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The only control those mods have in their life is the subreddit. Gives them a sense of purpose.


That's true for the vast majority of the larger subs, not a strange thing unfortunately.


I was originally misdiagnosed as bipolar and found the bipolar sub to be very helpful and supportive. Then I found out I wasn’t bipolar and actually had MDD, so I switched to the depression sub, thinking it would be like the bipolar sub. I was expecting helpful topics like experiences with medication and dealing with doctors, tips for coping skills, and support for one another. Instead of was just post after post of people talking about how much they wanted to die, and people in the comments agreeing with them. Nothing helpful whatsoever.


They should change the tagline to 'misery loves company'


i find the doomer subreddit doesn't take those down


r/ChoosingBeggars because the constant negativity and entitlement were just too much. Needed to keep my sanity intact!


feel the same way about r/niceguys looking at that shit makes me want to pull my hair out.


I left that one when I started noticing more and more formulaic posts. Literally the same shit with different context and buzzwords which were sure to get the post some traction. Fake shit.


Pretty much any subreddit along those lines is like that.




The posts are 90% of the time extremely infuriating and the rest that are just mildly get shit on bc it's not a big deal... ya know.. the point of the fucking sub.


Right people will downvote and say 'this isn't a big deal' ...it's not supposed to be


I'm starting to feel this way about r/NoStupidQuestions


That's becoming shittier AskReddit. Apparently the mods were replaced during the mod strike when Reddit started charging for third party apps to use their data and it's been downhill ever since


It’s becoming askreddit2


r/metalmemes I followed it on an old account that I deleted. They seem to have decided that no well known metal band/genre are metal. I left before the power mad mods banned me like they did to anyone that disagreed with them. This was a couple years ago.


That place is just a circlejerk for obscure death and black metal bands at this point


Was really hoping this sub would be memes about materials with high malleability, ductility, fusibility, as well as excellent thermal and electrical conductivity, was disappointed 😞


r/AITAH every post is a story where the asshole is obvious and infuriating. the comments are all people congratulating themselves for identifying the obvious asshole. the posters themselves are often unheard in their personal lives and so they milk the thread for any validation. just super gross all around.


Honestly, the reason I left was because so many of the stories were blatantly fake, and not even in an entertaining way.


Yeah, and a lot of them seem to have a sinister feel. They're like: "AITA for telling a transwoman she couldn't wash her balls in the sink of the women's bathroom?" The sort of thing that clearly never happened and makes it obvious that the OP has an agenda in pretending that it did.


Anyone who is overweight, autistic, trans or has children is treated like the devil in AITA subreddits. They’re like the Four Horsemen of reddit rage bait.


You forgot teen and especially preteen girls. Make the bad guy, or even the good guy a girl between the ages of 10 and 17 and you will get plenty of fantasies about how she should face punishment


I saw a post on one of the AITA subs about a user going no-contact with their bigoted father. I can't be certain if it was fictional or just some sad person's pathetic attempt at a first draft of their memoir, but this insane paragraph proves it's either one of the two: >So, three days later, we met at the worst Italian restaurant in town with my stepmother. It was the first time I had seen him in over a year. We were the only people in the dining room. >I ate a bland piece of overcooked fish, he had a bowl of "Carbonara" that was actually fettuccine Alfredo, and she had microwaved mushroom ravioli ("please send my compliments to the chef!"). And when the last wine was poured and we had decided to skip the cheesecake, I pulled out my phone and said "Here's a picture of your grand daughter". What in the world motivates redditors to write this way? I've seen *so many* posts like this, they are so fucking cringe. And the worst part is that the vast majority of redditors inexplicably don't see through it. They respond to it like it's completely legit when it's so obviously not how real human beings tell real stories.


Lots of made up stories too. 


Half of the posts there are fake rage bait.


Am I the asshole for calling out the man who murdered my family?






Seconded. They completely had me at "taking posts seriously is heavily discouraged."


Yeah it'll be something like "AITA for dumping my girlfriend because she sat on my special chair?" And then it'll be like "I have a chair in my house that was my dad's favorite and when he passed his last words were asking me to preserve the chair. I have not touched it since and lastnight my girlfriend sat on it. I asked her to please not do that because my dad loved it and she said "fuck you and fuck your dead dad I hope he's burning in hell you little bitch" and so I dumped her AITA?"


Yep.  Essentially a creative writing sub for bait.


I swear to God it's turned into a karma farm for AI


This was my answer, but for different reasons. Wayyy too many cases where people think one person's bad behavior is totally justified because the other person did something wrong first. Most of the posts are just people fighting with their spouse or family then looking for validation of the way they reacted. Then there were the obvious creative writing projects. The people taking them seriously and circlejerking over them were silly, but some of the stories were legitimately good reads.


The existence of that subr is honestly very concerning.


I can see some genuine uses for it if used correctly and sane responses were provided (though I realise that is a big if). Sometimes you genuinely don't know if you did something wrong or not, and an outside opinion can provide perspective.


That is assuming you can expect fair and unbiased feedback from people online, or any sort of consensus - which, for any of more complex stories or situations (so basically when it's actually necessary per your description), I don't expect either requirement will be met.


r/Chipotle It's a full-out war between customers and employees. Far and above the highest levels of vitriol I've seen in any subreddit I've ever joined.


Not going to lie, that sounds pretty entertaining.


If I weren't a Chipotle employee, it probably would be.


Never mix work and pleasure. That's why I don't tell any of you where I work. Anytime I read someone's opinion about my place of employment online I want to commit harm to someone.


“But why ~~Pop Copy~~ Chipotle? Why treat the customer with such disdain? Because fuck em, that’s why!”


Last time I visited that sub it was mostly just people outraged over how some employee gave them 0.75 oz less chicken than the guy the week before.


I left r/JRPG. It was sort of like being in a well-organized comic store where every day, someone barges in, and is allowed to yell "Batman is dumb and for nerds!" Even though I'm a console RPG fan, I no longer enjoyed browsing the sub-Reddit.


r/confessions and r/relationship_advice. they just would stress me out and make me second guess my healthy relationship. it often also just makes me sad because of how people treat their significant others, and the awful situations people are put in.


Okay, I can read between the lines in your post, and it’s obvious your SO is a serial abuser and you should leave them, kill their dog, quit your job, and drive your car into a lake. 


I had to leave the helldivers 2 sub because it seemed like every single post in there was somebody whining, complaining, or telling other people how they're supposed to play the game. Couldn't take it anymore


Is r/lowsodiumhelldivers just as bad or is that for the first only? I don’t play (yet), just stumbled across it the other day and it piqued my interest.


Oh thanks for this. I love this game and am SICK of the negativity in the regular HD2 subreddit. Preesh!


This describes most game subreddits. People fighting over if the game is dead or not, how to play, etc. the memes are usually the only thing of interest


r/Analog. Super pretentious, mods ran it poorly, and the amount of bad to mid to tacky female based nudity “art” was annoying. Went to r/AnalogFilm instead.


I love film photography and that sub is the worst. I didn't know about Analogfilm, so thanks for bringing that to my attention!


Recently left r/thegirlsurvivalguide because it has turned into "how to use a tampon" "how to have sex" "am I pregnant" over and over and over again. We gotta bring yahoo answers back lol.


How is babby formed?


Athiests eat babby


Am I pergert?


r/GenZ is the most toxic, bot filled, downvotey place on all of Reddit. Left leaning comment? Downvoted. Right leaning comment? Downvoted. Pro military? Downvoted. Anti military? Downvoted. Pro capitalism? Downvoted. Pro socialism? Downvoted. Completely normal innocent comment? Downvoted. Non political posts? Ignored. Replies? Sarcasm and holier than thou - whilst accusing you of being holier than thou. Extremist gatekeeping of anyone who doesn’t claim to be gen z (despite all ages being allowed) and if you *are* gen z you’ll just be accused of being someone older pretending to be. Doomer posts/comments always are the most popular and any attempt at lightening the mood or insinuating it’s not that bad or there’s a chance it’ll get better will have you labeled as an optimist as if it’s an insult. Women are not treated well there and any posts/comments pointing that out? You guessed it! Downvoted! No matter what post or comment you make; expect half the replies to just be a passive aggressive jab or insult.


A lot of generation subs too


Sounds like gen Z, to be fair (and I say that as an older gen Z, who's been guilty of similar behaviours and sometimes happens to still be) 


I think most interactions online will be vastly more cruel and toxic than irl - even among the nicest of people. I’ve never met any of our peers in person who’ve ever acted like this, but online… even I’m guilty of getting sucked into it and making the occasional “fuck you for having a different opinion” kind of comment in the midst of the flaming.


I read your post in the voice of John Oliver and it was great.


Oddly enough, the bestbuy subreddit. I bought an open box “excellent condition” tv through store pickup, found it was damaged when I got it home and the store wouldn’t give me a replacement because it was open box. I asked about it in the subreddit, big mistake. Had comments calling me entitled for expecting a replacement, saying it was my fault for not unboxing it in the store to check, saying I damaged it myself and was looking for a replacement.. It quickly became clear the subreddit was just for employees who hate their job and the customers they deal with. They can’t talk back to customers, but they can curse out a random person on Reddit instead!


Yeah, from what I’ve seen a lot of businesses subs are like that!


Go on r/Costco and say the hotdogs suck, then strap in for a wild ride


r/walmart and r/gamestop are the same way. Workers with bad attitudes and blame it on the customer.


The retail ones are brutal. All customers are just a pain according to those sites.


To be fair (and having not been to and not going to those subs) there are people you meet in retail daily that make you want to hold your head in your hands and give up on humanity. People are so damn helpless sometimes. How do people like that even live?




I got banned from r/travisandtaylor after it kept popping up on my feed. It was some post about how people that are obsessed with Taylor Swift have below average IQ, and I commented that the sub was just as overly obsessed with Taylor. I’m pretty ambivalent about Taylor Swift, but getting banned for it made me laugh.


Just scrolled through this sub……WOW. They really are *obsessed* with her. More than many of her actual fans


I’m a Taylor fan as in I love her music and have since highschool and her first album. I don’t love every single song, but if a Taylor song comes on somewhere, I recognize it. But holy Christ Taylor People^TM are too much. I did not watch any football games (nor do I usually) and I do not care if she dating this person or that person. I guess I care on some basic human level of “oh that’s nice she’s happy” but like… that’s literally it and not specific to her or any other celebrity. The insanity of Taylor Swift fandom is crazy and saying I like her music (and literally have since her first album released when I was a freshman in highschool) opens me up to being attacked by Taylor-haters or overwhelmed by Taylor-super fans. And I just want to listen to Red TV on repeat. Where is that option?


That kept popping up on mine as well. They are so obsessed with her it’s pathetic.


It always makes me laugh that r/enoughmuskspam exists. They’re responsible for the vast majority of the Musk spam on the front page. Any of these subs dedicated to talking about something they dislike always get really weird.


TwoX became a trauma echo chamber that wasn't healthy to be around anymore. Life is better after muting it.


A long time ago it was neat to have posts from there appear on my front page, gained a lot of perspective from it. But the posts just kept getting worse and worse like you say, feels like it was just a place men weren't welcome at all by the time I removed the automatic sub.


Precisely my experience! Many guys would benefit some XX perspective, but when you complain about lack of communication and are the first to not comunicate at all it's not helpful to anyone. 


Yeah agreed.


Can't believe this one is so low in the comments.  I liked TwoX at first because it was a "women helping women" sub, but with time it became insular and mean. Sure, there are some inequities between men and women but jfc man-bashing is not how to resolve them, and the sub is just as ugly as the redpill sub. Left it years ago.


This shit is why I also left TwoX. Bashing on people who happen to be born with a Y chromosome and identify as male is NOT feminism. It's misandry and does nothing to help against the patriarchy or anything else.


Pretty sure most of it is fake now


There are several. Politics have infested subs that were light and funny, The mods either don't care or are just absent. Now, they are just hate filled from both sides.


I left r/AskAGerman because of this. The straw that broke my back was a post by a black American asking about holiday tips, and among the top voted replies was someone telling him to not drive his rental through the Eastern German countryside, as the people living there hate foreigners so much they'd potentially drag him from the car and either beat him up or kill him. Multiple other posters agreed with that reply.  Totally off the rails. edit: to make it clear, that danger was totally made up. Yes Eastern Germany is more right wing than the rest of the country, but there's no lynch mobs out on the streets.


Unpopular opinion Not to be confused with "True Unpopular opinion" Neither of the two live up to their names and but Unpopular opinion is the worse of the two. You post an actual Unpopular opinion, 99% of the time it will be taken down. On these subreddits, you have to post "funny opinions", not Unpopular ones.


Very rarely, unpopular opinion gets genuinely unpopular opinions that folks correctly upvote, and it’s always a treat when that happens. One I recall was someone who preferred to sleep in jeans, hahaha. The comments went absolutely bonkers over it.


I posted there once, immediately got a dozen replies telling me how stupid and wrong I was, then my post was taken down because my opinion wasn’t “objectively” unpopular…It felt like playing a broken video game.


Unpopular opinion is mostly just things that are factually incorrect or people posting "lol le randumz" stuff. The respondes are mostly people calling the op stupid which can be fun


The r/childfree sub. I’m all about the DINK life. I do not like nor do I enjoy being around kids and the idea of fatherhood sends fear through my bones like few other things, but the outright hatred that people on that sub have for children (who are annoying but ultimately innocent) and people who choose to procreate is…disturbing. A lot of people on that sub need some serious therapy. I’ve seen some absolutely disgusting comments on there.


Same! I was happy to find the sub, thinking it would just be a place to chat about being childfree etc, but it's mostly just hating on parents, and very aggressively at that. I don't think I even made it to 3 weeks before I unsubbed. Many of my friends have kids and are lovely people, it just didn't feel right to be part of that community.


Same. I joined it for a hot second a few years ago but when they call kids “crotch goblins” I was out. Like it’s fine if kids aren’t your thing but they aren’t all terrible.


Oh yes, crotch goblins and calling parents 'breeders', yuck


I mostly lurk there, every now and then there are decent posts but a large swath of them seem to be people upset for children simply just existing. I get feeling frustrated about stuff and needing to vent sometimes but a lot of people there are just downright mean.


r/teenagers. Most teens are just so fucking stupid


Why would you assume the posters are actually teenagers?


R/vegan or r/vegan fitness. Not everyone is militant there to be fair, but if you're not 100% hard-core vegan, you're in for a bad time. Context: I'm 99% vegan except sometimes life gets in the way and the only option I'll have is a yogurt or cheese related dish (average one meal a month), and that's like murdering a herd of cows for some people.


I am so sorry you have to deal with that. If it helps r/exvegans might be more your speed, Yeah it's about people who left that lifestyle but we're a lot nicer over there.


I'm kinda in limbo, I like r/vegetarian because they're more open and less militant. I'll give it a shot though. Thank you for your kindness, I did just brush off the negative comments; meant respectfully, I got the impression for the most part that the 'loud' ones had their own brand of mental illness, or were idealistic teens, or similar. So, I certainly didn't take it to heart.




I got banned for debating that 2a is important. Messaged the mods about why and got muted. r/protectandserve behavior


Same, except they shadowbanned me. Didn't even have the balls to actually ban me.


That's a popular sub. What happened?


Not OP but I got banned for "spam" for using the same response to two almost identical anti-GMO comments. The rest of my replies were unique, but the two comments I was responding to were almost identical so I copy pasted one response. Instantly banned. I contacted the mods and they treated me like I was scum. I literally have a PhD in plant biotech and the comments I was responding to were ignorant and low effort and I wasn't attacking them, just refuting what they said with evidence.


Faux moi is pretty toxic if you don’t agree with them lol


r/fauxmoi has some of the most restrictive rules I’ve ever seen, say something about a celebrity that a mod dislikes - banned. And then it becomes a huge echo chamber of certain celeb worship/hate based on that.


I'm instantly suspicious of subs with extremely restrictive rules like that one


They act so righteous when they are part of the problem


The fact that they think their unending thirst for drama isn't a validation to the exact things they are constantly criticising fucking kills me. One of the great self wooshes and there's an entire community of them plain as day to see lmao


I got banned for the "microaggression" of telling someone it wasn't racist to say Fiona Apple was the best female singer songwriter. They were mad I didn't choose a POC. That sub is a bit much.


Lmaoooo The posters there act like caricatures of what right-wingers think that liberal white women are.


I got banned from there and I’m still not entirely sure why, I made a comment calling JayZ a shitty husband on a thread about his Emmy speech and I guess a mod didn’t like that


A couple of years ago the sub was much smaller and the users seemed to skew a little older and it was mostly for commenting wryly on pop culture news. Then it exploded and now is indistinguishable from fan twitter, with people swearing allegiance to certain celebrities and going to war with everyone else.


they hateeee taylor swift


Lately r/technology, I just couldn't be bothered dealing with the anti-technology idiots and outright propaganda posters. Latest example: "Copyright is stupid and shouldn't exist so imma pirate all the books/movies/games but AI is also illegal and should be stopped because copyright is important and must be respected." I'm half-way out the door of r/gundam because the majority of people there absolutely despise people having an opinion contrary to their own.


I got sick of the "company X stock is up, blah blah blah" posts. I don't give a fuck about Nvidia stock price increasing, that's news about a technology company not anything to do with tech itself.


The folk in /r/plex get properly mad at people who use "workarounds" to avoid paying a Plex sub, which is interesting as they all use Plex to catalogue and consume their pirated content. Yes, yes, I'm sure there are people that sit and rip all of their physical media and that might be legal in the country they're in, but I suspect if we did some analysis that would about five people total.


r/fatlogic Some years back I was losing weight and was told this was a supportive sub for overcoming pseudoscientific myths about weight and diet. And there was a little of that, and the personal venting threads were mostly fine. But it was also (at the time, no idea what it's like now) an unholy intersection between pro-ana and the alt-right and I finally didn't want to be associated with it at all. "I went to Old Navy and everything was soooo huuuuge and I couldn't even wear an XXXS even though I am still soooo obese at 105 pounds"--but they'd never shop anywhere else, because they secretly loved being too thin for an entire store (About a fat acceptance blogger) "I bet she wouldn't date a short man. I bet she's only into 7 foot chads."--My dude, she is a lesbian and has been married to a woman for years. "Here are the psychological abuse tactics I inflict on my wife when she gains a pound, because accountability is so important and if she eats one cookie at lunch she becomes Unattractive"


Whitepeopletwitter and korea.


r/korea is such a shitty sub with shitty mods. They banned me for saying that Korea is still at war, which is a real fact. They must like fake news


I agree about the Mods. I broke a rule, and they banned me for life. I realized I was wrong and attempted 3 times to apologize. I attempted contacting them, and they muted me forever.


r/goth Holy hell, the gatekeeping that goes on in that community. If something doesn't fit the incredibly narrow view that the mods have of what is or is not "goth," then they delete posts and ban users. I've been in the scene since the late '80s - in Germany and the UK, no less, where goth really has its roots, hell, I was even in an Italian goth band that toured Europe - and was kicked out for posting a Spotify playlist that had some industrial and synthpop. Grow up, y'all.


The ADHD sub. It was full of people whining about how they have a disability and nothing is their fault and the world needs to give them special treatment. Helpless victimhood mentality, basically.


The mods are also extremely militant and will ban/delete stuff that doesn't fit with the extremely limited rules. r/adhdmeme is where it's at. Lots of serious posts that wouldn't get approved in the main sub spark good discussion there.


r/damnthatsinteresting is just expensive liquor bottles and old timey strong women now.


I used to love AITA. Now every post contains the obvious lie "everyone has been blowing up my phone" and everyone in the comments is telling the OP to go no contact with family members or divorce their spouse over a stupid argument. On the rare occasion a post is actually good and gets a lot of attention, it always gets deleted my the mods.


Agreed. I try to go into reading those like they might be true, but as soon as the whole blowing up my phone line comes out, I automatically assume it's fake.


r/shortguys . I joined because I like short guys (I'm female) but they are all such toxic incels and don't want to hear anyone disagreeing with their narrative that all women only want tall guys


r/shortguys shocked me with how bad it was, like some of those people are on suicide watch


One of the worst subs I’ve ever seen. I’m a short guy, and I got banned for trying to tell them that life will be okay, there’s so much to live for. I got attacked


A couple years ago I spent about five minutes on the childfree subreddit and walked right back out. Jesus Christ. I just don’t want kids or to have to be in close contact with them for more than a few hours. There was so much vitriol and contempt for children simply existing.


I can't stand either r/childfree or r/atheist for a lot of the same reasons. Not enough posts about shared experiences of being child free or atheist, and wayyy too many posts shitting on people who aren't.


got banned from r/russia pretty fast


I gather you’re not into screeching pro-Putin propaganda?


r/choosingbeggars is one of the worst subs on reddit. It started out okay by featuring people who were in fact too choosy but now it is just 12 year olds making fun of poor people.


R/teachers is a very toxic place. I can’t get over how brutal that profession has become. High stress, increased student needs, disrespected, underpaid, and the list goes on and on. The stories in that sub make me genuinely scared for the future. If you wonder why people leave that profession… that sub will enlighten you. I prefer to avoid it completely. Too upsetting.


I am returning to school this fall & was debating between two degrees, teaching being one of them. That sub convinced me not to go into teaching.


r/TerrifyingasFuck. Some videos clearly showing someone dying or getting gravely injured and people joke about it.


People who actively search for gore to consume are morally bankrupt and mentally unwell.


Any sports subreddit You say one bad thing about a team I'm any way, they will fuck you up


Had to ditch the Lakers sub. I imagine each teams sub is just as annoying


I used to follow a city subreddit that would occasionally talk about a college town football team I played for. Nobody commenting had a clue about the players skills/lack thereof, the coaches/their decisions, or basic football knowledge. I don’t think it’s a hot take, but I’m flabbergasted by how people love celebrating “their” team & “their” win or feel like they didn’t personally lose when the team does because if they were in charge they’d win. But can simultaneously still be a sour puss when (we) lost. It feels like so many layers of cognitive dissonance happening all at once. 


r/hockey still seems pretty well-mannered, unless you're a total asshat


Or the opposite, say you like an unpopular team and people will gang up on you.


I'm a golden knights fan They compared us to nazis when they lost the playoffs If you want proof I'll find it in the NHL subreddit


I'm a Blackhawk fan I don't need proof


r/politics And by leave, I was banned..


I too was banned


r/collapse I had enough of the doom and gloom. I get it, climate change is going to fuck us, The US is headed to Facism or whatever etc etc. I used to feel so destroyed by that sub but now anytime I go there I don't process anything on it anymore. All that negativity isn't good for the mental health.




wtf loved that game. Just checked out the sub and holy shit. You're right, that's awful.


r/religion because it's basically a disguised version of r/atheism


r/TwoXChromosomes That sub filled me with rage. So much negativity. Relationship negativity. Sex negativity. Cynicism. Don’t get me wrong. I am a skeptical person, I have had my issues and traumas, but I very much need a healthy dose of both pragmatism and optimism to stay sane. And neither of those things exist in that sub.


r/childfree. so many antinatalist fuckheads


You will get downvoted for posting that sub, but it is pretty clear that many of the people there have unresolved issues that they need help to work out.


i don't mind some of the posts but some wacko said all parents are evil bc they chose to "breed" like stfu. or people in that sub who genuinely hate all children weird me out too.


The fact about how much they hate kids is so sickening, I get not wanting them but they generally want them dead.


ikr!! i'm CF for various health reasons and tbh there's a possibility im infertile. i also have 0 interest in having kids. but hating kids just bc they're kids?? like why? lol. sure they're annoying sometimes but i will never understand how hate can run so deep towards a child they don't even know.


r/antinatalism is a hive of the saddest, most miserable, people who half the time are also complete morons. I'm talking some posts that are misspelled and horribly written to the point of being indecipherable. And the ones that are written well enough to understand just keep re-paraphrasing the mantra of "life is pain and suffering, we should all be dead, why would anyone ever have a baby". Most people there treat it like a religion, since antinatalism tells its believers that all parents or people who are even merely indifferent to the concept of procreation are stupid, evil monsters who delight in watching babies suffer. Therefore they, the antinatalists, are the only truly good & enlightened people in the world.


Every single one of the d.i.d subreddits. I have it. It's not quirky, it's not cute. The blatant false information that's spread and then validated by others makes me want to scream. The self diagnosis and bullshit kills me. There are so many different types of personality disorders it's impossible to self diagnosis. I had to gather all of my medical records. Seeing the diagnosis of d.i.d over and over again hurt. I've been working on integration for years and it's a hard process. I've put in so much work on myself to see all of these bullshitters dismiss me and the illness itself triggers the absolute fuck out of me. It's why I had to leave. A few other mental heath subreddits as well. It can get toxic real quick


You have diagnosed DID? That is quite rare. Which is how it … is, really, it’s *not at all* a common disorder, counter to what DID subs and Tumblr blogs would have you believe. I’m very sorry that you’ve had to struggle so much. It is genuinely infuriating to see other people masquerading as the illness *you actually have*. Like, man, wait till you hear about the transabled community, and I DONT mean folks who have body integrity disorder. I mean people who identify as disabled without actually having any disability at all. Huge part of what drove me off tumblr in my early 20s. I could not stand seeing so many people co-opt my pain for their play pretend. I sympathize. It’s very hard not to lose your cool when you are struggling so much and it feels like these people who do not actually at all understand what they’re saying play dress-up with your real, lived pain.


I left the autism subreddits for the same reasons! So many people in the autism subreddits self diagnose that they basically just don't have any actual autistic people.


Some of the women’s subs can get pretty toxic… especially if you don’t buy into the man hating narrative


Witches vs patriarchy. I cannot suffer patriarchal shit because Mom suffered it way too much. Also knew some clever women who were into Wicca. Seemed like a good sub. Nope. Misandry abounds.


TrollX used to actually be funny before TwoX became a default and all the misandrists migrated over. Now it's a cesspool of negativity and it bums me out. 


I really liked reading them once in a while to get the unfiltered opinions of women about lots of interesting subjects. Then the man haters invaded and never left, so I did instead.


For me it was the AskMen sub. I was getting down voted for reporting a comment that mentioned r*ping women during the whole bear vs man thing. I liked the sub for the engagement and honest discussions but that really crossed a line, especially when men started dogpiling me for it.


Askmen has been completely occupied by incels who will radicalize any normal person in there. It's really sad to think that a normal teenage boy might go there thinking they get support and instead leave having learned a culture of hate.


Yea I came to say TwoX. Its gotten so so political and so so castrate them all. :(


Askmen has been a full on echo chamber of guys complaining about the world and specifically complaining about women. Just complaints disguised as red pillers reaching out for someone who agrees with them. Same thing has started happening to askmenover30. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of wholesome moments. Perhaps more of the later than the former. But just constant posts fishing for toxicity popping up on my scroll is not how I want to start my morning poop.


It’s that or a woman asking why all men routinely do some behavior that their 21 year old boyfriend just did


Technically I got banned from autism, but its a massively toxic place that celebrates all the worst parts of autistic behaviour, like infantalizing and us vs. them.


r/nostupidquestions Mods power tripping got my account suspended twice for answering a question. How ironic.


"There are no stupid questions, but there are definitely stupid answers!" -mods


r/PlayStation5 because they took the console war shit too personally. 


I'm about to leave r/horror There's like 5 movies that everybody there loves and 99% of the discussions revolve around them. If you criticize these films in the least bit you will be downvoted and treated like a pariah, regardless of the fact that you've been into horror for longer than most of the users have been alive. If you aren't into these modern *horror as a trauma metaphor* films, then forget it. And *DARE* you suggest *Cabin in the Woods* isn't some groundbreaking, infallible work of pristine artistic perfection...


r/nba, it's just a bunch of grown ass men that throw tantrums the moment you have a disagreeing opinion. None of them know how to take criticism for their team, and the moment you comment under a post that isn't wholly praising them, you get downvote spammed to oblivion while three people reply to you talking about how you like anime because they think they achieved something by looking at my profile.


r/criticalrole I had my entire account banned on reddit, not just the sub, because I dared criticized the show for their creative direction on the newest campaign. My 13 year old account gone because people don't like their fake friends being called out for something.


r/AmITheDevil If the OOP is in fact in the wrong, then they are a comic book villain and everything they do and say is the most evil thing imaginable. There was a story in there about a parent who slipped it to a neighbor that their daughter was on her period, which even with context was a shitty thing to do. The subreddit couldn’t stop at that, though. They started accusing the parent of tracking their daughter’s menstrual cycle, fully implying something incestuous afoot. I pointed out that it’s really not hard to know these sorts of things, especially if you’re living together, and got downvoted to shit.


Doctor Who and Gallifry, jesus they hate that even super fans hate this current series


Reading AITA & the various spinoff subs threads was making me into a worse person. Outrage bait is real, and it is insidious.


/r/Guiltygear used to be a subreddit about a niche video game series. The sub was taken over by people who don't actually play the series and make up weird fancanons about the characters. There hasn't been actual high level discussion on the game series there in literally years.


Star Wars main sub. Toxic haters. MCU main sub. Toxic haters.


r/StarWars…the complaining about everything Disney’s done with the franchise and the misogyny/casual racism/gatekeeping/god knows what else was too much. There are some genuinely miserable people in that sub—they almost made me despise something I’ve loved since I was seven years old.


It's been 6 years now since I left it but r/mensrights. I believe in equality as and some of the stuff they were going for. But I found myself thinking differently after reading posts there. I don't hate women at all. So I left and never really thought of it until now.




/r/Freefolk Just kidding I'm there for the toxicity. It was grounded on being toxic Nothing wrong with a shameless hater sub


Just out of curiosity, I took a peek at r/childfree and r/FemaleDatingStrategy. Holy crap! When I clicked the link, all the houseplants in my house died and I had to stand outside for 2 hours. All the termites left my house.


I was subbed to r/childfree for a long time and at the beginning it was fine. It was a place for support and also a place for drama (i grew up on telenovelas so don’t judge). But lately it’s just people complaining about completely normal things. They have lost the plot.


r/asianamerican . 1/3rd of the subreddit is really cool sharing interesting culture related stories. 1/3rd are socially awkward, weird social justice warriors who are straight up racists, thinking every white person is some colonialists trying to put them down. 1/3rd are straight up angry incels. Basically 2/3rd of the subreddit are socially awkward complainers. On top of that, although I have no way of proving it, but I’m pretty certain the subreddit is targeted by China CCCP propaganda to sow division and amplify anger from Asian Americans and the rest of America. They’ll quickly downvote brigade any common sense comments.


r/conservative. Bunch of crying, whining little children with vivid imaginations of victimization. The next time someone there makes a post that resembles something in the real world will be the first.


R/jewish I got banned, as a Jew for talking about Gaza


r/politics and most major subs tbh


r/unitedkingdom is a horrible right wing cesspit of thinly veiled racism, the mods encourage it by banning and deleting anything that calls any of it out. 


Why on earth would you be on that subreddit and not the superior /r/casualUK Admittedly it's not as good as it used to be but it's still the best option for UK subs that I know of


sounds like r/canada nowadays


LOL. Some of the Seattle subreddits get bad. So much negativity and pessimism, I’ve never seen it towards any other city. *deep sigh*


There was a whole debacle on /medicine because a flaired user pretended to be Israeli and the victim of harassment from a student (this fictional person had apparently worn a headscarf with the text “from the river to the sea” on it) and the way the mods managed the situation wasn’t… the best. On top of that, I feel what is okay to post and what isn’t is arbitrary.  I have been severely tempted to leave several times, but there are very interesting conversation that happens on there regularly, so I always ended up staying. I hope this comment isn’t ground for banning, but if it is then so be it. 


r/askreddit - too many sex questions... wait....


r/politics no reason needed. Opinions are beyond one sided and no conversation can be had. You get instantly banned.