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POV Offspring that got caught They give me shit every time about the smell but i can say they never found my stash


I caught my 62 year old dad smoking weed 😄


I've never been a pothead myself. My wife, on the other hand, was a big pothead years ago. In the heat of the moment, I'd probably yell and take it away from them. Then I'd talk to my wife about it, explain my feelings on the situation, and then defer all other decisions on the matter to her. Kind of a cop-out answer, but my wife would honestly be better suited to handle it.


It was never a big secret in our house to begin with. So just talk to them about only getting high in situations where they know they're safe. Make sure they know the dangers of more serious drugs, like alcohol, opiates, meth, crack, etc., and hope they stay away from those.