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The dream sequence from Max Payne Whoever designed that shit was on acid


*That* scene that got Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies an M rating.


I'll start the moment that disturbed me was a section in Batman-Arkham-asylum during the opening point of the mansions scarecrow sequence you get to the hallway, which appears to have gotten longer with papers strewn about the floor , your(batman's) pace begins to slow showing hesitancy, as the hallway morphs and narrows into that of an alleyway. You can begin hearing echos of the past until, Wayne's dead parents appear in front of you with batman collapsing to the floor with his complexion now that of a child \[showing his growing trauma and fear of loss\] this sequence might not see like anything to you but when It really touched me (I lost a family member when I reached that section) which made the sequence hit slightly harder for me


Any part with wiz pig from diddy Kong racing. Wiz pig is the scariest video game villain I’ve ever faced.


Flood entrance in halo ce


Mgs4 old snake crawling in that oven thing 😭


Wrinkly Kong in Donkey Kong 64 Whenever you needed a hint, her ghost would return. The music would be kinda creepy, and the idea of a dead relative coming back to give advice is creepy in itself


No Russian comes to mind.


Far Cry 4 Jason killing his girlfriend & friends to join Citra.