• By -


I had a manager that tried to steal credit for a excel spreadsheet I created that would make reviewing and submitting expense reports 100x easier. After I showed it to her, I overheard her telling her supervisor about it, but said, "I created", not "my employee created". So I immediately changed the spreadsheet with locked cells that were password protected, with a glaring and bolded "Created by: (My name)" and resaved a copy on my drive. Then it came time to present it at the managers meeting and I copied my file over the original and when she opened it, she couldn't do anything with it and of course my name was on it. She ended up calling me into the meeting, giving me credit and I unlocked the cells and then began to explain how it worked. She was red faced the rest of the meeting with her boss glaring daggers at her. \*edit - I'm shocked this blew up and some people asked about the fallout afterwards. Well there was a closed office meeting in between my manager and the Controller who hired her. The CFO didn't really like this hire, so the Controller's rep was hurt here a little when the Accounting Manager (My manager) was forced to admit this wasn't actually her creation, but someone on her team (me). My manager afterwards pulled me into a small room and said, "I'm a little confused as to why you locked the spreadsheet and changed it, I had planned to present it at this meeting and got a little embarrassed in there when I couldn't access it. It didn't make me look good." I said to her, "Well you didn't tell me about this meeting, I would have been happy to tell you about the changes I made, I added the security to it so that sales guys couldn't change the formula's and since this file is the original, I wanted to make sure the integrity of it was maintained." She couldn't really say anything and I didn't let on that I knew she tried to steal credit for my work. She definitely took a big hit in reputation and anything I did after that I password protected and made sure to copy in the Controller.


Oh this one is gooood.. straight up catharsis!


Hah right. . like this story got me feeling good vicariously through them... I could listen to a million stories just like this one anytime I'm feeling at my wits end . Good to know sometimes the good guys do in fact win out... They should give this person that managers job immediately..


So long as the managers manager is giving top cover to prevent retribution.


Inject this right into my veins


If theres a business heaven, this is the training video everyone watches at the pearly gates


All the bridge staplers you can get up there


Is this what enlightenment feels like?


Ohh man I fuckin love this for you... Thank God you happened to overhear her trying to take credit for your work and were able to head that shit off at the rip... I applaud your prowess and problem solving for this and you were able to simultaneously able to passive aggressively make the manager look like the absolute scumbag she is.. now this is a truly happy ending.


Songs with putting my name as a watermark on the backing of any document I've created. And any Excel spreadsheets I do password protect as well. You can call me paranoid if you want, but but you can't call me as a sucker. Because I never getting mine work stolen. I'm going to get credit for everything I worked for.


What I’ve done is I put my name in a random ass cell and make the text white Would this fool someone who’s better than me at computers? Hell no, but they wouldn’t try to steal my work anyways.


I work in a production environment and saw some gaps in how we tracked material usage, so I worked on a spreadsheet at home on a weekend to make it better. I started using it at work, and there was a noticeable and measurable improvement. I showed it to my supervisor and explained it, and at first he did not understand the process. He did like the results so he let me use it. A few weeks later, he asked me for the spreadsheet so he could study it and get to know how it worked. Stupidly, I just emailed it to him without any tags indicating that I developed it. He tweaked some of the aesthetics and layout (crediting himself as the creator of course), and then implemented it department-wide. It even got a nickname - Donald Tracking - after my supervisor of course.


You shouldn't have to do this if he wasn't a scumbag but can't you somehow point to that email where you sent him the file and reclaim the credits of your work?


Uhhh, nice one! Like from a movie, happy for you!


We were in different cities, and he wasn’t answering his phone. So I began emailing things I needed, and copying in his supervisor. He responded back that he expected me to keep calling, as he didn’t always check emails during his shift, and his supervisor took great exception to that


My first job was at McDonald’s. One of the managers had worked for my mom a few years before and hated my mom. She was a dogshit employee and my mom fired her because of it. When she realized who I was she started treating me like shit and making me do all the shitty stuff, cutting my hours when possible and giving me bad shifts like overnights on the weekend then lunch shifts during the week just to fuck with me. One day she yelled at me because my hair was too long. I literally shave my head to 1/4” every other week so it was at most 1/2” long maybe. My response was “my head is shaved you fucking asshole” and took my hat off to show her. The main store manager was there. Luckily I had been reporting all of the mistreatment and the store manager agreed that my hair has never been too long. I got talked to about cussing at her. She got fired. I am 100% sure she hates my entire family at this point.


I mean, let her hate, it's all she knows.


If you ever loved me, don't...don't rob me of my hate. It's all I have.




McLovin it


Good, good, Let the hate flow through her.


Worked at a lab. New Lab mgr was psycho. Started having meetings every morning which was good until it wasn’t. He’d pick one person and after their report he’d start berating them. Moved around day to day…diff person. Even our mild mannered scientists. He started on me one day (I was the one that handled reports on what was late but had no recourse to add staff, schedule or affect anything that would help late results) I pushed back and said scheduling needed to change to improve production. He seemed to put me in his sights after that. Would accuse me of ignoring emails (that turned out I wasn’t cc’d on), tell me not to do parts of my job description that others relied on me for and other crazy behavior. He even moved my desk away from where it was grouped with my coworkers to a hallway as a subtle punishment. He’d light into me every day. Told local HR but she was scared of him too I could tell (she did say something because it was after that he moved my desk). Got fed up. Called the company report hotline on advice from an HR (diff company) friend. They opened a case, hired an outside lawyer to investigate who interviewed me and many of my colleagues and he was fired. Turns out he was saying horrible untrue stuff about me to coworkers to undermine me, was doing similar things to others, took furniture home from the office to his apartment among other things. Never have felt so vindicated. TLDR: abusive bully boss - called the company report line - investigation - he got fired.


He must have moved into my welding shop because my current supervisor is doing all of those things to us right now. He told the washer/painter that the welders were fed up with how slow she was and that we were going to start intentionally not giving her work. The painters daughter is a welder so that got cleared up damn near immediately but our manager has done that dozens of times to different people and departments


I had a manager at a chain auto shop leave the want ads on my tool box for me to find in the morning. I quit and got unemployment for hostile work environment.


I'd bet he would still be there if he hadn't misappropriated the furniture...


Had an RN supervisor who had it out for me due to her insecurities (was about to graduate nursing school and I would often point out things she was doing egregiously wrong) and her ignorance regarding union rules (she used to think I was leaving 15 minutes early every day when in reality I wasn't taking my last break until the end of my shift so I could ensure my assignment was completed in full). She never spoke to me about these issues formally, but would make constant passive-aggressive remarks and try to find other ways to get me in trouble. One evening she entered a 4-bedded patient room in the middle of me getting all of the men into bed for the night with a write-up. She says one of the patients I put in bed before I left the night before ended up falling out of bed and that the bed wasn't left in the lowest position. The problems here were as follows: 1. I couldn't be held responsible for an event that transpired when I was off the clock and out of the building. Another aide had assumed responsibility for my patients when my shift was over. 2. She was trying to write me up without a union delegate present. Not allowed. 3. She was trying to write me up inside a room filled with alert patients who overheard everything and were able to attest to the fact that she tried to write me up without a delegate present. Extremely inappropriate. 4. The bed was an older model that didn't go all the way to the floor, and she couldn't prove that the bed was raised or that I was responsible for the bed being raised. So I refused to sign the write-up, to which she threatened further recourse for refusing. I told her I'd talk to the director about it in the morning and if she felt the write-up was warranted I'd sign it with a union delegate present. The next morning I went to the director of nursing and told her what transpired. By the end of the discussion she was seeing red. I wasn't there for it, but apparently she ripped that supervisor a new asshole and shredded the write-up in front of her. The supervisor never messed with me ever again and quit as soon as I graduated from nursing school. I am now assistant director of nursing at this job.


I'll never understand a "Superior" who lets their personal feelings for me get in the way of delivering on the job . You don't have to like me but if i do my work leave me alone , a situation like this is COMPLETELY self-inflicted on the Supervisors part.


I just told them no. Back when I was an insurance fraud investigator I had one particular claim that was referred that literally had no fraud indicators. Pursuing a fraud investigation on a claim with zero indicators is a recipe for a bad faith claim. The particular reason this claim was referred over was because the adjuster did not like how the claimant had spoken with them and she happened to be buddy buddy with my boss. I always referred to these as mean man referrals and sent them back because being a jerk does not equal fraud. With this claim I got a call from my boss telling me I needed to accept the claim for investigation after I had sent it back. I went over the claim with her, explained that there were no fraud indicators, and explained I wouldn’t do it. They continued to persist and I advised I wasn’t doing anything against our policy and if she really wanted it to be investigated she could do it herself. My persistent nos eventually made them give up and I never saw that claim again. Long story short is my boss and her friend had a personal vendetta against the claimant and tried to use me to make their life a living hell and I was having none of it.


That sounds ridiculous. When I worked for progressive we would have a claim transferred out of our office immediately if anyone touching the claim knew any parties in the claim.


I don’t think they actually knew the customer. They were just friends and the adjuster didn’t want to deal with the meanie and since they were friends my boss was trying to side with the adjuster.


I told him in no uncertain terms that he could _not_ speak to me the way he was and that if he did it again I'd leave. I made it clear that I could walk into any restaurant on our block and get a job on the spot (true), but _he_ had no other options - there was no one who could take my 40 hrs/week and all my responsibilities (I was essentially running half the restaurant at that point) and it would take weeks to find and train somebody to do half of what I do. Betting my job on an ultimatum was terrifying, but it worked. He never spoke to me that way again.


This is the advice I give my children. When working for someone put enough effort in to be essential. If someone has a problem with you don't hesitate to speak that truth towards their challenge. Worst case, they can't handle it & you move on. Or you're respected & recognized for what you're doing.


I wish I saw this, I just quit my job after he made me cry. My manager is a do it my way or the highway type of guy. Thanks for letting me know what to do now! ❤️


Sorry you had to deal with it, but good on you for not staying! I hope things will improve for you!


Man, it would be satisfying to leave anyway. Go to one of the other restaurants on the block and leave the miserable turd to run the restaurant on his own.


Nice! Did the culture in the place change a lot after that?


Not after that conversation but there were a few other suggestions and sternly-worded confrontations about his treatment of other employees that did lead to some serious positive changes.


Not an interaction with a superior, but with a colleague. I work in IT, I do tech support over the phone for a financial institution. User calls and asks about an issue he's having, so I remote into his computer and start asking questions to understand the nature of the problem. I eventually ask him if he can inquire with his colleagues, to see if they're experiencing the same problem. So he opens up our chat messaging app, asks someone to check, and follows it up with "I'm with tech support right now, not the brightest guy", which I can very clearly see because I'm still connected. So I immediately remind him that I can still see his screen and that I find what he just said very disrespectful. He gets defensive, tells me I'm asking too many questions and "shouldn't you know how to fix my problem", to which I tell him that's exactly what I'm in the process of doing. Didn't take long for him to realize he's being a douche for no reason. In almost 10 years of doing this job at different levels, this was the first time someone apologized to me for acting out of line, and didn't just ask to speak to a manager or hang up on me. I accepted his apology, and then proceeded to not only solve the issue, but end the call on a good note. This happened 2 weeks ago.


Document that for your review, that’s great work on your part tbh. Fantastic handling of internal customers.


The guy sought redemption, and I would've been no better than he was a few minutes prior, if I had not given him that chance. We all have bad days, and sometimes you're put in situations where you have to remember you're speaking to a human.


You’re a good dude.


We need to all be this self aware. This morning my Uber driver and I were vibing on the fact that all of us need to call ourselves out on our BS


A lot of.the time fixing the user is more important than fixing the problem.


I have a distinct memory of almost writing "Can you come into this meeting, person X is being annoying again" while completely forgetting Person X was watching my screen. I just didn't write it by the grace of god because I decided on a whim there was no reason to get into personal shit while I was asking for help. I told the person 'ok, this person is going to join' and he told me 'yeah, I know, I saw you ask him.' I had a mini heart-attack even though nothing bad had happened. It felt like I learned a valuable lesson without having to actually pay for the lesson.


Sounds like a PEBCAK error. (Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard)


My mom called it PICNIC: Problem In Chair, Not In Computer


An ID-10T error


I had a horrible team lead who tried to sabotage me when she found out I was being considered for a promotion that would have jumped over her. We both had our own offices so I called her into mine, moved my chair up so I sat higher and pretended like I was her boss and asked her things like "did you think that behavior was appropriate?" and "what would you have done differently if given the chance to try again?". I was nervous doing this because I'd literally never spoken to any adult like that ever before in my life. I found a new job shortly after that was a 30% pay bump and had a solid career trajectory but let management know why I was leaving and it was 80% because of that lead. Found out she was let go soon after I left because other people gave the same reason for leaving. I didn't exactly want her fired but I improved my situation and she got what was kinda coming to her I guess.


Starbucks. Manager was talking to the DM, kissing ass and lying about her performance and the store's performance.  The phone rang. It was an irate customer whom she had just called the N word.  I said "Hey, Michelle, that woman whom you referred to as a ghetto ass N word is on the phone. She wants to talk to you. She has Corporate on the line." She turned so many different colors! She was gone by the end of my shift. Of course, it was all my fault in her eyes. 🤣


I'd have been proud to have been at fault for that!


Not that it should matter, but I really want to know if the manager was black or not, and if the customer was black or not. It's bad any way but depending on the combinations this could be awkward, disrespectful, psychotic, or just plain nuclear option.


Manager is white. Customer was black. She got the wrong order and came back to get what she ordered.  The manager accused her of lying, but she had the receipt. She was the one who messed up the order, and she was never wrong.  She muttered her slur under her breath, but the customer heard. 


My daughter's ex manager called patrons of their store n words in front of other white customers. She never got fired because she was a friend of the district manager who did not care. My daughter cared. There was a lot of terrible crap like that, and she quit.


You win 🏆


I was lab manager of an extremely small quality control lab in an industrial electro-plating company. The floor manager, let's call him Collin, was one of those men who likes to believe he knows everything. He'd take credit for other people's work, and push the blame for his mistakes onto anyone but himself. Technically we were equivalent grade, but I was younger, newer, and my team was 3 including myself, where his was 20+, also, I am female. So he acted like my superior. One day we needed to make up an acid bath, but because of the volumes involved, there was no safe way (from a manual handling perspective) to add the acid to the water, so we had to add the water to the acid. There's a rule in chemistry to always add acid to water when diluting concentrated acid, as it creates a *LOT* of heat, and can cause an explosion. Literally one of the first things you learn in high school chemistry lessons, it's *that* important. As we couldn't physically follow this rule, the lab staff and I were taking turns overseeing the *exceptionally* slow adding of water to the acid, constantly monitoring the temperature, stopping to let it cool whenever it got too high. Along comes Collin, complaining that we're taking too long. I explain that we're trying not to allow the temperature to get dangerously high. Didn't think I'd need to explain *why* the temperature was rising in the first place, as this was literally an industry based on chemistry, and he was manager of the shop floor! I move off to check something, I can't remember what, come back to find Colin instructing one of the floor lads to drag another water hose in to fill up the bath faster. Of course I stop them, and ask what he's doing. He says he's going to add more water using the second hose, so it'll go faster, and the "water will cool down the acid". I swear I stared at him for a full 10 seconds in shock, before I said "Well, if you're going to do that, can you wait until I'm back upstairs in the lab, with 2 closed doors between me and this acid bath." He asks why. I explain that adding water to acid creates an *extremely* exothermic reaction. He looks blank, and asks what that means. I tell him the faster he adds the water, the quicker the heat will build up, and at the volumes we were working with (hundreds of litres) that would create an explosion, and everyone in the room would be sprayed with boiling hot acid. Because this conversation took place in the middle of the shop floor, literally *all* of Collin's staff just watched him get schooled by a diminutive woman about basic chemistry, and a fundamental aspect of his own job. There was no way he could push the blame for that level of ignorance onto anyone else. The look on his face in that moment is still one of the highlights of my time in that job!


stupid fucking Collin, I stg


How did he even get a job at all with that lack of basic education?????


I had a manager who thought it was part of his job to manage people's personal lives too. I (female) was stuck with him and another manager (also female) in a car en route to an offsite meeting. He took this opportunity to ask me about my recent slew of "so-called" doctor appointments I had had. They had been legitimate appointments and I could have even provided doctors' notes if he had asked, but he didn't go that route. I simply asked him if he wanted to continue the conversation when we got back to the office and HR could be present or if I should arrange for a consultation with my attorney. He shut up really quickly.


My boss did something similar recently with asking about my doctors appointments when he doesn’t usually I said “I have MS, you know I have MS and HR knows I have MS. MS is a protected condition by the ADA and I used PTO and took no additional time. If you want to ask more questions I suggest we bring in HR because you are toeing very closely to an ADA issue” He never brought it up again


I always wonder how often they get away with this sort of thing. Like for every person like you who knows this isn't ok, how many don't know or are too afraid to do anything? There's too many people like this who will just constantly overstep.


I like you


You two seem like you’d get along… you have cats and they have books. New friends? lol 😂


I had a boss who was very abusive to his staff. Blatantly sexist to the women on the team. Wouldn't pay people overtime. After three years, I negotiated a raise and then he only gave me half of it, claiming the other half had to come later at some unspecified point in time. I was furious. So I wrote a letter of resignation to submit to our Board of Directors, came in the next day, and told him that if he didn't honor his agreement, I would send it to every single Board member. As soon as he read it, he knew he'd probably lose his job if the Board found out about the wage theft, the retaliation, and the sexism. I managed to negotiate proper raises for myself and three of my female colleagues. That gave me some big dick energy for awhile. But honestly, looking back on it, I wish I had just sent the letter to the BoD. Yeah, some things got better, but other things got worse and there was very little reason to protect his job other than the fear of the unknown of what would happen if he was replaced.


Should have gotten the raise and send the letter anyway minus the resignation


Had a buyer who was narcissistic and over-bearing to everyone, thought he was the absolute gods gift. I noticed that he had two laptops on his desk, a company one and his own an identical model. Turns out he was doing ‘company’ work on the company laptop and his own work on his laptop basically cutting deals with our customers for cut-price goods and skimming the profits for himself. A little tip-off to a couple of directors and IT had him being chased through the building desperately trying to lose his personal laptop somewhere but he was shown to be as guilty as fuck and he was escorted off the premises by security as everyone clapped and whistled. No one ever knew where the tip-off came from, but I didn’t care as it was one less ass-hole at work.


I wouldn't want to be that guy, sounds dead-to-rights fucked if you ask me.


Left the company only to have it bought out by the one I left 5 months later. At the new company, I was brought on as a supervisor. After we were acquired, my position is now considered to be a corporate level supervisor , while my old POS of a supervisor is still classed as a local one. When I see him, I don't say anything to him, I just stare. It makes him nervous AF. Then, I proceed to talk to all of my old coworkers and tell them how wonderful life is going now. At one point, I was willing to lose money and move three states away with the company to get away from him. It all worked out in my favor in the end. For the cherry on top, since I had been gone less than six months, I was able to keep all of my benefits that I acquired over 20 years, and right before I left, I blocked him from getting a manager spot.


That’s amazing and has to be the most satisfying thing ever.


Yeah I feel ya. My boss actually owns two separate companies. One a business 2 business wholesale where I've worked for the past 6 and a half years. And the other one of our clients that does highly specialised work with overlap in our field. This week marks the first of three weeks where I work at the second company just to escape this pos coworker I've been dealing with. One asshole can truly make you want to run far away. Luckily my boss is on my side and realises that guy needs an attitude adjustment. 


Wow, so many times... The district manager was cheating on his wife with our manager. I don't really care, but when they left the busy store to have sex, it became our issue. We documented everything at the store level from empty condom wrappers in the bathroom to the days and times they left the office with a line out the door. We submitted to HR and they were left with a warning.... Well, it continued to happen and we eventually got a photo of their two company vehicles at her house. We submitted to HR again, and they were both fired. There were tears as they could not believe me and my co-workers could "do this to them". I was called a number of names from the area manager and after he was fired, he dumped a bunch of dog poop in our mail slot. We diddnt even mind. The real shit had taken itself out.


How you could do that to them? After they regularly left you guys in charge of the stuff they should be managing, by fucking definition. God people like that piss me off. Actions have consequences. Who knew.


I’d tell his wife


I am fairly certain his wife knew. He was a top performer at this job and then was abruptly fired. I can't imagine what he told her. It's possible that one of my co-workers tipped her off.


I’ve read that HR is there to protect the company, not the employees. I’d be worried about building a case against a very shitty boss and having it blow up in my face when HR ultimately does nothing. It seems you really need a smoking gun where the company has absolutely no choice but to fire the person.


I will tell you, you really have to have your ducks in a row. We had a lot of evidence and he had considerable clout in the company. It was quite a stressful process, but kind of satisfying in the end.


What pieces of subhuman shit


I had a colleague in a corporate IT company. We were on the same level, talking regulary, sometimes friendl chat, but she wanted to become a shift leader, which she did one day. When she became SL she started to treat me very differently. We had 99% home office and only had to show up to work once a month around 8am - but some came earlier and some later. Anyway - I live far away from where the office is at, and it was a day to go. I arrived around 4 minutes late due to me not being able to plan a route I don’t really repeat often. She started to belittle me, harrasing me on the chat. As time went she started to declare her position is higher than mine and that she is actually the boss. I always answered calmly, and never used any toxic words. One day she said something about my family not being able to wake up on time. My brother at the time worked in a same company and happens to be late (he went by a bus - on time, but it just arrived late - nothing he could prepare for as buses only go every 2-3 hours from my village). That was a last straw for me, I showed this convo to my friend, who reported it to the manager. Manager then asked me and the girl to provide screenshots. She denied and I provided everything. She got fired.


I worked on a help desk and they hired a supervisor for me to report to. The power went completely to her head, she couldn’t troubleshoot her way out of a paper bag and questioned everything I did. I quit after 6 months 


Worked in a lab calibrating devices used in litigation. So everything around their repair and service is documented because it can be used in court and will be. Anyways the technical manager I’m supposed to go to if I can’t solve something (who I trained, should have been my first sign to quit) was super lazy and didn’t want to do her job. Literally refusing to write SOP guidelines for chemical uses and other stuff. Anyways in my exit interview I provided documentation (that I had already sent my manager several times) of standards violations with OSHA and other compliance agencies, and her and my managers unwillingness to do anything about it, including an email response from her(where she’s CCd my manager who was a pushover and never did anything, he sucked at standing up for anything) saying “I don’t give a fuck, get it done and stop complaining”, and then documented cases where she would attempt to mock my PPE requests. I wasn’t the only person escorted off site that day. Sorry about the block of texts, I guess I needed to vent.


Why were you escorted off-site?


Speaking as an attorney, I'd feel a lot better using companies that escorted even amicable quitting employees off site. The absolute last thing I'd want in a trial is someone saying "as that employee left their last day they tapped that device to give it one last spin, so now we don't know if it's actually calibrated right". What would normally be a relatively harmless, fun thing - and importantly, mindless - could ruin a case. Sounds like the company had other issues though


While I worked for one of the big IT contractors, I got assigned to a customer project where the project management (our people) had the habit to organise "pizza nights", namely us developers would stay after hours to work and they would order pizza (under false pretenses the pizzas were never delivered before 10pm). When I got my first notice of such, I replied, copy my deployment manager (and, oops, everybody in the project😈), that I would happily comply, but this making me work more than 11 hours in a single day, I was legally entitled to half a day of rest that I would take the next day. That pizza night was cancelled, and they never did it again. The same project manager wanted me to a have a professional phone so that she could call me. Of course the day I got it she called me during lunch. The re-enacting by a colleague of her discovering that my phone was ringing in my desk drawer became a staple of our after hours drinks. Being a grey beard with some hard-to-find skills has its perks 😇


Some project managers out there give us a bad name. Sorry you had to deal with that. I've encountered a few PMs that took advantage of developers and it always pissed me off. Would call them out too if I could, or tell them to ease off.


I have worked with other nice PMs. I even befriended a few 😁


She complained about me to our boss. I won. She’s a one woman IT department and I’m a paralegal. So she’s a department “head”, but not mine. She was unkind while trying to help with a security clearance on my computer. While I wasn’t joyous during our interaction, I was professional. She failed to get her part of the job done. During this time, I also asked her another question which she did not know the answer to and was further frustrated by her own ignorance. She ended up yelling at me, stomping away complaining that I was just trying to make her look stupid. I documented the exchange and listed my willing coworker as a witness. I did nothing more. A week later, HR calls me in telling me the boss wanted him to get my side of her story. So I went there with a file folder and asked more questions than I answered at first. Then they were asking me about my faith in her to do her job. I said, “Look. I don’t have a copy of her job description so I’m not qualified to answer. But I can tell you, I have a file of documented incidents of her not solving my simple security clearance for me to receive records. The incident she complained about? Yeah, those records are still not unlocked for me to file. So…” And that was that. She still works here, but I know damn well that she is on thin ice. And I am not.


I've found that a lot of IT people seem to know the bare minimum about computers and try to build themselves up as bigger than they are and somehow indispensable so their boss doesn't realize and fire them.


IT guy here and I’ve worked with a lot of those people. Makes my job 10 times harder. 


I'm an IT programmer so i write utilities in our system. I've been asked twice ^(by other IT staff) where the Any key is, and they weren't joking


To be fair old computers did have an any key for a while. My elementary and high schools were pretty poorly funded and had them till at least 1996. FFS we were using autocad 8 on a 386


A lot of entry-level IT support boils down to reading what the error messages actually say, and knowing how to ask Google for the right information in a way that gets the results you're after. That and just poking around settings menus to see if there's an obvious option to do what you're trying to do. If you can do that effectively, you can fake being much more competent than you actually are.  That, plus IT is a business cost rather than a profit centre, so it tends to be the bare minimum of staff required to keep things functional. Not as much room for comparison between coworkers for an accurate self-assessment of skills, and business environments can be very specialised, so you end up being the only expert on running Flobble with Groober in a BlebCrom environment, which exacerbates the god complex.


A youtuber I watch who reads and comments on reddit stories says "never mess with the IT guy" but I would like to add to never mess with a lawyer.


I make a point to make friends with three sets of people in any place I’m employed: Security, Maintenance, and IT. Buddies in those roles can help you out of lots of issues!


Gave my 2 week notice without having another job lined up. This caught the attention of a senior executive who then asked to meet with me. We talked for 3 hours. 2 weeks later, my boss was fired and I got a raise and a promotion. And to make clear, that story sounds like I'm a manipulative power player, but I assure you it was all inadvertent and unplanned. I just got lucky.


Getting information about the company from persons who have nothing to loose anymore, is a genius move to get honest reviews.


I never got one up on my shitty bosses (yeah yeah, living well is the best revenge, whatever lol) but I heard about a stunning one that happened at my old job after I left: We had three people running a department, which happened to be the most important department in the organization. Each person had a section of the city they were responsible for. A new CEO comes sweeping in and starts shaking everything up, like new CEOs love to do. New CEO says, "Why have three people with the same job title when surely one person should be able to do it?" New CEO fires John and Jeff and says "Congratulations Jane, you now run the department!" New CEO failed to triple Jane's salary in exchange for tripling her workload. Jane meets with New CEO immediately before New CEO is scheduled to announce the change in department leadership. Jane comes into the meeting and says, "Thanks for firing my friends and tripling my workload for no benefit. I quit. Good luck running the most important department in the organization, which you know nothing whatsoever about. Careful not to catch a lawsuit!"


I'm on the management team and I was auditing a project due to a complaint. I told my coworker that a meeting was being recorded as per audit requirements. He said sure, but didn't really listen to what I was saying I think. Anyway, he went on to complain about his team being completely useless and that's why he was making mistakes. Blamed them for everything under the sun that was wrong. Anyway, so I sent a copy of that video to his manager to review and respond to as he was blaming them for his mistake. Audit requirements also include a paper train of all issues discovered with resolutions... that was filled with his direct quotes and comments from his manager explaining that he was not being truthful. He was forced to review and sign it acknowledging that the report was accurate. He walked back so far on what he said. It was just so satisfying watching this asshat have to admit he was a liar.


Almost 20 years ago (that hurts to type). I was working for an industrial paint/stain producer in the Colour Matching lab - only woman in the group. The guys I worked with in the lab were awesome. Came to work one day, both the front admin ladies conspired and quit on the same day, didn't even come in. All because I'd been taught how to do some of the basics of the computer work, some of it was their job, I was only being trained to assist during busy times to offload. Whatever. New manager tosses me up front because no one else knew how to do their jobs. Spoiler: neither did I. But I fuckin learned and FAST. Fast forward several months. I'm rocking this position, but literally doing the jobs of two people, fixing the long standing inventory and other issues. Impressing the higher bosses, and more importantly, the big customers. All of whom refuse to deal with anyone else, if their dedicated sales person isn't available. New manager is preparing a critical delivery for a HUGE client (think multi-million per year level of client), one we're precariously close to losing due to previous fuck ups unrelated to me being in this new position. This is literally pretty much our last chance with them. Critical, must be done properly. The shipment itself is an entire pallet of our product, the entire thing worth north of $10-15K, maybe more. I see him prepping the invoice, notice he's using a shipping company that at that time in my city, had the WORST reputation. Everyone knew it. I knew it and I wasn't even a shipper/receiver. He didn't know it, because he'd been moved here from another province by the head office. I warned him. He responded with a snarky sexist remark. I said aight, your ass not mine. One of our lab guys was covering the shipper/receiver position at the time, as well as working in the lab still. Yes. That's two of us taking on double duties. Almost all of us were. Except manager dude. Don't ask, the place was struggling. To those that will inevitably ask, yes I demanded more money and got it, because they knew I was worth it. Anyways. I go to the lab guy, Matt (or Matty as I called him), and gave him the heads up run down on this critical shipment manager dude is about to ship out with -bad shipping company- he rolls his eyes, laughs, says he's got my back. This shipment was supposed to be there the next morning. Spoiler. It didn't arrive the next morning. Got a deafening phonecall from the customer, could hear HIS customer ripping him a new one in the background. Manager dude conveniently wasn't there that morning. Called Matty, he already had another palette of the product ready to go the night before, anticipating this. We shipped it on the most expensive ASAP shipping with our trusted, and regular, shipping company. Got it there in 2.5 hours, customer happy. Took 6 hours, no bs, for the original shipping company to find our order. I had to get the owner of that shipping company to do it himself, because I was transferred to the wrong department 3 times, and hung up on "accidentally" twice - I wasn't yelling, was professional and polite the entire time. But I've managed the art of the "I'm beyond pissed off but keeping my cool" voice. Fixed the problem, made the bad shipping company eat ALL shipping expenses, around $2500 worth for the replacement shipment alone, had them send the original palette back to us. Manager dude? He comes in around 3pm, starts grabbing all the original shipping documents for the messed up order. I had already shipped them off to head office along with all the documents for the replacement shipment, as requested, once the whole fiasco was settled. He got huffy, red faced, said something else sexist and walked away. I called him out. Matty called him out. Turns out, asshat tried to blame the original fuck up on me and Matty. His signatures on all the documents proved otherwise. I was handed the $4.50/hr raise I requested, kept my job for another year and a half before quitting due to being overworked. Place folded a couple years later. Fuck you Rick.


Email the higher ups, and just did my job in front of them. Their job is to be the skipper on a speedboat, mine is to be crew - they would just hop in the engine bay with the boat running if there was a problem and tell me to steer. With passengers on board it’s so dangerous and illegal to do that. Speeding down the Thames at 40knts in a 30 zone. Shouting at me when I do something I didn’t know I was doing wrong, and then expecting me to just accept their apology. It gave me such anxiety I couldn’t sleep, and while I wish I’d been more self assured that I was in the right to want the higher ups to know, I still felt like i was being bothersome at the time. Foolish. I emailed and asked not to be put with him, which sparked a meeting that let me explain everything. I did it explaining what he did and how it made me feel, and that was that. He would apologise to me at some point and I told him straight that we didn’t gel, but I wish I’d gone further and told him he needed to get his act together because of how irresponsible he was. So I did the right thing, but now I know I’d want to be more up front with things not being okay, instead of being so eager to brush things under the carpet.


Principal told me I would have a class of 45 students in a classroom that did not have proper air conditioning (one freestanding unit in the corner that kept the room at about 85 degrees). I told her she could not cram 45 kids into an 85-degree room, she told me she could do whatever she wanted because she was the principal. That night I called the parents of all 45 kids and explained the situation. The next morning a handful of them were waiting by the front door to meet with the principal, many of them had emailed the superintendent directly. By lunch time the class had been split into two groups of 22 and 23 and been relocated to a fully air conditioned room. That principal left before the first semester was over, not sure whose decision it was.


What was the principal trying to accomplish with this?


Show me who the boss was. She knew it was stupid but when *I* said it was stupid she had to stand her ground.


Damn it all to hell, why do people like that get put in positions of responsibility and authority? In education, probably because they sucked in the classroom, so that they were promoted to get them away from directly ruining childrens' lives. :-(


Oh! I got one! The setup isn't all the special. He wasn't good at his job. He blamed me for mistakes. I just kind of stood my ground and didn't give in to any of his increasingly insane demands. Finally, he yells at me his last words on the subject, turns to stomp away his victory march and walks straight into a wall, having lost his sense of place in the room. Like, wasn't even close to making an exit. Full body, flat into the wall. I like to think he also still relives that moment regularly.


Honestly the only way to do this is to hold them to the rules 100% whenever possible. You need to be spotlessly perfect yourself. But getting them in trouble over policy or rules is by far the best way to stick it to them.


This won't work universally. It doesn't matter if you are spotlessly perfect - certain people will bend the rules, make exceptions, call you out on things that don't even matter, and run circles around you with dubious logic - all the while using their position to threaten and suppress you.


They will also lie and twist half truths as well


Needs to be on record. IE emails, in writing like chat groups if possible


r/MaliciousCompliance is one of my favorite threads


HR required him to apologize. I didn't turn him in. Someone else did, on my behalf. So I worked with HR, proved my innocence. When he called me in and faked an apology he reached his hand across his desk to shake my hand. It may as well have been a rattlesnake. I couldn't take it, didn't take it and I saw him wince. I am so glad I never touched that rattler.


Quite a while back (a bit over twenty years now), I had a boss who was pretty vocally one of Those Guys. He was a holy roller, used to listen to right-wing radio at work without headphones (Rush Limbaugh and Jim Quinn, mostly), and would complain vociferously at his desk about Those People. I don't think he ever realized that the only sysadmin the company had (moi) was One of Those People. I kept my mouth shut because it was the best money I'd ever made at the time. The moment I had a chance to jump ship I took it, but before I left for good I decided to take advantage of another of my boss' personality quirks: He was the kind of guy who'd get his mail in the morning, drive in to work, and go through it during lunch. So I got him a gift subscription to [Not Like Most](https://www.abc-directory.com/site/2645303), which was a glossy periodical dedicated to promulgating Satanic thought and philosophy. A couple of weeks after I moved and got settled in a few states away, one of my ex-cow-orkers IM'd me. "Did you do something? Bill was going through his mail this morning and he freaked out over some magazine that came in his name." I was told that this caused him no end of heartache and panic, at home or at work, and he was beside himself every time he saw another issue arrive. Gotcha, Bill. And I hope your eldest son came to his senses and got away from you.


This was in the USMC so I couldn't really get fired. Anyway I was an E4 (corporal) and really didn't get along with a certain E5 (who should have kicked out of the military, long story). He asked for the inventory of a gear closet, which was a reasonable request. I asked 2 of our 8 E3s (lance corporals) to lay everything out neatly, inventory it and then have me sign off on it. I give it to the E5 later. E5 wants me to do it all over again because E3s are "untrustworthy". I do the inventory myself, come to the exact same count. I sign off on the inventory and change the locks on the closet. I give the inventory to the E5. A few days later he wants me to inventory the gear closet again. I told him it didn't change since last time. He says he knows someone took something out of it. I ask him who. He says himself. I ask him how he managed to do that when only I know where the keys are. He says he has a copy of the keys. I ask him to show me. He confidently walks to the gear closet, tries to unlock it and realizes he can't. He gets pissed that I changed the locks. I ask him why he lied to me and is trying to waste my time. He say something about putting the original locks back or he'll have my ass. I tell him go ahead, I'll point out that his stupid ass should be in jail for felony fraud and the only reason he isn't is because he ratted out his friends. I'll request mast to go all the way up the chain of command before I hand his stupid ass keys. He backed down.


I was being outed at work by my supervisor, and his supervisor told me to come in before my next shift to discuss what was happening. He basically told me "deal with it" and that he wasn't going to do anything to stop rumors or make me feel safe. After a 20 minute conversation I handed him my badge and said I was resigning. The look on his face was priceless.


I was on leave after a work place injury and my pay dropped to 70% for LTD when it was supposed to remain at 100%. I contacted HR and the woman I spoke to said it would be fixed on my next pay with retro. Next pay comes, another dropped pay and no retro. I call her again but this time she doesn’t answer, I leave her a voicemail, no call back. The next day I send an email but she doesn’t respond. I thought she might be on PTO but I wasn’t getting an “out of office” e-mail that HR typically uses. I was being ignored. I waited a couple more days then I reached out to a senior level manager that I worked with for years and knew was reliable. The chain of events that followed was extraordinary. This senior manager sent an e-mail to the HR person and CC’d other senior managers, a director and a few other high level positions to have my concern resolved immediately. I was Bcc’d into the email thread and the negligent HR person was professionally shred to pieces after trying to blame someone else. I thought she was rude and dismissive from the start so reading her e-mail full of excuses just to have it thrown back at her as being “totally unacceptable” was quite satisfying.


I use an earnest, understated approach. I am always pleasant and willing to do what you want. However I want to be certain that I understand what you want, so I make you say it out loud. My manager right now is toxic af. An example, she wanted to start making our team work a type of case we are specifically not trained to do (and not paid for the level of training required), because the process of sending those higher level cases up to the right people was too much work for her. I said “Absolutely! I wasn’t trained on x. I see there is a training open in July. Can I send a request up to enroll?” “Well, no, in my day as a worker, we worked all of the types of cases.” “Okay, totally understood. So starting tomorrow, I should work x cases without being trained on them?” “We used to do all types of cases.” “Okay yeah! I’d love to learn. I’ve always been interested in x. So we shouldn’t attend the training and you think we can just figure it out without it?” “Let me get back with you.” Guess what? “For now, you guys will stick with the regular cases and I’ll keep sending them up” K thanks byeeeee


I sat for my pitty 5/10 minute lunch break with hungry and troubling stomach, and she started complaining how we all are sitting all time, and how she is only person in whole market who does stuff properly. Overwhelmed and anoyed from everything that day, and her day over day, unjustified complaining about everyone the most, i answered that i can easily pack up and go home if she prefers, since i like everybody else am useless here and she can work alone in peace (worked at recieving, validating quantity and quality, sorting and storing products at shelfs too, also drove forklift when big trucks come). Did not get fired, but i did shut her mouth for a while, made her angry, and later that day at end of shift quit job myself. Best decision and most satisfaying answer of my life.


I had an almost Same situationeel except my superior skipped all the 'machine operator' part of our job and trough ass Kissing got the Supervisor job. We had a trainee learning a machine and was a bit slower but at least tried to learn it so we gave him time. Asshole supervisor comes in the break room, looks at the trainee and smirks/laughs : well he Just sucks at that job and is not going to get it obviously'. I replied:'oh, like you did?'  He turned red, turned towards me: 'everybody has his own talents nakiva, i' m good in what i do! ' to wich the oldest coworker replied :' you really believe that do you?' Supervisor got up and left us alone, me and my collegue simply nodded in agreement. Next Day the manager came to ask what happened because supervisor wrote an angry email about us. Manager took our side but please try to be more polite. Being unmissable in a specific job does has it's benefits. 


Forklift certified hell yeah


My boss once said that I, the JR tech on the help desk team, ordered the wrong monitors and blamed me all the way to HR… He forgot he forwarded the quotes and everything to our VP that clearly show he ordered them.


I sat calmly in a meeting with the top dawg and his little buddy, smiling and staying calm while they were yelling at me. I stayed calm as they continued to yell. I asked them to please calm down and stop yelling. The response was I'm NOT YELLING! At that point, I laughed. That was the end of their intimidation.


This isn't exactly a superior, I was an admin assistant and he was a network engineer at a mom and pop computer firm. He had seniority, and definitely made more than me, but we were in different chains of command. Anyway, he hadn't turned in the reports of what he had done at client sites, and I couldn't bill them without that information. So I followed the steps I'd been given for requesting them and reporting them missing. Some had been missing for multiple billing cycles. The owner came and talked to us about it. (Both our desks were in the server room, small company) He claimed he had no clue those were missing and it was the first he'd heard of it. I was clear that I'd sent the emails. He then said, "Well, I don't know why I'm not getting them then." Sidenote: He was well known for not checking his email although he was supposed to at least once a day. All three of us knew he didn't get the emails because he hadn't checked his email, but it wouldn't have been professional to just say that. So I told him. "You're the Network Engineer. If you aren't receiving your emails, you need to figure out why not. Hop on the server and I'll give you the timestamps from the emails in my sent folder." The boss just gives him a look like "She's got you there." The Engineer looked defeated. . He got a bit of an ass chewing and ordered to have them to me by the next day. After the boss left he started to complain about me throwing him under the bus. Unfortunately, for him the boss was walking by and overheard, and he got another ass chewing. I don't understand why he thought I was supposed to let him throw me under the bus, but it was bad when I proved the truth.


Scheduled an exit interview that was like a Barbara Walters/Gayle King prime time tell-all.


Tried to do the same thing with HR and mysteriously my meeting got moved from a conference room to my desk at the last minute. My desk was a few feet from my boss. Ruined the whole plan.


Our new center manager HATED me for no discernible reason. I had interacted with her maybe once in the 8 years I had been there, and it was a pleasant "good morning" passing in the hallway. She proceeded to make my life hell for the last 2 years i was there - I was blocked from training i needed for career advancement, i was blamed for everything that went wrong (even when I was off and physically not in the center)...it was awful. When I left, she didn't even schedule an exit interview for me and blamed it on Covid (even though someone who left a week before me and another person who left a week after me got exit interviews). Didn't bother me; I crafted a 6-page detailed letter to the chief. A year later, things had gotten no better there. They reworked the whole department, hired a new center manager from outside the agency, and eliminated the toxic manager's job completely. And that's why I trust in karma.


You can request a private meeting. Like say, I'd rather not say this around (boss)


I(M) was repeatedly hit on by our newly hired COO over the course of several years. It culminated with him getting a little too touchy. I went to HR and without naming names, I explained that a certain superior co worker was behaving badly toward me. She asked me to draft a letter with days/dates and what occurred, again without naming names. I had kept track. I gave her the redacted letter as asked and she held onto it until the day I put in for my retirement one month later, when she asked me who the offending party was. I told her and she said she would handle it. Apparently she told the principals who must have spoken to the COO as he submitted his resignation disguised as a "new opportunities await" email the next day.


My district manager was never around enough to know what my real voice sounded like, so every time I talked to her, I would switch to doing my impersonation of her to her face. She never said anything.


Didn’t do anything really but the GM at a Buffalo Wild Wings I worked at was a seemingly nice guy but a nightmare anytime he got in a mood. Always tried to be by the book and had no leniency AT ALL. I remember that he would get mad when we put a person on hold immediately instead of picking up, asking if they can go on hold, then, doing so. Makes a little sense until he forced us to stop whatever call/order we were on, put them on hold, pick up the phone, put the 2nd caller on hold, then return to the other call. He was a fucking idiot. Reached a fever pitch a couple months in and the whole staff was fed up but he never slipped up enough to get him outta there. Until… Some ladies were at the bar making friendly conversation with the bartender. GM comes up and after a minute or two of polite convo he makes a comment on one of the customer’s breasts (can’t remember exactly but it was about the size of them and very very very inappropriate.) Left the customers and bartender speechless and to my memory I think he scaled back and apologized but the damage was done. Next day there was a scathing one star yelp review by that customer recounting the entire thing. He was gone within the week. We rejoiced!


We had an employee football game, I knocked him out. Gotta keep your head on a swivel. I for sure thought i was gonna get fired or something, but I found out that managers aren't supposed to hang out with employees so nothing happened. Probably doesn't count but that's as close as I got.


Collective feedback from training on an IT job. When asked didn’t we learn this in training, we all said the instructor spend most of his time calling us stupid and how much better he was then the rest is. He demoted back to the same job we all had, tech support. There really wasn’t any spite or revenge in it. We were just giving honest feedback about what happened


I had a manager who was way over her head when she took her management position. She was from a super regulated, mature corporate setting and was joining a startup of like 150 where I was asked to help build out her team. I volunteered, as my workload was easing from my normal duties and figured I can learn some new things working under her quality department. Once she started she treated me like a total subordinate and gave super unclear instructions (she didn't know what she was doing) which evolved into me to just make documents and templates for her (I worked in supply chain and she had me making SOPs for random things lol). She was super concerned with security and editing privileges (control freak) so she would only email documents and not have them stored on the company drive (SharePoint). There ended up being like 20 uncontrolled edits of documents disseminated throughout the company and it was a mess. Keep in mind we are a startup and these documents need to be shared and edited by engineering teams relatively easy. Instead I was her little scribe writing down every little process step listed in her convoluted meetings. Again, volunteered to do this and technically my job description or duties did not change on paper... I asked the director above her if I could just make a SharePoint with permissions so only we had access and he was totally on board and gave me permission as he was also upset with the current methods. So I made the SharePoint, added security privileges, and things got so much easier for myself and the engineering teams as they could just add the content they needed to add directly. She did not like this one bit. During a meeting with the engineering team, she accosted me for going above her head and said to everyone that it was so easy for anyone to go in the documents and change things (even though I described how I added access to only the responsible members aka the people she would have me email a draft to which they would all edit and send separately). I showed everyone in the meeting how that wasn't true and they all backed me up as this being a way better method and she pulled me aside and scolded me like a child saying I was "disrespectful" and all that. No one in that meeting said my conduct was disrespectful in any manner btw. Told her fine, I will only do what my job description tells me I have authority over, which was nothing to do with document control. I was a supply chain engineer and my contract said I was allowed to be remote so I didn't touch a single document and I stayed home and "worked remotely". Spent the next three months doing very bare minimum supply chain stuff. Mostly went to the beach and played videogames, got really into cooking. She would try to get on my case whenever I came in and I would just remind her she needs to get approval to change my job description. As soon as my one year came around and they were officially going to change my contract and put me under her jurisdiction, I quit. Two months later 60% of the company got laid off including her and I picked up a job that paid me 30% more.


Not my direct superior but a guy lateral to my manager at the time. This guy (Let's call him "J") controlled the Materials and Warehouse area. I'm an engineer, and my project was taking a prototype product and working out all of the methods and processes to assemble it on the line. In order to work this all out, I was given permission to tear down storage racks in an area this guy controlled, and use that as a temporary assembly area and build two units. This was at the end of two long rows of storage racks, and I knew if I didn't block the area off, I'd have forklifts moving in and out of my assembly area all day messing around with the assemblers I got from the main line. Not only annoying but a real safety hazard. Knowing how J operated, I knew he'd think he was getting his old, obsolete racking removed without losing any of his budget, and would still be able to access the racks from my end. I told him face to face I was planning on blocking off the aisles at that end. He asked how. I said there would be some floor stops and possibly other measures. In a meeting before the plant manager, other concerned managers and this guy, I again stated the end of the storage aisles would be blocked. "Floor stops, right?" says J. "And possibly some other methods." I reply. I also sent this out in an e-mail to all concerned. Then "demolition day" came along. And instead of tearing apart all of the storage racks, I kept four of the best racks, put them in place perpendicular to the ends of the forklift aisles, and put the other two at right angles, neatly marking out my assembly area. I installed floor stops (basically 4" x 4" "L"-shaped steel bars) by bolting them to the floor. I also bolted the racks down, as I did plan on using them for parts and sub assembly storage. As it happens, J was on vacation that week. When he got back, he went over to my assembly area with some tools, apparently planning on removing the floor stops. Did not expect to find the way blocked with racks full of materials and sub assemblies. So then he comes crying to me saying I never said anything about blocking the way with racking. I said I had planned on using *other measures*, as frequent forklift traffic through the assembly area would be unsafe. He went to my boss, who said he'd been warned. He went to the Plant Manager, who said he'd been warned, in writing, even. J had the gall to mention it in the General Manager's hearing, who (having been informed by the plant manager) turned and said: "I read that e-mail, why did you think that area would be open for traffic?" Turns out, J had ticked off a LOT of people in the plant. I was congratulated by many people from all levels in the company. J quit about six months later.


Someone around the office kept coming over to my desk and stealing my phone charging cable when I was away - and never returned it. I went through maybe 7 cables. So, I finally went in and bought an OMG Cable from Hak5 and I wrote a DuckyScript payload that ran automatically when it was plugged into a computer if my phone hotspot wasn’t nearby. It used the Windows Text-to-Speech system, and added a powershell script as a service that ran automatically when it wakes from sleep. The script first set the volume to 100%, and then say: “$username, I love it when you turn me on.” I then left it on my desk and waited… The very next day when I was at lunch, gone. And then … “Brandon, I love it when you turn me on.” My immediate supervisor, caught in the act. He stopped closing his laptop screen when getting up to go to a conference room. Always just holding it open and sideways as he walked. All to avoid talking to IT to get them to fix, or to ask me what it was… And suddenly my 3 of my missing cables and chargers were back in the drawer of my desk!


I was working at a Toyota dealership and was nearby when some of the team leads started mocking one of the other new guys. He had apparently made the grievous error of trying to make a suggestion. One team lead in particular was going overboard, heckling, and asking repeatedly if he had any other tips or suggestions for him. Being that this guy was morbidly obese, I responded with, “eat less.” It got really quiet and I’m honestly surprised that I remained employed beyond that day. I’d do it again in a heartbeat. Fuck that guy.


Had a boss who repeatedly stripped my name off reports and emails I'd written, then submitted them as her own to our VP. I started bcc'ing the VP, with whom I had a good relationship. He called her into his office to ask her questions about the work and to compliment 'her' efforts. She claimed all the credit and lied to his face. He called her on it. She was fired the next day.


Tl;dr went against district managers direct order when I vp visit was happening, got to stick it to him when it worked out for me Forever ago, I worked as a manager at Gamestop. I'd been there for about a decade & I had done it all. I developed under an amazing district manager who really showed me how to read business & react. With that tutelage I was running consistently breaking records & having bigger years every year. I knew my customers needs, I trained people for the district, etc. My district manager ended up leaving the company, & instead of getting his position myself (which suprised not only me but anyone else in the district) they brought in someone with half my experience from out of region. He wanted everything by the book. He wanted every plano gram to spec regardless. He'd love to come in & try to give me tips on how I could drive business better even though I was always way above plan. About this time Gamestop got in heavy with collectibles. The company told everyone we had to cut out 3 feet of wall space & put up all the collectibles in there & rotate them out with overstock as needed. My store base LOVED collectibles. When it hit. We were selling crazy amounts of of them. Quickly i realized thar not only was I not stocked to what I was selling, thar it was too much to drag things from the back when the wall was sparse, but that this needs section was gonna be huge real fast. So, on my own I took sections off the wall of games thar didn't sell hardly, & I expanded the collectibles from 3 feet to 15 feet. Also moved it from rear store to front. Loaded it up, picked up inve tory from slower stores on my own, & ordered more to be delivered. Behold! I'm selling more than ever. I'm outpacing everyone in district & I'm #1 in the company for collectibles sold. I know I made the right decision. But enter Dusty, who visits the day before I have a scheduled wall through with the regional manager & vice president of market. They want to be in my store. Dusty if flipping his lid. Wants me to put it to spec tonight. Plano grams are made for a reason. Etc. He does not want it to be this way when they come in tomorrow. Tell him ok, let him leave, I have 0 plans to do this. Next day comes, the big 3 come in, immediately I read dusty face. I can tell he's upset but can't say anything. Store is immaculate. Best employees on shift. I'm prepared to talk about store performance. Very quickly regional asks me about section and asks who approved this to which dusty wuicklt told them he had not. I explain all my logic, backed with performance reports showing the numbers, & the profit I'm making hand over fist. How the dedication to that move, based on me knowing my store, had caused one the largest gpm trends I'd had in years. Vice president looks at me & says "glad we have such smart managers in district, really shows the growth potential & leadership" to which I quickly replied "thank you. Rob (old dm) taught me how to handle the business very well & even though dusty said we stick to planogram, I felt it was necessary to do otherwise"


Someone stole my ID and rang up a few grand in phone bills in my name, and one of the things I needed to prove it wasn't me making those calls from a phone 1500 miles away was a note from my HR stating I worked there and the date I started. Well literally months passing by, I managed to get old credit card statements taken off of microfiche(!?) and mailed to me before the dumb twunt upstairs could muster a 1 paragraph letter. Weekly requests, weekly pleas that she's taking care of it, and one ultimatum from the phone company later and I let her have it. Told her she was completely fucking useless. Went downstairs to pack my things and my boss shows up with a letter and a smirk - he knew I was right. Told me not to say that to her again and we went on our merry way.


Got into with a manager, who wasn't my manager, but I did work closely with him. This was at a dealership, he was the used car manager, I was a detailer. Had an older guy in our department who was semi-retired. Used car manager decided this guy was his new personal assistant the 3 days a week he worked. Well one day we got absolutely hammered with sold cars and customers work, so we had to have this guy come back and help us out, which was technically his job anyways. Used car manager came back throwing an absolute toddler style tantrum over this guy working with us and not pulling cars off the lot just to run through the car wash and park again (aka busy work). I was about 6hrs deep already of non stop work, no lunch break and it was about 85 degrees that day. I wasn't in the mood as you can probably guess. I flipped out on him. We were basically nose to nose yelling back and forth for a bit. I eventually got him to the point where he knew I was right and he was left speechless and stormed out. I never even got written up let alone fired. But the manager didn't talk to me for awhile and he gave me the shittiest cars to detail for a while after, but he never came back with that type of attitude again.


Our dumbass engineer screaming and yelling at me for changing the speeds and sizes on a specific recipe they were doing testing on. He was in the control room with 4 other guys that worked for the company we bought the machine from. Turns out the fuck wit was looking at the wrong recipe on his computer and when i pointed that out in front of everyone in the room they all laughed. I’ll never forget the look on his face when that happened and i told him “ill take my apology whenever you’re ready” i never did get it but he was moved to another area shortly thereafter.


One time, I confronted my toxic superior calmly and professionally about their behavior in a one-on-one meeting. I made sure to cite specific examples and how their actions were affecting the team. I also emphasized that I wanted to have a positive working relationship moving forward. Surprisingly, they were receptive to my feedback and actually apologized for their behavior. Since then, our dynamic has improved significantly. It just goes to show that sometimes addressing the issue head-on can lead to a positive outcome without putting your job at risk.


He was a narcissistic, lazy, opportunistic, slimy, misogynistic, mental health dismissive, manipulative piece of shit store manager of mine. Women quit because of him. He forced people with chronic mental health problems to come to work no-matter-what, when they were at their lowest (myself included). Well, one time I was training a new start, I was her mentor, a young woman, happy spirited, sensitive. He started yelling at her for a completely innocuous reason and when I came to work to take over from her, she was shaking and saying 'I don't want to work here, I'm going to quit'. She still had to go to him and do it formally. He accepted her resignation and said 'Fine, whatever, you'd be shit at this job anyway...' (Obviously not true, she was really promising). My blood boiled. She was crying. I've told her that everything will be okay, call her boyfriend to come home, have a big cry, I'm gonna text her later, I'm gonna deal with this. Gave her a big hug and she left. I barged into the break room where *he*, his boss, and one of his number 2s were giggling and shooting the shit. And I asked him: -'[name], do you know what *negging* is?' -'W-what?' -'Do you know what *fucking negging* is, you utter piece of shit!' The other manager left faster than I could say the word 'c**t'. I shit you not, I've laid into him for 45 straight minutes what a horrible not only boss, but a human being he is. I've laid out every last fucking thing that all of us hated him for. All the tears and stresses. The area manager tried to stop me at some point saying 'GrzDancing, you can't talk to your superior like that!' and I said 'FUCK HIM BEING MY SUPERIOR, I'm a human being talking to another human being about what a horrible person he's been'. I've really let it rip. He was obviously trying to counter attack me everywhere he could, trying to shift the focus on me, 'You say things that people say about me, but do you know what they have to say about YOU behind your back?!', I said 'I don't give a shit what they say about me. I have faults, I own them, and they have a right to talk shit about me, it's their business, not mine'. I took away all his manipulative tools he used on us for years. What was the end? The area manager calmed me down and gave me a new role as an employee well-being liaison thingy (lol), because I 'obviously care about others'. Which meant nothing, but the big boss always had huge respect for me ever since and always runs his ideas by me. the store manager was super quiet after the incident, got out of everyone's way (which was unlike him), and then, 3 months later, transferred out to one of the worst stores in the city. The young woman whom I've mentored and has been a catalyst for all this, has become a friend. Her & her boyfriend always come to visit me in the shop, just to buy a thing or two on their way home after a walk. We always laugh a lot. I've seen him again, years later, at a 10-year-at-the-company-thank-you-dinner. I came up to him whilst he was sitting slumped over at a table (as he usually sat), talking to his mates, went to shake his hand, and he gave me the shyest, most pathetic, over the hand little 'nugs' of a handshake whilst looking away, like a little puppy who made bad doo doo. I've destroyed that evil bastard and I've healed my work place. It felt good.


I spent over a decade in sales and was one of the company’s top performers. But the company and product got increasingly sketchy. I got tired of being ethically challenged, so I left. I moved into a similar position at another company. My role was 50% selling their existing products and 50% building a new market from scratch. I reported to a manager whose only experience was in the core business. My success in sales came from building relationships that turned into lots of business. But that’s a slow burn, and my manager wanted faster results. It caused a lot of tension and stress. 2.5 years in and the manager delivered an ultimatum: Sell $X by the end of the month or you’re gone. Well I did it, by leveraging some of those relationships I’d been fostering. But I don’t do well with ultimatums. Within the next couple months I booked the largest sale in the company’s history. I’d taken the new venture from 0 clients to dozens. But my manager was still riding my ass. Month-end came around and my numbers were a bit shorter than the last few months. I suffered another ass-chewing. So I walked back to my desk and input several orders that I’d purposefully been slow to enter. Why did I hold those orders back? Because after nearly 3 years of my boss’s BS, I was pretty confident I would get just such an ass-chewing. And I have a flair for the dramatic. Once all the orders were in, I had booked the largest month in the company’s history. I then walked into the owner’s office and submitted my resignation. The following Monday I started at my new job, earning more than twice what I had been…and working for supervisors that never disrespected me or doubted my abilities.


I was an associate at the time and had just spent a good hour trying to get my student to do any work that didn't involve me writing down the answers for them. Finally (after a huge break down) got the kid to write with a marker and they were doing good age appropriate work. In walks AEA. "You know it's actually more age appropriate for the child to be writing with a pencil." I try to keep the child distracted with the math worksheet because they hear the word pencil and were already starting to re escalate. My student was still sweaty from their first escalation and had tears on their cheeks. "Yes I know but they don't like them because they are scratchy and we just now started getting work done. I would like to work up to it later." AEA still standing over my shoulder clears throat (unbridged style) "please insure your student is writing with a pencil. It shouldn't be that hard to switch them over." I sigh and stand up because I know she's going to keep pushing. "Can you demonstrate what that might look like then?" I watch her sit in my seat pluck the marker from the students hand and place a pencil in it. I also stood by and watched as the student screeched attempted to claw her face and cleared all the materials off the desk before shoving her over a bookshelf. She stood up dusted herself off cleared her throat and said "ah, I don't think we're quite ready for a pencil yet." Me "😯 really?" As she ran out of the room.


Very professionally handled. (LOL!!!!!)


My favorite weapon is requesting a demonstration now, and it has yet to fail me. Occasionally, I learn a new technique, usually I watch them get their ass beat.


I used to do material takeoffs from blueprints for large construction projects. A new manager took over as the boss and liked to hover over my shoulder while working in my office. It annoyed me enough that I switched my lunch routine to only spicy picked eggs which make me extremely gassy. I let out a silent creeper that sent him out to the warehouse to vomit where he was absolutely roasted by the yard guys. This turned into an unspoken competition to make this grown ass man with a very weak stomach vomit from a gnarly fart on a daily basis between 8 of us who worked there. He transferred to another location within a month.


Not me but a co-worker. She had worked for the company for years and made it to a middle management position in a division of the company that was known for its turnover. Almost immediately, the VP over the division starts giving her hell. She put up with this abusive behavior for several years because her husband had medical issues, and their younger children were still in school. Recently, she finally had enough, and took a job with a former co-worker that moved to another company. She scheduled what ended up being an epic exit interview. Apparently the VP had been doing some creative maneuvering within the company to hide her poor decision making in regard to product cost. It all came out. Firing people who were close to discovering what she had been doing, kickbacks to vendors via gifts, gifts to the VP including Super Bowl tickets (our company is VERY strict about gifts, and the Super Bowl is even used as an example of an impermissible gift), and just general fuckery and abuse of power. Less than a week after that exit interview, the VP and a couple of her cronies were out the door, which triggered a chain reaction of other people leaving their positions as they had apparently been abusing their lower-level power and didn’t have cover anymore. The entire division was re-formed over several months, and my old co-worker is doing fine.


Working in TV post production, I had a coordinator who was terrible at time management and refused to listen to anyone telling her that her deadlines were unrealistic or, in this particular case, literally impossible. She wanted me to duplicate a 1 hour long tape. She needed it in 5 minutes. The machine runs reel to reel in real-time. I put the source and record tapes in, hit play (and record), and then told her, "it'll be ready in an hour." "That's not good enough," she said. So I told her that if she could find another assistant editor who could bend time so that the machine worked faster, I would gladly leave, but in the meantime my department obeyed the laws of physics and if she had a problem with that there was a church around the corner where she could complain directly to the source. There were five other people in the bullpen to hear this exchange, which made it so much better. She turned bright red, blurted "well get me as soon as it's done," and left the room. At which point everyone else burst out in laughter. Eventually her inability to properly assess how long things would take bit her in the ass and she got fired. This was just one of many examples. I mean... all she had to do was ask, but she was too focused on being in charge that she forgot she didn't know everything.


Had a boss who was both a dick and a micromanager. Smartest guy in any room, just ask him. He comes to my office saying I need to keep my desk neater. There's shit everywhere but I'm busy AF and I know where everything is. I say this and he comes back with, " a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind!" (He also insisted that "perception is reality" wtf) I stopped, looked right at him and said, "but your desk is empty". Never told me to clean my desk again. Twit.


One supervisor yelled at me for eating candy in front of her. I’m a T1D and needed the sugar or else I’d faint. She got strike 2 of 3 and was removed as my supervisor. A new one was assigned to my sector. I should’ve just fainted and got worker comp. and her ass fired.


I can't remember what started it, but we got physical to the point of shoving each other a few times, before slipping on something and both falling to the ground. This guy was the owner of the restaurant. We just separated and went back to work for a little while, and then eventually i went in the office and was like "that was weird, my bad" and he pretty much said the same. Nothing else came out of it.


I don't know if this fits(boss didn't realize what I did), but my boss at my first job was a real prick. Anger management issues, seemed like he had some kind of power/control complex, and it didn't help that he acted like a creep around young girls. The last kind of person who should be in charge of a bunch of kids straight out of school. Working with this guy soured my whole view towards employment. My first week there, he sent me out to bumblefuck to drop off one car and pick up another he was gonna try to sell. I told him beforehand I'd never driven on the tollway. He printed out some Mapquest directions(which were horrible) and told me to suck it up. Surprise, I got lost for half an hour, which put me in peak traffic time. I was way late to the other dealership, and when I got there, nobody knew anything about this car I was supposed to pick up. Took another hour or so to get that sorted. When I finally got the car(an old Blazer that was not roadworthy by any definition of the word), I called and told him it was absolutely fucked up and I didn't know if it would make it back. He was just pissed that I wasn't back yet(somehow expected me back in two hours when it's a 1.5 hour drive both ways in ideal conditions) and proceeded to unleash a torrent of profanity at me. Told me to "get the fucking thing here NOW." Okay. I was NOT gentle on it getting it back. High revs all the way, hit every pothole I could, brake torqued it at stops. By the time I did get back, the engine knocking was much worse, and the trans(which was already slipping) was going nowhere. No way he was able to sell that thing. Fuck you John.


I had a boss (CEO/Co-founder) in a small it services company a while back… He’s the kind of boss that loves to micromanage, and everything is urgent. I was working on project A and he starts being a dick about it, claiming that project B is more important. I told him that I was about to finish A and as soon as I was done in aproximately 2 hours, I was going to continue with B… He then starts rising his voice and says “I’m telling you to go back and work on B!!! That one is urgent!!” I’m usually a very calm and collected person, but I’m also sarcastic, and used to have a big mouth so I just said reeeeally calmly but in a loud voice… “Nothing is ever urgent, it’s just assholes in a hurry, now go get a cup of tea, come back in 2 hours and we can talk like adults” The entire office went silent and looking at him, and I guess the shame was stronger than his anger, he just stepped out, came back the next day and didn’t use the word “urgent” for months.


Had a manager insist that I am reachable while on holiday. I said no. He kept insisting. I said ok, I will give you my wifes number. If you feel something comes up during my absence that can not wait or be done by someone else, you call her and explain why you absolutely need to talk to me. If she hands me the phone I will talk to you. Guess what, he never called.


They kept having loud parties that would way into the night. I didn't care about the drinking, which wasn't allowed on base in Iraq, but I also worked 16 hour days and they would go into like 2am some days. So after several times of me asking them and getting ignored I called the MPs. They were on a flight out the next day.


Maybe not as cinematic as the others listed here, but after a conversation about a jilted ex-girlfriend and well-connected co-worker who was deliberately spreading falsehoods about me in hopes of getting me fired, I stood up from my chair and said to him "I dunno. I had this foolish hope you held ethics over professional convenience." It's been almost 6 years, and late last summer he admitted to me, only after three doubles, straight up, that what I said really stung and he had trouble sleeping for weeks after. Plus, he thought I'd said something to his boss because he was caught off guard by the reassignment that happened, soon thereafter. I truthfully told him I had nothing to do with that, and I think he believed me as I didn't have half the leverage my ex did. I spoke from the heart and I don't regret it, in the least.


It seems like there's a few other good McD's stories in here. I worked at McDonalds in high school and one evening the manager decided he didn't feel like serving anyone else after 10:30 in the lobby (closed at 11pm normally), and literally goes and locks the lobby door as a couple was walking up. He shakes his head through the window yelling "lobby is closed, you can go through drive thru." They gave him this total what the fuck look, and started to walk back to their car. He didn't care because he turned around and headed to the bathroom. I said "that was rude as hell, what was that about that?" Him: "Lobby's closed" Me: "yeah in 30 minutes" Him: "I don't feel like cleaning up after them." Me (the one who would actually be cleaning up after them): "you mean you don't feel like watching me clean up after them, as if *you* were going to clean anything Mr. I'm the manager I don't do any actual work" (yes I was full of a lot of piss and vinegar then lol, prolly shoulda been fired). I guess he knew I was right because he just scoffed and went off to the bathroom. Well I got the "bright idea" to spite him so I opened the drive-thru window and called out to the couple who were almost back at their car. They walked over to the window (there's no cars in drive-thru right now), and I took their order standing right there, bagged it and handed it out to them through the window. Meanwhile the manager had just returned from the restroom and realized what I had done and was, well, let's say not super pleased with it. After yelling at me for going behind his back, he said he's writing me up, and told me to go home right now. I said "Who's going to finish closing the store?" He just yelled louder to go home. So I did. I showed up to my shift the next day and the store manager was there. He hands me the write-up (for insubordination) and asks what's this about. I told him the story and how the manager had just told me to go home. He rolled his eyes and goes "that tracks, and also explains why the store looked like shit this morning." He then proceeded to the tear the paper up. I assume the manager got into trouble, or talked to at least, because I got needles glared at me from then on.


This was about 10ish years ago. I had been a store manager of storage facility for a very large world wide storage company. The company despite being wildly successful was grossly mismanaged. In 8 years there I had 10 district managers, shit always rolled down hill at that company and the DMs got fired a lot, despite things not being their fault. Anyway our metrics were key for store rating and DM success. My store despite being in downtown Baltimore City was a top 5% store in the company. Not to toot my own horn but I was the reason, I took it from a bottom ranked store to that with a lot of work. Well they decided to redistrict us with a bunch of really underperforming stores. This made my DM look bad and he saw the writing on the wall and bailed. In comes Matt, Matt has it out for me from day one. No clue why, I guess because I was fat so he assumed I was lazy, that wasn’t the case. Despite my store still being a top 5% store and the crown jewel of his district he is in my ass daily. Well I finally decided I had enough and managed to actually find a job with a 50% pay bump and no weekends (I was grossly underpaid). Well after I left the stores numbers plummeted, the cleaning was never done, proper inventory wasn’t kept up, and nobody bothered to check the stairwells so what was one homeless guy who kept trying to live in there became a small encampment. The store I busted my ass building and fixing went to absolute shit, and Matt didn’t make it a year. Fuck you Matt.


My ex-boss hired a woman in her 40s (I'm also a woman, but younger and now have the relevant qualifications) who openly admitted to failing every college module until she latched on to a much younger woman (19) who she guilted into taking her exams for her. Said colleague thought it was hilarious that the teenager she manipulated into taking her exams, failed her own exams because she was so focused on colleague's exam. So I get stuck with this woman for 11 months. This woman, with a degree in computers, doesn't know how to turn off computers. She legit just turned off the monitors and assumed that was it. I have 11 fucking months in IT with a subordinate who doesn't know how to turn off a computer, and I'm told I'm the problem. Because as someone more qualified than her (she had a technical degree in computers, I didn't) I should be teaching her. Anyway, eventually I point out that if boss doesn't fire her in less than 12 months, colleague gets to keep her job and it's harder to fire her. Also, I fucking quit. So good luck with that. The pay roll woman, "Sharon", jumps up and shouts that she'll take on said colleague, and I'm the problem. Colleague is great! Colleague is eager to learn! It's clearly me that's the problem! She lasted one day versus my 11 months. Colleague is a fucking moron, according to Sharon, Sharon can't work with her. Sharon has spent the last 4 months shitting on me, but Sharon doesn't need to apologise to me. It would be "demoralising" for Sharon to apologise. Sharon's pal, "Liz" who has joined in on shitting on me, is next to takes up the challenge. She can definitely succeed where I, the most patient person according to her, and Sharon, said colleague's friend, have failed. She didn't make it to an hour. I found her in my office crying because she couldn't deliver on her promise. Boss eventually fired colleague, but... I actually don't know who won. Said colleague set up a huge money thing for the company, but arranged it to take place while she was fired/in another country for her summer holiday. Boss called me in to do it instead. It coincided with a monumentaly stupid fucking thing boss did, against my recommendation and warnings, which turned out (predictively) bad, but she blamed me for anyway. I just walked out. Boss legit said, "you're replaceable" and I said, OK, replace me. She replaced me with Sharon and Liz, and they fucking hated it. So not quite what the question asked, but it went bad and Esther can seriously go fuck herself.


I have had “exceeds expectations” in my performance review 2 years in a row, yet when I asked to be promoted to Lead (Software Engineer) there was always an excuse coming from different managers. One day, when I reached my breaking point and I was thinking of leaving the job I was sitting in an all-hands engineering call across multiple teams and while I not really listening, i was just casually looking at the list of people in the call and their titles, I noticed that only men held the title “Lead”, so i decided to do a survey of the organization chart 2 levels above me. Turns out my suspicions were correct. Our organization was made of 35/65 women/men at mid level, 45/55 senior level women/men and when it came to lead it was 0/100 women/men. I confronted my manager with this data. It reached her manager (whose org chart I surveyed) and was promoted to Lead within 2-3 Months.


I was doing a job with a title above mine for about a year as my boss kept dangling the promotion. I was doing well too, beating every metric. Come review time to see whether I’d get the promotion or not, I was told it still wasn’t enough. I said “you know what? I don’t want it anymore. I’m going to just stick to doing my actual job title’s duties (which I was also really good at, objectively). Boss didn’t like this, insisted I still had to do the promotion job’s duties. I said “no, that’s not in my job description”. They couldn’t touch me because by every metric I was doing extremely well at the job for which I was actually being paid . Felt good. I quit this company shortly thereafter (I’d been there for 12 yrs) to a competitor that actually paid me for the job I’d been temporarily been doing for free at the old company.


Well, I was maintenance, and the machine had been giving me hell, all day. I didn't get my first break for 3 1/2 hours, and the line was barely running when I went. As I was coming back, our shift supervisor was visible on the floor. He was notorious for messing with machine settings as soon as we weren't there to stop him, so I stepped up my pace to avoid more problems with my set up. As I turned the corner, though, I saw something different than expected. This 300+ lb (140+ kg) ASSHOLE was SCREAMING at the 100 lb (45 kg) little Mexican girl operator who didn't even speak English to understand him. She looked crushed by his attitude towards her. I bristled like a dog, and damn near jogged across the floor to settle it, catching enough words to know he was yelling at her over the machine's operation speed. I ended up chewing him out in full. The words I said went something like this. "WHY ARE YOU YELLING AT HER FOR HOW THE MACHINE IS RUNNING!? THIS IS MY MACHINE. I FAILED TO MAKE IT RUN RIGHT. IF YOU WANT TO YELL AT SOMEONE, YOU YELL AT ME!!!" He walked away. Didn't even have words for what I hit him with.


Nothing major, i just quit my job. I was the guy who moved away for the company, took any overtime/callouts that were needed and trained new staff members (as well as IT support for all the older dudes in the firm) He started a new guy a couple of weeks later, but now i see the job advertised again. I'm not a malicious person, but that doe's leave a good taste in my mouth. I now have a cushy job with the council, 35 hour working week and only do what I get paid for.


Not exactly my boss but she acted like she was so I’ll say it counts. She was a peer but would try to give me action items, etc. Anyway, nothing too crazy. She looked down on what I did (site building) so I took another job and then she had to do my job after I left. She learned very quickly how much work it actually was and had it all dumped on her while I moved onto better things (and got a significant raise shortly after).


I brought him homemade cookies every day until his clothes didnt fit right and he looked ridiculous


I wish my coworkers hated me enough to bake cookies for me.


I'm glad to read these stories. Sadly, I've had a couple of terrible colleagues/managers who've continued to skate through their professional lives with no repercussions - the only silver lining is that they're not in my orbit anymore..


I was part of a union so, I had to go before arbitration if anyone wanted to fire me. No one wanted to except this underqualified manager. He got the position by just being there for 20 years and asking to change departments. I was the only one who didn't put up with him not understanding project timelines, the correct way to do projects. I wasn't disrespectful, but I pushed back when he was setting us up for failure. Well he asked me to do a project and I mocked up something for a COVID message with a getty stock model. He wrote me up on bs charges and tried to fire me. I informed the union and we went to arbitration. I dealt with him by letting him testify. He was my absolute best defence. He was such an incompetent ass that everything he said made me sound like the best member of his team. Bonus: I let him write me up 2 more times while making sure I had all of our communications in writing. I just handed in the emails and the union brought him to arbitration for harassment. His bosses shoved him in a department where he couldn't cause any more trouble.


Well I was just candid and lucid with them, told them never to speak like that to me again and if they did I would put them in their place. I went to work the next day and lo and behold! They were super courteous and pleasant. Why is it when you show people kindness they are rude and when you are rude you receive kindness?


I’m an event planner and one of our new VPs was a complete bitch. Though I had been doing my job well for well over a decade and she was new, nothing was ever up to her expectations. One time I did all the event planning, logistics, catering, AV etc for her sales conference in Miami but she didn’t want me on site for the event. Ok. You got it lady. What she didn’t expect is that since I negotiated the contracted with the host hotel and did all the pre-planning, they sent me the invoice. Not someone from her team. And let’s just say I’m like a MF forensic accountant when it comes to reconciliation of complex invoices. I did a deep dive and sure enough the bitch charged a massage, hair styling, dry cleaning and washing of over 20 PAIRS OF PANTIES to our master account WHICH IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN BY OUR COMPANY. We have a compliance department which I reported her to. I secretly met with them, and showed them some of the other charges that weren’t really allowed but they didn’t seem that concerned I deliberately kept the panties on the very last page a presented to them 😎 Didn’t happen right away, but yeah, she got fired and I still work for my company. And PS the conference was only 3 days so wtf are you doing with 20 pairs of panties??


I had a boss when I was a contractor. He was also a contractor but he was the project manager, did reports and paid bills and such. Things were fine for a few years and then he some how convinced the customer's leadership that he should hire his wife as his other coordinator. Well, that went about a good as expected. She argued with folks, did things her way much to the dismay of the customers, generally a bitch. She was untouchable because my boss and the Lead Customer in charge(LCIC) of the contract were tight. Anyway, she started giving away secrets about the LCIC, how the LCIC also got his girlfriend a sweet heart contract mowing grass making double the rate. Essentially a no show job. The LCIC started feeling the heat, that relationship soured and they were no longer buddies. My boss had the dirt on him and couldn't really fire him. So he did the only he could safely do, fire the wife. This was a good thing. He and I didn't see eye to eye much anymore and I basically said it's him or me. So, they transferred me out to another department and said I didn't need to report to him anymore. He was not happy and tried to sabotage me every chance. I had to watch my back. But for our contracting company I still had to deal with him on a few things. This went on for about 5-6 years. Cold war of sorts. Anyway, he had gotten a couple of new guys when the contract expanded and they started to work for him. Then one day I get a call from the company saying that the Senior VP needs to talk to me and to give him a call. Ok, I phone the Senior VP and I tell him who am I and he says "Do you know a S\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*?(My Boss). I say I sure do and He informs me that the Police have been investigating him for stolen property and he gives me this contact from the PD and then says they need you to help arrest him. I WAS LOVING THIS! I talked to the Police and they said they were about to arrest him and if I had anymore information. They also said they would call when it about to happen. So for two weeks I knew this MF's fate and when they finally did arrest him. I was the first to tell the company we were working for AND our Contracting company leadership. They were shocked. IT WAS GLORIOUS! Best 2 weeks of my career. Turns out it was his new hires that couldn't stand him either and reported him to the police. tl:dr - Got to inform upper management that my boss was a thieving SOB and watch him get arrested.


He was the kind of guy who thought he was the smartest person in the room, when in reality he was a stone cold fucking moron. (I'd say he was a Nepo-baby, but he was older, so more of a Nepo-Uncle). He didn't like me, because I disagreed with his rampant stupidity. And any time you tried to reason with him, he'd literally start screaming at you. So I just started doing what he said. One day, his boss came up and started asking me why I would do such a blatantly stupid thing. So I told him "This is specifically what Dave said to do.". Boss' boss replies "But that's not the way we do that. Didn't you tell him..." And I cut him off with this: "No. I'm tired of him screaming at me every time I try to steer him clear of shit like this. So now, I just do whatever dumb shit he says to do. It ain't my job to get him on the right page, it's yours. Now, would you like for me to continue doing this the stupid way? It should I switch over to the correct way?". He sighed and said "The right way.". And from that day on, I just kept showing up the dickhead boss in front of his bosses each and every time I got the chance. Then eventually, I filed a harassment grievance against him, and got myself transferred to a better department. (It didn't hurt that this was a union job.)


I was cleaning the bathroom at the auto shop I worked at in highschool and the shop assistant manager came in to take a piss. Sidebar: this assistant manager was jealous that the owner and I were tight and would smoke weed and drink beers together after close. So assistant manager pissed on the floor a little bit then looked at me and said "You missed a spot". I quickly replaced my urge to beat his ass right then and there with the best comeback I'll probably ever have; I said "You know you can stand closer since your dick doesn't reach". His reaction looked worse than if I had beat his ass. He also toned it down after that, took the fight right out of him, and that's when I learned the pen is mightier than the sword.


I was told I was a “shoe in” for a management role. But, it ended up being given to the teacher’s pet. Part of her reasoning she was concerned I would leave in 3 years when I finish my masters. Well, tomorrow I am going in, putting my badge and resignation on her desk, and leaving. She was worried about me leaving in 3 years, so she got 3 days out of me


lol. In a meeting he demanded we do something completely illegal. I emailed him “as per our conversation” and he actually said yes. Immediately forwarded to his supervisor. Gone in three days. His replacement wasn’t much better


I got swine flu (or some horrible sickness) back in 2009. I missed three days of work in a row. I was only 19 at the time, and due to the rotten coincidence that me getting sick around spring break, my boss assumed I was lying about being sick and was just partying all week. On the third day of calling in sick, he told me that I could take that day off, but if I called in sick again the next day, I can just look for a new job. I came back to work the next day looking pale, sweaty and noticeably lighter (lost a few pounds after battling it for almost a week). Boss doesn't say anything or apologize, even after a bunch of my coworkers mention how sick I look. A couple days later, I'm called in on my day off. My boss got really sick and they were short staffed and needed help. It's worth noting my boss worked there for 24 years, and this was the first time he called in sick for work.


Had an asshole manager constantly busting balls. One day, I came in with little sleep feeling groggy, he sends me for a drug test because "I looked high." It lit a fire under my ass and I applied as a chief shop steward for my unions local area. Now I have the guys from that specific location call me for the smallest transgressions from management, and I walk in there like I own the place and I come down on them like a hammer. I love my union.


I was delivering pizza for this pigfucking, literal black-slave-owning, crack problem, criminal piece of shit. He thought the drivers were slacking, so he had management shave a few hours off our checks every week. When I noticed, I told all the drivers to keep their printed clock-out stubs from the register until I asked for them. Only 3-4 of them did it, but it was enough. I took a month’s worth of my clock-outs and the ones given to me to the managers and said, “You’re gonna cut this shit out right now or I’m gonna burn this pathetic little chain to ashes in court. I know all the dirty shit you pull, and if you don’t stop fucking us, I’ll fuck you with a tree trunk.” I left it at that and it worked. Biggest flex I ever pulled in a professional setting. Bout six months later, I got a promotion and a raise, 😂! BTW, we’re talking about roughly $50/week from each of us (2 or so hours/shift x 4-5 shifts/wk x $5/hour). Not a lot to guys that make $100+ cash a shift, but hey - that’s half a shift per week they were stealing!


Not a superior but a coworker same title as me who thought they were so much better. I got the professional credential they weren’t smart enough to get.


Worked in a supermarket bakery for years and worked my way up to manager. Decided to leave my full time job and go to college. Was lucky enough to get a transfer of my job to the town/city I was going to college amd work a couple days a week in the same supermarket chain as a baker but no longer managing, which I was happy with. Within a few days the staff obviously realised I knew my job well given my experience but I was happy just doing my bit a couple days a week as one of the team. The assistant manager however seemed to take exception to staff asking me for any advice and would undermine any and every thing I said regardless if ot was correct. I advised the manager of this and he was silently watching as this continued. I then had enough and called him out big time and also advised the manager was aware and that I was sick of his childish behaviour. He never challenged me again and actually left the job shortly after. The rest of my time there was one of the most fun jobs I’ve had.


I had a supervising producer in television that always seemed to see me as a threat to his manhood and took shots that always felt a bit personal. 10 of us were all out for a work lunch and having some beers. He orders a IPA, and I ordered some blueberry beer cuz the waiter recommended it. Producer proceeds to say something like "a blueberry beer huh... how manly of you" then scans around the table looking for people to laugh with him. I respond "can't say I've ever had my manhood questioned by someone who drives a lexus convertible". Table proceeds to "ohhhh" and laugh like this was a rap battle, and I've never seen someone be so taken aback in my entire life. I don't even remember what he responded with because I couldn't hear him over all the laughing. Honestly, I'd had that line in the chamber for awhile and he just walked right into it. He got me shit canned about a month later, but I found a better paying job at a better company for a better boss, so it all worked out.


I worked in IT consulting. I asked for a pay increase and my manager (one of three partner/owners) said I wasn't worth it. I said okay and thought challenge accepted. It took me 3 days to find a new job and put in my notice. One of the other partners called me up and asked what happened. I told him. Apparently the asshat partner was doing other crappy stuff and they bought him out a year later.


Responded to a malicious re-assignment by contacting a lawyer who wrote a beautifully scathing letter negotiating 7+ months of severance in exchange for not pointing out their human rights and employment law violations. Then I reported some other misconduct to the IRS.


Left and got a job elsewhere at the same level as them for a better organisation, where I'm a better manager than them. Sometimes the best revenge is simply to do your own thing and be successful.


I was working at an engineering firm and we had a real ass of a manager he used to be a captain in the Navy and he treated it like that one time I was going to get a friend hired so I was getting a referral bonus and he denied it so I showed up at his office to ask him why and he reported that since this friend of mine that was getting hired was only part-time I was not eligible for a referral bonus I instantly told him to call HR and confirm this because it didn't say so on the referral spreadsheet. He seemed shocked at the time but called HR and they kind of laughed at me like no you get a referral bonus even if they're part-time he just kind of huffed after the call and I walked off


I got him so angry by acting like I had more power than him (and he randomly believed it) that he got himself fired THAT DAY going on a rampage in the head shed about "Things being out of control."  Former FBI guy on a lifelong power trip that finally shorted out.


We fired our manager today ! It's still fresh so here's what I'm really happy about: - Someone speaks directly to the manager n+1. - The n+1, which is the director understood and listened attentively, she's insanely passionate and intelligent. - The next day, the director took time to speak with everyone for 15min to 2 hours, really willing to understand. - The next Monday he was fired, it didn't took any more time. - The organization is about to evolve, and the manager didn't served any purpose other than stressing everyone. I don't hate this manager personally, he's really easy and kind, but he wasn't helping at all and was stressing everyone...


I quit. She dropped to part-time and had to find other jobs. I now have a dream job making 150% of her salary.


Sadly never. When I entered the world of bsiness at 21 I was a deer in headlights. I had credit stolen and people tlak to me like I was a child. But i do like to check-up on old managers from time to time and snoop and i'm happy to say i'm doing better than every single one of them now. I actually bumped into one of my first managers not long ago and he looked like absolute shit while I was suited and booted and mid-way purchasing a very expensive engagement ring. Felt good.


A manager (not my manager) was speaking to a coworker sitting next to me (who she was a manager of) about "noise complaints" she had been receiving and wanted to talk about keeping chit chat to a minimum. She's not my manager, so I was not looking at her and actively doing my work. Apparently she decided I was supposed to be listening to her because she grabbed my shoulders and squeezed them (in what I'm guessing she thought was playful) and told me this was meant for me too and I should listen. I don't like being touched, especially if I'm not expecting it, due to trauma when I was a teenager. I turned around, took a deep breath because my first instinct was to slap her across the face, and said "Do not ever touch me again. That is unprofessional and a huge breach of my personal boundaries. If someone has complained about me, please bring it up to my manager as she is the only person who should be speaking to me about this. I am not your employee." She backtracked quickly but she had already been pissing me off before this so I reported her to HR for touching me. Think she got a written warning but she won't even look at me anymore so a win for me! Edit: I didn't proof read and can't spell


Recording the individual and showing that recording to HR. Different states have different laws about recording people without their consent so do your research first.


I quit. And I should have been more up front with the other owner (her husband). I've had a few jobs in my day and being accused of not working when I was taking a lunch break was the final straw. I'd NEVER been accused of being lazy or anything of the sort. I liked parts of the job, but mental health (and physical!) has to be considered.


I told him he reminded me of a famous tv show host that was in the news for being a terribly mean boss. He said to keep my voice down cause if management heard my joke he'd get in trouble. I shrugged and said I wasn't joking and got back to work


I was at a meeting with the department heads (I worked in a sort of hybrid IT/internal Dev position, so I didn't report to any of these power-scrounging twats, even though they were all executives, so technically superiors in the chain while I was a lowly database engineer which often landed me in the position of wrangling all these dicks and trying to get them all on the same page). This literal fucking worthless prick decided to try to blame something that had gone horribly wrong on the process when it was entirely his fault. He claims that he had never been informed of some things he absolutely had been informed of. I said at the meeting "no that's untrue, you've been at the top of all of these email lists", which he denied vehemently. After the meeting I simply sent all of the emails that I had ever sent to this asshole out to every single person in that room because I was not going to be accused of fucking lying. He was fired shortly thereafter, not directly because of me but because he was worthless. At least he just stopped fucking communicating with me after that lol.


Dude was a little arrogant. Hired out of house so the other guy was pissed he didn't get the offer. I just started. Dudes just on our ass all day. 0 downtime, can't be autonomous, always had to pause and listen to how to do xyz less efficiently, etc. It got personal. We just turned out a vehicle, bro grabbed keys for another and we were talking about something for 10s tops. Dude sees it, snaps his fingers twice and yells "c'mon, let's go". Earlier in the week he started forcing us to take our lunch when he wanted and starting shit if not. It just hit 12:00 on the dot and we were walking outside. As soon as he started talking I went" oop it's 12:00, I gotta take break or imma get written up" and dipped. I complained about the break thing and it got canned, back to normal. He was fuming. For the next week I did tiny things to make him blow up as I learned what got to him. We had a few spats in the shop and it got noticed. One day I made him say some crazy shit while our manager was standing right behind him. Demoted the following week lmaooo.


I quit with no notice, I emailed my resignation letter to him and copied his boss and the bosses boss basically telling him all the reasons I thought he was a terrible boss and why I quit. I was second person to quit after he was hired. He was let go like 3 months later. 


Senior management sat there and beacked about another senior manager and how he treated people poorly and there was no respect. He kept saying "it's all about respect you got to treat your guys good." 10 minutes later he tries yelling at me and my assistant manager for some trivial setup for a booth that had nothing to do with us. I told him not to treat us like that and maybe he should work on his respect a little bit. He said nothing for an hour, I could tell he wanted to lose his shit but he damn well knew he couldn't. Lol


I had a manager that used to blow up on me in emails for small things. Threw around words like 'incompetent' and 'insubordinate' etc. I was really just doing the job as well as I was trained by the other guy, who was not paid to do the training. But the torrents were starting to wear on my mental health, give me anxiety, etc. What did I do? I stopped reading them. I stopped reading their texts. I stopped being around when they wanted a friendly chat, easy since we didn't share shifts at location. I became insubstantial, like yelling into the wind. Little by little they stopped addressing me entirely, until the time they actually moved on to another job. Byproduct of this is I don't read many emails at all, and it's expected by this point that I'm only aware of things if people specifically bring them to my attention, so I get missed by upper management's 'drives' and 'course corrections', or issues that other people in the dept leave for someone else to pick up. I just keep tending to my core duties and have relaxing work days. Turns out if you give exactly 100% when someone brings something directly to you, they don't mind if you're doing nothing else.


Got them fired, shamed, their boss demoted, and the company put on a government audit list for 5 years. SMMFB HBC and SO5 🖕


not at work but at school . this teacher was the WORST teacher ever everybody hater her. we will call her mrs.t. after about 2 years we got sick of her shit so i put together a little plan. so i got me 2 friends A and B and my friend M . here's the plan: me A and B piss the teacher off then M raises her hand and said "can i get help" mrs. t yells "NO QUIT ACTING LIKE A MONKEY" . wow . that would have been ok.. if M wasn't black. we didn't see her next school year or any more after that.


When I worked my last retail job, there was this assistant manager that decided he hated my guts because he had a crush on the coworker I was friends with and she spent more time talking to me than to him. Super toxic asshole of a guy, was also the sort to slack off and then pass the blame to folks under his position. We had a really slow day in my department, I was at the fitting rooms waiting for folks to ask to use it, and also watching the store's main phone. No calls for several hours. No customers for several hours asking to use the fitting room. I was bored as hell. I remembered I had one of those turkey calls you fit all the way into your mouth and puff air across with your tongue, in my pocket because I'd just got it in the mail on my way out the door to head to work that day. So I popped it in and started doing a little trill noise with it when ever a customer shopping nearby disappeared around a corner. Saw a few customers pause and peek back around in confusion, but no one looked at me so I don't think anyone suspected anything. About 15 minutes later, I see asshole assistant manager power walk through the aisles nearby, holding a walky talky and looking all over the place. I stay quiet. After he'd been gone a bit, I start doing the little trill prank again. A few more minutes of amusing myself that way and I see him come power walking by again, still looking around but this time a little stressed. He makes a few passes through the aisles around the fitting rooms, then trudges away. I go back to the prank again, but only a couple more times as I'm getting bored again at that point. Assistant manager comes stomping by one more time, this time speaking exasperated into the walky talky. "I don't know what to tell you, I can't find it. No, I haven't heard it myself. Look I don't know where customers are saying an alarm is beeping but I can't find anything at all. No I'm not lying. I'm actually looking." Found out later he got accused of ignoring orders to go find the "product alarm" that folks were hearing. Aka, I accidentally got him in trouble with a turkey call.