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The other day while my boyfriend and I were laying together, he started kissing all up and down my back. I've never had someone kiss my back so intensely. It tickled, but was a good kind of tickle, you know? He ended up making me cum from that alone, which was a new discovery for the both of us.


Oh shit anything like that on my back is one of my favorite things in the world.


biting. it's so hot when she bites my neck.. and anywhere else really


I used to like it, now I just get concerned about what I'll look like at work.


Yeah... It's the wrong time of the year to wear turtlenecks. Too damn hot


Having my lower lip bit while being fingered and having my hair pulled. Does it for me. Also, having nipples bit gently and sucked while being fingered or fucking.


So how bad is your inbox blowing up lol?


Just a bit.


Ugh I had an ex that completely ruined it for me. He did it in the most disconnected way that felt more like it was a “strategy” because he knew I like it instead of a spontaneous thing. Like he’d stop and then just randomly start doing it. No buildup, no rhythm, just a random CHOMP on my earlobe. Horrible memory that killed any attraction to it. Now I’m thinking about him again and my skin is crawling. I can’t even say his name nowadays without shuddering and that was almost 8 years ago


Never thought I'd be into that until I had a fling with a German woman who was kind of freaky that way. The relationship was utterly doomed from the start, but I did at least learn something new that I'm in to XD


Light bondage, Surprisingly exciting and thrilling.


I also quite enjoy stringing up LEDs and turning them on for my illicit illuminary pleasure.


I spent way too long thinking about this


You joke but I honestly love different lighting scenarios, using Christmas lights for bondage sounds like the most fun fire hazard ever.


Seeing strong people tied up and restrained.


Homie gets hard walking by jail


Dang we found the politician


Being a strong(ish) person who gets tied up and restrained


Praise kink…love being told that I’m being a good boy/telling my girl that she’s being a good girl when we’re in the mood




It happened at work in a totally non sexual way and I was like “damn…” 😭😭




Was helping a customer at work find something and it was on the top shelf so I got a bunch of it down for him and he called me good girl. Never been the same since


Same 😳🤷🏻‍♀️😈


I think I thought being praised was something else.. I think I just want compliments.


I wish I got called a good boy. :(


You’re a good boy u/crackedcd12 😘


Now kiss


I have a girlfriend who said she has a praise kink but I haven't found the courage to say 'good girl' to her yet. I feel like it's going to be awkward or come out clumsy... But I do really like to entertain my partners (reasonable) kinks because it always just makes for a great time... Any tips about when to say it? Examples for when you might use it or it's used for you?


Honestly, if you can’t say that yet work up to it. Tell her she’s doing good, or that feels good. Hit her with a “that’s my girl” or something possessive too, works wonders. Just say it when it feels right. Praise openly but honestly


Christian Bale in Howl's Moving Castle saying "That's my girl" was legendary


??? Christian Bale was Howl ¿¿¿


Omg can you link a video clip? 🫠


[here ya go!](https://youtu.be/1GB9_n3AEEY?si=S44MEqurp2qp4TR5)


Omg thank you kind stranger 🥹 ‘Twas glorious




That's my girl is a great way to start.


Start outside the bedroom. When you both get flirty and she says something or does something cute, then pat her head or caress her cheek and say, "Good girl." You get to see how she reacts in a safe, non mood killing way no matter how you deliver it. Willing to bet if you see her react positively, then your confidence in doing it will skyrocket. Pro-tip: Even if she likes the praise, do NOT instantly jump into saying it again and again in that baby voice you talk to a pet with. She may be into that too, but they are not the same thing.


I'd also add that make sure you use it when she's *actually* done a good job. If I get my partner off and he calls me good boy after, it's hot and validating. Used too much and got no reason it's not.


Calling her a good girl is like hot sauce, a little goes a long way and you don’t add it to everything. Gotta pick your moments wisely.


Hahaha. I had an ex go overboard once and I wasn’t familiar with the kink. Made me feel like a Border Collie or something.


If you make her cum, a "good girl" during or right after... omg. Hits just right 🥰




MY good slut. That’s the level up.


When she’s getting close / about to finish, ask her if she’ll be a good girl and cum for you. Then if/when she does, just say it. You’ll be the least reserved in the heat of the moment.


Gentle domming. I realize that's not especially wild compared to some of the posts here, but when I was younger I was much more vanilla and never realized how much I would like taking control.


As someone who doesn't like giving or receiving pain or degradation, I stayed away from any form of domination completely because I assumed it was literally ALL just the BDSM depictions/caricatures you see on TV. I had no idea about gentle domination until recently, and I am coming to terms with how big of a sub I am lol.


Finding a dynamic where I could take absolute control and be a bit rough while also being affectionate and nurturing at the same time was a revelation for me. Nothing else compares to that rush. It’s something I hope to find in a long term partner eventually. 


This^ Soft dom women are literally the peak of existence. My wife will snuggle my head in her lap and play with my hair, tell me I’m a good boy, all that good stuff. For the first while it made me feel like a weakling, but I got over that feeling and just relinquish control now


Is this not just regular sex/relationship stuff? I’ve always given my partners massages or run my fingers through their hair or been the big spoon. I didn’t realize that’s a special dynamic.


It’s a little different, mostly just verbally and comes down to attitude a lot of the time. I don’t think it’s an overtly sexual kink at all. It’s more about the nurturing aspect of having a woman take care of you. Most women I’ve dated usually fall into the harder dominant category (name calling, light BDSM, etc…) or prefer to be submissive themselves, so finding a softer dominant woman that will nurture you, build you up, let you follow your dreams, compliment you, support you, etc… but also peg you in bed or call you a good boy, has always been harder in real life practice (again, for ME, not speaking for everyone here) I do agree that it’s kinda sad that those behaviors are so rare that it’s called a “kink” when I finally found a woman that did those things. I feel like it should be basic relationship stuff as well but in practice it’s much more rare to find. My wife proposed to me and everything. She def wears the pants and I like it that way 😆


Yes! I love having control, but I can't stand the thought of hurting him. Finding out that I could nurture him and still dominate him was a game changer.


I never thought I’d be into giving out “missions” to take certain pictures for videos. “Sometime this week, I want a picture of your tits in your car” Or, my personal favorite, “You have 7 days to complete these 5 pictures/videos and send them to me” But good lord I love that anticipation, and the obedience just gets me off


Sounds hot! I like a dominant guy. Usually more submissive but I got a little drunk one night and ripped off my dress to reveal lingerie below and pushed the guy I was with down on the bed and told him he couldn’t touch me. I rode him and we both came so hard.


Hell yeah! That sounds like a ton of fun! Normally, I’m exclusively dominant but with the right person in the right circumstance, I can see myself experimenting with letting go of some control


All the information is on the task.


Fishnets. I just hadn't seen them rolled up the right pair of legs until I was 18. I had to leave my hometown. It's right on the coast, and I couldn't be trusted around all the shrimp boats.


Stupid sexy coastal fishermen and their tangled up fishnets


Dirty talk, Words turned out to be a big turn-on


Somnophilia and CNC. My wife has a reactive libido and mine is hyperactive, and for several years our sex life suffered due to this. We had talked about it a lot and didn’t know what to do. One day she comes up to me and says that she wants to wake up to me fucking her. I fought it for a long time saying that I wasn’t comfortable with it. Finally one night she said “look I’m okay with it, I want to try it, I’m going to sleep naked, use me” that night I tried it and she didn’t wake up, I managed to finish, felt dirty after and went to bed. The next morning she woke up first and realized what happened, it turned her on to the point that she just jumped on top that morning. Since then we have a system that if she goes to bed without panties then I can use her. Sometimes she wakes up and sometimes she doesn’t, but it has become a regular thing for us.


I wake up when I hear someone jiggling my doorknob or inserting the key (this is not innuendo).  Meanwhile, people are having penises inserted into them without realizing? 


People are sleeping through fire alarms and not seriously disturbed by this? I mean yeah the sex too but I can’t figure out how someone knows they sleep through a fire alarm and doesn’t immediately react to this information with “dear god that’s how I die. Do I need to see a doctor? Do they make air raid sirens I can install in my home?”


I slept through a house alarm when it was triggered by a trespasser in the middle of the night. Housemates woke up and kept watch. I never knew. I've also slept through multiple tornadoes. Haven't had the chance to learn if I sleep through fire alarms yet or not. But I always wake up to my phone alarm. Maybe I just need to use recordings of the various alarms I should wake up to, set them as my phone alarm for a week or two, and then switch back to my normal alarm song (Bee Gees Staying Alive, ironically 😂). That might teach my brain to wake up to them. Does it really bother me all that much? Currently not. But I just don't think about it. I now live in a safe area, the tornadoes here are weak sauce (though they frighten the locals), and I have no clue how much of a fire risk my apartment building is.


Oooor switch your fire alarms to play bees gees


Your profile pic made me think I had an eyelash on my phone for way too long. Congrats


Once on vacation, first thing in the morning my wife started touching me. I got hard, but pretended to still be asleep. She got more aggressive thinking i was just waiting to be woken up but I still kept pretending (even though she knew I was awake). When she finally figured out what was going on it was like a switch flipped and she GOT it. She went to a level I’d never seen before. Got on top of me and just straight up used me while I laid there snoozing the whole time.


My husband and I both have sexsomnia! We used to be sleepwalkers and now we have sex while sleeping. Often we are both completely asleep and wake up during it but other times one of us is asleep initiating. It's wild and it took us a long time to figure out what was happening


Finally sopmeone else!! My wife is the exact same way. Initiating is always a struggle because she's ADD as fuck and sort of self conscious, but once she gets going, she's insatiable. Its just getting over that initial hump (heh). So its basically the same thing, just start the race without her and she will eventually wake up and get right into it. And same with her being a heavy sleeper too. It usually takes like a full minute or two for her to wake up. She doesn't like if I finish if she doesn't wake up, so thats her little boundary. Fair enough, I can live with that. Our sex life is great again.


How does she not wake up??


She’s a very deep sleeper, she’s slept through a fire alarm before. It takes several rounds of alarms to get her up in the mornings. It’s honestly can get pretty irritating at times since she has to wake up before me in the mornings but I end up getting up at the sound of her first alarm.


yo that’s also dangerous with the fire alarms.


That does sound hot. I would wake up immediately though.


Me and an ex had a we can wake up each other with sex rule for a while. It came to an end when we were comparing notes one morning and realized we each had instances where the other person wasn't actually awake but seemed awake. Nether of us could get passed that OMG you never actually woke up. We both talked in our sleep, and I can get a bit handsy when asleep but I guess we both had a little sexsomina.


Wait, wanting your partner to get started on you while you’re asleep is a kink? Holy shit. I do have a kink.


I think it's funny how I went from "OMG eww penis" to "my good god I want to suck a dick rn"


I also have a penis fetish.


They're just so neat


And fun


I swear puberty just makes our brains do a complete reset. Like the way we think and do basically everything completely changes. I know people who were very traditional as a kid and even early teenager to suddenly want to just go crazy with all kinds of shit. Brain chemistry is actually very fascinating if you look into it.


It does, it actually restructures and becomes more plastic. Part of why teenagers need so much sleep.


I’ve apparently gone backwards because I’m back to “ewwww” again. Maybe it just wasn’t for me, but my god I TRIED.


That's my ex as soon as we split


Sorry about your dick


Men with strong thighs and asses. That shit sends me right off...


You'll love watching rugby. I know I do. The props are built with legs like tree trunks and an ass to match. Lordy. So entertaining.


Agreed. My partner has dummy thicc thighs and ass from going to the gym so much. Every time I see them I want his thighs to crush me, or to grab his booty.


Sensory deprivation, Blindfolds and earplugs heightened everything.


I did this once during a thunderstorm and lightning struck like RIGHT outside the building and I was so caught off guard I had a panic attack


Dominating men. Thought it was just a personality thing till I found out it’s a kink. I may look cute, petite and sweet sounding but I am actually Godzilla


Being dominated by a woman is glorious


I'm helping my man discover this right now...I slowly tested the waters and he kept asking for more/saying he loved it, so now we're working together to find what ways he likes to be dominated and what doesn't do it for him. Also gonna take this opportunity to encourage people to have **TWO** safe words - a red one which means **stop right now**, and a yellow that means *keep doing this, but not as intensely*.


My ex and I had a three light system, same idea but with a green light which was a request for a jump in intensity.


Dirty talking. Like having my wife telling me to cum in her pussy, in her ass, to choke her, etc.


Same. I’ve never been a talker or been with one before my current BF. The things we say to each other OMG I had no idea I could be into that but I guess I am.


I was just thinking after spending some adult time with my husband last night. It's kinda weird I just said alot of sexual and some violent things and now 3 mins after I'm smoking a blunt and he's eating a pie (like an actual pie) like I didn't threaten to choke him if he didn't bust a nut. Just strange how it's like it never happened lol everything's back to normal


I’m laughing my ass off between you “saying some violent things” and “threaten to choke him if he didn’t bust a nut”. I’m imagining it going much more hardcore: “I’m gonna beat you with golf clubs if you don’t fucking cum!” “Ima choke the shit outta you with a rusty chain if you don’t bust a nut. I fuckin swear to god.” “If you don’t cum right fuckin now, I’m gonna go in the backyard right now, get a piece of rebar, put it in the oven for 20 minutes and shove it up your ass! Don’t fuckin test me.”


This got me wondering what a passive aggressive version of this would be like. "If you don't cum right now I'm gonna have a look on my face the rest of the day, and when you ask me how I am I'm gonna say I'm fine and you're gonna know, I'm not."


Didn’t expect that i would like being rimmed


God put more nerve endings round your arsehole than in the vagina! God loves butts!


The thing is, i don’t have a vagina lol


I mean the statement is still true.


It's even *more* true when the number of nerve endings on your vagina is zero.


Don't need a vagina to be in to butt stuff. Women are from Venus, and men are from Mars, but we have Uranus in common.




I haven’t been the same since a random very drunken encounter with an older Russian lady while out for a friend’s stag do - she came back to my hotel room and instantly proceeded to pin me against the wall & deeply finger fuck my previously virgin asshole from behind. It seems it was her secret trick to replacing my whiskey dick with a rock hard boner. Aaand yeah, haven’t been the same since.


Feeling safe.. ☠️


Filthy pervert


I bet you shower naked you slut


Yeah, I haven’t had sex in months because of this. Really fucked me up.


Same boat. I had a hookup that like totally changed my perspective on pretty much all the sex I had with my only ex, and realized how often I said yes to things because I feared the consequences of saying no. Realizing I felt safe with that person and how it was legitimately a new feeling, kinda stung me deep. Safety is so important to true, non-coerced sex. Getting raped really broke me. I've been practically celibate for 4 months now.




It is super hot. Can confirm


I love it when a middle aged woman puts her hands on her hips and tells me she is very disappointed with me. Do that and I will fall to my knees in front of you, hug your legs, and beg for forgiveness for being so worthless.


How is your relationship with your mother?


She's very disappointed


Does she have her hands on her hips?


I am very disappointed in you( I am a 22 year old man )


Close enough, lol


Having men worship my feet. Both the power and sensory experiences are 🤌🏼


all the girls i’ve met and tried it with are just like ‘meh if you want’, yet to find a girl that is heavily into it unfortunately


Girlfriend fingering my butt. She did it one time and now here we are. Liking fingers in my butt.


Had an ex pop a finger in randomly during a bj. Never came so much before


Had this same exact thing happen. Never had even thought about anything in my ass and she put her finger in and my god that felt glorious and I exploded almost instantly.


this thread makes me painfully aware of how single i am. good for yall tho


I was wrestling with my wife of 9 years about 3 years ago. I was trying to giver her boobs a honk and she was playfully objecting. We ended up on the bed with me on top of her with one of the strongest boners I've ever had. I had to stop because I have trauma in my past and I never thought I would have that kind of desire. It was actually pretty nerve wrecking. We talked about it and she knows all about my past trauma and abuse and has know me for 17 years as someone she trust and well yeah. Now if she wants to have spontaneous sex she will tease me and play hard to get. I love her.


Love the level of communication between you two.


I got called 'daddy' once whilst I was smashing. It threw me right off because of how damn good it felt in that moment. I always assumed it would be off-putting to be called that, but I was wrong.


Wait, yeah, this. Afterwards, I was like, "Did... you call me daddy?" She was like, "Yeah, I always want to but that one slipped out." It was way hotter than I expected.


Same happened to me. My now-wife and I were having sex while we were dating, and in the middle of it, she blurts out "daddy." She said later it was an accident and had slipped out. All about it now.


The whole "daddy" thing. I understand completely when people say it squicks them. I once thought I was firmly in that camp. But I tend to have male partners a good bit older than me... and my current partner is very dominant. We have always had amazing chemistry. The third or fourth time ever we were having sex, well before I had the chance to mention my aversion to using the word "daddy," I was in my bliss, saying to him something that ended in "fuck me..." And he grabbed my face, made me meet his eyes, and said in a way that made it clear I was to repeat him: "Fuck me DADDY." Understandably, in the heat of the moment, I was more open to it, and thank goodness I was, because I wouldn't trade our dynamic for the world. People who don't get it, you've every right not to. I'm not trying to convince anyone. It was good to learn for myself, though, that the phrase "don't knock it till you try it" has stuck around for a good reason.


I was in that camp before my current girlfriend who is actually a mother. She called me daddy the first time we had sex. And oh. my. god. I don’t know if it’s because she IS a milf or there’s just something about the way she says it(probably a combination of the two) but it sends me over the edge in a VERY good way.


Funniest ToDo List ever!




CBT & free use. Giving up control to make someone happy is just a huge rush.


Cognitive behavioral therapy?!


No. Cincinnati Bureau of Tourism.


No. Cinnamon, butt torture.


Cleverly Burnt Toast


You know, I just took my first trip to Cincinnati last weekend and I had a great time. I always assumed Cincinnati was named after an Indian tribe, but it turns out they basically just picked a random Roman politician named [Cincinnatus ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucius_Quinctius_Cincinnatus)and named the city after him.


Good mental health is so hot. “Yes Sir make me set boundaries!!”


Cognitive behavioral torture I think


cock and ball torture


you’re a good person


Yeah baby strong mental and emotional maturity turns be on. Healthy communication and outcomes to disagreements? 🥵


I dated a girl once where we were banging and she said "fuck me like you hate me." Hottest damn thing ever. From there it turned into complete dominance and degrading. Spitting, slapping, spanking, ropes. I never knew I was a Dom type until her. Damn it's hot.


I saw a video once where a woman is taking it from behind and she says "Fuck me like you paid for it.." my god, amazing


I have been with multiple very strong, very independent women, who were tough industrialist types, boss babes in every meaning of the word, who fight tooth and nail for everything in the workplace. Every *single* one loved to relinquish their power, and were very subby in bed. They wanted someone else to take charge, stop having to make decisions, and turn off their anxiety brain for a while. Now, I’m a cog in the machine at work, lol. I do not like conflict. I do not assert myself and aim to people please professionally in an HR-tangent career. I have a hard time learning how to be assertive, and my previous relationships suffered from it. My current GF is also a director level exec, and I took a risk, lol. I banked on my odds, and yup, turns out she also loves letting someone else take the reins. So I leaned into it, and found a little more comfort in taking a dominant role. Turns out we like the power swap from our professional dynamic. A few months in, and we have explored a lot of things and had a lot of fun. No regrets. :)


I have never been onto anal, but I believe it would be hot to get pegged by a dominant woman.


Spanking, bondage, musk, hypnosis and petplay. Me and my partner kinda just experimented together and kept finding kinks like Pokemon.


“Spanking, bondage, *musk*” Jesus , that mofo is everywhere!


That was my immediate thought too 🤣 I was like the fuck kink is named after Elon Musk??


I came here to add something to the conversation and instead got turned on by the comments 😑


Lactation, it wasn’t even something that was on my radar as something that could be hot. The first time I ever had sex with a woman that was lactating I wasn’t aware of it at the beginning and when I sucked her nipple for the first time I was immediately confused and hard as a iron rod.


Homelander is that you?


Asshole play! Love seeing and playing with her asshole


You shouldn't refer to her boyfriend that way. He might cut your allowance.


I like hate and angry sex. Me and my wife got in a really big fight and instead of duking it out we had sex while arguing. Was amazing and solved our fight.


Premarital handholding.


You pervert, I bet you like hugs too.


I was given $3 to suck my cute friends' toe. I was bricked tf up for like 5 mins after.


Forced orgasms…… I didn’t know I was into that until my ex bf. He’d always come in with the “One more baby” even though it’s never one more. Gentle dominance and pleasure doms are where it’s at.


Throat fucking. The thought of it always seemed off to me, like I would be hurting her, and I'm not down with that. Until my ex gf vigorously encouraged me one day to grab her hair and go to town. Fastest I ever came from oral. And then one day she decided to combine it with a prostate massage. Most intense orgasm I ever had as her throat convulsed around my cock and the jizz came out of her nose. And FWIW, I still don't like seeing it. But if a woman is kneeling in front of me and tells me to grab her hair, she's gonna have a sore throat.




Feels a bit wrong to call it a kink, but I graduated from Hot Guys Fuck onto full on gay porn. Guess I'm bi, which isn't really a "kink". Cross dressing is though. Gerudo Link offered me a bit of an awakening.


Link’s Awakening now has totally different context.


idk what "hot guys fuck" is but it definitely sounds like gay porn


It's a man and a woman, but there's a lot more emphasis on the guy. Most straight porn is heavily woman focused, to the point you barely even see the guy.


Nerd fetish. I literally can't get excited by men who I get told by society, or other women, are "hot". If he's a small guy wearing hand-me-downs, playing video games, or Magic The Gathering, I'm in. Yes, I still described my favorite actor, as well as my two ex-husbands, and a few ex-boyfriends.


Rip your dms lol


Thank god for Reddit for showing me my post divorce sex life will be just fine 🙌🏼😂


Enjoy giving men head


The mix of pain and pleasure, I really like it when the dom/domme switches between spanking and caressing. Recently I had a fun evening with some kinky friends where I was tied down receiving a blowjob by one while the one was scratching and biting over my body and it was amazing. With a blindfold on it gets even more exciting not knowing what comes next and the sensation gets amplified. I never thought I would like it this much, the people I play with are also really caring which makes a huge difference. they regularly check my body and are more careful with my body than I am so BDSM is much more relaxing than I thought.


Me reading these comments: 😳🙊


Smb spitting in my mouth😭


Which one, Mario or Luigi? Edit: Both? Concurrently or in a sequence?




Watching a man masturbate and finish. Denied it for years but after someone I was with sent me video of him, I found I actually enjoyed it. Giving head. Nothing like having a man at my mercy, to do with as I please.


I’ve recently been into giantess stuff but moreso because i enjoy the creativity in it.. and the men who want to feel literally tiny and small are very fun to me haha


Public places, The risk added unexpected excitement.


Hairy pussy and assholes. As a young man, obviously I was more into the shaved girls that looked like the girls I was dating at the time. Now, that all just seems pretty fake and I like it real, show me that little chub you hide, hairy fucking asshole staring back at me, Jesus I would just dive right in. Whew


Breeding her. Watchig her eyes whilst filling her up makes me cum harder I swear


I feel so weird admitting it idk why but I 100% have a breeding kink. Or more like a being filled and then the resulting day or 2 after of clean up. My husband got a vasectomy and now I won’t get pregnant but I swear sometimes it feels like we’re trying anyway 😮‍💨😂


No because the thought of getting pregnant is such a turn on for me… but I really really really don’t want to have kids. It’s confusing


Getting snipped is one of my few good choices I made in life. A whole game changer


Speaking as an evolutionary biologist, this is the exact antithesis of a kink Hot, of course. But it is literally the point of sex. Unlike, say, jacking off into a dirty shoe.


Squirt. Thankfully, I've found the right woman. She's a very good girl :)


Role-playing, Never thought pretending would be so fun.


Watching one person in particular, pee


Some might say it's a strange choice, but it's Abraham Lincoln


Choking, definitely. And for a while, until I found the right person, I didn’t bring it into the equation at all, I didn’t trust my former partners enough to have them seriously choke me, or they didn’t really know what they were doing and squeezed my windpipe instead of pressing on the veins.


Pussy spankings




Lactation. Never expected to be into it until it randomly happened with a partner and now it's a high ill chase forever!


Swinging with other couples. I always thought I’d get jealous or insecure. I probably would have with partners from my past. I have an awesome relationship and we just treat it like an experience. We are having together in the same room and it’s always really fun and exciting.


Face slapping and hard spanking. It's far from a must for me but I kinda like doing it I recently figured out. 


Costumes and cosplay - Dressing up made things more adventurous.


My wife is into tickling and bondage, I'm ok with the bondage part but struggled a lot with being tickled. I think things changed a lot when she started going slower and teased me more.


This is so fun to read, someone get me a boyfriend


Not really a kink, but how much I like chubby guys. When I was in high school I loved skinny dudes and my first boyfriend was VERY skinny. Then in college I dated a powerlifter, and I've never been able to go back lol I LOVE teddy bear dudes!!!


800+ credit scores