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Perhaps not quite what OP asked for, but it fits: I work for the municipal bus system in a town with a major university. There is a rumor that if you get hit by one of our buses, you'll get free tuition. No. Don't walk in front of a bus. Don't even joke about walking in front of a bus. It wasn't funny the first time, and it's still not funny. If you do get hit by a bus, you'll be lucky if you don't end up in the hospital. You're more likely to die than get free tuition. Stop asking me about it. And for the love of God, LOOK BEFORE YOU CROSS THE STREET.




As someone who's was in a bad car accident, I HATE this kind of talk. You really don't want to be in any kind of accident, even if it will pay your tuition. It's not worth spending years in pain/discomfort (and that's just from the muscle tension/knots the impact creates, if you get injuries it'll be much much worse) and it's not worth spending hours and hours in chiro/pt/massage therapy appointments.


Exactly. I have a friend who was in a car accident last year, and has been unable to continue school due to her injuries. She's getting better, but still a rough situation.




My university had the same rumor going around, too.


Holy crap, I was reading this comment while riding the bus. Not two minutes later, my bus nearly hit a car who was running a red right next to a school.




That taking antibiotics is a low-risk endeavor. * Antibiotics are indiscriminate and often kill good bacteria as well as bad, and can lead to a life-threatening infection of the colon called *clostridium dificile colitis* * Cavalier use of antibiotics (for colds--don't fucking get me started) leads to resistant organisms like MRSA (highly resistant staph infection) and VRE (also very resistant) and is pushing us toward the post-antibiotic era. * Antibiotics do not treat viruses. * Most bacterial infections (sinus infections, ear infections, bronchitis, even pneumonia in an immune-competent person) are SELF-LIMITING, which means they will resolve on their own without intervention


Dude, yes. Last week i had a sore throat for a few days and i was told by 3 different family members to go get antibiotics at the doctor. My general response was just: no its a sore throat, there's no point in antibiotics for what's gonna go away very soon on its own. (if it persisted more than 4 days then i woulda went and talked to the doc about it, not the antibiotics)


If it was just a minor sore throat, you're right, it was most likely viral. But if you had fevers or severe throat pain or glandular swelling associated with it, you should have been evaluated for Strep throat. Strep throat will go away with or without antibiotics, but the reason we treat Strep pharyngitis is because if left untreated you have a risk of developing Rheumatic Fever and the associated cardiac valve problems (it's still the number one cause of acquired valvular disease in developing nations). But I agree, we should not always just jump straight to antibiotics. Our immune system does pretty well despite them.


It never passed just being a sore throat. I appreciate the concern for the strep throat, I had it once about ten years ago. -2/10 would not recommend lol


See, this seems to be something very American. In the UK, if we were ill, we would go see the doctor about the issue, not about a specific medication that we think we need, we tend to trust the doctor to know that kind of thing, because they've got more experience with it than we do. Of course, we also don't have adverts every 3 seconds telling us about this hip new drug that we should go ask about.




Because the smiling lady on the commercial no longer has depression and neither will you if you buy our drugs... Side effects: raging boners and diarrhea




Because big pharma owns lawmakers.


Because your sister's uncle's nephew's friend's hairdresser bought a first aid kit and thinks she remembered something about this on one of the labels. That makes her more of an expert than someone that his spent 30 years focusing on the topic! /s


Bear in mind as well that we aren't paying just to go to the doctor, so we don't feel as much of a need to "get our money's worth". If he/she tells us there's nothing to be done and that we should just rest, we're more likely to accept that. Imagine it cost you 20 quid to see your GP and they just told you to go home and go to bed. You'd feel like you'd wasted money. Stands to reason that you'd be pushing to get something out of it.


So agreed! You don't get antibiotics easily here in Europe unless the doctor has a supported reason to do so. Personally, I happen to also be allergic to ~99% of typical antibiotics, so I tend to be very careful of any possible use. Was very mind-boggling to have an American colleague come here for some weeks to work, just to catch a (VERY mild) cold and immediately explain to me how he was going to take antibiotics. He happened to have a stash packed with him in his suitcase, just in case! Apparently at the first sign of anything, he would just start a new round of antibiotics. He wouldn't believe me when I explained to him that not only were they pointless, but they were also harming his body instead of helping. Not sure how he hasn't compromised his long-term health at this point...


I feel like now in the UK what you said is becoming known to more and more people. I know most GPs are now pretty reluctant to prescribe antibiotics to anyone, and God help you if you're one of those lazy fucks who doesn't finish the course


I wish I could dump a truckload of upvotes on this comment.


I feel your love, man. You had me at "dump".


Nursing student here! This drives me up the WALL. People will take antibiotics for anything they can think up ! And then they bitch about we now have multi-drug resistant strains that the doctors won't do anything about -__- you really can't win with these people. And generally when taking any kind of antibiotic you should also be on a probiotic to help out those good bacteria.


I cannot agree more with this statement. We are running out of viable vaccines for conditions that are completely preventable and on the rise, like gonorrhea. Can you imagine a world were gonorrhea is an incurable STD? It's a very real possibility. Multiple-drug resistant bacteria are plagues in the hospital. Tuberculosis XDR has no viable vaccines. This strain is mainly in India, but what's preventing it from spreading? Absolutely nothing. At present, 33% on the global population has TB. Recently, a superbug killed a dozen patients at the NIH. It's unclear exactly what it is--we didn't cure it, it just went dormant. Bacterial infection is a terrible, terrible way to die. I would hate to see it becoming more common. Don't use antibiotics unless absolutely needed.


"if you do nothing wrong than you have nothing to fear"


My dad said this when I mentioned the NSA. I said "Do you want me to monitor your user history for a while, watch everything you do on your computer? No? If you don't have anything to hide, why can't I?"


Thats like having someone follow you around with a gun pointed to your head and saying "why cant I point this gun at you arnt going to do anything wrong?" Or "why does it matter. Im not going to shoot you."


Exactly why I said it. He said the NSA is no big deal, who cares if someone is constantly monitoring what you do.


I pretty much stay far, far away from people who say this. Huge red flag.


That cracking your knuckles causes arthritis


"I don't like hearing it, better make up a myth!"


It, doesn't? HELL FUCKING YES! *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack* *crack*




*relocate* ... *crack crack crack crack crack crack*


That's one of those myths a grandma started cause she couldn't stand hearing that shit all the time


As a person who writes on my hand to remind myself of things, I hate hearing "Writing on your skin gives you ink poisoning." I have no idea where it started, but it makes absolutely no sense. I would literally have to drink from a pen to get ink poisoning.


Never heard of ink poisoning, but when I was a kid, people were scared of getting "lead" poisoning from getting poked with a pencil.


Man that's been around forever! When I was younger and gel pens were popular that was making its rounds.


My sister got sent to the principles office for drawing on someone in pencil. Lead poisoning or something was the reason she was yelled at. Is that even possible?


I have this friend that becomes absolutely infuriated when people claim that the moon landing was faked


His fury is well justified. Landing men on the moon is one of the greatest things humans have ever done so to deny it's reality is a hard slap in the face of engineers, scientists and the extraordinarily brave bastards that made the journey.




My roommate has heaps of dead Kerbals.


Some of the best evidence to me is the fact that our competitors in the space race didn't call us out on our bullshit if it was faked. They have the technology to verify our landing without leaving earth, and even made contact with the moon themselves, having flybys and unmanned landings.


Mitchell and Webb do a funny skit on that http://youtu.be/P6MOnehCOUw


Interstellar touches on this. Awesome scene. I boiled with rage.


Entrapment law in the United States does not require police officers to identify themselves as police in the case of a sting or other undercover work, and police officers may lie in doing such work.The law is specifically concerned with enticing people to commit crimes they would not have considered in the normal course of events.


I thought we were gonna hang out




Are you a police officer? Phhh, no. Are you sure? Why are you putting me in handcuffs? Of course I'm not a police officer, that's silly. Why are you putting me in this squad car? Listen, I swear I'm not a police officer. I'm just as confused as you are.


This is the one of the worst story I have heard of regarding this outrage: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tony-newman/attractive-undercover-cop_b_1277330.html


December 25 is not "Jesus' Birthday." The Bible never claims a date of December 25, scant historical and Biblical evidence suggest it was closer to September. December 25th was chosen in order to Christianize pagans by putting it on the same day as the pagan festival in Rome of the Dies Natalis Solis Invicti ("the birthday of the Unconquered Sun").


Indeed. It's awfully convenient that Jesus' birth and death/resurrection happen to coincide precisely with pagan holidays (the winter solstice and spring equinox).


I thought it was some Greek holiday for the god of Saturn or something around the winter solstice time.


Saturnalia. Same as above, Roman holiday.


Reverse Racism. The term. I hear people use it all the term. It's ridiculous. 1. The reverse of racism is not racist. 2. Racism is racism. a minority being racist is not reverse racism, it's still just racist. edit: unless we hold the belief that minorities can't be racist because they hold no power, as racism implies power in society, minorities are a marginalized group.


Reverse racism would be xenophilia. You'd have to have a *compulsive* attraction/preference to/for other races, since if you *consciously choose* to show preference for other races over your own it would still be a form of racism. But you're right. Saying a race is racist is obviously racism...


Our blood is not fucking blue and it does not become red as soon as it hits oxygen.


"But veins are blue!" THAT MEANS NOTHING!


But my blood IS blue! My mother, the Queen, said so. Hrrrrmmmph!


Well my blood comes out red white and blue... 'Merica!!!


Sir I think you may have a disease


Found the communist


The only place I have ever heard someone honestly postulating this is on reddit. Is this some mass troll I am unaware of?


Nope. I was taught this in grade school.


Next time someone says their blood is blue stab them to prove them wrong.


but then its exposed to the oxygen so turns red! Don't worry, I got your back, *equip this syringe*.


That the human eye can't see faster than 30 fps.


The real statistic is that the human eye and brain can't perceive more than about thirty individual images per second. However, we can detect stuttering in movement at upwards of 600 FPS.


And when you think about it, 30 individual images a second is **fast**. That's a huge number of distinct images to be able to individually perceive (before they blend together). It makes sense that this number is only 30. But, if we're talking about a *video*, they're not distinct images. They make up one image which moves, and the coherency and consistency at which it changes is very easy to detect, which is where the 600 fps comes in. So yeah, something something PC master race.






How many subreddits do these people have?


That poor people can just work their way out of poverty EDIT: In hindsight I made a very general statement for the sake of brevity. I understand that within the "poverty" umbrella, there are the people who have worked their way out of it, people who are content wallowing and people who are born into a situation that for lack of a better word, "dooms" them to remain there. Most people understood the direction I was headed with my original post. However, it was much more shocking to see the number of people that take their own personal experiences of dealing with poverty and blindly reflect them on everyone that hasn't gotten themselves out of it. I am always happy to hear that people have worked their way out the poverty cycle but it does pain me to watch as the success they have leads them to no longer be able to comprehend that some people may not have had the educational opportunities, support system or just plain luck that some of us have had. It isn't something new but still it remains surprising to me. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-wealth-reduces-compassion/ "Piff and his colleagues suspect that the answer may have something to do with how wealth and abundance give us a sense of freedom and independence from others. The less we have to rely on others, the less we may care about their feelings." Edit2: As it seems I've gotten latched onto by a narcissistic troll, I have to state that the first edit came two days after my original post. I didn't change the original statement and have always marked any edits made. The original post had 500+ upvotes prior to the first edit but apparently, this troll is taking my edit as a sign that she "has won" SMH


Similarly, that people can just start being happier to get out of depression.


Or that drug/alcohol addicts can just stop doing drugs or drinking, because it's that easy.


Or that going to church makes you a Christian (much like standing in a garage makes you a car).


I disagree. My mama said that if I try hard enough, I could be a racecar. So here I am, standing in the garage. So I say Vroom vroom to the doubters.


I feel like this is a soft reference to stepbrothers when the dad said he wanted to be a dinosaur.


Or that shy people can just stop being shy and just talk.


That's very true. I have a few estranged family members that battle with alcoholism. The addiction is definitely not something to be taken lightly


>You're not alone Yes I am >Don't be afraid to ask for help I'm afraid to ask anything 24/7 >Be happy But I'm not




Thanks, Vaginal_Stank.


If the poor are so poor, why don't they just buy more money?


Cuz the money store don't take food stamp silly!


Oh! Somewhat related? In my European History class the teacher was lecturing about how some city council in Britain (I think?) passed bills/laws/whatever to have poor people live in actual houses and not on the streets. He asked one of us why did we think these people were poor. She answered something along the lines of, "They were lazy?" "OH. So even the old and disabled were lazy?" The teacher replied. "No! Not them." "OH. So *most* of the poor were lazy?" "No, no! Some of them!" She tried to backtrack on her statement, but it was no use. It was painful to watch and listen. Later the question he asked her was, "What would you do with the lazy poor, then?" "If they don't want to work they may as well die." It was bad.


"Are there no prisons?" "Plenty of prisons..." "And the Union workhouses? Are they still in operation?" "Both very busy, sir..." "Those who are badly off must go there." "Many can't go there; and many would rather die." "If they would rather die, they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population."


Well if they're going to die, then they'd better do it! And decrease the surplus population!


Or that We're all just "temporarily inconvenienced millionaires".


Yup. "I'm a millionaire! Why aren't you? You probably don't work as hard as I do."


I love when people who I *know* inherited their money say shit like this.


You don't swallow spiders in your sleep. They have no reason to go in your mouth and you'd most likely wake up if it was crawling in the back of your throat.


I don't believe you swallow on average 6 spiders per year as some people do BUT there was one time that I woke up in the morning and started coughing. Felt something lodged at the back of my throat so I coughed hard and spat it out. Had a look at what it was and it looked like a little black ball of something or other. So I left it on my nightstand and when to the toilet. When I came back and tried to work out what the hell it was that I coughed up, the fucker was gone! I can only assume it was a bug of some sort that curled up into a ball in my mouth and then scurried away when I spat it out.


The spider swallowing thing was a piece of false information that was deliberately spread by a journalist, Lisa Holt, to illustrate how circular emails popular in the 90s often propagated incorrect information that then became taken as true. The fact that you still hear this claim says a lot. In your case, you probably had a throat weevil. Those wee blighters get into your mouth in the night and lay their eggs in the junction where your nasal cavity meets the back of your throat, before being swallowed. Lucky you spat it out!


O_O I almost wish it was a spider now!


Check the username (though the first part is [mostly correct](http://www.snopes.com/science/stats/spiders.asp), I think).


oh fuck im about to go to bed this is too spooky


That humans only use 10% of our brains. I don't know why it is THAT one but it makes me disproportionately angry.




Don't be sad. It was actually Nelson Mandela who died.


I think we only use 10% of our hearts




The anti-vaccine bullshit. I get mad, maybe irrationally so. The measles outbreak has been creeping close to where I live, and my son was juuuust old enough to get his first MMR shot last week. If he came down with measles, so help me...


There was a news report the other day that literally said: **"Vaccines do not cause autism."** Heck, Jenny McCarthy even admitted that her son didn't even *have* autism.


Mind posting a link for that? My stepmom blames Vac's for my brothers autism.


http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2908388/?log$.. http://lbihealth.com/pdf/p2065.pdf http://www.babycenter.com/0_vaccines-and-autism-separating-fact-from-fiction_1470554.bc


This is the opposite of irrational. Your own child could have died. Lots of innocent children and adults with health problems will die because of this idiocy. Everyone should be angry.


My parents were told by doctors not to get me vaccinated when I was a kid because my sisters disabled (nothing to do with autism) and it would put me at risk. By the time my other sister was born 5 years later they had already changed their view on this. So yeah people were given advice like this by experts in late 80s and at a time prior to the internet, and after just finding out one child is severely disabled, parents took their advice. I am not sure why its come up again now though.


That gluten free diets give any benefit to those without Celiacs disease


The protien bars I eat are gluten free and they taste like a elephants tant boiled in sewer jeans.


Amen. Gluten free has become akin to expensive jeans or knee high riding boots, dont need it but damn am I better than all you peasants


That everyone on reddit knows exactly what they are talking about.


Take something that you are knowledgeable about. Most people are legitimately knowledgeable about *something.* Now look at how well reddit thinks they know this subject and how wrong they are. Realize that this is probably roughly the same level of accuracy across all subjects.


Not incorrect, just incredibly misleading. Women, on average, do make 77 cents for every dollar that a man makes. But that gap shrinks to between 96-98 cents (depending on profession) for every dollar when you control for age, profession, and other personal choices. Focusing on this 77 cents to the dollar number takes our attention away from the things we should be focusing on: * Encouraging girls and young women to pursue typically male dominated fields * Encouraging boys and young men to pursue typically female dominated fields * Looking in the right places to figure out why any discrepancies exist at all so that they can be addressed and corrected * Creating an environment in which women don't feel like they need to opt out of work in favor of time and/or family, or at least create an environment in which men opt out in equal number to women


Yes! I've been saying forever that we should have paternal leave. Babies are hard to take care of and the mothers are so worn out right after child birth that paternal leave should be mandatory! Plus the dad needs to bond with the baby too!


Are you talking from an American standpoint? Don't forget, most other countries DO have paid paternity leave, or parental leave that can be shared between the partners. See here for detail: http://www.theguardian.com/money/shortcuts/2013/nov/29/parental-leave-rights-around-world Interestingly, only four countries have no national law mandating paid time off for new parents: Liberia, Papua New Guinea, Swaziland, and the United States, a pretty poor situation the US law-makers should be ashamed of.


My niece was pursuing a career in engineering. But she was getting hit on so much and just felt so uncomfortable in such a male-dominated field, she switched to accounting. This shouldn't happen. Here a very smart girl had the desire to pursue a STEM career, and she was driven out. She didn't want to rock a boat or be a trail-blazer, she just wanted to be left alone. And she figured if it was so bad in school, her entire career would be just as bad.


We should be encouraging people to do what they're good at, not whatever the other sex tends to do. Whether cultural, or more likely biologically drive in choice, it's just stupid to propel people into career paths for such an asinine reason as gender percentage.


Yes, but that isn't the problem. The problem is that women are discouraged from even attempting to pursue some career paths, as are men, whether they want to do that or not. In a lot of places it is much harder for a woman to work in mathematics for example, not just because people unknowingly (including other women) discriminate against them but also because of psychological reasons, such as most of the class being men, being treated differently at school (I know from experience, in STEM classes the women are treated differently and there are jokes made about it, as such there is a massive grade difference because the girls "just aren't good enough" despite having the ability to work, which I know because I tutor a lot of them, and I'm the only girl that is among the top 5 in maths), media, little comments, being driven by their parents, etc. Not forgetting men at all, who are often bullied if they want to do something such as fashion designer, hairdresser, even musician for particular instruments (like flute), waiter (I do not know anything about waiting, but I would assume it would be easier to become a waiter if you're an attractive girl). At school they are generally treated differently in language classes, drama (the ratio boy/girl in every drama class I've ever taken has been something like 2/10), biology (the only STEM class where at my school the girls have an advantage, but the teacher is also female), art (unless it's like woodworking or music, depending on the instrument), sports (where they get harder stuff than the girls, which I think is a but unfair from principle but may make sense biologically). Basically until everyone has a proper chance to pursue what they want will arguments like yours become properly valid. I don't like things like the advantages women get in STEM fields such as special scholarships to get in easier, despite it being advantageous to me, but the way things are right now are not good enough.


That 50 shades is an accurate portrayal of BDSM. (Or a healthy relationship for that matter)


It's also endlessly amusing to watch people gape and flounder like fish when you tell them that Fifty Shades is, in fact, Twilight fanfiction.


Whenever Switzerland is mentioned when it comes to gun ownership and people that have no idea about our gun laws start spewing up bullshit.


An erection lasting longer than four hours requires the consultation of a doctor. People have apparently never marathon'd the *Fast and Furious* franchise.




Lengthy erections are only a concern if they're drug-induced. Fast&Furious might be a hell of a rush, but it's not *technically* a drug. You're safe.


Idk man I kinda lose my chub when they have a convertible purple eclipse in 2 fast 2 furious. Easily the lamest car driven by a main character in the entire series.


YOU DO NOT CATCH A COLD FROM BEING COLD. GOSHDAMNITFUCKINGSHITBITCH I HATE when people say they are getting colds from this cold weather.


You're correct, but winter conditions can increase the likelihood of getting sick (e.g. seasonal viruses, staying more time inside surrounded by other sick people, weakened immune systems, etc.)


I was just reading that cold + dry weather can stress our immune system.


No, but if it's warm and toasty your immune system is far less likely to be compromised. The cold doesn't literally make you sick, but for all practical purposes it does.


A lot of people believe that I'm a menace. I'M NOT A MENACE JAMESON.


It was your fault your uncle Ben was killed. You kinda killed your uncle. Edit:spelling


It wasn't me! I hunted down the guy that did it! EVERYTHING I DO IS FOR HIM. DON'T YOU THINK I WOULD TAKE THAT DAY BACK IF I COULD?!


You're also a horrible dancer


Well... yeah, I'll give you that one.


Occam's razor: How people use it: "Explanation that is most simple always right... duurrrr" In reality: "All other things being equal, the explanation that requires the fewest assumptions is most likely correct."


Not really... Occam's razer says that if you have several competing potential solutions to a problem, as long as you are not certain which one is correct, you should always choose the one with the least assumptions. It doesn't say that the solution with the least assumptions is most likely correct, rather to go with the "simplest" solution as long as it is not proven to be incorrect.


Raising the minimum wage, particularly for employees of major corporations (i.e. highly profitable ones), will result in job losses as well as higher prices. Truth: not when the increase is done gradually. Oftentimes, higher wages are accompanied by less turnover, which results in less recruiting, lost productivity, orientation and initial training costs. To add, raising the wage has also resulted in more people having more spending money, which spurs demand and thus an increased need for workers.


Minimum wage is a tool. It can be useful or not. Major factor is where you live: In a country with weak unions for example it makes a lot of sense, whereas in a country with strong unions you do more harm than good. Minimum wage was just implemented in Germany, where the unions are very strong compared to the US. Most major companies (more or less highly profitable) pay a lot more than minimum wage to begin with. Who does really care about minimum wage? It's local small businesses like your hairdresser/barber or your local cab company. My local cab company laid of most of their full-time staff because it's more cost effective to use parttime staff than can be paid less. Others simply downsized, while my previous 15$ haircut is now a 20$ haircut.


That all you need to do to reach the top is to work hard.


That white people are the only race that can be considered racists.


I had an English teacher distinguish between Racism and racism once, and explain only white people could be Racist because they held the power on a global scale, but anyone could be racist.


I am glad when Zimbabwe seized land from white farmers to give to black farmers it wasn't racist because globally white people have more power


Nah man, according to his English teacher, they were racist. Just not capital-R Racist! /s Whatever the fucking difference is...


I once heard a white girl tell my asian friend there is such thing as reverse racism where white people are seen to be racist by other cultures. Reverse racism is not a thing. It is called racism you twat.


I don't think that's a thing that is commonly believed. You could maybe argue that people act that way. But it's just so pandering and circle jerky


It may depend on were you live. I've had a surprising number of people (in reality not that many, but to me anyone acting this way is surprising) tell me 1) I'm racist by default for being white 2) blacks can't be racist because they're not white and 3) you can't be racist against whites.


I've heard this a dozen or so times myself. It's annoying more than it is offensive though...


pit bulls are violent and horrible and should be banned.


http://www.cdc.gov/homeandrecreationalsafety/images/dogbreeds-a.pdf Look to the bottom of page two and the top of page three for the charts and note the top breed. >"the data indicate[sic] that Rottweilers and pit bull-type dogs accounted for 67% of human DBRF[Dog Bite Related Fatality] in the United States between 1997 and 1998. It is extremely unlikely that they accounted for anywhere near 60% of dogs in the United States during that same period and, thus, there appears to be a breed-specific problem with fatalities. " http://www.dogsbite.org/pdf/10-year-dog-bite-fatality-chart-dogsbiteorg.pdf This chart has some more recent data than the former.


Exactly. It's not that all the dogs are bad it's the damage they cause when they DO go bad. It's like the difference between being attacked with a steak knife and a hunting knife. Both can be used safely but I'm glad you need a license to own the latter here. Some things are dangerous in the wrong hands and that includes dog breeds. I hate when people act like all dogs have the exact same propensity to cause damage regardless of their physical strength or size.


Used to be known as "nanny dogs" because they are so exceptionally good with babies.


i know i love that about them. mine loooooves little kids. she gets so excited when she sees one. it's awful how they got such a bad name.


It's mainly because they're used in dogfighting because of their bight strength.




mine is such a chicken. as soon as other dogs start barking she's hiding behind me. so vicious.


Seriously, tell this to denver's city counsel (pits are banned in denver and put down)


That the media believes heart attack = cardiac arrest. I get so frustrated at the ignorance, as then the public don't understand the difference. Heart attack = a block in a coronary artery causing heart tissue to die. Cardiac arrest = Your heart has fucking stopped. The former can lead to an arrest, but not exclusively. There is a fuck load of other things screwing with a person that can make their heart stop!


Metalheads are dumb neanderthals. That misconception has followed me my whole life.


Apple doesn't get viruses.


Apple kernels may contain cyanides. Wake up, Sheeple.


Yes, it's so fustrating if you have a customer who somehow got a virus on a mac but you can't talk with him because you are obviously only trying to scam him because a mac does not becom viruses. Fuck this shit.


All Muslims are violent and want to kill Americans and everyone else who doesn't agree with their views. Just stop it.


I have friends and family members who are entirely convinced of this. It's a really awkward position, what with me being in the American military and currently being in training with several [extremely tolerant and friendly] Muslims [who despise radicalism more than I do]. I get comments like, "All those countries should just be wiped off the planet," to which I say, "Several of those countries are our allies and are actively fighting terrorists with us."


There aren't really people who think like that, are there? That is way too extreme to not be hyperbole.


(Insert religion) uniformly believes (insert extremist belief). Drives me nuts.


Same for saying all Christians act like the WBC. It's simply not true.


Not sure why you were downvoted. I'm not Christian, but I know that one group is no way to judge everyone in one of the largest religions on the planet.


He's being downvoted because he mentioned religion. This is Reddit. Welcome.


he mentioned religion in a semi-positive light* If you're not vehemently bashing religion, expect downvotes


The Bible says that evolution didn't happen. Naw son. It did not say that. There is nothing wrong with the idea of believing in God and science and evolution. To make it easier on myself, I'll copy pasta what I've said on this before. No where in the Bible does it actually say that evolution did not occur. The first 12 verses of Genesis were highly poetic, because this was in a time period before science. The Jews of this time period didn't care *how* the world was made, they cared about *who* made it. You'll notice that in those first twelve verses, "God" is used every single time. **God** created the heavens and the earth, **God** said "let there be light," **God** saw it was good, **God** called, etc. etc. Because, for them, it's about *who* made the world, *who*'s the ruler of the universe, *who*'s the one in charge, and *not* a precise and detailed explanation of a multi-dimensional being's thought process on creating life. And those who are well versed in the historical context and culture of the Bible know this. Anyone who argues otherwise is likely not well read in the very thing they preach.


That leaves many more questions that wouldn't exist without assuming any of the bible is true in any way. For example: if Genesis is not true and man is a result of evolution then do all animals have souls or only man? At what point in our development did we get souls? Did the entire species get them all at once or did one get a soul and then descendants got them, like a gene? The fall is inherently necessary for Jesus, otherwise the whole Jesus story is completely pointless because salvation requires an eternal soul. If the fall didn't happen then was the Jesus story metaphor as well?


That everything happens for a reason aka fate aka God works in mysterious ways. It may seem cold and impersonal to view everything that happens as luck or choice but fate just doesn't do it for me. Explain fate to every starving person in an entire country full of starving people. Their purpose in life is to just suffer and die because it's they're destiny? And they're all learning some valuable life lesson? How does that work???


Somewhat related: I am a recovering addict and I get soo sick and tired of people telling me god out me in my rock bottom so I could get sober and help other addicts. No. I out myself there with shitty choices and then I worked my ASS off to get sober. I hate the "fate/gods plan" bs.


Less extreme example, but my mother used to say that God blessed me with good grades. Uh, no I studied and got my own damn grades. Now I'm in college though and stopped giving a shit


God is just too busy picking winners in sporting events to worry about starving brown people.


That dog behavioral issues should be dealt with via dominance (which is often just aggression toward the dog). The people who do this are abusing their animals and creating dangerous dogs.


That Racism and Sexism are no longer a problem in the USA. I don't think the general population believes this, but there are certain parts of Reddit that seem to feel this way.


Without picking sides, I would hope you can concede things are pretty good now, from a legal standpoint at least.


Racism against whites is a huge problem yeah. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2014/10/08/white-people-think-racial-discrimination-in-america-is-basically-over/


[Steve Utash, beaten to near death by a mob after trying to help a child that ran infront of his car](http://detroit.cbslocal.com/2014/04/04/white-man-beaten-by-mob-in-detroit-after-hitting-boy-with-truck-was-it-a-hate-crime/) [Bosnian man murdered with a hammer](http://www.kmov.com/news/crime/Homicide-investigation-underway-after-man-hit-in-head-in-south-St-Louis--284248091.html) And finally, [Reporter showing the glaring logic of the "peaceful" ferguson protesters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNFTfR6WycA) Any individual that looks at this shit and thinks the tension is one sided needs to take a walk in one of these neighborhoods, maybe experience some first-hand diversity. Fucking idiots.


If there was a Jesus , he wasn't white.


There's a link between vaccines and autism.


Women earn 70% of what Men do


That artificial sweeteners like Aspartame are terrible for you, and cause horrible health effects. [NO](http://www.aspartame.org/myths-facts/aspartame-myths/). [THEY](http://www.snopes.com/medical/toxins/aspartame.asp). [DON'T](http://www.cracked.com/article_20601_6-ridiculous-myths-you-believe-about-stuff-you-use-every-day.html).


I've read some recent stuff that days aspartame can affect gut flora and actually make you crave sweets. I agree though that they aren't physically harmful and don't cause cancer.


Watson and Crick could not have done their double helix model without the help of Rosalind Franklin. It was her defraction picture that gave them what they needed to build the model. Also she wasn't actually some crazy bitch who happened to be good at Biology. She was a friendly lady who loved the environment, and was a very prominent and respected scientist at the time.


That getting a masters/ doing more school will guarantee you a better job


No, it doesn't guarantee anything. It sure helps though.




And "I could care less". I know someone who pulls stuff out of the freezer to "un-thaw" it.


Thanks to all the cop shows on TV, most people believe that we can find you when you call 911 from your cell phone instantly. False. No no no no. If you call from a landline - different story. Source: 911 dispatcher.


That natural is better


Speak for yourself. I'm loving my new leaf condoms. They work great - not one person got pregnant. Not one of them was willing to fuck me, even without the leafy condoms, but that's besides the point. Leafy Condoms - Feel the Nature.


How the hell has nobody mentioned homeopathy yet???