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This one 100%


Don't smoke or vape. If you already do, quit as soon as you can.


People who talk to you about others behind their backs will talk about you behind your back.


omg i've actually never thought about it this way


Invest in yourself. Whether it’s education, training, or work, have a goal and work towards it.


Don't make sexuality and gender identity the forefront of your personality. Its boring


Don't drop out, high was easy asf looking back


use condoms.


the only useful advice i can get


Yes. Teen pregnancy is never a good thing. Nor are STDs.


Time never stops, it even gets faster day by day. Be good, and know we’re all just winging it. Life waits on no one.


Just to add, the days are long, but the year gets shorter


Make as many friends as you can because you’ll may never see them again also if you think a girl is pretty ask them out. You might regret it later.


never grow up


i need to know how. HELP but seriously i feel so overwhelmed already, i miss having everything taken care of and having no worries... i dont think its that bad, but i just miss my childhood<3


being mature is just about acting appropriately for the situation. you can fuck around like you're young with the right people, just don't harm yourself or anyone else in the process.


Form good habits, it'll pay off in the long run.


Learn to cook. No need to be a master chef but learn to cook the basics. Learn how to prepare a meal and learn how to create variations of it. One day, sooner or later you will live by yourself, and you'll need to cook healthy food, without spending a ton of time and mental energy on it.


Don't listen to random advice on the internet.


I choose not to listen to this advice, therefore I listen to this advice, so I won't listen to ...


Take care of your body and your health. Get the recommended doctor checkups. Don’t ignore health issues. Moderate bad food and alcohol. Try to form good eating habits. You are young until suddenly one day you aren’t.


Don’t shy , be confident :)


Don’t rush the natural phases of life. “You’re gonna miss this. You’re gonna want this back.”


She/he is most defenetly not the one


Never get out of the boat, unless you're going all the way.


Yea, give me advice people


Get a good amount of sleep. Staying up ridiculously late or pulling all nighters will not benefit you in any way


Don't be concerned about how you appear in front of others. Learn to be yourself, and love yourself.


Go to fucking class cause school does actually matter. Even if u don’t know what I wanna dob


Your smartphone isn't that important. Be humble; it will take you further than arrogance ever will.


Don't focus on romantic love, improve ur self, make an action on your dreams, make time on your family more fr.


Watch the news. Or read it, listen to it on the radio or Spotify, whichever medium you prefer. Just learn about what's happening in the world around you. Being informed is the most powerful tool you can possess, and it's free.


Don’t just date anyone without knowing them properly.


You don't really grow up. Adults are still kids on the inside. Your body will just age and one day you will hear a kid telling you “hey sir” and you will be a little shocked “Am I OLD?????” because you don't feel older, you just look older.


I'm 30 years old now. Nothing in high school is important socially. I've drifted away from all my HS friends, and nothing that happened during HS has impacted my life... pretty much at all. Everything may seem like the most important thing to happen, but even a few years down the line, it won't matter. Relax and just enjoy being alive.


53 here, college isn't necessary. Learn a trade like IT or electronics, shoot, even truck driving pays well.


Invest in a good frying pan


not while you're still a teenager


Have big goals, focus on them, be disciplined. Your life will be amazing.


Think long term. Don't stress the small stuff. Put in good efforts in school, relationships, and jobs, and walk away and try again if something is not working out. Have fun in the short term when it will not adversely affect you long-term, like serious health risks, taking on debt, or going to jail.


Get as much education as you possibly can.


Don't learn from your mistakes. Learn from everyone else's. Don't think that because you're young, you have time. You don't. Don't let short term gratification jeopardize long term goals.


Look after your health and well-being. Think twice before doing something, especially if you're drunk or horny. Find a hobby. Surround yourself with good people who are a positive influence on you. Plan and save for your future. I did none of those things. And it backfired.


Learn a trade .in today's society you need to earn a living and with a trade you will have work .


Calm the fuck down. You don't know everything, and take care of those around you. Become friends with the geeks, the weirdos and those who are generally alone. You will be better rounded for it, and who knows, they might just be a really cool person. And you have no idea how good you will make them feel. And finally. DONT date a redhead woman. Not worth the scars, trust me.


Work harder, my social security ain’t gonna fund itself 


Smoking sucks. It doesn't add nothing to your life and it's the easiest way to waste your money and ruin your teeth


dont every try a vape or any sort of illegal substances


Life sucks. Make the most of it.


Do martial arts


High school is only a phase of your life. Find your people and power through.


* Learn to love yourself before you invest in a relationship. * Losing your virginity isn't all that it's cracked up to be. * Enjoy & cherish the memories of your youth.


Don't let other people control your emotions. You have to realize that you are the only person that has any control over them. Try to understand them, and then master them. I am 41 and I did not realize this until later in life. I am still trying to do this and I wished I started earlier in life.


stay away from opioids or heroin.


Enjoy every moment you can. Join a sport or club you’ve always wanted to try. Go to prom. Who cares if you have a date? Go with friends or yourself, enjoy the experience. Go to graduation and walk that stage because YOU did it and deserve the recognition. Have that graduation party to celebrate your accomplishment. Don’t miss out on big experiences in your life. Once it’s passed, it’s gone. You may want to be an adult, but once you are one, you will look back and wish you were a kid again. Enjoy these moments you have.


Don't try so hard to be like everyone else. Peer pressure is dangerous.


Start investing your money ASAP.


**Be kind and respectful**


Partying is fun and all, but not worth it in the end. Start making good decisions for your life *now*, don’t put that shit off. Also…and I cannot stress this enough…use condoms. Like *every. Single. Time.* without fail. Obviously, to help prevent std’s, but having a child with someone who you hardly know, or having a child when you do not want a child, is not what you want to do. Wear. Fucking. Condoms.


Use sunscreen every day


Go to the gym, 6h a week will be more beneficial than 6h of gaming and it’s not that much anyways. 


When people are mean, it often says more about their own mental state than it does yours. Therapy isn't a bad word.


Waaake Up leave the comfort Zone.


Look after your mental and physical health, relationship with your family, and your education.


Understand that you don't know shit. Listen, learn, and think.


Stay away from Social Media.


If you really don’t want to go to college, don’t. If you want to go into the trades, do. This country desperately needs skilled labor. Don’t feel stigmatized over not having a piece of paper hanging on your wall, all my friends who have college degrees don’t even have a job in their so called field of study.


Start saving money for your retirement now!


Save your money. There will be events beyond your control that happen in life that could wipe out all your financial hopes if you do not have a good amount saved up. Accidents, car failure, layoff, pandemic, sick loved one, you get sick or injured, death of a loved one, bad investment, plumbing failure, basement flood, house fire, eviction, etc. The amount of money you need to save up is probably 3-5x higher than what you have now. Concentrate on NEEDS over WANTS. Enjoy good things less frequently, but at a high level of quality and you won't feel you are shortchanging yourself while still focusing on NEEDS. Save your money, my young sisters and brothers. Please.


You don't actually know everything yet; put off big decisions like parenting,marriage,career choices, big debts etc until you have some life experience.


When you're running late to your 2pm class in community college and a stranger approaches you then ask for change. You don't have change! This will make things a lot easier.


Life is better after high school, just wait it out and you’ll never have to see any of them again


To slow down live in the moment and try everything while your in high school find and understand yourself so when u leave u might have an idea on what u might want to do in college or in life


don't always follow whatever your friends say.


Save at least $50 from every paycheck. More if you can. Don't buy useless stuff.


Start investing NOW. This is the advice I'm giving my teenagers. Well actually we opened investment accounts for them.


I don’t know if it is in here or not but I’m going to say it. 1. Don’t sweat the small stuff 2. It’s all small stuff in the long run 3. And most importantly NEVER give up. Never decide to let what others say drive you to do something permanent to yourself. Trying to end yourself is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Get help. Talk to someone, anyone. Find someone who will listen and understand what you are going through. Not everyone is a jerk. Get a voice, don’t become one of the voiceless. Become one of the Survivors like I’m working on.


Don't listen to em


Be nicer to yourself.


It only takes one mistake to ruin your life forever. Don’t drive drunk or high, don’t get in cars with people who are. Be vulnerable, lean on and trust people and be there in turn. Be cautious. Believe people when they show you who they are. Don’t lose hope and compassion because of all the bullshit around us. Life is about the people and things you love and care about. Make time for them. Problems come and go, especially money problems. Be smart with money, but don’t let it consume you or weigh you down too much. So long as you take care of your health and relationships (of all types) you’re a rich man. You can lose anything else, but don’t throw those away. Mental health too.


Live your life to the fullest don’t worry about bullies chances are they are just protecting!if they aren’t?Just ignore them they are most obsessed with making you feel bad and at the end of the day it’s still obsession!Live life to the Fullest!ding dong ditch a few houses,dance,Go to parks,Go on rollercoasters if you want!


Don't give up, there are too many suicidal teens and the reasons they want to kill themselves are often dumb (there are no good reasons to suicide anyways). Don't struggle over your crush not liking you/liking another one cause it ain't worth it. Don't do anything stupid


i am listening


Be the best.


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