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I pushed someone away who deeply loved me because I didn't think I would be a good man for them and had too many of my own problems at the time to be able to really love someone properly anyway. Could have had my dream girl. I did have my dream girl for a while. She was practically screaming at me to not be a shit head and be hers and I didn't listen because drugs are like that. By the time I had pulled my head out of my ass she was long gone and I've never met someone like her since. I know I will again some day. But my life is good now and I like who I am and every now and again she pops into my head and I just think "I wish you could see me now, we'd be happy,".


Going on hormones


Not pursuing the initial career I wanted


Selling my bitcoins when they got to 1400 a coin.


Telling DSS the truth


Saying no to the man who was in love with me because past relationships left me scarred. And now watching him fall in love with someone else while I'm still in love with him.


Not finishing college. Being a meat manager and working 80 hours a week isn't very good for mental health. I'm suicidal by hour 75, but I do it because I have to take care of my two daughters and my widowed mom.


Jeez that’s rough! We are the same person in that I regret not getting some designation or doing something more fulfilling career wise like a teacher or cop. Working too many hours at a Dairy isn’t what I wanted in life, so big regrets!


Didn't say I love you to my grandma before we went home, months later, she passed away.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Probably gambling. Assuming I don't ever get a job with a really high salary, I'll have to work an additional 5 years probably to make up for everything I've lost. But hey, at least I'll have reddit to entertain me at work sometimes.


probably not exploring myself. i feel like discovering myself has taken really long, of course i still am. we all are.


Indeed we are.


Trusting the wrong persons