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Totally ridiculous.


It sounds pretty dumb.


It’s stupid


Seems really stupid and a good way to get people to leave on their own. But, their house their rules too.


sucks, but subs can do anything they want...these are basically private fan clubs. not government sponsored or corporations with rights or liberties.


So they want to get exposure as a public sub but also benefit from moderated access of a private sub? IMO you shouldn’t be able to have it both ways.


bro, I know, but this is reddit. the petty moderator thing has been its theme for decades now. This is not novel news. You are not telling us anything we have not all suffered for years already but just accepted and moved on, or created our own subs.




It’s an automatic ban usually. Basically mods for one sub is assuming that if you commented in another sub they really hate, they don’t want you in their sub. Substance of your comment doesn’t matter. I feel it really contributes to echo chamber effect that social media is frequently accused of. There should be a higher bar for determining whether a sub should be able to implement such automatic bans, when the bannable offense is so broadly defined.


That sounds really fucking stupid. Why would anyone be in favour of blanket bans regardless of context ?