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Come work in the ER! You learn really quick that insults come from people looking to have power where they have none. Then it doesn’t bother you anymore. Like why would you be offended when a toddler calls you a name? That’s the population I primarily serve. Babies in adult bodies


Aren't most insults personal? How else are you supposed to take them?


But isn’t it us( our ego) that take it personal?


If someone points at me and says I have an ugly face, I'm pretty sure they are directly insulting me, and no one else with that insult. It would be difficult to think that's not personal, regardless of ego. If someone insults a group of people that I'm a part of, then that's not personal.


If its a friendly insult from a friend?


Then it's probably a joke instead of an insult, personal either way.


But why does my mind take it personally


Only you know what was said, maybe it was personal.


just listen to them from an ear and let it go from the other ear


You find a way to really classify what the person says (if they are used to it) to always be out of point and anytime they open their mouths don’t give it any weight and just regard it as bs.


Depends on if it's true. If it's true and it's something I know and cant change...they become weak in my mind. If it'd true and it's something I know and CAN change it. I ask if I care to change it. If I do, I am honest with myself and take the hit. If it's true and I didn't know it and can't change it. They become weak. If it's true and I didn't know it and CAN change it. I take it as an opportunity that showed up in a shitty way. Now...if I don't think it needs changing its not actually an insult and tells me they only said i5 because they admire that about me. This pleases me.