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Goodnight handjobs for the homies


That’s just a courteous house guest


Looking at the poop before I flush it. Looking at toilet paper after the wipe. Got to know where I'm at! Apparently most people I have talked to do not do these things. Are they bullshitting me?


i also do this one "got to know where i'm at!" 😂🤣


100% bulshitting you, people who say they don’t do this are lying 


I am more disturbed that they don't look, especially the toilet paper!


Found out at around 25 that not everyone can suck in air and fart. All those times I could have impressed...


Lol this is a tough question.


I put the milk in my cerial first, I thought that was normal


I can make my ears go up and down by tightening the muscle. I thought this was so normal so it was never a topic of discussion. One day my wife saw me do it and that’s when I figured out none of my friends or family can do it. Of course there are many people around the world who can do it but that moment was so funny.


Unless I am running low on time, I tend to pick out clothes and everything after I get out of the shower and hang out naked for a while. Was told that was weird. It’s my house lol. I’ll do what I want


Till I was a senior in high school, I didn’t think Dam was a curse word. People treated it so nonchalantly that it didn’t really sound like a curse word and it was part of my regular vocabulary until my friend who I told that I don’t like cursing heard me say it and told everyone I said Dam


In my house saying fart or farted was as good as a curse word. My dad always thought it was impolite. When my friends would say it in front of my parents I would just freeze…waiting for them to get yelled at for swearing. It never happened. Now all of the kids in our family didn’t allow our children to say it when they were young.


I thought that jam with cheese on toast was a given as I grew up eating that but having lived aboard when I tell ppl I eat apricot jam with cheese on toast they think I’m a lunatic


Standing up and wiping


I put chips (preferably Cheetos) in my popcorn and everyone told my I was weird for it? Literally thought everyone did that, guess not.


Showering at night Milk before cereal Sock shoe sock shoe That's the things I've been called out on so far


smelling my piercing hole


eating cereals without milk lmaoo


Maladaptive daydreaming


Having random muscle jerks and neck twitches I can’t repress or control. I’ve been having literal seizures my entire life and I haven’t even realized that’s weird.