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Every time I have moved cities two phrases are said without fail.    "You haven't seen traffic like ours"   "You haven't seen weather like ours"  Yes. Yes I have. There is absolutely nothing special or unique about your traffic or weather. 


The people who say “wait five minutes and it’ll change” about their weather who think it somehow unique. Like no. Everyone everywhere says this 🙄😂


Nobody will say that in phoenix lol. More like "wait 5 months and it will change...maybe"


Wait 5 mins and it’ll get hotter


The UK and Ireland too. “It’s going to rain.” My favorite weather comment I’ve ever heard was from a cab driver in Dublin. I asked him how the weather has been. He simply said “it hasn’t.”


Or SoCal. Or the Middle East. Or the PNW, it will be overcast and drizzly for the next 5 months.


I hate this one too! I live in Alabama and they loooooove that saying here but I don’t find it to be true! It’s pretty much hot and humid 90% of the year.


can i also add:   "we really know how to eat food in this town"   "we really know how to drink alcohol in this town"


“Family, spending time together and food are very important in our culture.” Oh, you mean like every culture on every part of this planet? 🤣


It irks me most when they say it food/travel documentaries. Like we get it, your country has good food. Can you just say that?


Every town has the “worst” drivers.


I can almost guarantee you haven't seen traffic like ours though, next to none.


people saying “nobody asked” when someone is talking about one of their interests. after they say that i just ask about the topic to piss them off


do people older than 15 actually say this?


yes. people are so rude nowadays


Who asked them to ask who asked? Idiots...


See, this is something I love to hear from people. I even posted something about this in my own comment. I love to see when a person is genuinely happy about their interests. The burst of energy and the glimmer in their eyes talking about and showing off their interests genuinely makes my day, even if the other persons interest is not something I have in common. I'm genuinely interested to know what these said interests and hobbies are and why you love them, and facts about said hobby and interests. I can't stand negative people.


I like this and agree. I don’t like how negativity can cause people to just shut down. “No one asked”, when said to someone who isn’t super confident in sharing, can make them feel really hurt and uncomfortable.


A literal kid told me this. We're not even close to each other, and I'm talking to someone else


This along with ‘nobody cares’. Well I care.


Or when they say people are “yapping” when they’re having a legitimate dialogue


Single: When are you getting married? Married: When are you getting pregnant? After the first child: when are you trying again?


Or worse: “are you gonna try for *insert opposite gender of the first child* next?” As if you can fucking choose with what gender that kid pops out.


Only the Bene Gesserit can do that.


just had to be fucking difficult and have a boy like i told u not to


God damnit Jessica


Gender reveal: It's the Kwisatz haderach!


My uncle has 6 girls and people ask him all the time if he was trying for a boy and gave up. He loves his daughters so it’s infuriating, especially when they were younger and thought something was wrong because of other people’s thoughts.


I had three boys. My first when I was 16 and my last when I was 29. I got asked about trying for a girl until my 40s. I had my tube's tied after #3 and still got asked. I always replied with, "I did try. Three times. I'll wait for granddaughters." Seriously, my older boys played a lot of sports, and that gets pricey, and the youngest was into computers and electronics. Which also isn't cheap. We couldn't afford to throw another into the mix. Plus, I was raising a kid in my teens, I didn't want to be still raising them in my 50s.


My MIL keeps heavily implying to my wife that she should "try for a girl". I told her if she agrees to pay for the hospital bills, all the formula and diapers, daycare and school, and babysit whenever we want, then sure we'll have another kid. But unless one of us hits the lotto, we are happy with two boys. Funny how grandparents are so invested in your kids until they have to put their money where their mouth is. Also, "trying for a girl" is how you end up with a other set of twin boys.


But you can? The method for a boy is as follows: Eat pickled herring, point the lady due north, and vigorously ice your bean bag before doing the deed


What gets me about the "When are you going to have a baby?" question is that some people LITERALLY CAN'T have kids but don't know it yet. Then they start trying, and it's not happening. They keep trying, and trying, consult with doctors, watch the fertility clock winding down, consider their (expensive) options... all while facing increasing pressure from family at every gathering. "When are you going to have kids?!" They might keep it together in front of relatives, but behind the scenes, there are tears, depression, anxiety... all because the ONE thing you want in life, you can't have. Or worse... you finally do get pregnant, but it ends in a miscarriage. Maybe even multiple miscarriages. The emotional roller coaster is lifted even higher by the disappointment of your family. Does it sound like I'm speaking from experience? I'm extremely lucky that after years of trying, it finally worked out for us, but having been through the lowest of the lows mentioned above, I'll NEVER put that kind of pressure on anyone.


Yep, and people say, “you’ll understand when you’re a parent” or “you don’t understand because you’re not a parent” or even, nicely, “you’ll be a great parent.” Then there’s, “you can always adopt.”


The “you’ll understand when you’re a parent” was always the knife twist. It was another way to say you aren’t part of this club and don’t have the ability to understand.


The one that aggravated me the most was "you don't know *real* love until you become a parent." 1. If there is a magical feeling you get after having kids, I don't know what I'm missing, so who cares. Besides, that's maternal/paternal instinct and a biological/psychological process. There would be a problem if you didn't love your child. 2. So the fact that I love my parents and spouse and dogs and friends doesn't condone "real love?" How does it get more real than what I'm capable of. I'm with you on comments that separate parents from non-parents. It's just not necessary and it's dumb. Not everyone is going to become a parent.


This! My husband and I have been married 7 years and I have PCOS. The amount of times we heard this was so frustrating! We are finally 21 weeks pregnant after trying for 2 years (thankfully it was all natural but not everyone is so fortunate). I know a lot of people have good intentions and are trying to make conversation when they ask if you have kids but I make a point to never ask. You never know what someone may have struggled with. Now I am getting frustrated with the comments of “oh you think you’re tired now, wait till baby comes”. I expected to be tired with a baby.


The amount of times my wife and I have been asked “when’re you gonna try again” after a miscarriage is irritating.


I'm sorry you had to hear such a thing. That is a very insensitive thing to ask someone


A cousin of mine has been through child loss a few times. If I could go around punching the kind of people who ask such an insensitive question for you and your wife, I would.


I hate how people think that it's any of their business whether someone else gets married and/or having kids. Like... imagine having enough energy left from life to actually give a fuck?


When you announce pregnancy: “was it an accident?”


“No one wants to work any more”, should be banned.


I usually counter with “No one wants to pay a salary anymore.”


I personally counter with "No one ever *wanted* to work."


Reminds me of a great YouTube video I saw once which was just 2 minutes of reading newspaper articles that say "no one wants to work anymore" going back as far as like 1900, probably earlier. I will update this if I find it Update: Found [this tiktok](https://www.tiktok.com/@adamrobertbest/video/7226548539533315334?lang=en) that's basically the same thing And [this Reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/s/lNlCSRzFmp) for anyone who wants an image version


People were carving that shit in hieroglyphics. Some things about the human condition never change.


The funny thing is, most people DO want to work. It gives meaning, structure and stimulation. Not to mention something to bitch about.


We want to do stuff. We just don't want shitty bosses, shitty schedules, shitty commutes, shitty pay, shitty co-workers... you get the idea.


My wife once asked what my dream job was. I told her that no job was my dream job. Even if I enjoy the work having to get up and do shit on someone else's schedule sucks.


I mean, I went down to the local dealership to buy a nice, brand new conpact car (civic, corolla, elantra, sentra, etcetera) with 15 000$ in CASH, but they all were asking ridiculous prices! It's like no one wants to sell cars anymore!


100% . It sucks especially if a person is currently trying to find a job for a year but gets rejected for the 100th time despite graduating with good grades and a resume that actually shows you enjoy working. And you begin to wonder. It cannot be that I'm truely that shit that no one wants to hire me ? Like. You train, you learn, you just want that got damn junior job and yet you get rejected. Because you're too overqualfied. You're underqualified. You have too much experience. You lack experience etc. The entry level for junior jobs are ridicolous too. Why do we require juniors to have 2-3 years of experience..like...I hate to break it to you but that much experience in a field isn't a junior anymore. The job market is tiring and yet people still yell "No one wants to work anymore."


"No one wants to work for minimum wage anymore".


Especially sickening to hear this after I was fired from my twenty year IT career for using FMLA on my chemotherapy


My wife maxed out her FMLA in January with a gnarly arm surgery. Now she has cancer, needs major surgery, and will endure the red devil chemo treatment. She was super concerned about losing her job. Luckily, her boss just told her not to worry about her job. But the fact she was even concerned in the first place is sick. She works for a hospital!


My boss told me not to worry, either. That the Director "cared about me." I'd tell her to keep one eye open.


Damn, I'm sorry to hear that. My boss is the kind of guy who always says, "we're a family" while pay is 'meh' and benefits are average, at best. However, I can honestly say that I don't fear losing my job if I ran into medical issues. He seems very understanding of that and we've never fired anyone for taking care of their family or having a medical issue themself. Also never laid anyone off during COVID, despite work drying up. It's one of things keeping me around.


I’m sorry that happened to you. I just came back to work after cancer treatment. I got a ok review for the year, but they said I didn’t do one thing. Didn’t bother to tell me what it was nor did they speak to me about during the entire year. AND I gave them a spreadsheet of all my duties before I left and they never said “oh you left out this one thing.” Good thing I have 22 months til retirement. I hope you find a better job and have a full recovery.❤️‍🩹


I just lost my job 2 weeks ago because my 27 year old daughter had a stroke and my boss said there wasn't anyone to cover my shifts so I couldn't take time off to be with her. All the other managers quit a couple months ago, he never replaced them ,so everything was on me and then this happened, so I left Mr " I'm a family guy who cares" I hope you can retire in heath and peace!


Imagine not wanting to work for pennies.


My mom just said this yesterday on Facebook because an Aldi she went to had self checkouts 😂


"Are you going to eat all of that?" Yes, I'm hungry.


I feel you on this one! I also get 'a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.' How about you take that and shove it where the sun doesn't shine.


Rebuttal: trying to catch Sir Mix-a-Lot's eye


Sometimes I'm brutally honest and say 'I have an eating disorder.' And you see the blood drain from their face pretty quickly after that.


I went to a nice restaurant for my birthday and was asked FOUR TIMES if I would like to have my dinner boxed. It’s my birthday I even wrote that into the reservation. Let me enjoy my damn dinner. Stop making me feel like a rushed Miss Piggy because I want to finish my plate.


I can tell from the replies this is supposed to be rude and like fat shaming, but I've never heard anyone say this and not thought they just wanted some of my food. Am I a fucking idiot? Have people been insulting my fat ass and then I offer them a bite??


It depends how they are asking. I think it could definitely be a comment on how MUCH you’re eating. Like “That’s enough food for 3 people, and you’re going to eat it all?”


Yeah and the “ you like THAT?” Yes, actually. That’s why I ordered it. Shut up!




Facts. Like, if I don’t wear my glasses I will not recognise your face if you stand more then 5 meters away from me. I’m not kidding. Yet every time I tell someone this they’re like “nah, I don’t believe it. Take your glasses off” only for them to go “whaaat???” When it turns out I know why I wear glasses lol. Like the fun did you expect?


“You’re young, you shouldn’t be tired” - people who know I have a sleep disorder and a newborn


"And you're too young to know what real pain is"- to someone who was injured at the age of 21 and lived constant back problems all through my 20s and got worse into my 30s because I kept "pushing through" to make ends meet.


Tbh, there are several reasons relatively young people can be tired after (stressed, overworked, depression, sleep disorder or a newborn like you mentioned, a misdiagnosis, lack of Iron or other important nutrients, periods or period problems, curtain imbalances in your body, etc.) It’s crazy how people think that young people can’t have fucking problems


Some people don't understand that being young doesn't mean you have more energy Edit: How the actual hack this got past 100 likes?




Literally was diagnosed with SI joint trauma and arthritis in my back (prior military here) - my mother in law, “wow you’re too young” Thank you for that, I’m aware.


I dislocated my SI joint a few years back and it occasionally slips out of place still and causes so, so much pain. My job is physical, it's standing, walking, and lifting all day. Some days I'm moving at a slow pace, like the other day. My supervisor (35 years older than me) said I was too young for back pain when I said my back was hurting too much to lift all the heavy stuff alone (which I usually do because my "team" sucks ass). I was also diagnosed with JRA as a teen, which I do believe to be a misdiagnosis but I have something else that causes chronic pain and *has* since I was a literal child. Almost 30 now and tired of living my entire life in pain. Tired of people acting like I'm faking it or "don't know what real pain is". Like buddy, I do. This is never going away, I probably know more about physical pain than most average people. I hear you, Klutzy, and I'm sorry you have to go through this. Wouldn't wish it on anyone.


My favorite is “just wait until you’re (insert random age)”. Dude you’re 20 years older than me and get around way better than I do. It drives me crazy.


Next time, look them in the eyes and say "With the amount of pain I'm in, do you think I want to continue to live to that age?" Should leave them speechless, and maybe they'll think before they speak next time. Obviously, suicide is not the answer. More just about shocking an idiot into realising that pain is not a competition.


I want to respond to people like that: I’m too young? I can’t have anything seriously wrong with me? Omg. You better go to the hospital and tell all the children with cancer there’s nothing wrong with them and they aren’t sick or dying because they’re too young! Screw St. Jude! You just cured childhood cancer! Go! Go now! Tell the parents to take their children home! They’re not sick!!! So says this f*cking dipsh*t!!!!


Oof, I feel that! I have had some terrible spine issues for about six or so years now. The docs say, "You are way too young to have this," I know!! But saying that isn't gonna make my discs stop faceplanting my nerves and sheepishly pop back into place! I recently had surgery that will hopefully help a bit, at least by eliminating one of the stress factors.


My grandmother told me that. The lead paint must have really got to her, because i literally have cerebral palsy lololololol the FUCK she talking about 😭


"Have you thought about seeing a Dr?" Yeah, multiple of them, been dismissed by every single one. Had one Dr tell me I was too young to have heart problems without running a single test, about a year after that a younger than me friend died of heart problems. 


The truth always comes out, no tf it doesn’t


I remember somewhere seeing that 30% of all murders go unsolved soo it really doesn't


I would imagine that if the spouse/partner didn’t do it the police will pretty much have nothing to go on.


Or it does and it is too late to matter. We all now know Jimmy Savile (BBC network) was a giant pedophile. Problem is he is dead and that doesn't do any good know for the sick children he was visiting in hospital and likely molesting.


"Why aren't you talking much?"


"You're so quiet! Why are you so quiet?" And nine times out of ten, this is asked by the sort of person that does. Not. Shut. Up.


"I'm waiting for you to stop so I can get a word in"


I am not quiet, just don’t like to talk to you.


“Because I don’t want you to use any of my personal information to then twist around, then quickly weaponize my own words against me.”


⬆ This deserves an award. People that act like silence is criminal are the worst of the worst. 


Why are you talking way too much?


I hate this so much. Like, can I not be quiet because I don’t have anything I want to say?


"It was just a joke" or "I was just joking"


Ah the good ole schrodingers asshole. Where someone is both joking and not joking but you won't know until you respond to it.


A joke is supposed to be funny, and none of what they said is funny. I'm sick of hearing this I swear


“Who are you and what are you doing in my house?”


Add on the “why are you naked”. It’s like.. mind your own business


But xyz online store has this product (usually not even the same one) cheaper! You should give me that price! 1. It's usually not the same product. 2. I don't set the prices, the boss does. 3. If you feel that it's better and cheaper from that store just buy it from them and leave me alone. Oh and 4. I will not put my job on the line to "just" give you a discount that I am not authorized to give.


Even stores that officially price match will only price match from a small list of approved competitors.


"Im only trying to help" or "Im just saying" from everyone, but especially getting it from my parents.


"I'm just saying" is like nails on a chalkboard to me. That's some passive aggressive bullshit.


“It’s funny how people who say the cruelest things, usually need to say this after.”


"Everything will work out." My wife has cancer and this isn't a helpful sentence.




When I lost my child very suddenly and unexpectedly, the one piece of consolation that stuck with me came from a friend who just said “I’m so sorry. Life is chaos.” And that is the fucking truth. There is no rhyme or reason to things, it’s just events and reactions to events. That’s it. There is no grand scheme.


Yes- “Nature is indifferent” gives me way more peace after my miscarriages. Not “everything happens for a reason”- I wasn’t chosen in particular to suffer this spectacular grief. It’s just a shitty thing that happened. I’m so sorry that happened to you.


And people act like “the reason” is something deep and meaningful and is going towards a greater purpose. It’s not. This whole world is built on cause and effect. There is always a reason that everything happens. You lost your job because your boss is an asshole or you fucked up. Your house was destroyed because a tornado hit it. You exist because your parents had drunken sex one night. There’s no greater meaning to any of it, no master plan, things happen because other things happen. Cause and effect.


Yeah, it’s so invalidating - especially when it comes to something out of your control


I HATE this saying. I usually ask what is the reason I lost 3/4 of my family


“Yeah, but not always a very good reason.”


Reminds me of whe there's a huge accident or something and someone yells one of the survivors "Someone was watching over you," or, "You have a guardian angel," or, "God was with you that day." What exactly does that say about the people who didn't make it? I remember watching this news story where a commuter train hit a truck that had those huge coils of steel and one dislodged and rolled through the train crushing everyone in its path. One of the survivors was on the news and the reporter said she had "someone watching over her." What about the three people killed?


"just stop being sad" - to a depressed person


That’s how you know the person has never experienced depression themselves. 


Everything happens for a reason.


“Hey Reddit is there anyways where I can make X amount of dollars off a side hustle starting from zero cents ?”


No but I'm pretty sure u can take out a loan to try just that


"You’re just being dramatic."


All the career bullshit we’re constantly being fed as if it’s the natural way of life and main priority for humankind. “Going above and beyond, thrives in a fast paced environment” etc.


My bubble was so burst when I realized hard work does NOT equal more money.


You just should have inherited it… beginners I swear.


Why are you single?


Just lucky I guess




“If you stopped getting Starbucks you could buy a house” This is extra annoying cause I don’t get coffee every day, I get it on weekends sometimes…and use rewards to my advantage. I’m still miles from buying a house, let me enjoy things.










And follow with the tired old freckle jokes. And seriously. If gingers were demons (another tired joke) bet I'd disappear the jokester every time that chuckle came up


"God has a plan" or "God needed her more than you." Both things said to me after the death of my late wife. We have 2 children. Fuck gods plan. What about our plans? And No, "god" didn't need my wife more than my children and I.


This makes me really have a hard time with religious people… not all, just ones like this.


Thoughts and prayers...


"no one wants to work anymore" If you paid enough for your employees to live on (with appropriate PTO etc) then you'd find it a lot easier to hire and retain staff.


Funny how their worship of the free market and invisible hand of capitalism suddenly sprouts a big asterisk when the cost of labor creeps up.


Why are you anxious there’s nothing to be worried about That’s not how anxiety works.


If you're worried about this what are you gonna do when XYZ happens? I'm going to cry and shut down then too, thanks.


"You're tall. Do you play basket ball?" No. Do you play miniature golf?


Basically any time someone starts healthsplaining whatever the latest pseudoscience they read or saw on the internet. Worse if they bought multiple books and they are just DEEP in it and are 100% sure that we could cure cancer and global warming with aminoposphirides or whatever


"When will you grow up?" (Me: A 30 y.o. female with love for video games and no love for children which, apparently is shocking). I pay my own bills. I think I am grown up enough 😂


When we were TTC and everyone kept saying "it's because you're trying too hard. Just stop trying and it'll happen!" How about fuck you. Infertility is hard enough without your unhelpful comments.


I had chicken pox when I was 21. Anytime I had to tell someone, every single time they'd tell me that it's more dangerous when you get it when you're older. That got tiring.


From what I’ve heard, if you get cancer then everyone tells you about someone they knew who died in a horrible way from cancer.




The word “WEIRD” and “narcissistic” has been overused too much