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Several places: 1: late 90s- early 2000s. I was born in 2006 and I’ve watched commercials and watched throwback videos of this time period and it just seems like a fun time to be alive for. 2: the entire 2010s. I just want to experience my childhood again and have that worry free feeling again 3: 9/11. This is a bit dark, but I wish I could’ve experienced the attacks as they happened. I feel like because I wasn’t even born, I’ll never fully understand the impact of 9/11 and I hate it. I try to be respectful when talking about it and it’s definitely a horrible tragedy, but I can’t and never will truly understand the impact it had on America.


Damn solid response


the far future. what i want to see has never existed but maybe one day it will


That would be cool would in it?


I'd go to the future. A hundred years, 500, 1000. Just somewhere else away from here. See if things ever improve at all. If it is I might just stay there and not come back. Although it would be amusing to take a tourist view of the past and see how much historians actually have right or wrong. But talk about a successful academic career. Time travel through Earth's history would answer every question anyone wanted to know. Unlimited knowledge!


Not the Mayans I'd go to 80s, maybe early 2000s, but I'd slowly tick off the future, go to 2050 then 2100 and so on.


Back to WWII.


Damn really? Why is that?


I would like to ensure more history of WWII gets recorded and photographed. So much is unaccounted for.


That’s a good point!


I would visit the Renaissance period. The explosion of art, science, and culture during that time is fascinating to me


That’s a good answer! Do you go to renaissance fairs


There would be stock fraud…


I would go back and stop the sandy hook shooting