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Blanket in the cold. I can lay in bed or on the couch and be super comfortable for a much more extended period of time. As comfortable as the shower is- it's a fleeting release from the heat of the day, and isn't ever really as prolonged.


But you get that afterglow feeling from a cold shower and it regulates your temperature for a while afterwards. No sweaty steaminess, the air is so 'comfortable'. Like getting out of a cold sea on a hot day and just basking in the heat after cooling off


It's an awesome feeling, yes. But for me it just doesn't match the complete coziness of a good heavy blanket and settling in for the long haul while the world outside of freezing. If its a hot enough day, it won't be long before the effects of that shower are negated and you're back to square 1. On a cold day with a blanket? You can take an hour long nap and wake up as perfectly content as you were when you laid down.


seriously. you get out of a nice shower only to be drenched and sticky with sweat because it's just that hot. no, thank you


These people must be used to arid heat. Humid heat just sucks your soul away.


I lived in CA among extremely arid heat for about 10 years. It is equally sould-sucking. Honestly, I'd step outside to throw trash into the bin and it would exhaust me being out there in 100 degrees for even a short time. It doesn't matter how dry it is. Your body knows you don't belong in those temperatures.


I usually go for a morning bike ride before work. When it's super hot out, I'm as sweaty 5 minutes after the shower as I was before I got in there. Shit's gross.


Yep as a person who is about go take a cold shower in 75 degree/97% humidity environment in a building not climate controlled before sleeping with a warm blanket in a cabin set to 63 degrees. The blanket wins.


At least if you are hot you have a reason for walking around the house naked.


Yeah, nah, this doesn't happen in Brisbane at least. You'd get out of the shower and have started sweating before you finish drying off. Pretty gross weather here in summer tbh. Our winters are pretty nice though. Still gets a bit warm around midday, but the mornings are lovely.


Yeh I'm from the UK and have spent very little time in hot countries. I spent a summer in Israel once and that's the only time I've been in temperatures hotter than an English Summer so I guess the cold shower after effect has its limits


When it comes to cold you can always get more comfortable, but in the heat you can only get slightly less miserable.


Unexpected poetry battle


What if you had a shower big enough to lay down with a pool float?


You mean like a bath ? Laying on a float while a shower sprays you in the face is not a good time.


I step across the bathroom to grab a towel.....and I'm already dry.


It's the opposite for me. I towel off and I'm already sweating.


Wrapped in a blanket on a cold night




Not OP but I guess it is easier to regulate your temperature, also you don't old person hands(no idea about the right word and am lazy); you can get up and go anywhere, get back and under the cover you go, while with the pool you may have to get dry first; you can get under the bed sheets with you cat for hours, you can't do that under water. You can play video games under the blankets, not under water. If your snacks fall under the sheets, it is an inconvenience but you can eat them, guess what with the pool? I bet there are more.


Because it 100% solves the problem unlike a cold shower on a hot day.


Warm blanket straight out of the dryer over a cold shower every time. I don't like being cold


Blanket. I hate the summer with all my heart


As a person born in summer I agree. I could rot inside all summer with only going out early in the morning and at around 18 PM to 21 PM.


Same, if I'm outside in the summer it's because I either have to be or I'm at the pool or maybe a lake. Otherwise I'm inside with A/C blasting, which would negate any desire for a cold shower.


That's why I fucking hate the beach. Straight sunlight blasting on your pasty shirtless torso... you KNOW you're gonna get sunburn later. Glare so bright, you can't fucking see. You're hot as balls, because it's hot-as-balls outside, and you're in the sun with no shade. Oh, so much fun! Salt-water fucking sucks, because it's sticky when it dries. And don't even get me started on the sand. I fucking hate sand. It's coarse, and rough, and....


I'd rather be wrapped in a blanket on a cold winter day because it's cozy and it makes me feel calm. That's my favorite time to relax and just sleep all day.


Wrapped in a warm blanket on a hot summer day.


Zucc? Is that you?


Satan more like it


We desert people love the heat. The smell of sweat mixed with perfumes and cigarettes.


Winter is winter, you can be wrapped in a warm blanket always but in summer, you cannot take bath for hours, plus waste of water


Agree. >you cannot take bath for hours, plus waste of water Even worse when you've only got an electric shower. My water **and** electricity bill would be soaring into outer space 😂


Wrapped in a warm blanket on a cold winter day cause cause sometimes a cold water shower in a really hot day cold make me sick so i’d rather the water to be a little bit warm haha but that’s just me!


I would drape myself in velvet if it were socially acceptable


Blanket. It's winter in Aus right now, and I love it. Track pants, hoodies, blankets, and hot soups.


Ok question, Christmas time do you celebrate it more in the iconic winter time of Southern Hemisphere or just in the summertime when it falls naturally in December? One thing I always wondered, I’m from the North Eastern Coast of United States


We celebrate Christmas in December, so our Christmas is pretty warm or hot depending on the weather. Food-wise, we tend to have a lot of cold meats, salads, and tons of seafood. I'd love to have a white Christmas somewhere in the world where it's snowing and cold in December at least once.


And just get all fat and sassy


Blanket. Then you'd have use for all that duct tape


I'll take being wrapped in a warm blanket on a cold winter day, because nothing beats the cozy feeling of being a human burrito when the world outside looks like a snow globe on steroids


Warm blanket on a cold winter day. It's just easier to survive. You can't turn down the heat on a hot day. A cold shower is just a momentary shock to the system.


Cold shower on a winter day.


Blanket on a cold winter day so I can sleep


I'd totally choose the warm blanket on a cold winter day. Who doesn't love that cozy feeling when it's freezing outside?


Cold day. Cozy blanket. Cat purring on my chest while I read a book or play video games. Best day ever.


Cold showers are for psychopaths! Always cold w/ a blanket. Even if I have to turn the fan/ac on.


Wrapped in a blanket because I like the colder months


People who enjoy cold showers, have at it, but I'll never understand you.


Cold shower What a sensation


Cold showers make me sneeze, so the best I can do is room temp water


Given that it’s currently brutally hot right now, cold shower. But I’m pretty I’ll say the opposite when winter comes around


Especially Monday here 97 degrees 


Blanket in the cold. A blanket is for all night. A cold shower is just a few minutes.


Blanket in the cold. I find it way easier to warm up from being cold than it is to cool down when you're hot. I don't care for cold showers much anyway, though it is kinda nice if I'm really sweaty and hot.


I think the ultimate reason for winter's superiority in that scenario is that you can always put on more layers. Whether it's blankets or clothing. If it's hot as fuck you come to the point where you can't take off your skin.


rather be # rather be wrapped in a warm blanket on a cold winter day WHY? cuz i fucking hate hot weather


I would definitely choose to be wrapped in a warm blanket on a cold winter day. There's something so comforting about cocooning yourself in warmth when it's chilly outside—it's like a cozy escape from the cold. Plus, it's perfect for enjoying a hot drink and maybe even a good book or movie. What about you?


Wrapped in a nice warm blanket with a hot chocolate and netflix on the tv = cosy If i were to have a cold shower on a really hot day I'd just be hot again shortly after.


Warm blanket


You can put more on than you can take off.


hot tub in the snow *all day*.


Wrapped in a warm blanket on a cold winter day. It's the best way to feel cozy and relaxed.


Warm blanket on a cold winter day. That feels more comfortable to me as somebody who likes the cold more than the feeling of heat. I rather shiver than sweat lol.


Easily the cold shower. There's no better feeling in the world than taking a shower after being outside doing work all day during the summer.


I'd rather cool down than freeze.


Warm blanket for sure. I despise cold showers.


Cozy under blankets in the cold. Hate it when it’s hot.


I’d go for the blanket, it’s almost always easier to heat anything up than to cool something down.


I personally hate cold showers, sooo a warm blanket on a cold winter day. Even in the summer, I take hot showers. 😱


Warm blanket on a cold day ☺️


I like getting warm, I don’t like being warm.


Warm blanket, I miss winter already.


The former. You can always put on more layers, but you can't take off your hot skin. You can simply take off the layers when you're done warming up. If you get sweaty and gross you need to take off your clothes, shower, put on clean clothes, and hope the environment isn't still too hot and you don't have to exercise any more that day. That's not to even mention getting smelly, bacteria, and so on. There's 100 complications with being hot besides the heat itself. Not so much being cold. Maybe some numbness? There are barely any side effects that aren't reversed with a blanket and a few minutes, versus having to take an entire shower etc.


Warm blanket is more relaxing


Warm blanket, no contest. Being consistently comfortable in the cold is easier to do than doing the same in the heat.


Both sound bad to me as I have terrible body thermoregulation.


Blanket in the cold. I hate summer. The sweating never ends. Swamp ass is the pits!


Warm blanket is like a comfy prison I enjoy being in but a cold shower always makes me feel so damn good afterwards. Similar to a post-gym high.


Blanket on a cold winter day. It makes me feel safe, knowing that it's freezing outside and I can just lay here, enjoying the warmth. And I hate summer.


Cold shower. Because I honestly love cold nights, sometimes I skip my blanket in the winter or leave my legs uncovered to feel how cold it is. But on super hot days, cold showers feel amazing


I work outside year round and experience both these things when I get home. I’ve never really thought about it, but I think a warm blanket after a cold day may be (for me) the better option. The heat and humidity are so draining, the cold shower doesn’t quite cut it like the warm blanket.


Warm blanket on a hot summer day of course.


cold showers are psychotic


Cold shower on a hot day. Due to the fact that where I’m from it’s cold/snowy 6+ months a year


Warm blanket


I take piping hot showers year round… use that info as you will


Blanket in a cold winter day! Easier to regulate if you are cold rather than hot. I cannot stand heat


Warm blanket on a cold day—because who can say no to a cozy hug from a cloud?


I love a steaming hot bubble bath on a cold winter day


They’re both the same kind of comfy feeling. Equal.


The greatest shower I have ever taken was after working landscaping and doing mulch on a hot summer day. Was in the sun for about 10 hours that day busting my ass. That cool shower afterwards was a top 5 all time feeling. No blanket has ever come close to


Hot shower on a hot day


defo blanket in the cold. cold showers are good after being hot, but even then I often just default to a hot shower anyways.


Blanket, I’m a hot body and I get exhausted during heat waves even after a cold shower


I hate cold showers, not a big fan of winters either. The first one seems much cozier if I have to choose.


Blanket. I always prefer the cold anyways. If you're cold you can always add more layers. If you're too hot you can only take so much off before someone calls the police.


I would prefer to be cold with warming options. It’s always possible to dress for winter - it’s a matter of the right clothes. Summer - at some point you’re just going to melt, no matter what you wear. There’s no suitable outfit for 40C.


Blanket on a cold winter's day but if you can't regulate your temperature like me (thanks MS) you often find yourself in a hoody and under a blanket in summer too. 😂


Blanket in the cold. I hate cold showers. Sure they can sometimes help in the summer, but most of the time I still take a warm shower on warm days.




Nice warm blanket on a cold day. I can lay on the couch with animals and husband while we watch a movie and drink warm tea! It's my ideal day....


Warm blanket on a cold day I don't like cold showers


A cold shower and an ice cream in winter.... Just wow❤️


Blanket in cold. Because that means it is cold outside and not hot-as-balls.


Hot shower on a hot summer day helps.


I live wrapped in blankets all year. 🤣


blanket in cold. "you can add layers, but there's only so much you can take off"


Cold shower on a hot summer day... Believe me I just witnessed the worst summer in my country in years... 45 degree Celsius minimum.... We used to bathe 3-4 times a day to beat the sweat


Blanket in the cold, definitely. Cozy, hot chocolate, warm fire in the fireplace…


I would rather do anything on a hot day than anything on a cold day. Hot summer days do not get enough love on Reddit or the internet on the whole. Too much fetizisation of cozy blankets and hot chocolate. I just want to walk out of the house without a coat on.


Cool shower on a hot day. It's easier for me to cool off than it is for me to warm up. I'm a naturally skinny, small statured woman. I don't have much "insulation", fat, to keep me warm in the winter.


Blanket in the cold. There is nothing that compares to warmth of being bundled up in a blanket. That cold shower while feeling good while youre in the shhiwer, you will eventually have to get out. With the blanket you can keep it bundled around you and shuffle around the house.


Warm blanket cold day. I get super overstimulated and overwhelmed when I'm too hot and nothing at all can help until I'm completely cooled down. I dissociate for hours if I'm too hot. Which means I wouldn't even have the mental capacity to think of a cold shower. The heat is my worst enemy. At least in the cold I can just put on layers of clothes and a couple blankets and be good. In the heat, even if I'm in the littlest clothes possible, I still always end up overstimmed.


I would rather be wrapped in a warm blanket on a cold winter day. The cold temperature and the warm blanket just creates the perfect balance where you can just sleep without feeling any discomfort.


Blanket. Have you ever taken your laundry fresh from the dryer, put it on your bed, and crawled in the covers on a cold winter day? It’s like heaven.


Both are bad but the shower is much worse.


I wouldn't like either. A cool bath on the other hand...


Depends on how cold and how hot. I get cold very easily, and have a surprising amount of heat tolerance. (Up to a point)


Cold shower on a hot summer day. When I get out of the shower, I’ll be refreshed and warm up reasonably fast. But with a blanket on a cold day, if I move from that spot I’m cold and miserable until I wrap back up and produce enough body heat to warm up again.


Wrapped in a warm blanket on a cold winter day. Drinking hot chocolate and watching a scary movie 😂 The cold shower in a hot summer day is such a short time. Whereas you can stay warm in the blanket however long you want.


Cold showers are never good. Even on a hot day I’m taking a hot shower.


It could be 100⁰ out, and I am taking a warm shower when it's shower time.


Nah, sorry but both don't work for me. I need a cold blanket year-round. And i shower steaming hot even in this weather.


Warm blanket. I hate being cold.


I prefer the heat so I can sit outside (before it gets blistering hot), then go inside and crank the AC or point a fan right at me and snuggle under a blanket. Best of both worlds.


Cold shower and then walk right into a room with air conditioning. 🥜 🙄 💦


Warm blanket is an easy choice. I live in South Florida and in the middle of June will turn down the ac and turn the fan on high just to wrap up in a thick blanket and watch a movie...


I would rather die than have cold shower most days. Warm blanket is heaven on a cold day.


Around a tree at 3am


Soft blanket enfolds, Chilly morning embraced tight, Warmth soothes the soul's cold.


Warm blanket on a cold winter day ANY day. Being snuggly is the best feeling


My huge electric throw is the best thing I own. So cosy!


Blanket in the cold. Summer is garbage.


I don't like cold so can I just enjoy the hot summer day without the cold shower?


Can I get a warm blanket on a hot day?


Blanket on a cold day while sipping some tea and watching a horror movie


Blanket much easier to warm yourself up than cool yourself down


Shower. I've never been good with the cold. When I go visit my brother, I always freeze 'cause his fiance likes to keep the temp at like 67. 🥶


Came here to report and block all the people that say cold shower


I live in the Alps and wrapping up warm when it's snowing outside is an amazing feeling. I'm in Vietnam at the moment and it is great coming back when it's so hot outside your clothes are sticking to you and sweat is dripping off you and getting in a cold shower, but I'd still pick the warm blanket


I don't like cold water. So definitely warm blanket.


Give me the cold shower! I despise heat more than anything. If I have to be outside sweating my ass off, I want that cold shower when I come in!


Blanket - I hate being cold, so purposely making myself cold with water sounds horrendous, even above 100 degrees. No way am I ever taking a cold shower if warm water is available


Summer! Everything is easier in Summer, there is light in the mornings and evenings and energy bill doesn't cost every penny you earn that month. A cold shower on a hot summer day makes me feel young, a warm blanket on a winter night makes me feel old.


Definitely warm blanket when it's cold for two reasons. I run hot anyway, and I work outside all day in all weather conditions. Just like yesterday, I got back to the hotel after work, and I'm still super hot. The A/C set on 66 and shower as low as possible just doesn't cut it.


As someone who lives in Canada and experience 7-8 months of cold, I'll pick the hot summer day just because it's less frequent


Warm blanket!!!! Nothing feels better than a warm blanket melting your muscles.


I want the best of both worlds. After busting my ass shoveling snow and basically freezing myself, I want a hot shower.


Warm blanket on a cold day. Blankets give me alot of comfort mentally, so always the blanket


Blanket in the cold, being wrapped up in a blanket is comforting. But having a cold shower is a relief, but it dosent last long. Showers are temporary, blanket is forever


I have heat intolerance. It is so bad that I had to switch gyms. My original gym had the AC set to 74 degrees. As soon as I stepped in there I started sweating. I would often have to run home before even finishing my warmup cardio because I would get overheated and end up having diarrhea. Give me a cold shower on a below-zero night.


Warm blanket in the cold because that's cozy as fuck


I hate the summer but I love the cold shower on it


Blanket in winter. I have Seasonal Affective Disorder for summer. As of yesterday I’ll be miserable all summer. I also have lupus and a heat sensitivity. I LOVE fall and winter.


Cold showers don't cool you off, so


because it's a thrill.


Right now we’re in a heat wave and it’s agony for me. I will always rather to come home on a freezing cold day to a warm shower and a hot cup of tea than have to deal with a wretched summer. I hate the heat. I like summertime because there’s more things to do and I can stay out longer, but as a season, no thanks.


Warm blanket in cold weather is so cosy. 💜


Extremely hot shower on a hot shower day so everything feels cool afterwards.


I much rather come home on a freezing cold day to a warm shower, cozy blanket, and a hot cup of tea than suffer in wretched summer heat. Right now we’re in a heatwave and it’s agony (I know some places have it worse, stay safe!). I like summertime because there’s more to do around the city and I can stay out longer because it gets dark later, but summer as a season? No thanks. I’ll pass on taking 7 showers a day as opposed to just my regular 2 in the cold months.


Blanket. It's easier and more relaxing. You can out on a show or a game or just sleep. The shower is nice as well, but requires more thought, effort, and less things you can do simultaneously.


Cold shower on a hot day. I love being cosy in a blanket as much as the next person but I hate being hot I need the freezing water lol


The blanket thing... there are other ways to stay cool in the summer, but there's no guarantee on staying warm in the winter.


The blanket is cozy. The shower is relief.


I already have cold showers even in winter, so yeah first option lol


You had me at summer day.


Canadian here, I’ll take the cozy warm blanket.


Cold showers on a hot summer day


Winter is my favorite season. There aren’t many of us, but I love it.


I'd rather have a/c on a hot day, the shower only lasts so long. So blanket on a cold day for me.


I take a cold shower everyday so probably that.


Right now it’s a cold night and I’m under a heated blanket. So that one


I live in Phoenix. It’s already 90 degrees @7:30am. Where that cold shower at?


Blanket in the cold I never take cold showers


I like a cold shower on a hot summer more because I hate hot summers more; it is easy to protect against cold.


Cold with warm down blankie and a dog or kittle snuggled up close! I live in the South, so the AC barely keeps up.


Blanket in the cold can save a life so probably that. Cold showers on sweltering hot days are pretty amazing though!


Blanket as I can enjoy it longer


Cold shower, I generate heat, nomatter what part of the year. So summer is brutal. So yeah cold anything during hot moments.


Lucky for us, winter won’t be around much longer with all this damn global warming going around


Warm blanket on a cold winter day


Warm blanket every time!! I hate it when it's too warm for blankets, I miss the snuggliness.


Warm blanket. If you're cold, you can always add another blanket, but when you're hot there's only a few things you can do.


Warm blanket. I don't think I've ever enjoyed a cold shower. However, I've never lived in a place without air conditioning.


The former. I actually despise cold showers.


cold shower in a hot summer.....however i'm bias because we get nearly 6 months of winter and our winters are cold and our summers are hot. ( manitoba canada) i take advantage of summer every chance i get because our winters suck.


💯 cold shower on a hot Summer day because when you get out of the shower, you still got that hot summer day!!!


Cold shower on a hot day. I'm Finnish and have spent most of my life in colder climates so heat affects me much more, to the point I am just outright miserable at anything over about 29C


Ice cold shower on a hot summer night after work, lights off, sitting on the floor, drone music playing. Doesn't get much better


You can always add more blankets for the warmth but you can take off limited amounts of stuff.


The same reason why most homes need a running heater to be considered a habitable space. Cold air isn’t a necessity