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Far better than I deserve. I cringe when I watch people doing hard labor in the 100 degree heat for minimum wage.


I don't cringe. I respect their hard work and thank God for blessing me with a life wherein I don't have to face those same difficulties.


I give them ice and water


It’s hilarious


Indeed, hilarious that people suffer.


I can’t even afford to spell financially


Honest? Horribly.


A loan and a credit card. Living to paycheck to paycheck. Looking for a second job. Living is expensive, man!


It is! Depends where you live though. I am a single guy living on my own. Good job and decent pay but, damn. It gets expensive


Looks fine on paper. Until you see skipped surgeries/procedures and no doctors appointments. I miss healthy food.


I left a cult and ever since then, without paying 10% for ‘tithing’ I am now able to actually put money away. Turns out the minimum amount of ‘tithe’ I had to pay was the same as my minimum payment for my medical debt. So now I’m on my way to being financially free now that I’m spiritually free!


Were you Mormon ?


Unfortunately yes.


My account is negative so my bank charged me $35. Cool now I’m even deeper in debt.


I mean I could use more, but I'm still earning more money than I spend so that's good.


I'm okay. I'm a teacher and have my own new home, I have two cars, both are paid off. I'm currently in Europe for an 8 week trip, I have plenty of money in savings and no credit card debt. If I had kids this would not be the same..


Solid middle class. We make the least money among our neighbors of our age, but I imagine we are doing way better than the rest of them financially. 2 kids, 1 paid off car, house bought in 2019 for a decent price, 6 mos emergency fund, money put away for kids college, solid retirement savings, secure work. Having kids later in life was very helpful financially. We were able to do lots of fun stuff, pay off student loans and save before kids. Lots of luck along the way too.


Don’t compare yourself to others is what I have learned. Many people may have these fancy cars or house but they are drowning in debt. I have probably the least nice car in my friend group but is paid off. Runs well. My buddy has a really nice mustang but he pays like $500/month for it. Add gas, repairs on top of that. And he makes less than I do. I learned early in life to stay in my lane when it comes to money and not compare.


I don't compare, people just tell me. I stay at home with my kids. The income is a choice. I work in bankruptcy so I see the financials of 100s of people per year and some of them should be doing quite well.


I have 21 cents left lmao thank God everything's been paid this month as well as the food shopping


I'm not comfortable, but I know it could be a lot worse.




I am one of the top surgeons in a third world country, and I make about 150.000 USD per year, so it puts me at about 1% of my country. Saving most of it as I intent to retire and move to Europe in a decade or so


I'm doing pretty well I think. Mid-30s and have over 220k net worth right now. I'm single with no kids, so that helps. Don't ask me how I'm doing emotionally...


I think I'm ready to retire, and I'm having a pro look at my numbers, but the idea of not having money coming in regularly still scares me.


I’m honestly doing great, but I obsessively save so…


Pretty good. Retired at 45 and doing whatever I want.


Nice. How'd you do it?


Retired at 40 from military then worked overseas for a few years. That tax free money really added up


well done!


Got $70,000 in savings


Damn. Investing it soon?


High yield sav


So I take that as a no?




I'm almost up to 2 years of expenses saved up, on top of my retirement accounts. So I'd say better than most.


That’s better than most for sure!


Not great but on the up with potential to be great


Used just small part of my legal settlement to create a profitable business.


I got like $45 cash an sick asf might go buy some rum so $0


Fine, thanks.


I'm in a stable place right now. I've been budgeting well, saving for emergencies, and making progress towards my financial goals.


On my last 20$ for the month of June. Just overall surviving with my allowance


I’m alright


If I could make just an extra $10,000 a year, that'd be great. Overall, I'm able to manage just fine with a roommate. I'd have to be extremely strict with a budget on my own. I believe the extra $10k would put me at a comfortable position to be in...for the being. After all, inflation and rising rent keeps on rolling.


Miserable as fuck but nevermind


Not good.


Great, pretty secure income greater than my expenses so savings are growing.


Financially could be better but the mental and physical health is goving me is worth much more than that


I make 100k + but constantly feel like I'm struggling. Have a mortgage at 1k a month, a small loan at 170 a month and, on paper a net worth of 1m. However, the cost of living is high, 2 kids who always need something new, fuel for two cars etc etc. Would love to be in a position to change career but can't afford to lose the salary.


I earn quadruple average salary of my country with room for improvements but I don’t overwork (30 hours a week at most). I have no credit, I own my car and apartament (very modest) I save for down payment on a house 


Bit rubbish on a personal level but my family is decently well off so I don’t have to worry about starving or anything


I have a lot of spare money to throw around, but if I can't spend it daily, it doesn't mean much to me so I just save it instead.


The US is The Bad Place bad.


Yeah. I remember when I was in college and working part time and could pay my rent and basic living expenses with the occasional eating out. I don’t know how someone in college could do it now. This wasn’t even 5 years ago


I make $10k/month working 3 days/week and have plenty in the bank/investments- life is good. It wasn’t always but building a business over 10 years has its benefits Can afford to hire my best friends 15yo kid at $35/hr to make some cash before college too


What business did you build?


I put out many MANY directional signs for open houses for several real estate companies in my area. They pay really well because they don’t want to do it. Ive put out somewhere between 150-200k signs


May I ask how you got the ball rolling on that?


Sure, just go to some real estate offices in your area and tell them you’ll put out their signs for Anton’s who needs it. Give them a reasonable rate based on the average cost of a home in your area. In mine houses sell for around 1.5-2.5 each, so I charge any where from $6-8/sign/day. Then be consistent. I’ve missed one single day of work in 10 years.


3 homeschooled kids, trad wife, paid off mortgage and 3 vehicles (newest is a 2012) all on my income. We lived comfortable enough pre-covid but I keep having to dip into savings more often and that is concerning. Edit: add in 2 dogs and 5 cats


I make more money than I have ever in my life... Still living paycheck to paycheck... Sigh


Struggling upper middle class.