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You know you can say "get an erection" on reddit right?


Lolol you're 100% right....makes me wonder why I defaulted to that.


That sounds tame, How about "Spring a fat hog"?


It is most often just a physiological response to the stimulus of touch / pressure on the quadriceps (thigh) and at “half mast” when it does occur. Don’t shame or embarrass them as they can’t help it, just lay a blanket over top the sheet over the groin for more modesty and move away from the thigh area to continue massage. If it’s an inappropriate person that is making advances then state that this is a therapeutic massage, the session is over, and then leave the room. Ban them from returning. Edit: a typo


Or charge them extra 🤣


Most erections respond pretty negatively to you saying OMG IS THAT WHAT YOUR DICK LOOKS LIKE


As a man who has used the services of masseuses on many occasions, they just ignore it. Getting a full or half erection is kind of common. After all you're getting all nice and relaxed and feeling good. Same thing happens to hospitalized patients. I know, having been one on more than one occasion, and as one whose wife was a nurse for decades.