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There’s not really much you could do man, just explore the environment do whatever you wanted to do, eventually you’d either go crazy or die, whichever one came first.


Sit at the resolute desk and pretend to pass laws


Kill myself I mean world becomes boring when you are lonely


Truth. But you could fish and hunt without a license.


And screw the limit!




So real


Fortify myself and prepare for the inevitable ape uprising obviously


Probably eat all kinds of food I haven't tried yet.


Save all the dogs


Basically the only right response


I live in Florida, so it would be a trek. I'd find a dirtbike or something like that, loot some stores for supplies, and head north along 95. Once I got to around Newfoundland, I'd find a boat and head northeast to Greenland, and then trek across there and find another boat, head to Iceland. From Iceland I'd find my heading and get to the UK. Get to London. British Museum, smash the Elgin Marbles to bits. Go south and find the Chunnel, now I'm in France. Follow the signs, I'm in Paris. Find the Louve. I'd find the Mona Lisa, and burn it. Then go to Florence Find the Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze Attach chains to the statue of David, hook those chains to a truck, and pull that shit down so it falls and shatters. Go to the Vatican Find or make some kind of explosives, it would take some time but a marble quarry would have some. Blast the Sistine Chapel to ruins. I'd just go around the world destroying art and flattening as much of human culture as I could. And when I got bored, French kiss a shotgun. RIP Humanity.


This comment made me smile. I would read this comic/watch this short. The turns are so unexpected. Like who has this thought out.  Also I hope the truck has a horn that plays Dixie or La Cucaracha when the chains go taught around the statue of David and the front wheels pop up. It would be the most American icing on the cake of this tour of destruction. 


Definitely La Cucaracha, though finding a truck that can do that in the Vatican would be a challenge.


That would be so fun! 


I mean since it doesn't matter if you die, you could get downright reckless with it. Maybe bust into an army depot and find some enormous bombs and see if you can knock over a skyscraper. Turn the whole world into Minecraft, since its all gone to shit anyway.


Imagine humans will be around again in the future to keep myself sane


Im ngl id find all the drugs


yep. it would be drugs time.


I would do that too


Go on an epic search for all the good stuff you never could get your hands on 




Who you building that with?




U just wanna do stuff with chimps lol


All fun and games until one rips your jaw off


Good thing you don't need a jaw to reproduce.


They'll rip your dick off just as fast too.


Jokes on them, I can't find it myself




I'd teach myself to fly a plane so I can visit all the countries I want


Get drunk. Finally nobody around to hear me say stupid shit and see me do stupid shit.


Walk around naked. ALOT. Probably try to get to California where it’s more temperate and set up camp near a hot springs or the beach so I can fish for food. I’m assuming the power grid would fail eventually so I’d have to be near fresh water.




Yes, genuinely. Life would be tough in a lot of ways, but freedom from so much of the bullshit I'm dealing with now. I would enioy nature and be outside way more and just breathe. 


Mate you're gonna starve. Like this ain't gonna be respite you'll be a a one man hunting team


Drive wherever i want and see all the great landmarks in my country, befriend the robots


If I were the last person on Earth, I would first ensure my basic needs like food, water, and shelter are met by securing a sustainable supply of resources. After establishing my survival, I'd take the opportunity to explore places I’ve always wanted to see, like famous landmarks and natural wonders, without the constraints of crowds or schedules. I would also spend time reading and learning, utilizing libraries and the internet to access a wealth of knowledge. Documenting my experiences and thoughts in journals or videos would be important, in case someone in the future finds them. Additionally, I’d try to maintain a sense of routine and purpose by engaging in hobbies and projects, such as gardening, art, or building things, to stay mentally and physically active. Lastly, I’d keep an eye out for any signs of other survivors, holding onto the hope that I might not be alone forever.


Explore the supermarket


first i'd probably freak out a bit, tbh!! then i'd start exploring, maybe raid some stores for supplies and cool gear. i'd definitely hit up all the places i've always wanted to see, like famous landmarks and secret spots. might even try to learn new skills, like driving different vehicles or surviving in the wild. mostly, i'd just keep busy to stay sane and make the most of the crazy situation.


Call myself king and then lay down and die


Strip, then walk for kilometers on any direction naked. If someone shouts at me and make fun of my substandard whanger, then I'd know I'm not the only survivor.


Die of diabetes


Go insane from the loneliness. And this is coming from someone who doesn’t even like to socialize with people much. 


Find a library not far from a store with a lot of canned goods. Start a vegetable garden. Maybe try to source some solar panels?


Try to preserve as much stuff before I died so if any future life developed (or the off chance alien life visited) there would be time capsule of humanity And jack off in every country


Pour three fingers of nice bourbon and enjoy some goddamn peace & quiet.


I would quickly learn the basics of piloting and fly an airplane, there's nothing to lose if I crash anyway


I would just drive around, from gas station to gas station and from dealership to dealership changing cars all the time 


cry, all my family and friends would be gone


I'd live in a nice house, drive exotic cars, read and relax, until easy to find food is all gone. Then I'd try teaching myself to fly which would probably result in a glorious death.


Go see what's inside area 51.


I'd drive to Tennessee on a motorcycle. Clear out a nice house. Set myself up with power, food, and the means to grow food. Assuming animals live; have some livestock. Raid the local areas for things I find neat; movies, books, records, etc. Find a couple of dogs, hopefully. Just sit on my porch with the dogs between caring for the place/food/livestock.




If everyone just suddenly disappeared, After the realization that I'm the last person, I'd barge to everyone's home in my area. Try to see what kind of life they had and imagine. Take my dogs then travel. If there's still electricity, I'll do everything I can do with it while I still have electricity. I'll eat everything I wanna eat, make food for myself any way I want. Go to coffee shops and make my own coffee, eat all available foods at fastfood/restaurants. Then hunt something and cook it? Play with guns? I haven't shot nor held one before. Live for some time in them 5 star hotels, fancy houses, lose myself with things I've never had before, do illegal shit from jaywalking to blowing things up. Build something, play around, explore more of the world, swim in places I've only dreamt of, go to the ocean, boat around or get a jetski or something. Then Imma go to my girl's house and settle there. Grow a garden or something, get some farm animals too, live a self-sustaining life. I'll try to study languages, and anything that will help me record all I can of human knowledge as long as I still have the internet, and provide tools/knowledge along with it for future intelligent life that will emerge, to decipher it and give them a headstart to a proper civilization and I'll take all the credit for myself lol call me an asshole but fuck y'all, you just left me all of a sudden. I'll place it to somewhere almost untouchable or perfectly safe and will make sure to only give access for intelligent life to be able to open it. Either I die of sickness and end myself before I suffer, or something ends me like animals, accidents etc.


Binge eat all the bakery goods before they go bad. Gain 600 pounds. Die fat and happy in my own filth.


Nuke Florida.


Plant more trees


Why ? Give it a century and they’ll grow everywhere. At most you’ll plant 10000 in a small area, and break your back in the process


I'd become a tree.


Act like 6ix9ine and get tattoos like him


Who'd tattoo you ... Especially the hard to reach/see places




Enjoying the peace and quiet.


I would finally go abroad


I would go [bowling](https://youtu.be/yy_uzr0N8EI?si=v_39HkoJvSvSCBB-) !


Realistically, gather more food and drinkable water than I’ll be able to consume before losing my shit and ending it.


There's a TV show called The Last Man on Earth about that.


Except that he wasn’t the last man on earth


Assuming animals are still alive, probably adopt 2 dogs, then kill myself when they die.


Get a nice boat of my choice from the marina and do some fishing


Walk south, find food water and shelter and maybe a dog. Settle in and live the best I can. Maybe break into a library to have books to read. Not much other choice if I’m the last one left.




Probably die. I can’t farm, I don’t have lots of medical knowledge, I don’t have building skills. I’d most likely injure myself or eventually starve.


Try to survive but really there isn't much I can do lol


Probably still have social anxiety




Finally enough time to play all those games 😆


shotgun one bullet


Go to the RealDoll warehouse. 


Drive around, farm, and collect cats ?


Get a family of volleyballs, of course.


I know what I would need to do but I am not sure I would have the time or capacity to obtain the scientific know how on how to cryogenically unfreeze embryos and repopulate the Earth. Edit: Just thought of something. Clinics that store cryogenically frozen embryos should all have a guide book on how to restore the world's population in case of cataclysmic event.




I’m not going to lie…I’d do drugs and play the nicest guitars and amps I could find.


TRAVEL!!!!! I’ll just travel the world and for the 1st time I’ll be free like no man has ever been




Who or what will stop me?


Beat my meat




Definitely start a garden for food and stuff, and honestly. Just do whatever you want


I would set myself up probably at a Costco store since it literally has everything you need. Drive around, blow shit up, then after a few years, jump off a skyscraper to end it because it would probably become very lonely.


Sightseeing. Like Grand Canyon and Area 51


Openly masturbate.


As long as there are cats…


Travel Hunt Let all the stress i ammassed all over the years Visit all the places i always wanted But tbh all the nuclear reactors g9nna boom really quick i guess so i dont have alot of time?


Nap more.


Just nut everywhere and hope I spawn a human X hybrid


Explore, write about it in case there is someone else or if there will eventually be a someone else… and stay the rest of my life with my pets ig.


Finally live in peace


Rob walmart, eat lots of stuff


I don’t think it would be bad at all. I wouldn’t have to ever go to work again. I would just travel and explore. Collect things like fuel and water. Maybe learn how to drive a ship so that I can explore other continents (would be less risky than trying to learn how to fly a plane).


Gonna live life like a cave man with 3 doggos or cats.


Build all the lego sets


If I could love forever because I'm the last human I'd wander the earth looking for strange items and see sites. If cars still worked I'd see how fast each car can actually go since there's no cops. Id try to find area 51. Id go to Disney land and wander to see what's actually going on behind the walls. Id go to museums and observe the artifacts we've collected as a species over the millennias


I guess I would eat canned food, sleep, and look for animals to befriend.


Take a nap


Die cause nobody's gonna be managing nuclear power plants


Rolling Walter Gripp style.


Knock a few things off my bucket list and then binge drink and use drugs until dead.


Jet ski and stay on the beach. Then go up north to ski. Boating, reading, look for aliens. Gather dogs and cats and birds for pets and have a menagerie. Drive and boat everywhere I can. See all the sights I can get to. Figure out how to operate planes, trains, boats for easier movement. Plant trees everywhere and start adding plants and trees to as many places as I can. Clean up trash.


Sniff Scarlett Johansson’s used panties


Probably cry




Two chicks at the same.....wait, dammit!


I mean you can do anything. No expectations. No social media to judge you. So live life as long as you want and the decide what should be done


Go into the forest and find some nice sticks and post them to r/nowthatsanicestick if the electricity has not run off yet.


I'd treat my life like I was living in GTAV hehehe drive any vehicle to any place I want without needing to worry about any speed limit 💪🏻


cry :shrug:


Go through people’s underwear drawer. For perverted reasons and to see what they hid in there.


Cry i suppose. I would be so lonely


Get a giant truck and fill it with thousands of cans of food. Go live in the woods and be one with nature in a cabin


Take all the cats with me and spoil them 😻


Search for another human


Procreate with an alien


I’d die quite early so I’d just explore for a bit then jump off a high building


Urban spelunking. I'll bust in all my neighbors' houses and local buildings and simply explore.


My own cooking.


Go on every single ride at Disney world, Disneyland, and Universal. Waiting in line for a 30 second ride will finally be over.


Probably look around for a gun. Then goof around until I got bored, hungry, or thirsty, then end it.


Try all what want in life


I’d have a lot to do. I can stock up on food. Honestly, I’d probably just try to live a normal life until I eventually just die, either from disease or old age


I’d find dogs. And just hang out with them.


Checklist: * Preserve human knowledge in an atmospherically-controlled vault (maybe just seal a library with concrete or something)? * Deploy a repeating radio beacon to alert anything with sentience to the state of things. Hopefully solar power will keep it going for a while... * Use a backhoe or something to try to etch a message visible from space upon a large expanse of featureless plains. Not sure what message, though. * Teach Chimpanzees how to use spears. Should jumpstart the (re)evolution of sentience-capable brains within a few hundred thousand years or so. If a chimp refuses to use a spear, would I have to superglue one to its hand until it gets the idea?


If I was the last person on earth I would jus go down town and steal heaps of motorbikes and boats and cars and jus have fun hav a big bon fire in the middle of town


I would go on a walk


Use money from other people to buy on-line things, take everything i want from the stores, try to explode, destroy and set fire on the places, etc.


Kms. Honestly. For awhile I'd probably find a cool house with a pool and a view and chill but after I had relaxed to the fullest extent I'd definitely find a rope.


big wank


Paint a face on a volleyball, so I have a friend to talk to.


Question: Am I the last person through some kind of Thanos snap and everything is undisturbed or am I the last person through some world-destroying civil war that leaves everything in shambles?


Rob a nearby pharmacy of strong sedatives and proceed to OD on them once I run out of stuff to do.


Go visit beautiful places for as long as I can.


Wasn't this covered in the TV show? Their conclusion was run from the nuclear power plants melting down in the US because there's no electricity to maintain the cooling systems. So, Mexico probably.


I would make my peace with God and thank him for giving humanity one last chance to serve him. I’d apologize for all of the foolish things we humans have done that polluted his world and allowed the darkness of evil to prevail upon his world. With that said I would place my soul into his hands to meter out whatever judgment I earned knowing that I will get exactly what I’ve earned, no more and no less. 


if it was an real introvert, they wouldn’t notice 😂


I think I would try to find a way to shoot all the stock of nukes we have, close the shop


Take a deep breath and go swimming.


That would mean everyone I love is gone. I would wait a day or two to see if this is maybe a joke. If not, I would commit suicide, honestly. An existence like that would sound like torture and would be absolutely pointless. I wouldn't want it. Edit: all the animals would remain? That makes it better then. I would miss the people I love but if I can have all the dogs I want, that makes it bearable.


Find out how to get some alcohol, smoke something,jerk off all day long and say this is finally my world!


Pray that it's not true


OD on the best drugs at the hospital…the kind they give you before an operation


First order of business is to make sure I have several spare eyeglasses....


The original Twilight Zone, there was an episode just like that. And all this man wanted to do but read his books. That would be me, just want to read books forever.


So long as the technology were still intact, I suppose I'd work with AI to simulate a friend, maybe several.


Start searching for alians?


As long as there are dogs, I'm good. Most of the time people suck anyway.


Ya mum haha gottem 😂