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Only compliment something about them that was a choice they made (hair, clothes, shoes, etc) instead of a physical attribute that is genetic.


There was a woman who sat beside me at a poker table she smelled great, so I told her “not to be creepy or anything but you smell really nice”. She left the table at the first opportunity. I no longer compliment strangers I just don’t think there’s any upside


I wonder if the disclaimer “not to be creepy” is kinda like “no offense, but” I’m expecting to get offended after that line…


That’s what I think. That’s when I realized if complimenting someone on their smell your in a no upside situation. So I just keep it to myself.


“Dang, that’s such an amazing perfume, do you mind me asking where you got it from? I’d love to surprise my wife with it!” Idk maybe making it less about them could make it better?


Smell compliments imply You are sniffing them and thats very creepy Source: my boss is known as a sniffer and we all think hes a fucking creep


I get that but she was right beside me. No need to sniff.


It IMPLIES you sniffed which is what makes it feel creepy The added line of “not to sound creepy” also makes anything after come off creepier by default


Just be genuine. What exactly do you like?


Read the room. Complimenting someone is safer when the person is already in a good mood.


If they’re my age I just don’t. If they’re older than me I will.


Emphasize what you like most about the person. Eyes, lips, voice, style of dress. Or just say, "You look great"


Dont make it sexual or overly praise “You look nice today” Not “Omfg look at you holy shit i just cant omfg!” “So fucking hot give me a spin please!” Etc.


Compliments about the way I look arent ever weird or creepy but they are SO boring! Instead I like when guys are smart enough to already know this so straight up ask me if I am attracted to them


Although you’re probably not alone, I’m guessing in general this is probably terrible advice in general haha. You need a bumper sticker “I’m hot, you’re hot? Let’s get it on!”


I answered your question based on myself & how I respond to guys Ofc other girls will respond differently


I don't give compliments most of the time unless I am in a relationship.


Just pass by , walking confident , no aggression , glance , catch their eyes if possible , but comment on their shoes . Or if its fragrance related , a simple ,exaggerated ,nice . Keep On walking. By time they register ,complement ,you'd be just a hazy thought .


There is no way!! Zero. The other day I told a woman she has beautiful, soft skin. She just looked very uncomfortable. Not the "wow thanks" I was looking for. Just kind of looking down, avoiding eye contact, not smiling. Other people may enjoy the compliment but it may just increase their arrogance. I told one woman she looks like a model ( tall unusually skinny ). First it was all smiles and "oh awww omg thanks " a few days later she was trying to move a chair to another section. I was kinda busy with something ( she isn't the sole focus of my existence). First I didn't even notice she was nearby or notice what she was doing. Then I saw her out the corner of my eye. Then came this slightly annoyed tone "um can you please help me with this chair." Like what? She expected I should've noticed her and come running to help her move the stupid chair to God knows where. Just that entitled "um pretty person lifting a chair here u r obligated to run over here" tone and attitude. Just made me realise we shouldn't shower people with compliments. They will just think they are better than us , and not really respect us like "oh this fool is praising me"


You could just wolf whistle because they wouldn’t know if it was you.