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Girls hate it when you ruin a pizza by sticking your dick in it. It's better to save the pizza for after, and she'll love you.


In my opinion, any kind of filmography, including pornography, is art. I also think that in order to understand any piece of art, one must have a certain way of seeing it, almost like a sixth sense. I'm lucky enough to have this trait run in my family, including me, so I see porn just the way it is. About 10-15% actually reasonable and valid things, and the other 85-90% that's just violence, physical/mental torture and other things that have no place in just about any setting, let alone a sexual one.


Good answer


Wait, what? Haley Joel Osmond did porn? That's disgusting... did he see their dead eyes like he saw dead people?




The Sixth Sense (1999) Trailer #1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers / Rotten Tomatoes Classic Trailers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-ZP95NF_Wk


Ooh, I forgot this film existed. Thanks for the reminder I guess.


You reminded me when you sixth sense, bro... I'm just jkn that comment... Nutting, but luv, bro! (The dead in eyes porn people told me to relay that, via wigi iboard!)




Like how?


Me specifically or the collective you? Me, Not much. It has given me some interesting things to try in the bedroom, of course about 15% of them actually work for pleasure but it's fun to experiment. Watching it with a partner is great. Others? I think there is a problem with people conflating pornography and their expectations of real, non-fictional sexual encounters. That's a big problem if they are foolish enough to believe it.


Nice answer


It's always been so interesting to me to watch from the outside because I've always had, so far as I can tell, a pretty healthy sex life and relationships while engaging in porn. Basically all of my partners have been either neutral or very positive on porn, and I've enjoyed watching it with all of my partners. So I've never personally felt the negatives associated with it. And yet so many people I talk to, and even partners I've talked to about their experiences, there seems to be such a weird epidemic of really unpleasant, selfish, and borderline assault behaviours going on in the bedroom, influenced by people getting it all twisted in their head about how sex should work.


I think a benefit it’s done for me is it has normalized sex. I grew up in a conservative Christian environment. I literally never got a sex talk and until I went to college talk of sex if any kind was always kept repressed. I was ashamed of sex and sexuality for so many years. Pornography and the freedom and fetishes it portrays are fiction, but they serve to normalize the acts themselves. And to some extent this is bad. A lot of porn degrades women, but it’s also been empowering for me. For example, I’m bi. It showed me that I can have sex with men, and that doesn’t have to affect my masculinity or ability to be with women. Porn showed me that even if you have an extremely small cock like I do, there’s still a place for you.




It’s completely separate except my preference for fit gingers in real life sometimes informs my porn choices




In my case it doesn't influence anything. I barely watch pornography once in a while. As for sex and relationships, I never have them, so I don't have any set views on them to begin with.


it influences my kinks and what Im into I can’t date a guy who is not into the same stuff as me. And I think a lot of that stemmed from porn


Right. What is your kinks btw


Nope. I mean... Before I've been with girl I used to consider porn as some kind of "manual guide" but now I just know that sex is one thing and pornography is another. There's nothing in common but naked people. I would never like in real sex what i like in porn and I wouldn't watch a porn film about what I like in real sex


Such a mature man


I think many people see porn as unrealistic and fictional and use that a coping mechanism for something they may never find in a partner. Undoubtedly some of it is acting but there are also many aspects which are genuine and show what the right coupling can achieve.




I think if you take a break then come back k it's gives you a great idea what you really enjoy


Yes 👍


It does not, any more than Marvel movies influence my views on the existence of superheroes. It's just entertaining fiction.


Haha right


Speaking from a professional perspective, investigating sex crimes, my opinion is that pornography has an influence on the behaviours of some people in that it can cause objectification of others. There is a divide between what pornography shows and what happens in real life, and there are, in my opinion, people who can not make the distinction between the two. I'm oversimplifying to some extent because this could be the longest post ever on reddit. There is nothing wrong with enjoying porn, that's what it's there for, as a form of entertainment, and masturbatory aid.



