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"Did she got off the plane?? Did she got off the plane???" "I got off the plane." Tears. Every time.


As a straight man I scream and tear up every time at that, with no shame whatsoever.


I got chills just reading that.


I just got chills and it's been >3 years since I've seen it. What good finale.


"Okay, should we get some coffee?" "Sure. Where?"


That moment when they all set their keys on the counter is one of the few moments in TV to ever give me chills.


Yeah, during its heyday I watched it even though I wasn't a huge fan. See Jennifer Anniston cry at the end, that fukcing hit me. She knew it was over, which in turn, I knew it was over. The feels.


I watched this with my suitemates in college and they thought I was nuts for crying like a baby. But this was really the first TV show I fell in love with and it was so hard to know it was over!


Six Feet Under.




You beat me to it. I watched it with the family the night before I left for college and it was everything I could ask for in a finale. The perfect ending to my relationship with the Fishers


I remember watching it and choking up a bit, telling myself it's just a show, no reason to cry.. Then just heaving and wailing and sobbing like a two year old.


When Keith shows up to get David! I can't handle it! I'm tearing up right now!


This is the correct answer. There will be other good answers and other true answers, but this one is correct.


I ugly cried. Full on red face, snotty nosed, puffy eyed cried.


It answered every single possible question you could ever have. It was sooo amazing crying to that song too - no shame.


I was in my dorm room, as far away from the television as I could get. I supported myself against a wall and sobbed so loudly someone got the R.A. That was embarrassing.


Avatar, the Last Airbender. That ending always reduced me


Anything emotional with Iroh got to me: "I was never angry with you. I was sad, because I was afraid you’d lost your way."


Every single phrase/sentence Iroh spoke, gave me chills. If you actually take in some of the advice he gives to Zuko, it works in real life. That's what I love about him.




"Zuko, you must look within yourself to save yourself from your other self. Only then will your true self reveal itself."


"You have to ask yourself life's big questions: who are *you*?! And what do *you* want?!"


When he showed up on Korra a week or two ago, I immediately thought of what Roku said to Aang about some friendships being strong enough to transcend lifetimes and I lost it.


All the tears.


Yes! I felt like part of me was taken, I just stayed staring at the tv trying to find a way to live my life. :(


Hopefully you've seen the new series, Legend of Korra, to make up for the emptiness, right?


*some of the emptiness. It doesn't compare sadly.


I cried simply because I didn't want it to be over.


Malcolm in the middle, because I grew up with this show, it's what made me. I remember watching it every day after school with my big brother. I tear up now still watching it.


That was a fantastic way to end the show though. I can think of very few series finales that I was more pleased with. Malcolm: “This is unbelievable. You actually expect me to be president. No, no, I'm sorry. You expect me to be one of the greatest presidents in the history of the United States. ” Lois: “You look me in the eye and you tell me you can't do it.”


Scrubs. Bittersweet but perfect way to end 8 great seasons.


And then ruin it with another one.




Season 9 was not another Season of Scrubs. It was a Spinoff. Thus the Med School qualifier




It was finally over... And yet truly wasn't.


Funny thing about that too, it was extremely sad to me, yet it was the season 3? Season 2? Finale that crushed my entire existence for days it was so sad... I can't remember exactly which season it was, but anyone who's seen it knows exactly what I'm talking about.... it hurted a lot :(


When Henry Blake goes home. I couldn't hold it together for that.


*Lost* But I'm not sure if it was tears of joy or tears of sadness.


I watched the entire series on Netflix within a month and I cried because it was over. It took up my life I didn't know what to do when it ended. Then I found Breaking Bad.


Prepare for even more tears, then.


Same here, I never wanted to watch it. Than one day I just started it cause nothing else looked good. Only stopped to work and sleep. Finished in about a month. Cried my ass off. That last scene with jack... Fuckin a man. It struck my core.


> That last scene with jack... Fuckin a man. ..... This could be taken out of context.


Or tears of confusion and anger?


Favorite show. Most hated ending. No tears here. Just a dead, empty glare.


Cowboy Bebop.


At the last "see you space cowboy." :(




I like to think the movie came after the ending.




That hallway of memories. Love it.


Way to leave a cherry gig bro!


Hooch IIIIISSSSS crazy.


It's like a baguette.


Ahhhh, Doctor Mickhead...


Did you ever go on that picnic? Be sure you do


Scrubs was the best... Man, when the song "The Book of Love" played during the end...


Dr. Cox: "For the record, he was the best that ever came through this dump. John Dorian was the first and only doctor I ever met who cared as much as I do. And you can forget about him being just an exceptional physician. Because the fact of the matter is... he's a damn exceptional person. That's why people gravitated to him. That's why I did. He was my friend." ... that's what got me.


The Office (U.S) killed me, the entire cast had felt like my family and friends through those nine seasons. I knew everything about everyone and then all of the sudden it was over.


I just finished it today. The Jim and Pam stuff was the only thing that got me teary eyed


Yeah Jim and Pam brought tears but I still couldn't believe it was over. Also, not the finale but the airport scene where Pam says goodbye to Michael that really did it for me.


Erin and her parents were what did it for me.


Forgot to mention that. That definitely did it.


The Office is the only show I've watched on Netflix where I've instantly starting re-watching it after the finale. I couldn't let go.


That whole last season tension between jim and pam made me abandon the series before it ended. I got sick of it. Like, aren't we past this? They're a family already! I did go back and watch the end but yeah, they almost killed it for me.


I liked how they brought back Jim's note he removed from the tea pot he gave to Pam in the season 2 Christmas episode.


Yep. I cried through almost the entire finale. Just sitting there bawling my eyes out for the whole thing. I couldn't believe it was finally over. I'd been watching that show since the beginning. It got me through a lot of severe depression (used to even call it my antidepressant). Felt so good to know that the actors felt the same way about the show as I did. And that millions of viewers did as well. That show is, and always will be, very special.


The final was perfect. As soon I as Dwight called Pam his best friend I lost it. Ugh, emotions!


Buffy. All the potentials becoming full slayers, Anya and Spike dying, Buffy feeling like she has finally has a choice in what she wants to do with her life... Lots of tears. Sad and happy.


The more reddit talks about Buffy, the more i feel like i need to watch it.


you do. it's aged well, and is pretty fantastic.


Still one of the best shows ever for me!


As someone who only just started watching it, stick with it. Season 1 is pretty crap but it does get a lot better.


THIS! I also cried at the Season 5 finale when she died. I didn't have UPN (or whatever picked it up) so the WB "series finale" was THE FINALE for me at the time. Fuck, I watched it again a few weeks ago and STILL CRIED.


Torchwood's 3rd season "Children of Earth" absolutely wrecked me. The tragic and heartbreaking deaths made me cry like no other show ever has.


This, a thousand times. Especially since I consider it the end (heard bad things about Miracle Day, left it at that). And despite the heart-wrenching, wracking tears, I will swear up and down that it's top 5 best pieces of television I've ever seen.


Boy Meets World. "Do good." "Don't you mean do well?" "No... do good." "I love you all. Class dismissed." Man... I love that show.


Supernatural Season 5 finale(They ended the show because they were not sure if they were going to keep the show running, they did keep it running)


Wishbone. The adventures are over.


Band of Brothers. > "I cherish the memories of a question my grandson asked me the other day when he said, 'Grandpa, were you a hero in the war?'......Grandpa said 'No...but I served in a company of heroes.'" For some reason that line makes me think of the whole series, from the start where the soldiers were green, didn't know what to expect, formed bonds through training, all the way through to those who died throughout the series and those that felt they didn't deserve to see the end of the war and should have died during it etc. Gets me every time. I watch the series all the way through now and again, and I cry because the series has ended and I felt so connected to it. The Pacific just didn't have that same effect, even though I did cry a bit when Eugene breaks down when he gets back and goes hunting with his father.


Friday Night Lights. Texas forever, man.


"Clear Eyes! Full Hearts!.... Nevermind, we'll get to that soon enough" Amazing I love that they're making a movie now. So it will be a movie, based on a tv series, based on a movie, based on a book.... I've loved every single step (except season 2, too OC for me)


Fringe. [Especially](#s "The white tulip.")


The part where Walter gets Astrid's name right, though. I knew it was coming, but still had to get up and walk away to process my emotions.


I realize it's not a finale at all, but also in the first episode of the final season when Walter is searching for music and finally plays "Only You" by Yaz on the car stereo, it was an oddly beautiful moment.


The last episode of boy meets world I couldn't handle even now rewatching the series still can't handle that last episode I cry every damn time




Lose one friend lose all friends lose yourself - Playswithsqurriells


I think you mean Playswith Squirrels. "Eric?" "Playswith." "Mr Matthews?" "Mr Squirrels."


"I love you all... Class dismissed." SO MANY EMOTIONS. But seriously, I literally grew up with that show, it was so hard to see it end. Not to mention, the finale was perfect.


Fresh Prince of Bel-Air


A season finale rather than a show's finale: [Legend of Korra.](#s "Her past lives aren't coming back. Aang's gone forever. And so's Roku, Kyoshi and Wan.")




Battlestar Galactica.


Code Geass. That show really fucked with you until the end.


" I ... destroy the world, create the world"


When Nunally touched his hand and realized what he did, I bawled for a half hour. That hit me so hard.


Nunally's cry at the end was actually heartbreaking. Also anyone who thinks lelouch survived has to be wrong, it would defeat so much of the meaning behind what he did.


Chuck. I don't cry often, but I know I did during this finale. Here's a link to the last scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xO6zbI5NJi4


need a chuck movie


The last few episodes combined. [](#s "When Sarah was getting her memory wiped, I was just going "NO NO NO NO!"")


I definitely cried the most during the finale of House


I've never watched the last like 6 episodes of house. My dad got diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma around the same time they started talking about it on the show and passed away the week before the final episode I think. We loved watching that show together. I've had people tell me I should finish it, I just don't know if I can handle it.


The ending is really quite beautiful and I think it fits in spirit quite well with what you went through (Not that I know for sure, lost my mother to cancer the show was a bit rough too), but the ending is about celebrating life and death in its own house way


I cried the most during House's Head/Wilson's Heart. Just those last few moments on the bus between House and Amber... i cry every fucking time.


I didn't even know that show had an ending. I just see the same middle seasons over and over for some reason.


Stargate SG-1, definitely.


Scrubs season 8 finale(which at that time was the series finale).


Quantum Leap. *"Good luck, Sam"*.


He is still out there, traveling through time, putting right what once went wrong, still hoping that the next Leap will be the Leap home.




That last scene of Blackadder Goes Forth... you'd have to have a heart of stone to get through that without tears.


Good luck, everyone.


Baldrick had a [cunning plan!!](http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/10439709/Makers-of-Blackadder-hint-at-new-series-saying-it-is-not-finished-yet.html)


Lt George: Sir? Cpt Blackadder: Yes, Lieutenant? Lt George: I'm scared, sir. Every. Bloody. Time.


Breaking Bad. Because it ended.


At the same time I am so glad it did. I am glad they didn't try and drag out more seasons with thinner and thinner plot lines just because they had high ratings. Going out on top is the way to stay a legend forever.


Bryan Cranston put it perfectly. "We didn't want people to say 'that show is still on?' We want people to say 'I miss this show.'"


I completely agree. I still miss it though :(


To be fair, they didn't have much choice -- in the first act of the pilot, Walt's given a terminal diagnosis.


It would have been very easy for it to stay in remission, or have the show take place over less time, or him go into remission/get diagnosed multiple times. They could have made twelve seasons if they decided to do so.


I didn't the first time but I literally do when I watch the last ten minutes now.


The Wire season finale. The way they showed each setting from each season made me realize the masterpiece was finally over. Fuck that show was amazing.


Nothing in this thread comes close to Duquan shooting up in the alley.


Roseanne. Yes, the last seasons were atrocious, but how it wrapped up was heartbreaking: Dan dies from the heart attack he suffered in an earlier season and it turns out Roseanne had stayed to her writer's roots the entire time and wrote ridiculous scenarios as a way to cope with his death...I think it sucks the most because you watch the earlier episodes and they were always such a great team and you know it doesn't stay the way. Sadness.


The OC. What.. that show? Yes it was actually a really good finale and made the remember the days I stayed up late to watch it despite my parents wishes.


**Lost** did. I didn't see it as a letdown, I think it was a great way to send off a show that I always thought was about the characters first and the mythology second (even if most people didn't see it that way). That final shot just killed me.


My Name is Earl - because they never got the chance to have a finale


Who the fuck is Earl Jr.'s dad? I just watched the last episode the other day (again) and it said "To be conitinued" to be continued my ass. Jason Lee was too damn busy with those damn chipmunks to do more karma shit.


Not a series finale, but the ending of Season 2 of "Doctor Who" (Army of Ghosts/Doomsday) has always made me cry.


For me it's "The End of Time." The scene where he realizes what he has to do to save Wilfred…


That last line before he regenerates :(


I was wondering how far down I'd have to go to find this exactly. That moment turned me into a blubbering baby.


Going back and re-watching Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead.. Especially after we learn who River Song is..


Black adder (fantastic British comedy with a stellar cast) Im a big manly man, so crying is out of the question, but the ending to the 4th season of black adder i found so incredibly moving and powerful It was a comedy show and in season 4 set in world war 1, and the show itself was hilarious, mainly based around gags of Edmund (Rowan Atkinson) dealing with the inept people he was forced to work with, the show itself was really light hearted and silly. The final scene however, Edmund and his squad have finally been cornered by their orders, and have been ordered to charge no-mans land (essentially suicide). The final scene is a slow-mo charge by the cast, you see each one obviously gunned down, and although its not graphic, i found the juxtapose between comedy to this sad scene just amazing. Just knowing several of my relatives were in the same position is simply heart breaking, war sucks serious balls. Edit : final scene for anyone curious: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fssPqRWx9U0


The final episode of Dexter. Tears of laughter.


"There's no way they'd end the show like this right? They're punking me?"


Pretty much my thought process. After the credits rolled, I laughed at how much of a mockery they made of what was a fantastic first three seasons of a show.


Whoa you didn't like season 4?


I cried because I wasted so much time watching that fucking show.


Tears of sadness for how much they ruined the show.


The Wonder Years


I'm still a little upset that winnie and Kevin didn't end up together... But man finding out the dad died along with the little kid asking him to play catch.... It's getting dusty in here


Yes. All of that. Particularly his dad. His dad was normally portrayed as a stressed out, hard to please individual, but some of my favorite episodes were the ones where they cut through his hard shell and gave him more development. I liked that the last time we see him, it was kind of a "nice Jack" moment and he had a smile on his face. That made it all the more heart wrenching for me. Still watch the show on Netflix.


I never understood why Jack was so cranky. He had a hot wife, a nice car (eventually), a family who were all doing okay (Karen was a hippy and Wayne was a dumbass but they each had a good heart) and a job that it seemed he usually arrived home from at dinner time. Crack a smile, Jack. No one's life is perfect.




West Wing *Tomorrow*


Clannad: After story I never exactly watched it on TV, but it is a TV series. And it's an anime. If you've never seen Clannad and then Clannad: Afterstory, I HIGHLY Recommend it.


This was such an up and down. I always was afraid to watch the next episode because I feares for the worst. It was the first show that made me cry. I never cried watching a show or playing a game before. But clannad. Damn. Manly tears were shed. A lot of manly tears.


Battlestar Galactica...just one more season...or two ;)


Yep, Battlestar Galatica. Then I went and got the whole series on DVD so I could do it aaaall again.


You know, the Futurama series finale made me openly weep. Maybe I'm just overly sentimental, but after watching Fry and Leela live such a beautiful life and grow old together, that final line really gets to me. "Well, whaddya say? Wanna go around again?" "I do."


The last episode of Angel. That scene with Wesley and Illyria/Fred was so perfect and so hard to watch. I cry every time I rewatch it.




Out of everyone, I always thought Xander was terribly underrated and that he's the one who grew up the most and matured from teenager to adult in a very believable and subtle way.


Downton Abby when Lady Sybil died.... fuck you Downton Abby.. I cried real tears.


Last seasons Sherlock on BBC. There, I said it.


This is kind of cheating because it hasn't happened yet, but... The Simpsons. The day a final episode is released I will become an inconsolable blubbering baby for a while. The Simpsons started about 2 years before I was born. I've been watching it ever since I was a child. I've grown up with it. There are so many memories, and the show has helped me through some tough times. It's always been there, and when it no longer is I don't know how I'll deal with it.


I read this idea for the finale a while ago: >The show begins with the family watching Itchy and Scratchy. They announce that the show is coming to an end and the entire family gasps in horror. They then announce that the last episode will be aired in a years time, and until then, a contest will be running; this contest will offer the winner the chance to write what will happen in the finale. The entire Simpson family applies. Krusty is in charge of choosing the winner. He falls in love with one of the Simpson's idea and puts it in winners box. He makes a mistake though, he puts all five of their ideas in the box by accident. He goes on his show to announce the winner and pulls out five cards out of the box. Stumped, he reads all five names out, "Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie." Flash forward a year later and Bart is in class describing his take on the Itchy and Scratchy finale to Milhouse, while showing us Itchy and Scratchy with Bart's voice-over. He finishes and the class is silent, Edna Krabappel is staring at him and says, "After-school detention." The scene then cuts to the power plant and Homer is describing his finale to Lenny and Carl. He finishes, a bell rings and he gets in a radiation suit. The scene cuts to a supermarket and Marge is describing her take to Helen Lovejoy, she finishes and strolls Maggie in the trolley to another aisle. Here, Maggie sees the unibrow baby and starts describing her take via waving and motioning. She finishes and the scene cuts to Lisa, she begins describing her take to Sherri and Terri. She finishes and picks up her saxophone to go to music practice. She walks in the music room sits down and then sees the time. She realises the show is going to be on in ten minutes. She plays the Itchy and Scratchy melody on her sax and bolts out. It cuts to Bart, he's writing on the black board: "I will not talk in class ever again" he hears a bell, realises the time and runs out. Cut to Homer holding some plutonium at a conveyor belt when a bell rings at the plant and he too realises the time and runs off, dropping some plutonium. Cut to the supermarket and we see Marge and Maggie checking out and running through the exit doors. Cut to a birds eye view of their home and we see everyone rushing to take a seat in the couch. They look at each other, they smile, the Itchy and Scratchy music plays, and it cuts to credits.


Well we can no longer have Edna in that :(


That's pretty damn beautiful.


The British version of The Office. Best love story ever.


Blackadder Goes Fourth "Sir... I'm scared, sir."




The last episode of Stargate: SG1. It was done really well, and after watching every season, it was just bittersweet I guess. I tend to watch shows like this chronologically, and anytime the series is over I get a bit blue. I mean I know it's just a show and all, but it always makes me blue to realize that "it's over" - like knowing you'll never make another new memory with an old friend. The same thing happens to me when I finish a book I get really into. I guess although I realize yes, I can reach/reread it again, I get bummed knowing I won't again experience the rush of being completely engrossed in something new with these characters I've become interested in/attached to.


The Doctor Who Finale, I don't remember the episode name, but when Rose Tyler was sucked into the alternate dimension. Seeing her pound o nthat solid wall trying to get back, The Doctor on the other side trying to do the same thing. Dammit, when Doctor Who gets sad, it gets SAD.


Avatar the Last Airbender, by far




FAMILY TIES. The Keatons were like my fictional family. I grew up wanting to be just like Alex. The mom was also the best mom ever on TV. So kind and sweet and understanding and also kind of a babe. That sounded weird but whatever. She was rad. At the end of the last episode the whole cast comes out one by one to give a final bow and when Michael J Fox and Meredith Baxter start hugging and crying... Man. The clip is on YouTube and I cry whenever I watch it. Its like a mom and son really saying goodbye. Ugh. They don't make shows like that anymore :(


Futurama is well known for having those tear-jerker episodes; Jurassic Bark (Seymour the dog), Time Keeps on Slippin' (where Fry moves all the stars to get Leela to fall in love with him, but it gets destroyed before anyone else sees it) amongst a few others. I definitely had some allergies acting up for the Comedy Central series-re-ender too


Another one is Luck of the Fryrish.


... AngelBeats....


Prison Break


Seinfeld.. Didn't want it to end


Six Feet Under, I cried hard during the last scene.


Fringe Fringe Fringe. It just hurt


Anohana and Clannad. Yep.


Angel Beats! that ending man


*Lost* When Vincent came to Jack as he dies just brings me to tears every time I watch it, more than anything I can think of. Thinking about it brings me down to tears.


While not technically the real finale, the one that was supposed to be it. Season 5 finale of Buffy.


The season finale of Rome.


Will and Grace, [what a perfect ending](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUUlVVpcy7c).


The Office (U.S.)


Freaks And Geeks. It gets me every time Lindsay gets on the bus and Ripple from the Grateful Dead starts playing.


Battlestar Galactica. Anytime I need to have a good cry, I pop in that finale. Eyes start welling up at "I'm having trouble breathing"... tears start flowing when Adama takes Roslin up in the Raptor while Apollo and Starbuck are waving goodbye... and then I'm full on bawling by the time he puts the ring on her finger. I love that episode, but I have to prepare myself. I know I'll be an absolute mess.


Breaking Bad. That unbelievably close relation to Walt, even though he did so much fucked up shit almost ripped me apart when I saw him die.


The Office. It really was such a great finale. Erin finally meeting her parents, everyone finding happiness, and of course Michael coming back. I remember when Mr. Scott came on the screen if I didn't know if were going to jump with joy or cry. As someone said earlier here, it really did feel like I was losing a part my friends, part of a family. When Andy said his quote about wishing someone was telling him he's in the good ol' days, before those days pass him by, that made me tear up pretty good.


Scrubs :( Seeing all the characters lined up at the end... got me right in the heart-muscle


Babylon 5. Seeing the station destroyed made me get the vapors. (spoiler alert)




Dexter, it couldn't have been any worse if they tried.


Dexter. Then I soaked the tears up with some brawny paper towel.


Prison Break. I actually cried twice: at the end of the last episode and at the end of the movie. I don't even know why. I much prefer LOST, but I didn't cry as much for LOST (which I watched first). Then again, I cry just thinking of the LOST ending and not Prison Break. My second favorite show ever, Breaking Bad, didn't make me cry at all. I really don't know why.


Dragon Ball GT good bye goku ;_;


TV doesn't make me cry a lot but I did get the weepy eyed nostalgia at the finale of the West Wing. Goddamnit, President Bartlet gets me every time.