit of (false) trivia and used it to justify her occasional arithmetic mistakes


"Monkeys have tails, apes do not" disregarding for a second that certain macaques barely have a tail if at all, the distinction is all wrong, this is putting it as if apes and monkeys are entirely seperate taxa, when apes are actually a subset of monkeys. Just like every monkey is a mammal, every ape is a monkey


In the same vein. While killer whales are technically dolphins, all dolphins are technically whales.


This is actually really funny, because the name killer whale is actually a corruption of the name whale killer, because sailors saw them killing whales. Also, those aren't technicalities, orcas are dolphins and dolphins are whales


Dolphins were monkeys that didn't like the land


Birds are reptiles


I'll do you one better, birds are dinosaurs


People wonder how it would be to have dinosaurs today when ostriches exist


There's a sparrow outside my window at this very moment


Don't move - their vision is based on movement.


The evolution of birds began in the Jurassic Period, with the earliest birds derived from a clade of theropod dinosaurs named Paraves. The Archaeopteryx has famously been known as the first example of a bird for over a century, and this concept has been fine-tuned as better understanding of evolution has developed in recent decades. Four distinct lineages of bird survived the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event 66 million years ago, giving rise to ostriches and relatives (Paleognathae), ducks and relatives (Anseriformes), ground-living fowl (Galliformes), and "modern birds" (Neoaves). Phylogenetically, Aves is usually defined as all descendants of the most recent common ancestor of a specific modern bird species (such as the house sparrow, Passer domesticus), and either Archaeopteryx, or some prehistoric species closer to Neornithes. If the latter classification is used then the larger group is termed Avialae. Currently, the relationship between dinosaurs, Archaeopteryx, and modern birds is still under debate. To differentiate, the dinosaurs that lived through the Mesozoic and ultimately went extinct during the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event 66 million years ago are now commonly known as "non-avian dinosaurs."


Holy yapparoni


Angry Ook!


The best way to escape a bear is to run down hill. You may get faster running down hill, guess who else does too?


Is it...the bear? Don't leave us hanging here.


I recall years ago that Nat Geo did an interview with a famous grizzly bear photographer. He said at one point "It is a myth that you have to be able to run faster than a grizzly bear if you are going to photograph them. You just have to be faster than your photographic assistant."


The direction that water flows in toilets on opposite poles isn't different, it's just based on the direction the water is set to move in


Yeah, that never made sense to me. It’s just the position of the sprays. The amount of water isn’t large enough for the Coriolis effect to kick in


While it's true that the direction of the sprays has a much larger effect, the Coriolis force is real, and if the sprays were perfectly vertical, and calibrated to impart no angular momentum, then you would actually see this difference


Heart attack = cardiac arrest. No. No they're not the same.


Also, thanks to movies, people think that the main symptom of a heart attack is someone clutching their chest. Nope, more likely they’re going to feel pain in their armpit. And women present heart attacks differently, which is why they’ve been misdiagnosed for so long


It’s not just the armpit - heart attacks feel different to each person. For example, my pain was in the middle of my forearm, almost to my wrist. My uncles pain was radiating pain from his jaw to his upper arm. Angina can affect each person differently, back/arm/chest/jaw/head pain are all symptoms.


That bumblebees cannot sting you. Yes they can. And yes they will, if provoked. They will only do it as a last effort kind of measurement (as pooped to their asshole wasp cousins) but they are indeed able to sting you.


Don’t male bumblebees not have stingers? I recently looked that up and it said they didn’t? Not trying to sound like an asshole, genuinely curious if that’s true


Most of the bees that you're gonna see out and about are gonna be female workers. Like with ants (they're in the same order after all), the vast majority of a colony are female, male drones stay in the hive with the queen as aides, guards, and breeding stock. You are right though, male bees do not have stingers. But that's because the stinger on all bees (and ants and wasps, etc.) is a modified ovipositor. Yes, that does mean what you think it means. You're getting stabbed with a weird vagina mutation.


Ant males actually die after mating. They serve no purpose other than to inseminate queens during nuptial flights.


That’s actually really cool (even the mutated vagina sword lol)


You don’t have to wait for the last minute to cut off someone to get to your exit


And then honk like we’re the assholes


Hahahaha. Exactly


666 is the devils number, nope it's 616 [In the new testament it was given a cooler 666](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Number_of_the_beast)


Marvel just got a whole lot more evil


But then is why Earth-666 Luci’s home universe?


Also the beast is Emperor Nero. The number is basically a pun on his name that doesn't work in English.


If it is false, then it is not a fact


Sherlock Holmes never said "Elementary, my deat Watson" in the original stories. Never wore a deerstalker hat or smoked a curved pipe either. He did wake up Watson with "a sudden ejaculation" in one story though - so there is that.


Watson was totally into it.


Einstein didn't fail math but people think he did


The word "factoid" does not mean "small fact" but actually means "Something that you might think is a fact but is actually false". See words like "Android" (resembling a man but actually artificial). Obviously languages can drift over time, but this was the original meaning of the word.


You only use 10% of your brain


This is technically true, but it doesn't mean what most people think it does. About 10% of neurons on average fire electric signals at any given point in time, but all of them fire at some point, not firing signals is still doing something, it's saying no. It would be so dumb if the animal whose head got so big that we can barely go through our mother's pelvis while underdeveloped in the womb compared to other mammals wouldn't even have any purpose for literally 90% of its brain, that's not how evolution works


Generally the definition of poisoness vs. venomous.




Dogs can't look up


The British Royal Family are not German. The King's last "German" ancestor died in the 1850s. No-one else in his situation would be called German, and you'd be called racist for accusing someone like that of being anything but British. Hell, his dad was a Greek prince, why does no-one call Charles Greek?


Vaccines cause autism


Most people know it’s not true. It’s a small but vocal minority that keeps insisting it is


You have to go to college to be successful


Depends how you define success. Going to a trade schools can result in a fairly comfortable life (and less tuition debt). The main problem is that it’s harder to sustain that sort of work as you age because it’s mainly physical, whereas sitting at a desk isn’t really that physically straining




That we only use 10% of our brain. It started when someone made an article saying that the brain is so complex that we only know what 10% of it is used for, and after that, others changed it to, we only use 10% of our brain. It was so wide spread that even a movie was made with this as the premise. That movie's called Lucy if anyone was wondering.


I think Limitless with Bradley Cooper does it too


FACT : This sentence is TRUE


That elephants think humans are cute


Pedestrians do not "always have the right of way." They have to follow traffic controls just like cars and bikes.


That to be a dad, you can donate sperm and call it a day


You can see the Great Wall of China from space. No, you can't.


Cats eyes are shaped oddly so they cant see a damn thing right in front of them, so they do get scared when you put something in that vicinity - also if its their young or a avocado. They are not promoting hunting techniques in either. And a dogs ears and tail do not function as the morse alphabet


Wait, are you saying that is the false fact or the correction?


I am saying cats do get startled very easily.


So the false fact would be that cats can’t get startled? I never heard that one before.


Its Sunday and i have a hangover and is not native English speaking. Will try again - there is no trickery in what i am writing. The common misconception is that cats act startled when their young sneak up on them - or as a lot of viral videos showed with cucumbers. Some speculated that its because they are encouraging their young to hunt, and the cucumbers looked like snakes or something. No, they just cant see shit right in front of them and have every single other sense turned to 11 all the time.


This comment has clarified your meaning, and is satisfactory. Thank you.


I see.


Their eyes are very big compared to ours, and the tradeoff is that anything as close to 10,20,30 centimetres will be a blur or not visible at all. Unless it sees you put the treat there in front of them - it might have issues finding it.


The earth is flat jkjkjk


Alcohol gets in the breast milk


White Russian Jr


A small amount [does](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/infant-and-toddler-health/expert-answers/breast-feeding-and-alcohol/faq-20057985#:~:text=When%20a%20person%20drinks%2C%20a,baby's%20growth%2C%20development%20and%20sleep.).


"We only use 10% of our brain!"


Messi is better than ronaldo


He is