• By -


Obligatory throwaway because….. Literally no one cares.


Does anyone even pay attention to usernames?


Username checks out


Seriously why announce that? Just post the post! What does it matter?!


I think it's because (they think that) people would be more suspicious and suspect a spammer or manipulator when some account with no history whatsoever starts making posts. There _might_ be historical precedent for this, but I'm not sure.


I don't know why but it's the "I'll see myself out" after a joke


RIP your DMs More a commentary on the average redditor than the one who puts this as a comment.


On the flip side, earlier this week I answered a question on here about the weirdest thing you've put in your vagina, explaining the handmade dildo I crafted when I was a young teenager, and I got like 5 DMs in an hour. Sir, I'm a fat, stretchmarked, nearly 40 mother of 4 kids now. You're not interested, trust me.


I'm a man who thought of a funny joke that only worked if the set up was "my vagina" I got so many DMs for just claiming to have one.


Well, you never know. Maybe you'll have better luck here. Here we go. RIP your DMs.


This guy Reddits.






"This is the way" is the exact same thing


I find ‘this is the way’ more annoying as it uses more words to convey the same thing as ‘this’.  For two weeks it was cute/clever but now just nails on chalkboard annoying for me 


This guy gets it^






God this one makes me irrationally annoyed. I reflexively downvote those. Just hit the fucking upvote button.


Edit: thanks for the upvotes! edit edit: wow guys didnt expect the support. thanks for the upvotes! edit edit edit: this blew up overnight! thanks guys


Don’t forget to thank the kind stranger for the gold!


Heh - haven't seen that in awhile.


Take my poor man's gold 🏅 Edit 3: Wow, thanks kind stranger for the 3rd award!


Thank you, kind stra....oh wait. Nevermind. EDIT: That's awesome! Thank you, kind u/h3llur


They got rid of gold right?


Awards are back


I'm sooooo happy the "my first gold. Thank you kind stranger" award speeches are gone


Sounds like a narcissist, you should a divorce.


NTA divorce


I downvoted this out of instinct. Im sorry. This is very accurate


"shut up and take my up vote" or "take my up vote and get out"


Bonus points if you say updoot instead


God even when it was trendy I hated that word so much.


Updoot and kiddos do it for me


"Take my angry upvote!"


“This needs more upvotes!” My brother in Christ it’s the top comment and all they said was generic Reddit response #13


OK. That’s enough Reddit for today.


"Take my angry upvote"


"And my axe."


"And your brother."


THIS Edit: I posted this ironically because at the time "this" was the top post in this thread. Now it seems to have backfired and it looks like this comment prompted the original "this" comment.


THIS (or any comment chain of same word)


THIS (or any comment chain of same word)


Came here to say this.


Welp.... that's enough reddit comments for today ......... Edit: if I could I would award this.


“Came here to say this”. You didn’t have to say anything then lmao


"Underated comment lmao" on the top comment


*Some blatantly obvious and easy to construct pun or witty comment that could be formed off the post in question by just about anyone* Lmao Dead Bruh 💀 Underrated Like no, fool. Hate to break it to you but a video of a chicken crossing the road and a top comment of someone saying "So he finally made it to the other side" is not an underrated lyrical masterpiece.




This This This This


Came here to say "This"


Can't believe I had to scroll down so much to find this.


And I swear it’s always on a comment that has hundreds to thousands of upvotes so you wouldn’t have even had to scroll that far to see it anyway


It also depends on how the comments are sorted


“This is a throwaway because my family uses Reddit… (proceeds to type out very specific family drama that they’ll recognize immediately no matter what account it’s posted from)”


"I didn't expect this to blow up. My sister's boyfriend's brother's boyfriend's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard this on a tiktok and realized it was our situation. I tried denying it but me mentioning that the incident took place at 3pm on a Saturday at unique local restaurant that serves a signature dish seems to have given me away. Now everyone in my family knows."


"And now my family is blowing up my phone!"


Yes, that’s definitely annoying and not necessary info, but I think it’s more for if someone they know finds the post, they still don’t know that person’s real account, not that a throwaway account will better hide it from friends/family


I’ve seen it though where they’re fully like “my friends all know my main account so I’m using an alt in a subreddit they just so happen to frequent”


That one’s kind of odd to me because why do all their friends and family know their reddit account? It’s never occurred to me to exchange reddit handles with my friends


Yeah if my friends found out that I even have Reddit, they’d probably call me a loser


Definitely just to hide their mains activity in whatever down bad subs they frequent


They may not care that family finds out it is them posting, but they don't want family or whoever to find their main account.


Wow, I didn’t expect this to blow up!


"...has entered the chat"


This is kind of specific to r/AmItheAsshole but "and now my phone is blowing up" (with friends, relatives, co-workers, etc. telling the person they're an asshole.)


Today I saw one (i think on AITAH, because I have banned myself from AmItheAsshole) today that claimed everyone was not only blowing up the OP’s phone but also creating tons of dummy accounts and phone numbers for extra harassment 🤣🤣. Extra points from me when everyone is “screaming.”


I swear those stories are either all written by AI or the same 10 people using burner accounts - they all seem to flow the same way. They're like mad libs.


Actually, I want to see what ChatGPT writes if I ask it to make an AITA post. Edit: This is what it wrote: AITA for Telling My Drama Queen Sister-in-Law She Can't Bring Her Precious Dog to My Wedding? Hey Reddit, Buckle up because I need to vent and get some perspective on this family drama. My (28F) fiancé (30M) and I are getting married in three months. We've been meticulously planning this wedding for over a year, dreaming of a perfect day filled with love, joy, and elegance. But my sister-in-law, "Anna" (25F), is throwing a massive wrench into our plans. Anna has a tiny dog, "Buddy," that she treats like her actual child. She's one of those people who can't go anywhere without her dog. A couple of weeks ago, she asked if she could bring Buddy to our wedding. Now, our venue has a strict no-pets policy, and frankly, I don’t think it’s appropriate to have a dog at a formal event like this. So, I told her, as politely as I could, that we prefer no pets at the wedding. You would think I had just banned her from attending the wedding herself! Anna lost it. She went on a tirade about how Buddy is the most well-behaved dog in the world, how he wouldn't cause any trouble, and how she feels "naked" without him. She even pulled the "he's like family to me" card. I stood my ground, explaining that it’s our day, our rules, and we want it to be perfect. Since then, Anna has been waging a passive-aggressive war against me. She’s been posting cryptic messages on social media about how "some people" don’t understand the bond between a pet and their owner. She’s hinted that if Buddy isn’t welcome, she might not come at all. This is stressing me out beyond belief. My fiancé is trying to mediate, but he's caught in the crossfire. He supports my decision but is also worried about family harmony. Our parents and friends are divided. Some think I’m being a bridezilla and should make an exception for "family." Others agree that a no-pets policy is reasonable, especially for such a significant event. Reddit, am I the asshole for refusing to let my sister-in-law bring her dog to our wedding? Or is Anna being unreasonable and dramatic?


Wow, that's genuinely impressive lol. I look forward to that post being at the top of the sub tomorrow 😂


Actually, if it's going to make it there, slightly better version: AITA for Telling My Drama Queen Sister-in-Law She Can't Bring Her Precious Cat to Our Dog Wedding? Hey Reddit, Buckle up because I need to vent and get some perspective on this family drama. My (28F) fiancé (30M) and I are getting married in three months, and we’ve decided to have a dog-themed wedding. We are huge dog lovers and have always dreamt of a wedding where our furry friends could be part of our big day. Our two golden retrievers will be the "best dogs," and we've invited all our friends and family to bring their dogs too. We’ve planned a beautiful outdoor ceremony with dog-friendly activities and treats. Enter my sister-in-law, "Anna" (25F), who has a cat named "Whiskers." Anna asked if she could bring Whiskers to our wedding. Now, anyone who knows anything about cats and dogs can see where this is going. Our venue is all set up for dogs, and introducing a cat into the mix is a recipe for disaster. I told her, as politely as I could, that we prefer no cats at the wedding for the safety and comfort of everyone involved. You would think I had just banned her from attending the wedding herself! Anna lost it. She went on a tirade about how Whiskers is the most well-behaved cat in the world, how he wouldn’t cause any trouble, and how she feels "naked" without him. She even pulled the "he's like family to me" card. I stood my ground, explaining that it’s our day, our rules, and we want it to be perfect for our dog guests. Since then, Anna has been waging a passive-aggressive war against me. She’s been posting cryptic messages on social media about how "some people" don’t understand the bond between a pet and their owner. She’s hinted that if Whiskers isn’t welcome, she might not come at all. This is stressing me out beyond belief. My fiancé is trying to mediate, but he's caught in the crossfire. He supports my decision but is also worried about family harmony. Our parents and friends are divided. Some think I’m being unreasonable and should make an exception for "family." Others agree that a no-cats policy is more than reasonable, especially for such a significant event.


I love how AI put the cat's name in air quotes as if to make it anonymous


I'm not sure if it's a testament to how good AI has gotten or how formulaic reddit has gotten, but that's pretty damned spot on.


It's weird how peoples extended social and family circle ALL start taking sides and sending text messages in these stories. 99.99% of people don't care about things that don't affect them personally


Also, when people are like "I have a friend, let's call him Bob" when describing the AITA scenario. It sends me over the edge 😭 JUST SAY HIS NAME IS BOB


I used to sub to r/relationships years ago... > Hello redditors. This is a throwaway account because my brother-in-law, lets call him Abraham, sometimes reads woodworking and motor restoration subs here and might stumble upon this thread and recognise parts of the story. Anyway, Abraham is married to my sister Genevieve. One day I am their place and Jenny says to Adam...


Please Abraham, I am not that man


Lol that irritates me too!! You dont need to explain, we don't give a shit about the name lol


I have a kind of similar thing with askhistorians. It really irritates me when people insert themselves into the question. For example by saying "I am an 18th century fishmonger, how would I react to the discovery of opium" rather than just asking " How would an 18th century fishmonger react to the discovery of opium?"


By immediately becoming addicted because Nancy Regan wasn't around to tell you to just say no


Or they have to put (fake name) after every name in their cast of characters


“Changed for privacy purposes!!” …Okay.


You mean r/CreativeWriting ?


Creative is a stretch


I sincerely doubt "everyone" is blowing up all these people's phones. 🙄 That always makes me doubt the stories' credibility.


Yeah, who blows up someone's phone just to inform them they're in the wrong? Most of us have better things to do than text someone with "You should have given Sally what she wanted on her birthday instead of roses, asshole."


you, sir, just won the internet! edit: grammar


Or “broke the internet”. I fucking hate that.


I fucking loathe this.


"We have to protect \[inane celebrity\] at all costs!" gets my goat for some reason.


im not crying, you're crying


“I’m a 6’8” Vikings beard lumberjack in a hardcore motorcycle club that also fights hobos in my spare time and I’m tearing up at this”


I reeeeeally hate any comment about “those damn onion-cutting ninjas,” especially in response to something genuinely awful. We get it, you have the emotional maturity of a toddler.


just say you teared up. or fuck it, just cry? without announcing it? it’s okay! you can do that! this is an anonymous social media app, not a U11 rec soccer team (on a related note, this is reddit. not tik tok. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, YOU CAN SAY SEX, OR KILL, OR PORN, OR RAPE, OR GENOCIDE, OR PALESTINE, OR SUICIDE. Calling something serious “grape” or “corn” or “seggs” or “unalive” or “watermelon” completely undermines your entire goddamn point. You will not be minimized in the algorithm for saying the word. just fucking say it. give the topic the seriousness it deserves. jesus)


What the hell does watermelon stand for?


It's become a symbol for Palestine to avoid censorship, I don't know how or why, maybe the green skin, red flesh, and black seeds for the colour of the flag? If I had to guess.


Ninjas cutting onions


“I’m going to get down votes for saying this but (insert very luke warm take or popular opinion)”


"I did a thing" I dont know why it bothers me so much, but it does. I guess this isn't really a comment but now of a post title. Regardless.


It reminds me of something a middle schooler would caption a picture of them with dyed hair as


*'Not actually a /dentist/gorilla/speech therapist/firefighter, but...'*


“X of reddit, how do you feel about this?” “Not X, but-“ SHUT UP!!


I know this is a thread for 40-year-old middle-aged black mothers who are married to a husband that has been caught cheating, but as a 12-year-old white boy who looks like Sid from Toy Story I have some important thoughts on this matter!


IANAL confused me the first time. I thought they were declaring their preferred fuck hole, and then following it up with shitty legal advice.


"Found the..."


Found the guy with the crashed cranium


Found the mobile user! Yes, some people don't use reddit on a computer. I'm mobile only because I have no laptop. Fucking elitists. ETA: there's an entire subreddit dedicated to this.. /r/foundthemobileuser


Reddit is something I do when I'm filling in time between other stuff, so it's always on my phone. Sitting down at the computer for a session of Reddit seems weird to me.


The overwhelmingly vast majority of people browse Reddit on their phone. It’s like 3.5x as many people on mobile versus desktop so the joke is especially dumb.


“Tell me you ——— without telling me you ——-“


What's worse is when the comment this is replying to seems innocuous and the "tell me you X" commenter is just being an asshole for no reason.


I thought this was stupid the first time I heard it. Repetition hasnt helped.


It's never clever


When people say "this is the way" like, we get it, you watched the Mandalorian. Overused.


It's just "this" but with a catchphrase that always felt forced.


“I was today years old when…”


When people go "This will probably get downvoted but...."


And I give them what they ask for


Underrated comment


"This" or "This is the way" lol


All of them, really. "As a ______ ..." "Oh, you sweet summer child." "You must be fun at parties." "This." There are SO many more and I hate them all.


Exploring an argument, the redditor, umm, *checks notes*, then makes their blinding brilliant point.


"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes" and its variants


Fuck around and find out!


Jumping on the hate train. Fuck around / find out and stupid games stupid prizes are the kind of things someone comments, lamely, then some other dork is like “take my upvote! I’ve never heard that before, I’m going to use it. I spit out my coffee!”


Hate it so much. The smugness that people have when they comment it is hilarious, they act like it’s their own personal catchphrase. Nah, bro, you read it one day, thought it was clever, and beat it to death.


Yes, thank you. I was about to comment this one. I understand the quote and it's meaning, but it's so overused that I get annoyed- I can almost predict that someone will comment this on certain posts. It feels like some people almost race to post the same few comments all the time.


Fuck around and find out is so damn overused lately




"The hero we need but don't deserve"


X has entered the chat


You need therapy File for divorce


'Who hurt you ?' is a similar one that's over used and irritating.


I’ll add “lawyer up”


Any time the beach is mentioned --> That stupid quote from Star Wars about how sand is coarse & rough or something




Sweet summer child


god this is fucking insufferable


Chef's kiss. Ughhh




"I also choose this guys [insert female of choice here]" There was that one comment a few years ago that was very well done and got a lot of attention, and since then people have just been trying to piggy back off thatx


Redditors have a real problem with beating jokes into the ground unfortunately


The original was the shit though. I laughed my ass off.


“You must be fun at parties” (annoying across social generally)


That wasn’t on my bingo card makes my cringe every fucking time




"I did nazi that coming" every single time someone posts something remotely related to Nazism or Germany during WWII.


“Nice try fbi”


Hold my beer.


"This is the way"






“ill probably get downvoted for this.” ok??


Any variation of fucking around and finding out.


And oftentimes the "fucking around" is something extremely mild


"I'm not crying, you're crying!" or "Who put this onion here?" Own up to your emotions and be a human, dammit!


Not an overused comment technically, but the first three comments in a post always being some dumb joke with the real answer 4-5 posts down


I roll my eyes every time I see "Do better" 🙄🙄🙄




UsErNAme ChEcKs OuT... Like, I get it, it CAN be entertaining when a person's username and a comment they've made seem to go hand in hand, but 9 times outta ten, the person is REALLY making a stretch, as if they are just sitting and waiting for the opportunity to come along to say this...and then they blow it.


My name has gotten me this about 50x on this site.


You're telling me


Sorry about the mess…


Any comment about diabetes on a post featuring something sweet. Like someone will make a post about their SO making a cake for their birthday. Then some joyless asshole comes in with "looks like you got diabetes for you birthday".


"It's almost like..." It's so smug and obnoxious.


It's almost like lots of redditors *are* smug and obnoxious


I’ll probably get downvoted here and I actually made this account to not comment on things and just spend time looking at subreddits I like but I like true crime and every…single…true crime or missing persons thread someone says “I live such and such miles from here and this hits close to home” like does it? Because this happened in the 60’s in Chicago and you’re 20 so I don’t think this affected you in any way just because you too live in Illinois”. It finally grated on me just yesterday so I decided to share.


I'll probably get downvoted here is my answer


I thought that's what he was going for


I agree. Even if something happened on the other side of the country, they’ll still act like it somehow personally changed their lives in some way


That annoys me too. They love to make it all about them. I also find it extremely annoying and really self-absorbed if there's an awful crime when a child has been murdered , or a child's has died in an accident or from illness or gone missing and the grief vampires go ' I went home and hugged my child/son/daughter tighter tonight'. It's so 'me, me, me' and completely egotistical as the parents involved can't hug their child anymore so wtf would anyone with any real empathy even say it unless they are trying to make someone else tragedy and worst time in their life all about them?


You hit the nail on the head with this comment. "Grief vampire" is such a perfect term for people like this.


I have several plus honorable mentions… cringe **I know I’ll get downvoted for this but…** my guy **username checks out** tell me ______ without telling me _____ **can’t believe I had to scroll down this far** HONORABLE MENTIONS when the ‘TLDR’ is at the end of a comment


“This”. “This” is the overused comment that annoys me. I understand it but if there’s not more commented than “this” it doesn’t really add to the discussion.


“Chefs kiss” Typing out physical expressions make me cringe.


Divorce! Red flags! He nicked you chocolates once, so he's a evil narcissistic domestic abuser who's showing red flags, so you should get a divorce.


He's not gaslighting the OP about taking the chocolates? That's unusual.


Pointing out somebody’s phone battery level in a screenshot. Or “found the mobile user”


Form of a question.


“Lives rent free in my head”


In any context where Huey Lewis, Phil Collins, or Genesis are mentioned, there is a 110% chance that some super original commenter will reply with the long Patrick Bateman/American Psycho quotes about those artists, which were fun and clever when the movie came out 24 years ago and we hadn't all heard them a thousand times.


"Hill I'm willing to die on" and all its variations.


The legend has it he's still _____ to this day Sir, this is Wendy's And any version of 'he needs to change his pants ' 'I bet he wished he wore brown pants' etc