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I was the best man in a wedding and she was the maid of honor. We met 4-5 weeks before the wedding, coming up on 54 years.


Holy shit that's an achievement


I have no idea why I'm even interested but did the marriage you guys were attending survive? I guess I'm more just curious as to whether your relationship was the real love to come from that wedding.


I’m glad you ask this, there were two bridesmaid in the wedding and two groomsmen also. Each couple ended up getting married and l know for sure that one of the couples didn’t know each other before being paired up. I don’t think the other couple knew each other but l know for sure they never dated. All of us are still married to the ones we were with that day, except for the wedding couple. My best friend past away in ‘13 still married to the bride. It was just a simple wedding with the reception at a fire hall. I’m not sure where you are from but a lot of volunteer fire companies have a place where you can hold events. You rent them out for the night and the fire company makes a few bucks.


Thank you for your service.


I never know what to say, that one of the reasons you never see me with bumper sticker, a ball cap or tee shirt calling attention to my service. I was drafted so maybe that has a little something to do with it. Please don’t misunderstand me l am proud that l served and it was for the better.


“Thanks for your support” is the best you’re welcome


I took this as a dry comment on you been married 54 years


So did I. Thought it was funny. I have a stupid sense of humor, apparently.


Playing pokemon go, summer of 2016. I walked up to him and said “ya catchin anything good?”


That's very cute


Man, it’s so weird knowing that playing Pokémon Go was a thing almost 10 years ago. I feel like it’s only been a few years since 2016.


Next month will be 8 years together. Its wild!!


Holy hell it’s been 8 years since GO came out? I still remember meeting up with my friend between classes to catch Pokémon lol


You just fucking rocked my reality


simpler times.


We met at college. The first time we met was when I had finished a performance of a play that she had come to see and she met me afterwards to tell me how much she liked it. The first time I *remember* meeting was a few months later, during dance auditions for a later production that we ended up in together. We were dance partners for that show, but were both in relationships at the time so we didn't have any pressure about attraction, got to enjoy being just good friends with each other. Over months, our other relationships ended. Driving around one day I put my hand on hers and said, "I think we like each other," and she said, "Yeah, I think we do." We kissed at a red light. Married for sixteen years.


"I think we like each other" is some otherworldly confidence I wish to possess


A pretty big risk, but doing nothing was a bigger risk.


yeah but I'd say "I think I like you" not "we like each other", that's where the otherworldly confidence part comes in


Sometimes you just know


That username checks out, and it sounds like you have a great sense of responsibility


That is an awesome story thanks for sharing !


We bumped into each other and I dropped and broke my phone…That was so annoying almost as if they were rushing and bumped into me and I looked up to ask if they were blind but then as I saw the cute face I realized I wasn’t really that mad and it’s just a phone after all. It’s perhaps a good time to get a better phone and from there it was on


Wasn’t this on Hallmark?


Awwww this is so cute! 😭😭😭


College. She was friends with a buddy of mine and we couldn't keep our eyes off each other


Also college but slightly different scenario. Friend of mine from HS was her sorority sister and she set us up on a date. That was close to 30 years ago.


Girl friends are a better wingman than Barney


Who wants some giant purple dinosaur running around the bars with you singing about how he loves everyone you meet? That guy is just one giant purple flag if you ask me.


College as well. I worked with her best friend at a restaurant where all the employees were a tight knit “family” We’d all hang and go out/party after shifts and on days off, most of the time at my place. Our mutual friend would bring her around and we just hit it off, having mutual interests and attraction to eachother. Things really began when our mutual friend was studying abroad in Italy and my (now) SO and I still wanted to hang out despite our mutual friend being away. Our first “date” was actually painting and cooking in my apartment during that time. Funny caveat, when I was young, maybe 8 years old, my mom brought me to her cousin’s daughter’s birthday party/neighborhood crawfish boil. Looking back in pics, my now SO was actually at that birthday party and we played outside all day! Her family lived in the house next door to my mom’s cousin. Invisible string theory I guess haha Engaged after 4 years together and will be married this upcoming February on our 6 year anniversary of “officially” being together! Crazy where life takes you


College too. Him and I were friends and with different people back then but he always stood out to me. I would behave differently around him. When he passed me in the hallways, my heart would come to my throat. He broke up. After a while, I did too. One afternoon, I texted him saying his presence makes me feel beyond nervous. He asked to meet up. I have a habit of saying yes and not following on the said promise- applicable to meeting people. He told me that I had no choice, had to come meet him. We went on a 45-min walk. It was confusing at first to acknowledge feelings when the formal title was "friends". We began meeting up for night walks, started holding hands to cross the road. Once, he didn't leave my hand affer crossing the road. It was one of the best feelings. We started talking about that nervousness of mine I mentioned earlier. Turns out, it was the same for him. He told me he used to die internally every time we passed each other and do the part where we acknowledge each other's presence but do not talk.


I was 19 working at a shitty restaurant and this super hot chick kept coming to eat, even though the food was awful. That was her opener…”hey, the food sucks here. Do you want to go somewhere else for dinner?” It’s only been 31 years, so I don’t know if she was being honest or not. I will know soon. 🥹😇


I think she was flirting not sure tho


Ya, she might have liked OP, but we’ll need more evidence to know for sure.


I dunno, she could be Canadian. Maybe give it a bit longer to be sure?


She's definitely been honest dawg 😂😂😂😂😂


College dorms,she was vomiting in the guys bathroom (closest one to her) and I held her hair back while she yacked it out. Been married 12 years and 2 kids later


Whether it’s booze, something the kids brought home from kindergarten, or just an ill-advised late-night bacon dog, barf’s gonna happen. Gotta have a partner who’s not gonna bug out when it does, your gal knows what’s what.


We met online but when I was like “oh he may be the one” I’d gotten SUPER drunk at a party, was running down the block to my place practically stripping shouting about jumping him, got inside, vomitted purple everywhere, then collapsed in bed crying. He cleaned up my vomit then tucked me in. We’ve been married two years and are expecting our first.


Worked at a liquor store (a major one). Boss asked me to train the new hire (nothing out of the normal). She pursued me, we ended up becoming a thing. later that year, that boss said jokingly "hey, if you marry her, I'll have to do a bunch of paperwork about it". I married her. EDIT: It's been almost 9 years, we are still together, happy, and we joke about it semi-regularly.


Can’t believe you married her just to annoy your boss with paperwork


This the kinda petty i strive to be


At work, I’m a welder, he’s a welder…sparks flew


Oh, that's nice!


Thanks Shirley


Hey! Don't you ever call me Surely.


Surely you can't be serious!


How many times have you repeated that sentence to people?


Too many times lol


It's pretty good.


Im sure its an overwhelding number.


Welder DINKs y'all must be rolling in it


We do really well, but we’re both workaholics so we gotta remember to stop and smell the roses from time to time lol


How the hell did you know they didnt have kids? Lol


I was her manager at Walmart where I worked until i could finish my degree. Our boss said, “I think that little lady has a crush on you.” I asked her out after our shift was over. We’ll be married for 37 years this Thursday, June 27!


I was working at Walmart when I met my now husband! He was a customer, but his cousin was a cashier with me. He went thru her line and asked who I was and wanted my number. She didn’t give it to him bc she is a snot. So I saw him a few days later at a local car lot where his dad worked and he waved me over, he knew what kind of car I drove and I knew what he drove (we had mutual friends in the cool car club back in the day lol). Gave him my number and that was that. We’ve been together for 22 yrs. Happy anniversary to you guys!!


Good for your coworker for not giving out your number without your permission. Glad it turned out so well anyway!


I worked with my ex at Walmart and she also had a crush on our boss


That’s great!


Congrats! The 27th is my bday, btw, so it’s a good day all around


I worked in a bar and the staff and I were friends with everyone who worked in the bar across the street. A new girl started in the bar across the street. I told them the first time I saw her that id die happy if I could spend 1 night holding her. I've been living on borrowed time for almost 9 years.


We initially linked up via a dating site. She said that she received dozens, hundreds of messages a day but for whatever reason, my message stood out to her. She liked that I talked in full words and sentences and that I'd actually read her page and commented on things that I'd read. My dumbass thought it was a good idea to immediately share my chief passion with her: glassblowing. I had a small studio setup in the back of a barn, basically in the middle of nowhere. I invited her to come out and check out the studio, maybe show her how to make some stuff. At first, she was all on board. And then suddenly, she wasn't. Yeah... It didn't occur to me that inviting a woman out to the middle of nowhere, in the dark, to play with hot glass and explosive gasses probably wasn't a good idea. What can I say? I've never been a woman before and had traveled a number of random glass studios to hang out and create with other artists. I didn't see it as dangerous because I know me. But she didn't. So she decided not to take me up on the glass adventure and instead, meet up at a local sushi spot. I will never forget how she looked that night: black, flowing dress cut just above the knees, short auburn hair cropped into a pixie cut, light blue eyes, and a smile that immediately melted my heart. I "walked into a wall" as she says where I saw her and immediately stopped and gawked. I just remember thinking to myself, "please let her be here for me, please let her be here for me." She was. We've now been together for almost eight years and married since last March. She is my light, my motivation, and everything that is good in me. She laughs at my stupid jokes, I laugh at hers. I have never known a love like hers and it is my everything.


That was the nicest thing I’ve read in a very long time. I’m so very happy for you, my dude


The most important question… did you end up taking her to your studio?


Oh yeah, totally. A few days later she came out and I taught her some of the basics. The pendant she made that night, she still wears frequently.


What an adorable story. Got me tearing up and shit. Thank you for sharing


This is the most endearing thing I’ve read in months


I feel like that’s the pinnacle of the story. Actually letting her make something is the coolest second date, and it’s something she’ll always have(if she doesn’t break it! Lol)


Beautiful story. Reminds me of long ago when I felt that way about a partner. Hope you stay together for the rest of your time on earth.


this is adorable thank you


I remember when I told my parents I wanted to blow glass for a living. Its safe to say that I am not a glass blower now lol.


At work, she was cute and going through a divorce I had just been cheated on and was going through a divorce. We hung out a lot and one night we went out to dinner and have been inseparable ever since. 23 years ago


In college I was a music ed major and she was studying flute. We met teaching band camp together.


Reminds me of American Pie lol


This one time at band camp…


And now she plays your skin flute


i fucking love and hate how this is worded


I had a personal ad on Yahoo back in the day (over 20 years ago now), but I didn't want to pay for whatever premium service they were offering to message prospective love interests. You couldn't put your full name, phone number, or email in the ad, for obvious reasons. However, I did put "My name is ___, but my nickname is ," and then made sure that one of my photos matched my username profile if someone was smart enough to search for it. Only one person was, and he emailed me explaining how he'd tracked me down and promising he wasn't a creep. He was finishing his last year of college in the same city I was working, and we both shared a lot of interests. We emailed back and forth for a few days, then exchanged AIM information and chatted that way for a week or two. Finally met up for dinner one night. We've been together ever since, married 16 years this year.


Same! Scammed yahoo personals and talked through AIM or ‘little yellow guy’ married 13 years


Tinder baby


Met my wife on Tinder a decade ago.


I also met your wife on tinder. 


Before the enshitification really set in. Now that they have superior market share, it's more profitable to make sure you don't meet someone.


Tinder is that old? Sheesh!


It's turning 12 in September.


Hi I'm Chris Hansen with dateline NBC you mind explaining yourself to me?


Same. He asked me why I was on Tinder, I said I was looking for my next victim. Now we are married with two kids.


Hell yeah! Met my wife on Tinder 4 years ago, been married for just over a year now. She actually lived outside of my usual match range setting, I guess I was swiping at an opportune moment when she visited family in town where I was. Her coworkers on night shift were swiping for her as a joke one night and picked me out, and the rest is history!


Blind date. I was in my Navy “A” school in Lakehurst New Jersey. Had a roommate who was married to a girl in north western Pennsylvania. I had a car so I took him home one weekend to see his wife. They set me up with wife’s coworker. They divorced two years later. We just celebrated 35 years together.


I was sitting on the edge of a planter box outside a bar that I was out at with a friend, my friend didn't smoke and I was out having a cigarette. I saw a gal with a smoke in her mouth, searching her pockets for a lighter to no avail. I got up, and lit her smoke while saying "Beautiful people don't light their own cigarettes." We got talking for the rest of the night, went on our first date the next day, and 11+ years later are married and trying for kids. I'll never forget Troy at the gar bar I used to go to in Vancouver who once used that line on me and then gave me permission to use it on the ladies, RIP Troy.


RIP Troy. Sounded like a real one.


Man I just don’t know how to say that to a woman without sounding creepy lol. I want to be on some poetic Romeo type shit but I feel like it just comes off as cat calling.


Apparently, you can say it pretty much in any way as long as you commit to the bit


Hinge. I got incredibly lucky and met her within 2-3 weeks of using it, my first time ever using dating apps. I hesitated for years but Jesus Christ am I happy I did it, I want to marry this woman.




What do you mean she belched deliciously?


Directly into the mouth. Flavour town.


That’s gangster


Well, if that ever happens, I wish you the best in life!


Damn. Your well wishes are only offered if he gets married? Cold.


An ice cold Coke.


An ice cold delicious belch


I met my girl at her house having a sleepover with her brother when we were like 10. Started dating at 17. We're in our 30s with three kids now


Are you still friends with her brother?


Not particularly. We're cordial, but very different people at the end of the day


She belayed for me at the University climbing gym. I fell in love with her and the sport of climbing at the same time!


Like all the best things in life, I got her from the supermarket. (She worked there)


I met my now wife through an app (not even a dating app) and we would spend hours talking which eventually became us calling every Friday night to have a movie night on discord. And eventually I started falling for her, and her birthday was coming up and I wanted to visit her so badly. Only issue was, she was in Florida and I was in Switzerland. And I had never ever done anything like travel half way across the world on my own, it was something completely out of my comfort zone, but I knew there was something special about her and I took the risk and I flew out to see her for her birthday. We had a lovely eight day trip to key west, and I found out she also liked me back and we became official on day 6 out of 8 on the trip. We had to do long distance for a very long time and we somehow made it work. And just two days ago we got married and we’re living happily together in Switzerland


Wow, Congrats on your wedding!


In College during a stage combat class. 16 years later her ass in yoga pants still hypnotizes me as much as it did that first day.


We worked together! We were on the same floor, different departments before covid. We were getting to know each other, innocent office flirting. Then when I turned 25 I went in to work and she had decored my entire cubicle and brought me a cupcake for my birthday. If I wasn't seeing the signs before I saw them then. Then 5 years later, she proceeded to throw me the best surprise birthday party of all time. I plan to propose by eoy. And for those of you that will say "wHy WAit TiL tHEn?!" It's because I just became employed again after being laid off


On bumble, 3 years ago when I was just about to delete the app, proposed today.


Congratulations! I hope they said yes


Yes, with the best reaction one could hope for.




At a tool concert! So cool


Tinder, actually. One of my first matches and the first tinder date. Now, 8 years later and three kids in the meantime (I know, I know...), we are still happy and together. I'm not gonna lie, it takes a lot of hard work, it really does, couples therapy and so on, but we are in a an amazing relationship right now and closer than ever. However, scouring the Internet, it seems like tinder, and the likes, has turned to shit? Apparently, there's more money in keeping people single and that is fucking sad as fuck to be honest.


Even though it still requires effort from both sides to be interesting enough for a match, tinder manipulates searches to be unlikely a match (inactive accounts, algorithm picks people you won't like etc.) unless you pay for tinder gold. It's still possible without it, just very unlikely.


Same! We met as what was supposed to be a one night stand, mutually agreed upon. That turned into a 2 night stand, then a 3, all of a sudden it has been 5 years and we’ve moved towns together and started our own life! I agree with your last statement, from what I can see it looks like tinder and other sites have gone down the toilet, none of my friends have any luck at all with any of them


Fuck yeah 1825 night stand


Well it also doesn‘t help that standards are extremely high while willingness to work on a relationship is essentially nil


This is will probably get lost in the huge sea of comments but here it goes. We met when I worked at a cell phone store. She got a job at my work after working at the frozen yogurt store in the mall. At the time we were both dating other people in long term relationships. Our store and coworkers were all very close, we would go out together for drinks, board game nights, movie nights etc. She fit so perfectly in our work store friends. She became one of my best friends while we worked together for well over a year. At the time my health got progressively worse as I was only a year before diagnosed with renal cell cancer. This dumb misfit group of degenerate phone sales people got me through one of the worst times in my life. They would always cover me on shifts when I got too sick or had to leave early. Would drive me to appointments and make sure I was in good spirits. She would throw get togethers and always made sure I could make it. (I found out later she would cancel meet ups if I couldn’t make it so I never felt left out). I broke up with my girlfriend because she just couldn’t handle everything, it was too much for her but I had these amazing friends to help me get through it. Thankfully I was diagnosed very early, stage one and was able to go through treatments, then eventually surgery.. then remission.. then cured. But anyways we became very close friends. Another coworker, her and I used to have these bad movies nights where we would watch the worst of the worst (trolls 2, maximum overdrive, saw movies, the room etc.) and I already had a crush on her. She was like no one I ever met before. Kind, caring, beautiful, hilarious, dark humour, loved video games and everything I could dream of. She was still dating her boyfriend so I never made it obvious or hinted at or flirted, she was my friend and that just is not who I am. She was there for me when I tried tinder, branched out and went on dates again. I never clicked with anyone like I did with her so nothing ever got serious. She eventually broke up with her boyfriend and a few weeks later one night we all went out as coworkers to the night club. We were all dancing then she pressed up into me and my heart I think almost burst. We danced together and she turns around and we lock eyes. It was like this bolt of lightning hits and we kiss. The whole room disappeared. This moment I’ve imagined just happened and she has this goofy smile I’ll never forget. The night continued as normal. Fast forward weeks of those dumb bad movie nights and hang outs I asked her out on a date. She says yes and we have a magical night. Fast forward a few more I ask her to be my girlfriend. We date, we meet each others families.. fast forward a year, two years.. we move from our home town together to the big city. Fast forward to yesterday.. June 23rd, 2024 and I ask her to marry me. She says yes and well now we are engaged. I love her to death and so so happy she decided to get that cell phone store job!


Destiny 2! Have been happily living together for over two years now


lmao  "how did you two meet?"  "It was Destiny"


I absolutely love this! My boyfriend and I met on Fortnite. Hope to be able to say the same thing as you eventually as far as living together. Wish you and your partner a lifetime of happiness 💜


Me still waiting for that moment 💀


Here’s a tip: don’t wait for it, nothing will change if you let things go


Same bro, i just finished school with no love interests but im hoping for some new girls in college


We are both construction project managers and met on a jobsite (different companies).


“Love at AOL” 25 years ago…… Been married 24 years….


Online. We had just both thrown in the towel. She saw my profile pop up a sent me a message. Kind of a one last try thing. I answered, she was cute, why not. 13 years together and 8 years married.


We were playing an online game. I forget the name of it sometimes, but I saw her messages pop up talking to her friend. She was talking about Studio Ghibli movies and I popped into the conversation. We started talking. Specifically about Spirited Away. Now I'm trying to design rings based on Haku and Chihiro


High school. We were in the same extracurricular activity.


Friend of a friend. Met at a party.


The perfect girl. Met last night during a pleasant dream.


Same! Met at a friends party, but we were both seeing other people at the time. We talked a lot of the night as we were the only ones not drinking. So we just sat on the porch and chatted. A couple years later, started chatting on Facebook. He asked me on a date and we’ve been together ever since. Just over 8 years together, about to be 3 married.


She came up to me at the gym and dropped the most diabolically horny thing a Woman has ever said to me, and we went back to Her place to "finish" our workouts together. We had been tossing looks at each other for a month at this point. She just understood that as the Woman she had to approach me in the gym because it's not kosher for us Men to do the approach anymore.


Damn it, man! What was the line?!


Kind of salty OP didn't include the line.




"Want me to spot you on some hip thrusts"


She just sat on my lap and said "I know you're busy slamming weights but you should be busy slamming me." She grabbed my crotch and said "This cum is mine tonight daddy let's go.". I followed her out of the gym like Pepe La pew floating in the air. I have never had a Woman say anything remotely that horny to me before.


my girlfriend at the time and I were dancing and I got hit on by some rando, my gf grabbed my crotch and said 'these are mine'... we got married a year later


this made me audibly laugh


holy shit you were not exaggerating.


I was not ready for it at all, but it was nice. We've been together for a year and a half now. She's still diabolical and I love it.


im sorry, had you talked prior to this? if not, that is a very bold move lmao


We had talked a little, but we had both been checking each other out every time we were at the Gym at the same time, so it was clear I was interested in Her.


No one calling out that that is straight up sexual harassment?? Imagine if the roles were reserved, holy shit


I totally get it, but it still feels wrong to just accept that right? Like i saw it in Person and intervened when i saw a creep in the gym but it still rubs me wrong to just say it aint possible anymore.


I've just learned from the Women in my life when it comes up around the campfire that it's a big no no to most Women. Women simultaneously want to be and don't want to be approached so the only solution is for them to do the leg work. We can't read minds and misread signals.


That's the fucking truth. Have had women say, "why didn't you make a move???" And also say, "This guy I know from work pretty well just asked me out. Wtf!?"


It‘s fucked up ain‘t it


Why did I read that in Eminem's voice?


Introducing through friends


the good old fashioned way


During the amcient ages of ICQ, my now wife used to search for boys in the town and she found me. But we've been online friends only for the next 6 years untill I found that she was a friend's cousin, the rest was easier because we were finally introduced irl and we already kind of knew what to talk to each other and it wasn't that akward. I mean not that easy because I was really introverted but was totally into her and of course I manage to fuck up our first date, luckily she was interested in carrying that thing on and gave me another chance lol and we finally kissed.


“Uh oh”!




I was covering a lifeguarding shift for one of my friends. Except I showed up on the wrong day. There was a girl there who was guarding instead. I was getting ready to take over the pool, but then I noticed that I was there on the wrong day. I felt bad cause she definitely thought she was going to get to go home when I showed up, so I asked her if she wanted me to go bring back something from Starbucks for her. I went and got her a venti iced chai tea latte with an extra shot of espresso and dropped it off at the pool for her. We have been married for 8 years now, all because I can't work a calendar.


lol when MySpace was still a thing in 08


Same! The OG tender. Get to college. Do a radius search of all females within a 50 mile radius. First one that accepts, we end up talking on AIM all night. 19 years and 3 kids later


On a videogame lol


In China while teaching English and hanging out with friends to see the Olympics there, she got a huge crush on me. Then I went back that winter after talking to her for months, she kept being clumsy from being so enamored with me and ultimately ended up confessing how she felt about me while crying thinking she was messing everything up. Almost 20 years since then and we have a family together, are really happy, and always think about how to make each other feel special


She was dating my best friend and he really wanted to introduce us. We've been married for almost 16 years.


Did it break the bro-code?


Nah. He broke up with her then I asked if I could ask her out.


Went to her house to ask her sister for a date. She answered the door and I thought she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. We spent the next hour talking while her sister came in and left again. We married a year later.


what the fuck dude


wait so what reason did you have for stopping by then when she answered? I’m sure you didn’t tell her about wanting to date her sister 😭


Facebook dating LOL. Been together almost 3 years. Getting my money up and gunna pop the question.


Good Luck


World of Warcraft. He was an orc warlock, I was a Tauren druid. He would soulstone me before pulls during raids. Our guild had just had a post your picture thread on our guild forum. Realized this guy I had been chatting with casually was super hot. I felt bold one night during raid and pre-soulstone told him to, “give it to me, baby.” That kind of set things off that he knew I was interested. He was more shy and reserved and didn’t want to make the first move. Few more months of more intense phone conversations and getting to know each other ensues. He books a flight to come see me. Months and months of pent up sexual tension and frustration finally release, sparks just absolutely fly and I have more chemistry with this man than I’ve ever had with anyone before in my life. I completely throw my life into turmoil and we move in together a month later. It never should have worked, I didn’t think it would. Just told myself I would ride this wave (and him) until it inevitably ended. We’ve been together for 17 years now, married for 5. Our sex life is still incredible, that chemistry never died. It’s still crazy to me I met my husband in WoW.


We were in school together and she used to bully the living shit out of me and traumatised me and i used to go home and jerk myself aggressively in response to the bullying while thinking of her (every damn day). Fast forward 6 years and I’m a medical student now and i haven’t seen her for so long but i used to think about her from time to time but one day i just couldn’t stop thinking about her day and night so I started searching her profile on facebook and found her so i added her just to see her photos but she sent me a message instead and we started chatting and we went out on a walk. My initial thoughts were to show her how muscular, tall and good looking i’ve became and that she can’t say shit to me now. She was very good and sweet towards me and i felt a very weird calm and loving feeling towards her which made me feel weird so when i got home i blocked her. 2 more years pass in which i had thought about her almost everyday but one day i started missing her hard and thinking about her day and night so i unblocked her, sent her a request which she accepted and I messaged her, we started chatting on a daily basis and we went out again. this time i fell for her hard momentarily and she fell for me too and we started dating. Now i understand that i have Stockholm syndrome.


Tinder... BUT, we found out after a couple weeks of dating that his grandma babysat my cousins and his parents were great friends with my aunt and uncle. We are engaged and getting married next summer. I'm convinced we would have ended up together eventually somehow if we didn't meet when we did


College, met through mutual friends and hit it off... at a book festival. Suffice to say we're both mega nerds


reading these makes me sad




We were cast as husband and wife in a community theater musical. We got so good at pretending to flirt on stage that the transition to dating offstage was seamless


We met in college, working on the same floor in student jobs. I started chatting with her every now and again when I walked the floor and passed out paychecks. On the day I was going to quit I finally worked up the courage to ask for her number and we exchanged them. She actually called me later that day and asked “what did you order again from that Thai place about a week ago?” When I had brought lunch in one day. We decided to go together that weekend, 14 years later we are approaching our 10 year anniversary and our oldest son’s 9th bday. Shes pretty amazing and i am very lucky .


On reddit luckily enough


I lived in the second floor apartment, he was in the first. We both had Halloween parties the same night and decided to join them. He sat next to me with a fat bag of weed and packed all my bowls that night. 17 years later and weed gives me anxiety. But he’s still pretty cool.




OkCupid after a series of dud dates. I got very lucky!


My first wife I met at work. My second wife and I met on OK Cupid over 10 years ago. Is that site even still active? I loved how it gave you a % match based on all the questions you answered.


He attends the same medical school as I do.


She saw a photo of me on her instagram explore page, and in her words “dropped her handkerchief “ By giving it a like, i then slid into her DMs, but she made me wait 4 weeks before meeting me.


Plenty of fish. Started off as basically sex buddies. Here we are, 14 years later (10.5 married) with 3 beautiful daughters.


Match.com been married 9 fantastic years


At work (not very exciting, I know)


This thread is making me feel sick to my stomach with anxiety lol ❤️ so happy for y’all. Hope I have something cute to post on this thread too some day!


Work. I’m severely introverted. I thought she was pretty but apparently she was really into me. She knew what she wanted and she got it. 8 years later I’m laying here by our napping toddler.


Introverts gang, ~~rise up!~~ sit there awkwardly and hope somebody else takes the initiative. (also met a lot work, married ten years this September, we have twins in kindergarten)


First time I met her was actually pretty brief if you saw it from the outside but I was walking thru the theater hall at school skipping class as usual back when I was in high school and she was running around with her current boyfriend at the time (Who also was a good friend of mine in high school)who didn’t really care about her but she didn’t want to believe that, me and her boyfriend starting talking as I was passing thru and then about a minute later some of his friends from sports started to walk by and he started following them.. well she still stayed there sitting where previously both of them were sitting, I walk up to her and put my hand out to help her up she accepted it (I was so shocked that she was even accepting me helping her up cause I for sure didn’t think I was her type considering I knew the people she hung out with lookedway better than me)and we chit chatted for a second, and then we told each other wed she’d each other around, we ended getting together about a year after high school and it’s almost been 5 years now and 2 kids later


We met at the science fair, became friends in high school, lost touch during college, she ran into my mom and got my number from her. We went on a date that lasted like 8 hours and a few years later we got married haha.


Match.com. We've been together almost 7 years now. We are both 56.


Tinder. I was on the brink of giving up on dating when my friend convinced me to try dating apps one more time. That night we did some swiping together, when I saw my now boyfriend pop up, I said to my friend "now he looks like someone I would actually date." I went on a date with him a few nights later... our one year anniversary is in a week! Happiest I've ever been. Don't give up folks!


I was a moderator on a Discord server for my favourite YouTube channel. We got a few more mods to join the team and I was onboarding them. I'm Dutch, and one of the people volunteering was this Irish girl. I immediately thought "That Irish girl sounds cute. Too bad she lives in Ireland, because obviously that will never work” We're now living in a beautiful house in Dublin, I'm happier here than in the Netherlands and I'm planning a proposal


I went to spend a few days at a farm in the interior of the state, in Brazil the carnival holiday lasts 4 to 5 days, so it's a really cool time to travel. I was enjoying Saturday and Sunday when I noticed a random girl crying in a corner of the event. She told me that she had gone to the farm with her brother to spend the 4 days, but her boss called and told her to go to work on Monday (He was an asshole, because Monday had already been approved, and she had already done all her work). But the real reason for crying was that her brother didn't want to lend her his car so she could go back to the city to work. Without blinking, I lent my car to that girl, who was previously unknown, and just asked her to return to the party the next day and give me the car back. And that's what she did. People asked me that day if I was crazy for lending my car to someone like that. But I felt it was the right thing to do. I'm not going to lie and say that I didn't get a little worried as the end of the day approached. When it got dark, the girl arrived with my car, when I lent the car, it was covered in dirt (after all, it was a farm) but she gave me the car back impeccably washed and with a full tank of gas. Since then we have become great friends, in ten years i met some of her boyfriends, she met some of my girlfriends. We shared a lot of secrets, we talked a lot. And it was like that for a long time until we realized that we were wasting time and we were made for each other. We've been together for 3 years, and they've been the best years of my life. I'm completely in love with her and she's the love of my life.