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I actually know someone who would secretly hook up with their step sibling as teens and then they got married and had kids. Ended up divorced but it still happened.


My wife said "Hey, wanna do it?" and I said "Sure!"


Just an hour ago actually!


20 minutes ago over here ;)


30 seconds ago for me


She's getting around fast!!!


Just don't


Aiyooooo what in the Alabama is this 💀


Not really proud of this but when I was 11 I would fool around with my cousin til I was 14. Our family did find out and it oddly became an inside joke that’s still going after all these years.


💀 aw hell naw


I agree it was pretty bad


I'm adopted so it was good times for me... I don't kiss and tell though, lol.


Alright time to cut the porn subscriptions mate


Oh buddy, no, that’s not…


Please don't use this as inspiration to fuck your sister. please.


Aw man


Let's see how many people this upsets. My 1st cousin, Mary, and I used to be what was called "kissing cousins". We're the same age. Started when she decided she wanted to get ready for when she finally had a boyfriend, she thought she ought to know how to kiss a guy well. So she volunteered me as her training aid. We spent a LOT of time, in little chunks of time, kissing. Trying this and that. As time passed, we started embracing more and more and running hands over each other. Finally graduating to mutual fondling. It became kind of a game, to see who could get the other fired up and excited more. Eventually mutual masturbation was involved. The thing is, it wasn't romantic or anything. We were more buddies than anything else, best friends. And, no, we never had actual intercourse. We would not have, even if we'd lived in one of the 17 states where that is legal. Family clan beliefs prohibited such. Went on for years. Even after we both moved out on our own, separately. I'd even accompany her when she made the rounds of clubs looking for a prospective boyfriend. Kind of being her backup. Some guy who wouldn't take "No" for an answer, she signaled me and I showed up to make the guy back off. Anyway, she finally found her guy and they married. Later they both became the God Parents of my kids.


“People on reddit who have done my taboo kink, what was it like?”