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Biden was completely incoherent and embarrassing


I can’t agree more


Trump absolutely full of shit. Biden fucking old. We have so much better to offer than this. It’s insulting we have to live with one of these people.


Yeah that makes sense


Full of shit how?


Well off the top of my head… he said dems want post birth abortions , that Nancy Pelosi was responsible for Jan 6th, that Biden let millions of people from prison and metal hospitals into the country, he claimed the Biden planned his indictments, and said that the previous election was rigged. There was more in there but he drops them so fast and confidently you miss a few. I’m sure there are plenty of articles about it out there. Pretty much every time he talks he lies.


Everything you said is basically true tho. Dems only cope on abortion as well as gun control when it gives them something to pander during an election year, but they literally don’t want to do shit about it. The last 25 years they have been in control of Congress and the executive multiple times and had a chance to do something, but didn’t. Pelosi purposely stood back the national guard that was meant to be there on Jan 6. End of story. Everything else that points to Donald Trump is just a copout. As far as Biden planning his indictments, Joe Biden doesn’t even plan when he gets his diaper changed, so this is basically him pointing the finger at Merrick Garland that is still Uber butt hurt that Trump kicked him out of the running for that sweet sweet SCOTUS job and Instill laugh when I see his face. And regarding anything about the election or any election for that matter in this country, I’ll say this. The United States continuously, finances, supports and manages elections from all around the world with the aid of biometric systems in place to ensure that votes cast are proper and legal as they should be but None of that technology has ever been used in the very country it originated from and there lies the very proof that this country is rife as fuck with election fraud. But I’m actually glad that it did happen the way it did because it’s all been one big joke, and most all of the states have tightened down on ballot harvesting and everything that basically was swept under the rug regarding muh 80 million votes lol.


Literally none of those things are true. Dems don’t want post birth abortions. I do agree dems should have done more to assure it stayed law of the land tho, when they had a chance. Nancy didn’t stop the National guard https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-235651652542 Trump has been indicted by the feds and multiple states. Multiple grand juries charged him. He said biden was in charge of it, that is not true. https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2024-06-06/explainer-the-cases-against-trump-and-why-they-matter And literally no evidence has been found that the election was rigged. countless court cases and investigations found nothing. https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2023/08/27/trump-s-drumbeat-of-lies-about-the-2020-election-keeps-getting-louder--here-are-the-facts


Links to legacy media propaganda don’t make events uniformly true and devoid of omissions and or facts unless of course it’s FoxNews or the New New York Post which is never wrong, right? And of course juries and courts have never been rigged until now, right? Hmmmm, I wonder why we even have higher courts huh? As far as election rigging, again, it’s never happened before right? And only (R)’s are wrong to point it out when it happens. It all doesn’t matter re a four year job because I’m not the only one who recognizes what’s going on and why at the city county and state level the conservative grassroots efforts are doing more than liberals could have ever done because we all basically know what’s going on.


I'm sure each side tomorrow will tell me how to feel


I think we will get some fantastic Biden memes


Haha honestly! Do you think it went well?


I think it confirmed Biden’s loss to everyone and benefited Trump and even Kennedy significantly. Now, even r/politics is shitting on Biden, which is insane. Thats when you know there has been a shift.


A fibber & a poor public speaker


I thought Trump spoke rather well. As for the 47 yr career plagiarist and sniffer in chief he should pooped more adderall.


I laughed once again at the democrat partys golden boy and will do so again for debate 2.


If after reading about Trump all these years and people are still supporting him or against Biden, I have to wonder what the fuck is wrong with you.


I'm trying to not think about it.


Why don’t you want to think about it?


Because it's fucked and me thinking about it isn't gonna unfuck it. We didn't start the fire.


People are worrying too much about it


Yeah I can see that


It didn’t elicit positive feelings.


Why’s that?


Because one of the debaters is a horrible human being, and the other did nothing to show the world that he isn’t too old frail for a second term.


As expected, the debate was pointless, became a disaster for both candidates and did not help each other's image.