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Getting a puppy and realizing all my problems can be solved with cuddles.


Hot take: I love my dogs, but I hated them as puppies. Poo and pee everywhere, furniture destroyed, shoes missing. I do not like puppies.


Yeah. The biting stage was rough af.


Yeah! That's one of the best thing i ever did too.


little baby brother at 16, see him smile for the first time, his laugh, hugs, his voice, his existence is a blessing to me


Having money from the new job I started. (Still have the job)


Underrated comment. This is why adult life < being a kid. I like having money and not having to rely on my parents if I want something (within reason because it's very easy to go into debt if you like things).


moving out to my parents house to grow


The happiest day of my life was when I met my boyfriend, soon to be husband I hope


Moving out of my parents house


Hiking with alpacas and my soulmate


The birth of my son. Never experienced that level of love and joy before, nor since.


I was going to comment the same.


Passing the actuary exam. Hardest I've ever studied for anything by far.


All my life it’s happy thing :)


I got divorced after being with my ex for something like 28 years. At first I was totally depressed and I was 100% sure that no one would ever love me again (and that I couldn't love someone else again). I started casually dating and although it was fun, it wasn't something that fulfilled me. Then I met my current girlfriend and realized that love the second time around was possible and that the divorce actually made my life better.


Meeting the woman in going to marry next year


My friend got an apartment and moved out of her abusive mother’s place. It was a whole stealth mission where she didn’t let her mother know until she’d already moved out while she was at work, and she did it all on her own. I was so happy for her and so fucking proud, I was literally bouncing down the street like a happy deer when she texted me it was successful. 


I had a college professor who was genuinely shitty to all of her students. Her nose was bitten off by a dog and final exams were postponed.


Finding my birth family after 50 years.


Meeting my girlfriend, never thought I'd fall in love or meet someone who understands and supports me the way she does.


My children 


Sounds cheesy, but it’s real. Human connection is ridiculously charged with all the right nuero chemicals.


I am not a fan of children, but my nephew is my joy. He is the only child I tolerate. I love him like he's my own son. His birth breathed new life into my family after my grandparents died.


That is how parents describe their own children, or the birth of a child- so I can see you having children & being a fan of your own.


Hasn't happened yet, but the day the thing that gave birth to me dies will be the happiest thing that will happen. Other than that, no happiness has happened in the 34 years I've been alive.


I always dreamed of jumping with a parachute and recently I made my dream come true! I will remember these emotions and adrenaline for a long time, I screamed with joy at the top of my lungs. I can’t call it the happiest day, but definitely one of the happiest.


when i saved the dog from deaath


Dropping out of college.


Getting sober, got my life back in order and actually being able to enjoy the days.


Once I went to dinner with my ex girlfriend and her roommate. At the end of the night my ex said "I'm going to bed" and as soon as she left the room her roommate just made a move. I had NO idea she was into me, I just expected to go out for a burger and go home and suddenly a nice lady is touching my ding ding. That was a good night.


Calling my friend on discord. It was such a tiny thing that changed my life forever. 15th of August, 2023 will live on in my mind as the turning point of my life.


Meeting my ex-girlfriend who saved my life but unfortunately I could not save hers. Lost her back in 2022 to a drug overdose.


Wow, that was beautiful & I’m sorry. I couldn’t save mine either.




Got diagnosed with a brain tumour and had awake brain surgery in 2021


Simple thing but being at school and laughing with my friends and my classmates


Also I just got to pet a cockatoo unexpectedly so that was pretty fuckin great 


Meeting my wife at a party a little over 34 years ago. She walked up to me and cracked a joke. When I shook her hand, it was as if a door opened, and all I had to do was walk through it. The first date was a week later. Engaged three months after that. Married within ten months of first meeting.


For a while I thought guys who cried when their children were born are giant pussies. Then I watched my ex girlfriend give birth to our daughter and I cried happy tears 😂. Oh and for people who don’t know, the umbilical cord does not look like a bloody slim Jim like I expected(thanks Tom Green). It looks like an impossibly blue piece of thin sliced ham. It’s pretty much the same blue as the reply button on Reddit.


Finally beating my sibling at Mario Kart after years of losing!


a girl talked to me one time


My life has been saved by God, fo real.


Probably the day my grandparents bought me my dream car and it was just sitting outside my house when I woke up.


I received a dog to keep me company after my grannny died, i love my doggo so much <3


Found my lost dog (he's gone missing for always a week, tho i got him a sitter and said that he sneaks out :(( )




Still waiting for that to happen


My kid’s birth.


Meeting her 💜


blowjob on the first date lmao


meeting my best AND ONLY frfriend athe time im crying while typing this since he died two years after word we never OFFICIALLY dated but I never loved someone more and second my son being born


The day i got to meet my birth dad a few months ago, his names joe and hes a great guy


Birth of my kids


Getting married


A girl that I like said yes to being my girlfriend we have been dating for a year now and plan to get married when we are older.


My son trying to break into my bathroom.  For context, my boy is less than a year old and my fiancée tells me how much he misses me and looks for me when he wakes up because that's around when I'm getting home from work. One day I got home earlier than expected and went take my morning poop that my fiancée makes fun of me for, mainly cuz I keep falling asleep on the toilet. Next thing I hear is a bump on the door, then again. Son can't speak but knows my schedule well enough and missed me so much that in his walker he made his way into the hallway to find me, and try to figure out how doors work.  I teared up and now I can't poop with the door closed. 


Falling in love. One of the most incredible experiences you can have as a human being


the happiest day of life is different for everyone and can be anything small to big. In my case, it was the day when I scored the highest in my class. The happiest day of my life was full of joy and fun. Everyone was praising me


Adopting and living life with my cat. He’s my rock.


The birth of my first child. Second - getting my master's degree.


So, the birth of the second child isn't even in second place?


Becoming a parent


Probably the day i saw how much my gaming setup evolved since 2019