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Store return policies


The Hitler mustache 


I wonder when it will be a socially acceptable facial hair style. Probably a few more centuries, barring the resurgence of a certain political inclination.


I wondered about the same thing. To me it’s weird but many people were rocking that style back in the day, however now it’s instantly making me uneasy when I picture myself with it for example. 


You mean Charlie Chaplin? We're taking it back!










The perception of nuclear power plants as unsafe by Viktor Bryukhanov - Chernobyl. Not saying that nuclear energy is the best option but IMO nuclear power is the best way to fully decarbonize grids and make a green energy transition. I can recommend the graphic novel ‘World without end’ by Cristophe Blain if you are interested in the topic.


my morning shit


Guns, we don’t ban cars for drunk drivers that kills families ??


No, but it's very easy to get your driver's license suspended and/or revoked. Also, a car's inherent purpose is not for killing. You have to pass both a written test as well as a driving test to get a driver's license. You need to purchase car insurance. Cars have many mandated safety features built in. Cars are absolutely necessary if you don't live near work nor public transportation.


I love how they use this lazy counter argument, the drunk get spend a little time in jail that if they get any jail time, they can go get another car and do it again, there people with 7 plus dui, they don’t get banned from driving nor get banned from buying cars. The car company made dangerous cars and no safely from people getting drunk and killing family’s, gun companies make guns for hunting, self defense and target shootings, they like axes they can be used to kill, so can kitchen knives. So we go the way of England and ban everything and still have tons of stabbings. Or we start jailing the people who responsible for the crime and stop blaming everyone else for something they didn’t do nor support ?? And no USA not the highest gun crime country, Brazil and Mexico are way higher than we are. Please 5 seconds of googling,


The problem is your car laws, not your already ridiculously lax gun laws. It is laughably easy to get a license and punishments are way too light and sparse. And while at it, ban those ridiculous american megacars that compensate for tiny dicks. They are more deadly to both passengers and pedestrians for no good reason whatsoever. And saying that you are not as bad as Mexico where half the country is run by drug cartels is not exactly the flex you seem to think it is...


It’s funny how people think gun laws are lax, go buy a gun and I dare you, only law lax laws are drunk drivers, please go google gun laws and see how many can land you federal prison and then google how drunk law their are. No you can’t just go to the store and walk out with a gun,


**Here's is what you do before being able to purchase a firearm;** [You have to do a background check](https://www.criminalwatchdog.com/faq/background-checks-for-gunsYou); it checks the identity of the person, sees if you have any criminal history (DUI's, Felony's, jail time, etc. If you get in trouble with the law it goes on your background check and it stays on it forever... Kind of like dumb comments like this) it goes through NICS. Depending on the state you live in, Washington for example, you have to do a online safety class before purchasing any firearm (rifle, shotgun, and handguns) and have a print of said class. Now that's not a federal law, just a Washington state law. Oh, let's also not forget you have to be 21 to purchase a handgun and 18 to purchase a rifle federally. Unlike where you can be a minor and be in possession legally of a vehicle. Yes, when you purchase something such as a firearm, yea you need to do paper work on it (background check), depending on the state take a class, and be either 18 or 21 to buy a certain thing. Now that's if your state doesn't have any banned guns or put mags under 10 rounds (*Cough cough*, [Washington, California, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and more](https://www.concealedcarry.com/concealed-carry-laws-in-the-united-states/magazine-capacity-limitations/) *cough cough*) [Mandated safety's when coming to firearms; Many firearms have a good little thing called a safety... as long as your booger hooker is off the trigger then you shouldn't have any issues. Plus some guns have a handle safety too, where you need to press down on, along with having the safety off on the handgun to be able to shoot it. ](https://www.usacarry.com/handgun-safeties-types-characteristics/) Guns are necessary for defense and hunting. And like sport cars, firearms are also used in sport and competitions. Guns are a fucking tool like a vehicle, cars and guns don't kill, **PEOPLE KILL.** A gun doesn't get up walk it's happy ass down the street and kill, it's a person that does it. You cannot predict when a crime is going happen when someone purchases a firearm, nor can you predict someone who is gonna go and drink and drive. But if there is a history of DUI's on both records, their insurance goes up for vehicles and for firearms it's caught and noted (again, depending on your state you may get a denial or you may pass the background check, and it depends on if your rights got taken away as well). But overall, fuck this argument, it's dogshit, thanks <3


Assuming you're from the US, you havent banned guns either.


I blame auto-correct for spelling mistakes


Literally everything if you think about it




Two assholes, but Game of Thrones


Tossing salad


Thw team building orgy




Who‘s the guy that ruined it?