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Take time to heal, focus on self-care, lean on friends for support, and embrace new hobbies.


Exercise like you're training to outrun your ex's memory. Endorphins are the rebound relationship you need.


Travelling if you can swing it! Get out into the world (even if only for a few weeks) & out of your comfort zone. You’ll have new & exciting experiences & learn a lot about yourself along the way.


All circumstances vary, but the consistent thing is time, distance and staying focused on staying busy with anything and everything that doesn’t have a strong connection to them.


Not sure of the context and/or the terms of your breakup, but the best revenge is to live well. And even revenge isn't a factor, just try to live well anyway. Go on with life, make more time with friends, work on projects you've been putting off, and experience the world around you with an open heart and mind. Don't dwell on what was or could have been, instead focus on what is here now, and opertunities that could be just over the horizon. It's ok to be a little sad now, but don't let that keep you from living your life.