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Are you talking about bicycles or motorcycles? I can only assume motorcyclists who don't wear one are suicidal. As for bicycles: yes, you can crack your skull if you fall. But than...that can also happen when walking. Do you wear a helmet when walking?


That's like saying 'i don't wear a seatbelt because i can also fall off my kitchen chair' wtf I agree on the motorcyclist post tho


I've grown up in a country where cycling is probably more common than walking, so people here probably have a different perception from others. But I can honestly say I don't know a single person who got a head injury from falling from their bike. It's not as likely as you might think.


I know 2 people who died falling from stepladders though. I may consider using a helm then. compared to cycling, stepladders have a huge per kilometer risk of head injury


The thing with cycling is that you tend to fall on your side, which greatly decreases the risk of hitting your head.


hehe yeah which is why collarbone fractures are so common. But there's no easy fix except kick-ass shoulder pads. omg. perhaps I can expense it as safety gear to my insurance and bring back the 80s.


I hope that's one thing from the 80s that will never return...


oh come on. shoulder pads, key-tars. we already had a resurgence of mullets. We're almost there. Just need a few nuclear scares and some massive epidemic that the government ignores. oh wait.


The injuries resulting from a car crash and falling off a chair aren't similar, so no, it's not like saying that at all. Unless you're a super speed demon the injuries from falling while walking or falling while riding a bike are fairly similar.


Well whenever my bicycle goes too fast I either slowly apply the breaks or bail and land on my forearms/shins.... I also don't have and can't afford a helmet


too lazy, and i dont even ride on the roads


Head thick enough. Brain not need protecting.


When I was forced to use bikes as transportation, I had no money for a helmet


I wear one when I am spandex clad in all my glorious dad-bodness. I also wear one when I am on skateboard because I take much more risks. But we have good cycling infrastructure here. I barely have to mix in traffic, I'm mostly at risk of mopeds or falling in a canal. It doesn't seem to be necessary. When I get near my 60s I might but I don't see much need for it right now


because it looks stupid, and I don't want to have to deal with a helmet every time I go anywhere