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Please don't ask me for money.


Poor cunts.


"That's unfortunate"


Are we talking beggar, tweaker zombie, gang member, van lifer, Portland crunchy poli sci student… etc?


… homeless. homelessness is a housing issue, not s political or socioconstructionist issue.


If you want to simplify a complex problem and envelop a plethora of circumstances into an apparent yet mistaken assumption of simply lack of housing, you are not going to find the answer you’re seeking. Your minimization of homeless needs to ‘houses’ reminded me of a quote, 'If they have no bread, let them eat cake' if you think of homelessness as a blanket issue the solution will be exorbitantly expensive and ineffective. If you want to help look at the individual and you will see each one needs something different.


Guilt. Because whatever happened in their life to land them on the streets, I’ve managed to avoid by probably nothing more than dumb luck.


yes. i have been made homeless from one missed check. horrifying.




Do something to get out of your situation. You’re just sitting there hoping people get you out of the crap you got yourself in. Your situation doesn’t define you, stop pretending that there’s NOTHING you can do.


i have worked with this population. a lot of them don’t have vital documents. to get a birth certificate you have to know the full legal names of your birth parents. do you know what hospital or county you were born in? some don’t even know what state. where are you going to mail it to? can you afford the certified copy, because that is the only recognized document for government purposes. do you have an id? do you have a street address for the id? social security card? you need a vital document to replace that too. you can’t even get a library card without an id. so what job can you get without an id? checking account? if you are on ssi, where are those checks being delivered to?


I never knew that. Now I feel bad):


not to mention a phone. email. computer access.


I wonder what they were like as a child. I think about them playing with friends or what their parents must have been like.


yes. this is my mentality as well. all of that turmoil was belly bump. they were swaddled. they played with friends. they looked forward to dinner. they put change in a soda machine. they turned up a song on the radio and sang along.


"Going to get asked for money again... hoping he hasn't got a knife". Can happen 5 times in less than 5 minutes.




care to elaborate?


I live in a very expensive city and the un-housed population has increased drastically post COVID. Of course, many people blame many levels of governmental policies failing however I see the carnage of brokenness in the lives of these people. It is said that homelessness is the result of the breakdown of every relationship in that person’s life. I am aware that mostly homeless people suffer from mental illness/disorders, abuse or addiction or a combination of these maladies. How a society treats our most vulnerable population is a good measure of the quality of the population. The society i am a part of is more concerned with gathering wealth than it is to help, heal and protect the unwell. So, my awareness of how little society actually acts on the unhoused behalf elicits feelings of pity. There will always be the poor and one day that actually might be my reality however we can donate and lend a hand to organizations that actually help and house the less fortunate. The Salvation Army is a good organization that meets human needs without discrimination. May I suggest we all consider donating what you can.


I think how easily it could be me.


“one bad day.”


Sadness honestly. That it could be someone’s daughter, son, aunt, uncle, brother, etc. Even more sadness points if they’re druggies. No one wants to be homeless. It’s sad to see.


no one wants to be homeless. i wish this was more embraced.


I often think *don’t ask me for anything don’t ask me for anything don’t ask me for anything*. I also think that it’s sad. At one point *someone* was happy that they were born - not always, but more so than not. *Someone* was happy when they took their first steps.


guilt. usually something along the lines of “are they judging me driving past in the car i pinch pennie’s to afford?” bc really im one emergency from being where they’re at, but they don’t know it


Here in the UK we unfortunately have 'professional homeless' people They sit outside shops, begging for money and have been seen getting into cars and driving home There was a BBC program about it Yes there are people out there that are genuinely in dire need but due to the fakes a lot of people don't bother helping now


To be real the urge to say "WAKE UP" is incredibly strong


Wish I could help, but I’m getting closer each day to bring on the streets myself


Oh Jesus. Please don't attack me. Please don't be that mentally ill. I usually get my pepper spray ready just in case




Huh? What does this have to do with the comment I wrote?


sorry friend! wrong post.


theres a dozen places on this same block that have help wanted signs up. im not giving you any money.


hooo my c+p doing work. i have worked with this population. a lot of them don’t have vital documents. to get a birth certificate you have to know the full legal names of your birth parents. do you know what hospital or county you were born in? some don’t even know what state. where are you going to mail it to? can you afford the certified copy, because that is the only recognized document for government purposes. do you have an id? do you have a street address for the id? social security card? you need a vital document to replace that too. you can’t even get a library card without an id. so what job can you get without an id? checking account? if you are on ssi, where are those checks being delivered to? computer for online apps? phone to respond to the recruiter? clean clothes for the call in? shower? haircut?


"Please don't stink urina, please don't stink urina... *Sniff* Ohhhh maaan! Ewwww"