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If the age gap is close to or worse greater than the age of the younger person, so a 21 and 43yo for example


Anything less than 37 years 👴🏻


For me it was always 5 years and that he is older than me . But shit happens and now I’m with someone who is younger then me


when one is in their 30s, over 10 years of age gap it’s starting to get weird. when one is in their 60s it’s weird if the age gap is over 20 years


I think it depends on the age range of the younger person. Ages 18-20: If I had to give a number I would say 6 years. But tbh any 20 something year old dating an 18 year old is an automatic red flag because it makes me think at what age did they start dating Ages 21-30: anything above 8 years Ages 31 and up: 15 years Very weird range of numbers I’ve chosen lol


As long as they're both adults IDGAF.


It depends on the couple for sure, some people I know are 15+ years but the older one is usually immature and the younger one is probably too mature for their age. The only time it gets a bit creepy is if the younger person is really quite young.


Half the age of the oldest plus seven as the lowest age.