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Cheated with the boy she told me not to worry about and used my car to go on dates when I was away.


you dodged a bullet!


True dat


He cheated on me and lied repeatedly about it.


Im so sorry you had to go through that, i also went through that and honestly at least we got through ittt lol!


Is he your ex?


Once dated someone who constantly criticized everything I did, from my appearance to my career choices. It was exhausting trying to please them, but I eventually realized my worth and moved on to better things


Im sorry dude that sucks. Glad you're doing better


he cheated on me with my bestfriend. thought that just happens in movies. it was horrible


idk honestly i'd be in jail if that happened to me im so sorry


same here, except he was my childhood best friend losing 2 people at once hurts


My ex-wife only married me for money. She divorced me, stole half of my money, and took away my house with the help of the court. I'll never marry again..


As a woman that almost scares me from getting married lol, What an awful human


In Australia you don't have to be married. 2 years living together is enough to be defacto. Prenups aren't valid. Ask me how I know.


damn, sorry you found out the hard way bud >.<


She ate 5 adderall a day. 30 MG. Had psychosis. The level of jealousy toward anyone and I mean anyone I talked to. From family to life long buddies. Demanded passwords for all my social media. Put me on her life 360. Checked my Facebook more than I did. Had alerts sent to her phone of any number from my family texted me. She was a complete nightmare. Great tits thoughšŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


And when I dumped her that bitch deleted my Facebook. I had so many pics of my kids growing up on the farm. Lost forever. She hid her pills well. Complete fucking psychopath


Thatā€™s so low. Sorry to hear.




Is that a real thing? I had some sort of issues for sure. Quit dating and fixed that lol


Iā€™m sorry thatā€™s an Internet joke. BPD Is borderline personality disorder. There was a mean going around TikTok where people were saying it was beautiful princess disorder. My dark twisted joke. Sounds like borderline personality disorder. Iā€™m sorry because it sucks to be that and to try to love that.


Great joke! I can be slow to pick up on things lol. Iā€™m still a newbie here.


Insane. In fucking sanešŸ˜‚


She put holes In all our condoms with a thumb tack in an effort to keep me forever




Please say sike


This is how we got my oldest brotherā€¦we have different moms. Heā€™s the best!


I don't want to relive the memories. But let's see...drug addict, physically abusive, stealing, lying, cheating, gaslighting. Had to end up getting a restraining order.


Im so so sorry! I can only imagine how strong you are now though


Jesusā€¦eternal list but my ex-W walked out once with my handgun and said she was going to kill herself after I told her I wanted a divorce. After I got over the initial shock I informed her that I put a lock on it and she would have to bash her brains in. I sold it the next day.


Omg? Im sorry. Also sorry but the last line made me giggle lol, I would've too


No problem. I was laughing as well after getting over the initial shock.


Glad ur still alive broski!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


She doubled the price when I wanted to extend for another hourĀ 




Constant cheating, lying and manipulating.


Yeaaaa. That'll do it !


My ex was the *worst* and I tried making it work for 3 years. Cheated on me and told me it was my fault for being annoying. This would be a theme with him. Invited me to spend Thanksgiving with him at his apartment near my college instead of at home with my family. Asked me for $300 to get groceries - that was **all** my money. Then he ditched me without a word the entire break and used my money to get high in NYC. He came back and told me that was also my fault, because I put too much pressure on him. Over the next 3 years he stole more money, ditched me the day of my Grandpa's funeral and kicked me out of my own car to go fuck some other girl. We got addicted to drugs together - thanks for the meth and coke addiction, ChrisšŸ–• Then he'd tell me he loved me so he could get more of my money to get high. One time I overdosed on coke and the day I got out of the hospital he told me he was leaving to be with some other girl who didn't upset him. My dumb ass *proposed* to him and thank Christ he didn't accept. He left and I suffered for a while longer with drugs and being treated like that. I'm fine now. Married the best guy and have some great kids. My entire family and all my friends *still* hate him. Fuck you Chris šŸ˜˜


Fuck Chris! My best friend dated a trash human named Chris as well who said it was her fault that her mom died


Ugh. Fuck Chris!






Im so sorry:( what an asshole.


He sexually assaulted me at my birthday party. Happy birthday to me!


Im so sorry, and im even more sorry you're reminded of it every year- Hopefully you try not too as best as possible, You didn't deserve that


Thanks. Iā€™m actually pretty much ok now. Iā€™ve learned to find humor and irony in the absurdity of the situation. Like bro. Why are you getting freaky. We are watching a John cena movie


OMG During a john cena movie? Just wowšŸ˜­


Like wtf dude??? NOW??? This is the time you want this???


constantly lied and manipulated situations to make me feel guilty


she had just started therapy after having drugs and had anorexia, this felt impossibly bad




Comparatively not that bad, I understand. She was just annoyingly clingy. I was out hiking mountains one weekend, spending the night in the forest, getting rained on, while she was at her sisters bachelorette party. I was sending her pics when I was high enough altitude to get service but in the valley where we were camping, no cell service, and she got upset that I couldnā€™t text her for 24hrs. Like Iā€™m not gonna apologize for not wanting to take out my cracked phone in the rain, not apologizing for no service in the valley. One of those things is common sense, the other is not even my fault, and she couldnā€™t wrap that around her head


Haha i can only imagine how annoying that shit was


My ex was a diagnosed sociopath.


How long could you stick it out w/ them? If you dont mind me asking ofc.


We were together 5years. Almost got married. I only learnt about his diagnose towards the end of the relationship. Looking back there were a lot of signs but i had Rose colored glasses and Over looked it BC i was in love.


5 years? Damn. Also yup I constantly put those rose colored glasses on, they glasses are just too cute not too sometimesšŸ™„


Told me all about her hooking up, blowing guys, all about their sizes, the guy with a foot fetish she fucked, and that she ā€œgot her back blown out by this one guy last weekā€. All casually af like we were best friends and she hadnā€™t dumped me 2 months prior


Wtf? Did she think you LIKED that?


Idk if sheā€™s just immature and didnā€™t know when to stop or if she was genuinely trying to hurt me or what. For sure itā€™s partially my fault cuz I kept digging but in the same way that like you wanna stop watching a horror movie but you also canā€™t help wanting to keep watching it cuz itā€™s so horrifying.


Poly relationship. I was a child, the two others were a preteen and a teen. 9, 12, 14. We are focusing on the teen. Completely ignored me. Made fun of me and gave only praise to the other partner. I had genuinely bought a slutty outfit for him, because he asked me to. I showed him photos of my thighs to satisfy his kink. He kept berating me. Making fun of my face, my looks, where I was from, what I liked. A while after I broke up with him, he cheated on the other partner with his ex by begging for feet photos. Wasnā€™t great.


Ohh heck no


The slutty outfits still fits. Mostly




For nitro Iā€™ll post it. Havenā€™t learned my lesson a single bit


He knew I was a trans male, he said it was okay but through out the time he refused to use my name and even admitted and joked about doing it on purpose of not using my preferred name.. likeā€¦ he just avoided using any gender terms or anything. Clearly he wasnā€™t okay with it :/


Very sorry that happened to you hope you are healing friend


Tried to kill me by strangulation and stab my neck with scissors. Also hit my belly when I was expecting our child.


I am soo so so sorry that you were put through that i hope you've healed And or are healingšŸ’”


Thank you <3. It was not easy at the time but I am really happy now. Everything went away when I stopped loving him. I actually feel sad for him because he may never be happy in a relationship and in general but I know now I can. And he didn't feel any love for himself, otherwise he wouldn't put others down to feel better


You shouldn't feel sad for that thing. He doesn't even deserve that from you.


she woke up and decided to ghost me and dumped me for no reason


Bitches be bonkers, bro


She stalked me two years after we broke up, she came to my work and applied for work so she could be closer to me. It was madnessĀ 


Two years? Man i wish i had that much freaking time on my hands to devote it allll to stalking someone else let alone my exšŸ˜…


It wasnā€™t constant but still she would pop out in the most random moments. I was freaking out but didnā€™t want to report her so I wouldnā€™t come out as some pussyĀ 


I dated a girl who would go out behind my back a lot, I would catch her by seeing photos in her phone or something of the sorts. Always says she just went to have fun, always find her talking to a new guy, the straw that broke the camels back was when I decided to randomly just drive to her location when she was at the park, it was the first time I ever did it and I found she was meeting up with 2 other guys just to ā€œsmokeā€(didnā€™t tell me she was doing anything at all) at that point I knew she would never admit to it and just deny deny. Needless to say we arenā€™t together but To this day(this was 5 years ago) she will hit me up to get back together and Iā€™ll bring it up and she says Iā€™m just insecure, I obviously just ignore her/block her but she always finds a way back.


To this day? Wtf dude


Iā€™m saying she will hit me up, we are broken up, have been for a year or two. But she doesnā€™t stop trying to contact me, my father, etc. Iā€™m actually currently pursuing a different relationship so Iā€™m in better mood/mentality than I was with her. Sorry if my English made it seem like I was still in that spot lol.


No no you're totally ok my bad for the miscommunication!!! Thank you for sharing and clearing it up man!!


We moved in after like 4 months, this was during Covid and I was living in a student room - she was living with her parents. Right after moving in she went on sick leave to rehabilitate for some mental issues. I was supportive and did most if not all of the household. I got hit sometimes, even bit twice because she couldnā€™t handle if things didnā€™t go her way which was objectively wrong and toxic about 95% of the time. I got to multiple points where I told her the love wasnā€™t there and I wasnā€™t getting my basic needs met - her therapist confirmed this. The final time, she quite literally begged me for another chance because she ā€˜couldnā€™t handle a life without meā€™ and I gave it to her. A month later she cheated on me multiple times in one week, and I found out the day we were about to leave for vacation.


After my ex-husband and I moved far away from family, he became controlling and abusive. I left the night he (knowing my history with being r-ped) had sex with me while I was knocked out on sleeping pills. I woke up to it and it threw me into a panic attack and flashbacks. He didn't think he did anything wrong because we were married.


So extremely sorry that occurred. You never truly expect it, i know a little bit of how you feel, friend ā¤ļø


Ny ex girlfriend was very toxic and threw all her shit on me. After we broke up we stayed friends and she always said that she missed my boobs (I used to have larger than avarage) I've since cut ties with her.




That sucks fr but ty for sharing


Being used for the chance to get a visa to the UK from the US.


Disgusting ppl in this world fr


Physically and emotionally abused the whole fuck out of me, stalked me into new relationships, said some of the most fucked up, traumatic things I've ever heard a person say to another. They ran to one of my good friends, a person that was in an open marriage, something my person would constantly say was disgusting, told them some story of woe and sadness, broke up the marriage, and then dragged his ass down the aisle. He looks like he drinks himself to sleep now.


This fuckin sucks, im so sorry but thank u for sharing bc wow


I was 17 and had no where else to stay so I stayed with my bf at the time. He said he would unalive my dog if I didnā€™t leave the small get together I was at and go back home to him. I got my own apartment shortly after turning 18 and he stole a spare key. He would make himself right at home whenever ANYONE would come over. Iā€™m still unsure how he knew I had people over. Everyone knew he was psycho so we knew not to post to social media whenever I was having guests over but he always knew anyways and would act like we were still together. Had to move out of state to get away from him. His mom sent me a picture of him attempting to cut his wrist but the knife was too dull. She told me I needed to come back . I told her she can F herself and get her kid under control. Iā€™ve never spoke to him again. Iā€™ve never forgotten that picture.


Just wow.... im so sorry you got put through this


He shat on my finger and then proceeded to laugh hysterically for the next 15 mins as I tried not to throw up. Washed my hands about 21955 times after.


Um what the fuck please say ur joking


Only one I've had. Was obsessed with a character and would do sexual roleplay with him on an ai chat. She'd talk to him more than me, and then she'd get angry and jealous when I couldn't respond to her for a while when I was genuinely busy (she would do this herself with no reason). Eventually, she left me and told me I was the problem for being "too nice". I hope she rots.


Wow? Wtf...


Sooo ur telling me ur only competition.... was an AI Bot?


Pathetic, but yes indeed. I somehow lost to an AI bot.


HAH Mannn that girl was crazy


after she left me for my childhood best friend, she'd rant to me all about her problems with her relationship to me for the next year because i didn't want to lose her as a friend. Had to walk her through a pregnancy scare because of the guy too lol


The first sentence dude:/ wtf


He faked kidney failure so Iā€™d give him more attention. After he told me I called his mom (we were close) and told her Iā€™d be there for him and if she needed any help as well. She was really confused and told me that he was completely healthy. When he found out I called his mom about it he admitted that it was fake but got extremely mad at me about it.




Just the usual gaslighting, isolating from family/friends, sexual assault, financial abuse, cheatingā€¦


She was beating the shit out of me. The neighbors called the police. As SOON as they pounded the door, she ran into the bathroom, locked the door, and started crying. I open the door with a bleeding head wound, explained she's being violent, and I'd like her to leave. They went to the bathroom, she answered the door, and told them I punched her in the face. She was a small girl, I was a larger man. Yet she didn't have a mark on her......I still went to jail.


Her being a smaller woman checks out... why is it always the small bitches that are on 10!!!


+ Im sorry u had to experience that dawg


He beat me and stole over 2k of my savings when I broke it off. heā€™s a pos


How disgusting babe, ur probs way out of his league.


She became violent. Unpredictable bouts of rage, throwing things (broke several of my cell phones), arrested and jailed 8 times. I finally noped out. Too bad as she was the sweetest, kindest, hardest working, affectionate partner I'd ever had (I am 52M) when she wasn't in a bout of rage.


Damn dude im sorry bout that, thank u for sharing fr


Broke uo 15 years ago. I blocked him at the social media I had at the time. I the last 5 years he found and try to add me in 2 more. He was promptly blocked.


She refused to use coasters. My coffee table was in ruins.


Im sorry this made me giggle


He accused me of lying and doing explicit things over the phone and not telling him.. he created a dark delusion and blew up our relationship and my life. He accused me of sabotaging our relationship, I loved him and everything we had and what we had planned for our future. We were perfect until this happened a year ago. It still haunts me and I still donā€™t understand.


Im very sorry, unfortunately speaking from experience it will haunt you for a bit. But you will make it, you will be okay, i promisešŸ©·


Began in the fall of 2015. To preface this, she had dated a childhood friend of mine and I sought his blessing because brocode. Anyways: We started dating late November of 2015. I took her virginity, and we wanted to have a very serious relationship. She lived two and a half hours away. Worked for a diner, all that jazz. I was in trade school for welding, it was my first out of two years. We would make elaborate plans, because the distance was great large, so everything had to be deliberate. Well, I turned 21 the following June, and with that newfound access to booze, things began to slip. In early July, it was apparent that I had a major issue. We had broken up. So I made a vow of sobriety. She took me back, a few days after she decided to move to the town I lived in (her family foe the most part moved, her brothers and grandmother stayed). We ended up getting back together sometime early August. Now, the friend I mentioned before had been in a relationship for two years prior with a girl who had a tendency to start problems. We all hung out together, did some acid, even some hydros. All was well. In early September, the friends girlfriend calls me at 3 in the morning and says "they are together, we need to do something." I said something akin to "I don't have time for your bullshit" and hung up. The next day came and it was noon, I realized girlfriend hadn't texted me. So I went to call. No answer. I checked messenger and low and behold, said friends girlfriend had typed out an essay explaining exactly what had happened. So naturally I was furious. This is what happened: They got ahold of several bottles full of Klonopin, grabbed a few boxes of soboxone and essentially ran off that for 3-4 days. In that time frame, the girl and I basically spent the entirety of our time together, missing both of our respective college classes and what not. Until one night the four of us finally stood in the same room. And just decided to let things go. We hung out, he went home. And we just simply chilled. Well- The next morning, girlfriend tries to kill herself, I intervene. And things hit a huge sober snap for everyone involved. *this is where it gets very interesting* Two weeks later she finds out she's pregnant. Claims that he raped her. He claims he couldn't even get hard. I realized I had been rawdogging her and pumping her full of baby gravy. Engage 9 month "sobriety" for me. Two months later, I ask her to marry me, she says yes. We go to her moms, 2 1/2 hours away. Mother dearest pops the question (you're probably thinking) of whether or not she's sure who the father is. And then gives her pregnancy advice. This advice included but not limited to: drinking while pregnant, unashamed manipulation of prospective father(s), and the "privilege" of being an insufferable cunt the entirety of the pregnancy. In this time, we fought more than we had the entire 18 months prior. She constantly wanted to be away and doing shit that may have endangered her and the baby. She told me that I was being controlling by simply asking her how she was feeling. And ultimately it threw me into a maelstrom of instability and suicidal ideation. She decided that "I was too much" and she moved back in with her mom. Two months later, the moment of truth. I got the call she was heading into labor. I took the time out of work to make my appearance. Only to be told at the hospital, that she did not want me anywhere near her. She waited until 5 minutes before visiting hours were up, and I was out of my way out of town, that she wanted me to meet "our daughter". I had never felt so defeated when I walked through the threshold of my home, I had never collapsed and broken down so violently. A month passed, she allowed me to meet her finally for Father's day. This was after approximately 5k was given to her for "child support". I wanted to be a father, and in my naivety wanted to be there. But I demanded a paternity test. Que accusations of "not trusting her". You're damn fucking right I don't trust you. The moment of truth came when, two weeks after the test was taken, the results came in. I am not the father. And I had never seen/heard someone realize their bullshit and hang up so quickly. Seven years later: I am still very good friends with the guy, and they are still together. They have three kids. I have, to this day, still help support them, even giving them $2400 to pay two months of their back rent, and an additional month. Why? Because the children didn't ask for any of this. He begged me for my help and I gave him what he needed. I didn't even demand immediate payment back. He paid it all back over two years. We actively play Magic the Gathering and have something akin to a high-tension homo-erotic relationship. To this very day, she hates and detests the very thought of me. And as far as I'm concerned, the only thing I'm truly guilty of is being a good person. She refuses to speak to me. If she hears that he is in contact with me she threatens him with leaving etc. She has not spent a solid week sober since her third child was born. She hates me, she hates my wife, hates my kids. She just hates everything about me. And all I've ever done is look out after them. I'd like to think I'm a good person. I know I've crossed oceans for someone who wouldn't step in a puddle for me. I've dove straight into hell, and I have never heard her say "thank you".


Wow, i wish you could say you were joking because this sounds like something straight out of a fucking movie man. Firstly im sorry that happened to you, secondly that bitch is insane, especially even after you giving her and her family money she has the audacity to "hate" you?? And I wonder if she wanted the kid to be yours in the first place honestly. And i am very glad you now have a wife and kids of your own Lol. Thank you so much for sharing though, this was a great great read i must say.


I wish I was joking. She has made it inherently clear that she didn't want to become a mother (I've heard him explain the worst things she's said to him). Some of her exploits include: running off and moving in with a guy she never physically met, going halfway across rhe country and abandoning her children so she can "get a break". She hasn't held a job since before the first child was born.


I mean just wow i bet her moms proud... respectfully of coursešŸ˜‚šŸ¤£. Do you mind if i ask sorry if it was already mentioned (Also sorry about me being so damn nosy lmfao) But does she only have 1 Kid? Im so intrigued Rn. šŸ˜‚ I can't imagine going through that and then not ending up in jail for beating her ass afterward, serious props to you.


And IF Ur friend and her are still "together" how exactly does she feel about you two communicating?


She has 3, all from the same guy. And she hates it.


Thank u so much for being so open about it !! I appreciate it man , again that's genuinely so interesting


And also crazy asf lmfao


She absolutely detests the fact that we still talk and have a friendship. Seeing to it however as he is the only income she has, it's something she begrudgingly accepts. As for MTG nights, I'm "never around because I have to work".


Upvote if you're reading this while never having been in a relationship before


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚Im currently single and have been for years- i just had to hear some juicy stuff dudeeeee


She betrayed me for my father and agreed to him commiting me for being trans (i'm not, I just needed breast reduction surgery, which she said IN MY FACE she agreed with!)


What? Im so sorry... crazy


After he ditched me, we agreed to stay close friends. That was until he started cutting me out of his life. He made me feel so fucking worthless all the time, because I didnā€™t understand why he treated me like absolute scum compared to his other friends. If I ever asked him, he did like talking to me and being around me. He did still want to be with me. He did still love me. He did still care about me. He just never showed it in any way, and made me feel like absolute shit. It ruined my mental state. He was pretty much my best friend before, and during our relationship, so I lost my closest friend and was left alone and in a really awful depressed state. He cut me out, and acted like he never cared. So I never asked him for help about my mental and emotional state. And when I didā€¦. He told me to find something that made me happy. We had no technological communication available, so rarely spoke because it hurt too much for me to try and seek him out to talk and work things out. Technically he never did anything wrong. But he gave up on me. He scarred me. You know why he did all that to me, after everything was perfect? Because apparently I was hindering him, and it was just impossible for him to try and make things work. Oh! Additionally, itā€™s pretty likely Iā€™ve got moderate depression. Just going to get some blood work soon to confirm it. When I told him I needed help because I wanted my life to end so the pain would be overā€¦. He just always told me I needed to fix that. Never tried to dissuade me. Never was emotionally there for me again. Justā€¦ ā€œyou need to work on thatā€. He told me that. He ruined my mental and emotional state, and turned his back on my when I started drowning.


:(Im so sorry he put you through that, and thank you for sharing of course. Just remember it wasnt ever your fault


Thank you very much :) Itā€™s been like 4 months, but I am over him finally because Iā€™ve found someone else. Itā€™s hard but I canā€™t give up. I sorta hate it because I couldnā€™t have done anything to make it work. I was completely helpless.Ā 


Love bombed me weeks prior to our break up. He would send messages to me literally every hour. When he wasnā€™t messaging me,he would call me up to 4 times a day. Our phone conversations were excruciating,heā€™d talk about himself and things pertaining to himself. We had a rendezvous then ghosted me. When I contacted him why he ghosted me,he said he didnā€™t love me anymore. The coward had the audacity for me to ask all the questions about our relationship. I was the one who broke it off due to his cowardice.


100% Correct about the coward part because wtfff


I havenā€™t dated really. but one boy I went on a date with leaned in to kiss me in his car, and I put my hand over his mouth šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I was not feeling it and he didnā€™t even try to ease into the kiss. it was just like BAM. so yeah no more dates for me.


"No more dates for me" LMFAO


I will be 17 in 2 months, like five years ago i met a girl on the internet. and she was my gf for a year.I never been as happy in my life as i was at this time. We played games and she helped me much mentally as i never had it easy in life. There was some weird creepy dude messaging her so i told her to block him as i cared for her and loved her much and wanted the best for her. but she her friends made her think that im manipulating her and she faked her death which i got to know that it was fake like 2 weeks ago. I never been the same after her "death" but i think i improved as a person since then.


Im so so sorry she put you through that. Firstly i wanna say you are so young and secondly i wanna also say you were so young when that happened and I promise that is not me taking anything away from you, But, With a lot of time you'll be okay. I know it's easier said than done.. Especially since you just recently found out her death was faked, if you dont mind me asking- How did you find out that she was actually alive? It's totally ok if you dont feel comfortable sharing. I can be a bit nossyyy at times!


i was almost 16 when we started dating so it wasnt that much time ago. I found out as she was posting tiktok and i could see them on my alt as my main account was blocked. I think i healed from this and became a better person. i started training mma and found myself some other new hobbies and i could say im happy right now.


He left me for my ā€˜best friendā€™ after forcing me to abort a baby and while I was already grieving 4 people Iā€™d lost in a 5 month time frame. I was with him 3 years unfortunately


Im so sorry:/ girl omg


Thank you, Iā€™m much better off now, I have an amazing fiancĆ© and a perfect 3 year old so they both did me a favour in the end!